The Yellow Springs American, Volume 1, Numbers 1-22
OwlMvitte — Mtso- JiMSUw Ana Corn, daughter of Ate and .Mrri, Carlton Corn*,R-R* Ho. 0, Dayton, nr«Wpi,nward,oft J'n !thorn,Cbapfer of th*American-Asm©elation ,cdUnU v«r,»>fyt 5 Cif*t\Vn»n«n, .plans, to cntpr Hni&ovex:,College,. Jnd., in.iho fnlli Shra.willrtato up reiigloust cdacn- tlooui The<.award *amounts, to J2S0, nndnthe.-'ickieUcm ,o( the sealur, gbrl to ,r«*>oivc .it.ia.hnacd on character, scholaruhift.,nnd, all •around school, aoRvMtenr Miisea I<eola; .Corn,,,Alta Murphy, and Mrs, Truman Gnrr 0 l .Springfield attended the graduation oxorclws the Fairborn .The ater, Thursday,,Juno C, Thcro wore 92 graduates.-Judy was Class Ora tor. * TdlM-AUtn Mnriasfipraeklen*sp«u»t Iho week end with, Mr, nmlaMrs.- Joseph.Bcwmaucy.yk of Da y t o n * Mrs. Upuinaneruk la the forme* Elolse. Wade. Of d i t t o n, Mias Gpracklen is employed at the Rose- Marie Beauty Salon in Xenia and .is taking her vacation this week. • • 4 Mr*. Albert Abrl« and D o w e l l AbOiffi apent several days in Iron- ton* Ohio where they visited Mre. Aheist parents, Mr. and Mrs* Ben Whitehead, • 4 4 Mrs, Edna llarh preached at, the Ridgidand* Methodist Church near Xenia, Sunday. • • M Mr, and Mrs. fderria Beggs and Mildred attended a picnie Sunday at Washington <’ H , 0. Mr, and Mrs. Rea ( ‘reamer ef •Washington C. H,, Mr. and Mrs James Creamer of Bowersvitle, Mr. and Mrs. Jean Creamer and,family of New Hol land, Mr and Mrs, Robert Cream er, and Mr. and Mrs. Dnrmel Whit- raker of Joplin, Mo were also pres ent, • 4 4 Hnrnld Burba and his children Paula and Hi, hard from G r a n d Rapids, Mich, recently visited .with Mr. and Mrs, .Tamos Driffield. Mr. Burba is a former resilie nt of Ced ar vSUe. _ Mm. Starry WmMte of Columbus spent.the, wpolt eaif*withiN|Hi««thi or, Mrs. Mary Tarbos* • * • Mr* Joe.WeM a n d , f a m i l y of Woodstock,«0.( visited .Irk* (nothcr*; Mrs* J, West* Saturday* Mr, and Mm. Richard Rife, Mr and Mrs. Kenneth Finney and Mr. and Mrs, Martin X'inlaw of South Charleston spent Sunday at Coney Island. , • 4 4 Mrs.*Prod Wilburn .and ..Mr, Harr, old rWhJfe. visited -their. uhek* and ftWnfc, Mr,*and-, Mrs.. Walter Burba fit near Martinsville,. Sunday. " • « • , y oung people *of■the Haanrene Church metFriday evening for choir practice after which they en joyed games and refreshments at the home of Mr; and Mrs. R, I,. Nance. M B M A N ’S GAS AND ELECTRIC APP1IANCES WtHIN LMTEllIALg * Ural k h h it in u . f ih it jh e s 12 Wret Main Kt. Xenia. Three (£2 .} V . . . . . i ■■vAsmt&m A tm tm im w A $ \ U T rlB EB «* f,HSA WfJKK r o o f in g GIBING IMPROVEMENT LOANS 350 MONROE Rhone 2«*2 Xenia, Ohio Mr, Marv-ln.Bullaad,.family' from. Sacremento, Gallft, spents Salucilay with Mr. aivdMca Harry, Humiuan. • ♦ *!' Mm E*-B, Merkow- and .daughter, Ann, arrived .last Frlrtay for a visit. with Mrr and Mrs. fseo Anderson and other relatives. • 4 • Mr, and Mrs. Frank Cooper of, Dayton spent, the week end with Mr. nnd Mrs, Fred Engle, 4 4 . 4 Mr, and Mrs. William lis te r Spent Sunday with Mr* and, Mrs. Lester Felix of Fairborn. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Charles and son Roger Charles and,, family of Dayton Spent Sunday visiting Mr. and Mrs. Wade Charles and fam ily of Washington V H., 0. V *' * Rev. anil Mrs. Ralph Jamieson ntUndfil the Golden Anniversary Celebration ef Mr. and Mis. Keller lUil of Braddentcn, Fla, at the hm lten Inn In Springfield, Wed nesday. » • A Mr, ami Mm, X^wis Cillieh and family, were Sunday dinner guests of Mo and Mrs. E, if. Smith, smith cf Xenia. Other guests were- Mrs. Ida Hughes of Jamestown and Mr. and Mrs Lawrence Peterson of near Xenia, Mr, and Mrs, Herbert Harncr took Diane Reiter, Mr. Reynolds and his daughter Doris Ann, to Lakeside S u n d a y , Mis, Reynolds had been attending the Annual OMt Conference ef the Methodist CbtiJCh, ft # * The 1turner twins and Siinir Rey nolds spent two days with Mrs | Horner’s f arehls, Mr. and Mrs Gaea Bor ts of near Fairl cnv, Mr. and Mm, Rauf i>. Ramsey at* I tend the f’ynod i f the I’lesbyterian $Church a t Wormier College, Woos ter, o. They will return home Frl 5 day. « # • t| B i r t e Atm <Vfper r f Dayton visit* 1 with Tre va Jeanne Moses i I ovc r the week end. • # * Treva filnses will attend t h e Brownie S e o u l Day Camp, July S40. Mr, ant}' Mrs, Morris Do Fncgn and daughter dri# spent two days in Detroit, Midi, visiting Air. and Mrs. Roy Coiling. $ifi®tCirete MaidsMeetiing GJifton ,— Ten mimthcM of .the, Girpic Cof the Clifton. Presbyterian Church met WcdiWBday, Juno,,IAat. the home of Mian Martha, Bello. Bopping -Mrii. Peari MyorVwaa (ui- M'mUvnt (loiitCH-s, Mrs. Julia Martin was in charge of the topic, "To.Be- Tutorpretars," and,, no, intcreatlng. disounsion was held on that subject. Following the* business meeting, Miss Hopping and, Mr«. Myer-s scev- <ed refreshments- to the group,. , Hows’lJrlefs (imiluation of the Clifton Vftcn,-. lion BiWa■ Schoot waa held,Friday, night at the -opera house and-was- in charge of Rov, Richard .Smillo- and Miss Pauline Ferguson, Certi ficates wore, .awarded ,ta those who, attended . eovry day, .# •> • Twelve memborn of the Emaijca Society of the Cllftoi), Presbyterian Church held, their, monthly meet ing in the form of a picnic a t Bryan Farm, Thursday, June Li. ■* • ft Mr. and Mrs. J, A. Vest and .fam-* ily ami Mr, and.Mrs. David, Wis©-. man worn ifuests of Mr, Cheater- S-* nby. Miss Connie. Swahy, and Mr. and -Mrs, Paul Vest at a sur prise birthday pnrty hold In honor of Paul Vest. Hoino,-nmdc ice cream pf Paul Vest. Homo - made*, lec cream, cake, and lemonade were served as refreshments by Miss. Swnby ‘and -Mrs. Vest. • • • Mr. anil Mrs, James Swanlon and family and. Mrs,William Swnntcn wore Sunday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Spragg cf Spring- field. Miss Norma Jane Horney of Clif ton arrived home recently from Co lumbus, 0 , where sslie has teen attending Ohio State University. Yhyppy VYfjrkm's M e e t Ai, i d n t l m I lR m e {Vdarville - Junior Happy Weth ers 4-H Club jnet Monday at Hie home of their lender. Mis. May Mott There were 13 members pres ent. The girls Worked on their sew ing projects nnd baked sweet bis cuit rolls. There was a short busi ness meeting during which plans for a hay ride and swimming patty Vittv discussed. A Fathers l)Mf> fjenttit* <wdl 1 be, given by the Sunday HclwoksHVws Chapel A, B.-.fkmday, at 3 P. M. Mr. andi Mvn.; Ralp*jj Patch .,of^ MiHsdKeviUu,. Mr.* nad,- Mrs. • Jt» Glass tu>d>fau4ly,and-.AU**an<LMts*. IflosfprdT*uW f pnd«fa><i4jf-phJ9y'j»4; a plm»teM'.Brrw,i5a*k!s*(^ honor ol thephirUiday, of -RelFcea Turner. . - . , . MARSHALL M u t e r C’o n ip iitty C h r y d e r P1y*BDuilt B e e le r XENIA* OHIO Oprn 9 HU 9 D.-rept Wed. Mrs. Qpal Mnrphall, and Mts. lSIyn Burr, nceoppai|lctl, «Mr. and , m V jm Guy Burr, o t ,Xenia ’to, Cehfiwj>ti«, Friday whyt^ thoyr atlend«D the- .eoinmcucemcirit .:.exe|«i«eg 'fit B arf .ipwajBtirr fttiOhioIta lia U,idvAaityi Mks JButr is ifeayiw^isoon'for* I j &J ■Angeles *where*.shcj will 0*1, ■ _ ■" ’ Mr, MuUitn. Jwrse*Gmrlagerie it-,. Icrta.1neiMti SohdaS1"dUmer, .Mrrand Mrs, Itiuuietl^S. •(imrrihger, Mrt and, Mrs.’Rnyi-TkM.vMr;, and-Mn. Rusv sell N. .Garringcff na*i, (hibltfiv Charles' Atiwnw Gha«Rar' nud j Dick; Siiarp and Sonny Morgan. ’ • •' Mr, arvd,.Mrs... Donald,Earley tn- tertolnesi, ta.ap. ico cream supper, I'Viday. evcnipgwMr* aad. Mrs, Ray Tldd, Mr, aadoMis. TvnajTidd and family apd Ctmrtes aridDiekEharp* * ** e Mrs. C.oklie Ary and Mr, and Mrs. William Ewings and; daitghter. had ns their-Sunday dinner guest, ,Miv and Mrs, Vonisc. Aiy; Mi. and Mr» l is te r Coinpton^ Mvs Odessa Ary and Mrs. Alice Tny]ar alf cf Xenia and Mr. and Mrs Jesse Ary of BoweravlUe, * * • Mrs. VyiHinm entertained r igh- teen members nnd nine guests of the J. F. Club,’Wednr sday-after noon. A gift exchange followed the program. The hosies:* served an ire course, * • • Mr«. John Reese, Mrr Karl Rob inson, Mrs. Bernard Knerht and Mis. Mnbelle Hurley all* n.lod the annual ln«peeticn.of the O. E C nl Sabina. Mm. Bam*C,‘nrpentcr r f Pewtus- viilc spent Tuesday with her sis ter, Mrs, D. 1>. IrtcUls and family, * * * Mr. and Mrs. Partly Wilson, Mr and Mrs, Mark ningamon, amt Mr. and Mui Maynard Plngamen weie Bunday evening guest of Miss Don- na Johnson of Cedar vdie. David fiewell ef*Vfrtaburg. Mk t , , was an over nighug'MN* Monday of tHepliert Ikarli, If Ton Want To Buy or Rel'l Vour f Farm Of Toirn f top* rt; carl oh witera LEON H. KLTNG | WcSayaR fty St Co* Ixiniion, Ohio Phone Ol I Me Hpecialiae In Farm I *01 nr; at | 4Sfi tier rent Interest 1 Jfh’est#«*sTC»Miiy,..VetaoUy r«rm*Arthi<xr»weck*‘vMdtyttliitww * *> tOM. • • • Mr, andJVIrs^IlensiWi TaIjjolli one torrtdncd'jo din^n.'r. daUi^lay,, AUp, Joluv ,T»llxdt. anil iiianghtrr^^lis. Dorien ..Cordon^oi^Tndep*m«l'*nve, *Mp?, M rm-J, a#TrtlhoU 'KoLT(p». City,; nnd**Mis,* E tta’4'Talbott,, of Jmmi’fflawm^ttrnnooa'e.-rthws Wore Alls* Max- J.lnkj.ond dhlightejjAfaiy Tee. . ; ^ ■hits R.‘.A i «syw'«|ii;atR4i.te;t4%3Iiid*;-• Dtsteteh 'AjAtnienn- Iwgion ^5hfo convehilnh*nDifReer0^|ilj|,finiSfey, ,Jrote ;.i,'A>WN;eUhh;o#4«ifc}#rt0f,fefH-*; 4Trs 'wJur-JiOMf ■ a^»itwd<;Wwi ' ,trkt commander... > * ^ - : -T'A-ri-f rV- 7 - 7 3 ^ 8 i, ( PM* tfp A I 'lllti t ) V ,r r [,f - ’(l»tU|ptRirtw* • rtpi rial’ Trips ftr * •* ‘ . t . YKIJifitV yil'lifMG8 — fDSU>XE -WifK * laOiM i! , a . fie.- Tdnrilo ‘ % ! BREAKFAST- I UM€N STE/VKS - DINNER FOUNTAIN SERVICE: DICK ft-TO?/l\S Open'to |g’|*.,ai, VrUfltrHftrinMl -sSraf, Fromwhere I sit, About tbo Electric Weather, Predictor? B V ik tiW tk M il «p q d f r a rcpwtetiwt last monlh by predict-. tag *he weather*' What be saM wwally-eame trae. the weather over.the rad io - just*, like aeyono ekei From where I sit, that’s the way it gee#with «#»«.*>*peris." They It-get hw thg t fcjks Would ffil- o£te*.do*»’t have, any-more inside Mowed-his little Antique Shop, iaformatloa thawyow^aw get for is e t togehhis opinion L M Mwilny, though/he Said he didn’t know what,the weather, wm going to-be like next-day. That ahrprwed ns and when we *kke# whdt happened, B qn in i ' "Medtctf-yoae rhoke for yon, f#MX^n»pped' ap- on my etertrie MWaM*gra« tnraed-e#. rtijg e t to my rAdift-again. tomorrow •*Mi#glwVSigii*4Md keen gcUhwr. yoarself. Like thoee who "know" elder »«■the only thirst-qnearher a fte t a day’s werb* Fae,- ao-l’m , coekcrned, 2’1I-take a temperate glees ef'beer. Bat—I we«T try to ,* F in a rc e ills P u ich n ;e c f Your F a rm c r Ycnr Short Term Fttttrt5Mortgage Lotto th e FEDERAL LAN3> BANK WAY, lowest Interest — longer Terra — Bay Any*Day and J on or the Intercot — Small Sjcmi-Annunt I’aymentn -* 4 pstrenl Inlrrest. ■■mt FtitiSre RAymcni •*» Mo- Renewfti.T'fes ; - - ,• ,»**> I f D ep ression . S trikes^ Be, ■ # SAI® SimE":SFXTIRE A: . ** ■ * • V V .9 ir • • m m \ - i * -■ • SPMM eFlELD -NAHOMAIL, - v„; FARM LOAN ASSOCIATION, 503 M. &M. Balkling, J3pringtki*d,.0h*« F R E E ! li> iF c FftWf r n t f l i i i * •NJiiiiitj.r W t j e i l . p u m m p ■WBEtjVtt t^a'l - ?honc,7#74ai * * w u>V ’%’* *’ Y«Uow-'Springs -JO 1 = . * ^ tr t .* If. * * if » ♦ I
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