The Yellow Springs American, Volume 1, Numbers 1-22

OwlMvitte — Mtso- JiMSUw Ana Corn, daughter of Ate and .Mrri, Carlton Corn*,R-R* Ho. 0, Dayton, nr«Wpi,nward,oft J'n !thorn,Cbapfer of th*American-Asm©elation ,cdUnU v«r,»>fyt 5 Cif*t\Vn»n«n, .plans, to cntpr Hni&ovex:,College,. Jnd., in.iho fnlli Shra.willrtato up reiigloust cdacn- tlooui The<.award *amounts, to J2S0, nndnthe.-'ickieUcm ,o( the sealur, gbrl to ,r«*>oivc .it.ia.hnacd on character, scholaruhift.,nnd, all •around school, aoRvMtenr Miisea I<eola; .Corn,,,Alta Murphy, and Mrs, Truman Gnrr 0 l .Springfield attended the graduation oxorclws the Fairborn .The­ ater, Thursday,,Juno C, Thcro wore 92 graduates.-Judy was Class Ora­ tor. * TdlM-AUtn Mnriasfipraeklen*sp«u»t Iho week end with, Mr, nmlaMrs.- Joseph.Bcwmaucy.yk of Da y t o n * Mrs. Upuinaneruk la the forme* Elolse. Wade. Of d i t t o n, Mias Gpracklen is employed at the Rose- Marie Beauty Salon in Xenia and .is taking her vacation this week. • • 4 Mr*. Albert Abrl« and D o w e l l AbOiffi apent several days in Iron- ton* Ohio where they visited Mre. Aheist parents, Mr. and Mrs* Ben Whitehead, • 4 4 Mrs, Edna llarh preached at, the Ridgidand* Methodist Church near Xenia, Sunday. • • M Mr, and Mrs. fderria Beggs and Mildred attended a picnie Sunday at Washington <’ H , 0. Mr, and Mrs. Rea ( ‘reamer ef •Washington C. H,, Mr. and Mrs James Creamer of Bowersvitle, Mr. and Mrs. Jean Creamer and,family of New Hol­ land, Mr and Mrs, Robert Cream­ er, and Mr. and Mrs. Dnrmel Whit- raker of Joplin, Mo were also pres­ ent, • 4 4 Hnrnld Burba and his children Paula and Hi, hard from G r a n d Rapids, Mich, recently visited .with Mr. and Mrs, .Tamos Driffield. Mr. Burba is a former resilie nt of Ced­ ar vSUe. _ Mm. Starry WmMte of Columbus spent.the, wpolt eaif*withiN|Hi««thi or, Mrs. Mary Tarbos* • * • Mr* Joe.WeM a n d , f a m i l y of Woodstock,«0.( visited .Irk* (nothcr*; Mrs* J, West* Saturday* Mr, and Mm. Richard Rife, Mr and Mrs. Kenneth Finney and Mr. and Mrs, Martin X'inlaw of South Charleston spent Sunday at Coney Island. , • 4 4 Mrs.*Prod Wilburn .and ..Mr, Harr, old rWhJfe. visited -their. uhek* and ftWnfc, Mr,*and-, Mrs.. Walter Burba fit near Martinsville,. Sunday. " • « • , y oung people *of■the Haanrene Church metFriday evening for choir practice after which they en­ joyed games and refreshments at the home of Mr; and Mrs. R, I,. Nance. M B M A N ’S GAS AND ELECTRIC APP1IANCES WtHIN LMTEllIALg * Ural k h h it in u . f ih it jh e s 12 Wret Main Kt. Xenia. Three (£2 .} V . . . . . i ■■vAsmt&m A tm tm im w A $ \ U T rlB EB «* f,HSA WfJKK r o o f in g GIBING IMPROVEMENT LOANS 350 MONROE Rhone 2«*2 Xenia, Ohio Mr, Marv-ln.Bullaad,.family' from. Sacremento, Gallft, spents Salucilay with Mr. aivdMca Harry, Humiuan. • ♦ *!' Mm E*-B, Merkow- and .daughter, Ann, arrived .last Frlrtay for a visit. with Mrr and Mrs. fseo Anderson and other relatives. • 4 • Mr, and Mrs. Frank Cooper of, Dayton spent, the week end with Mr. nnd Mrs, Fred Engle, 4 4 . 4 Mr, and Mrs. William lis te r Spent Sunday with Mr* and, Mrs. Lester Felix of Fairborn. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Charles and son Roger Charles and,, family of Dayton Spent Sunday visiting Mr. and Mrs. Wade Charles and fam­ ily of Washington V H., 0. V *' * Rev. anil Mrs. Ralph Jamieson ntUndfil the Golden Anniversary Celebration ef Mr. and Mis. Keller lUil of Braddentcn, Fla, at the hm lten Inn In Springfield, Wed­ nesday. » • A Mr, ami Mm, X^wis Cillieh and family, were Sunday dinner guests of Mo and Mrs. E, if. Smith, smith cf Xenia. Other guests were- Mrs. Ida Hughes of Jamestown and Mr. and Mrs Lawrence Peterson of near Xenia, Mr, and Mrs, Herbert Harncr took Diane Reiter, Mr. Reynolds and his daughter Doris Ann, to Lakeside S u n d a y , Mis, Reynolds had been attending the Annual OMt Conference ef the Methodist CbtiJCh, ft # * The 1turner twins and Siinir Rey­ nolds spent two days with Mrs | Horner’s f arehls, Mr. and Mrs Gaea Bor ts of near Fairl cnv, Mr. and Mm, Rauf i>. Ramsey at* I tend the f’ynod i f the I’lesbyterian $Church a t Wormier College, Woos­ ter, o. They will return home Frl 5 day. « # • t| B i r t e Atm <Vfper r f Dayton visit* 1 with Tre va Jeanne Moses i I ovc r the week end. • # * Treva filnses will attend t h e Brownie S e o u l Day Camp, July S40. Mr, ant}' Mrs, Morris Do Fncgn and daughter dri# spent two days in Detroit, Midi, visiting Air. and Mrs. Roy Coiling. $ifi®tCirete MaidsMeetiing GJifton ,— Ten mimthcM of .the, Girpic Cof the Clifton. Presbyterian Church met WcdiWBday, Juno,,IAat. the home of Mian Martha, Bello. Bopping -Mrii. Peari MyorVwaa (ui- M'mUvnt (loiitCH-s, Mrs. Julia Martin was in charge of the topic, "To.Be- Tutorpretars," and,, no, intcreatlng. disounsion was held on that subject. Following the* business meeting, Miss Hopping and, Mr«. Myer-s scev- <ed refreshments- to the group,. , Hows’lJrlefs (imiluation of the Clifton Vftcn,-. lion BiWa■ Schoot waa held,Friday, night at the -opera house and-was- in charge of Rov, Richard .Smillo- and Miss Pauline Ferguson, Certi­ ficates wore, .awarded ,ta those who, attended . eovry day, .# •> • Twelve memborn of the Emaijca Society of the Cllftoi), Presbyterian Church held, their, monthly meet­ ing in the form of a picnic a t Bryan Farm, Thursday, June Li. ■* • ft Mr. and Mrs. J, A. Vest and .fam-* ily ami Mr, and.Mrs. David, Wis©-. man worn ifuests of Mr, Cheater- S-* nby. Miss Connie. Swahy, and Mr. and -Mrs, Paul Vest at a sur­ prise birthday pnrty hold In honor of Paul Vest. Hoino,-nmdc ice cream pf Paul Vest. Homo - made*, lec cream, cake, and lemonade were served as refreshments by Miss. Swnby ‘and -Mrs. Vest. • • • Mr. anil Mrs, James Swanlon and family and. Mrs,William Swnntcn wore Sunday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Spragg cf Spring- field. Miss Norma Jane Horney of Clif­ ton arrived home recently from Co­ lumbus, 0 , where sslie has teen attending Ohio State University. Yhyppy VYfjrkm's M e e t Ai, i d n t l m I lR m e {Vdarville - Junior Happy Weth­ ers 4-H Club jnet Monday at Hie home of their lender. Mis. May Mott There were 13 members pres­ ent. The girls Worked on their sew­ ing projects nnd baked sweet bis­ cuit rolls. There was a short busi­ ness meeting during which plans for a hay ride and swimming patty Vittv discussed. A Fathers l)Mf> fjenttit* <wdl 1 be, given by the Sunday HclwoksHVws Chapel A, B.-.fkmday, at 3 P. M. Mr. andi Mvn.; Ralp*jj Patch .,of^ MiHsdKeviUu,. Mr.* nad,- Mrs. • Jt» Glass tu>d>fau4ly,and-.AU**an<LMts*. IflosfprdT*uW f pnd«fa><i4jf-phJ9y'j»4; a plm»teM'.Brrw,i5a*k!s*(^ honor ol thephirUiday, of -RelFcea Turner. . - . , . MARSHALL M u t e r C’o n ip iitty C h r y d e r P1y*BDuilt B e e le r XENIA* OHIO Oprn 9 HU 9 D.-rept Wed. Mrs. Qpal Mnrphall, and Mts. lSIyn Burr, nceoppai|lctl, «Mr. and , m V jm Guy Burr, o t ,Xenia ’to, Cehfiwj>ti«, Friday whyt^ thoyr atlend«D the- .eoinmcucemcirit .:.exe|«i«eg 'fit B arf .ipwajBtirr fttiOhioIta lia U,idvAaityi Mks JButr is ifeayiw^isoon'for* I j &J ■Angeles *where*.shcj will 0*1, ■ _ ■" ’ Mr, MuUitn. Jwrse*Gmrlagerie it-,. Icrta.1neiMti SohdaS1"dUmer, .Mrrand Mrs, Itiuuietl^S. •(imrrihger, Mrt and, Mrs.’Rnyi-TkM.vMr;, and-Mn. Rusv sell N. .Garringcff na*i, (hibltfiv Charles' Atiwnw Gha«Rar' nud j Dick; Siiarp and Sonny Morgan. ’ • •' Mr, arvd,.Mrs... Donald,Earley tn- tertolnesi, ta.ap. ico cream supper, I'Viday. evcnipgwMr* aad. Mrs, Ray Tldd, Mr, aadoMis. TvnajTidd and family apd Ctmrtes aridDiekEharp* * ** e Mrs. C.oklie Ary and Mr, and Mrs. William Ewings and; daitghter. had ns their-Sunday dinner guest, ,Miv and Mrs, Vonisc. Aiy; Mi. and Mr» l is te r Coinpton^ Mvs Odessa Ary and Mrs. Alice Tny]ar alf cf Xenia and Mr. and Mrs Jesse Ary of BoweravlUe, * * • Mrs. VyiHinm entertained r igh- teen members nnd nine guests of the J. F. Club,’Wednr sday-after­ noon. A gift exchange followed the program. The hosies:* served an ire course, * • • Mr«. John Reese, Mrr Karl Rob­ inson, Mrs. Bernard Knerht and Mis. Mnbelle Hurley all* n.lod the annual ln«peeticn.of the O. E C nl Sabina. Mm. Bam*C,‘nrpentcr r f Pewtus- viilc spent Tuesday with her sis­ ter, Mrs, D. 1>. IrtcUls and family, * * * Mr. and Mrs. Partly Wilson, Mr and Mrs, Mark ningamon, amt Mr. and Mui Maynard Plngamen weie Bunday evening guest of Miss Don- na Johnson of Cedar vdie. David fiewell ef*Vfrtaburg. Mk t , , was an over nighug'MN* Monday of tHepliert Ikarli, If Ton Want To Buy or Rel'l Vour f Farm Of Toirn f top* rt; carl oh witera LEON H. KLTNG | WcSayaR fty St Co* Ixiniion, Ohio Phone Ol I Me Hpecialiae In Farm I *01 nr; at | 4Sfi tier rent Interest 1 Jfh’est#«*sTC»Miiy,..VetaoUy r«rm*Arthi<xr»weck*‘vMdtyttliitww * *> tOM. • • • Mr, andJVIrs^IlensiWi TaIjjolli one torrtdncd'jo din^n.'r. daUi^lay,, AUp, Joluv ,T»llxdt. anil iiianghtrr^^lis. Dorien ..Cordon^oi^Tndep*m«l'*nve, *Mp?, M rm-J, a#TrtlhoU 'KoLT(p». City,; nnd**Mis,* E tta’4'Talbott,, of Jmmi’fflawm^ttrnnooa'e.-rthws Wore Alls* Max- J.lnkj.ond dhlightejjAfaiy Tee. . ; ^ ■hits R.‘.A i «syw'«|ii;atR4i.te;t4%3Iiid*;-• Dtsteteh 'AjAtnienn- Iwgion ^5hfo convehilnh*nDifReer0^|ilj|,finiSfey, ,Jrote ;.i,'A>WN;eUhh;o#4«ifc}#rt0f,fefH-*; 4Trs 'wJur-JiOMf ■ a^»itwd<;Wwi ' ,trkt commander... > * ^ - : -T'A-ri-f rV- 7 - 7 3 ^ 8 i, ( PM* tfp A I 'lllti t ) V ,r r [,f - ’(l»tU|ptRirtw* • rtpi rial’ Trips ftr * •* ‘ . t . YKIJifitV yil'lifMG8 — fDSU>XE -WifK * laOiM i! , a . fie.- Tdnrilo ‘ % ! BREAKFAST- I UM€N STE/VKS - DINNER FOUNTAIN SERVICE: DICK ft-TO?/l\S Open'to |g’|*.,ai, VrUfltrHftrinMl -sSraf, Fromwhere I sit, About tbo Electric Weather, Predictor? B V ik tiW tk M il «p q d f r a rcpwtetiwt last monlh by predict-. tag *he weather*' What be saM wwally-eame trae. the weather over.the rad io - just*, like aeyono ekei From where I sit, that’s the way it gee#with «#»«.*>*peris." They It-get hw thg t fcjks Would ffil- o£te*.do*»’t have, any-more inside Mowed-his little Antique Shop, iaformatloa thawyow^aw get for is e t togehhis opinion L M Mwilny, though/he Said he didn’t know what,the weather, wm going to-be like next-day. That ahrprwed ns and when we *kke# whdt happened, B qn in i ' "Medtctf-yoae rhoke for yon, f#MX^n»pped' ap- on my etertrie MWaM*gra« tnraed-e#. rtijg e t to my rAdift-again. tomorrow •*Mi#glwVSigii*4Md keen gcUhwr. yoarself. Like thoee who "know" elder »«■the only thirst-qnearher a fte t a day’s werb* Fae,- ao-l’m , coekcrned, 2’1I-take a temperate glees ef'beer. Bat—I we«T try to ,* F in a rc e ills P u ich n ;e c f Your F a rm c r Ycnr Short Term Fttttrt5Mortgage Lotto th e FEDERAL LAN3> BANK WAY, lowest Interest — longer Terra — Bay Any*Day and J on or the Intercot — Small Sjcmi-Annunt I’aymentn -* 4 pstrenl Inlrrest. ■■mt FtitiSre RAymcni •*» Mo- Renewfti.T'fes ; - - ,• ,»**> I f D ep ression . S trikes^ Be, ■ # SAI® SimE":SFXTIRE A: . ** ■ * • V V .9 ir • • m m \ - i * -■ • SPMM eFlELD -NAHOMAIL, - v„; FARM LOAN ASSOCIATION, 503 M. &M. Balkling, J3pringtki*d,.0h*« F R E E ! li> iF c FftWf r n t f l i i i * •NJiiiiitj.r W t j e i l . p u m m p ■WBEtjVtt t^a'l - ?honc,7#74ai * * w u>V ’%’* *’ Y«Uow-'Springs -JO 1 = . * ^ tr t .* If. * * if » ♦ I