The Yellow Springs American, Volume 1, Numbers 1-22

Y e lln w Nprlncn A n c r lc u jBM>rK<a<Ta JuHrnal Crtarvlitc .Herald OKEKXK COIIXTY l'HIKTIXO CO. Thuntday, June 23 I’a lt 7 BOWEBSVILLE NEWS BRIEFS Mr. Lon Driscoll of Sabina Is spending several weeks with Mr. and Mrs, R, G. Bock. • • • Mrs. Minnie Blnegar and Mary spent Wednesday night with Mr, and Mrs. Reynold Huffman and family of Milford Center, Linda and John Huffman who had been spending a few* days with their grandmother and aunt, returned home with them. •' • a Mr. Donald Hargrave of St. Pet, ersburg. Pin., was a recent guest of relatives here. • a 9 Mr. and Mrs. James Gumm and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Seaman and Lana Jo were Sunday dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Mason of West Union. • « • Mr, and Mrs. Billy Geard are an­ nouncing the birth of a daughter, Rhea Kay, at Fayette Memorial Hospital, Tuesday, June 9th, • • * Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Stratton and sons of Lake Charles. Lousian­ an, spent a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brown and family, • • Mr. and 'MrS. 'Willie-Sanderson and children of Wilmington were Saturday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs, Robert Mason and children* **• Mr. and Mrs. Rollo Chitty and Jane entertained to> SUriday eve­ ning dinner: Mr, end, Mrs, Roy Lewis, Dayton pike, Mr, end Mrs, Arthur Gfiltty "and Ronnie, Mrs, John Chitty, Mr* Mabel Chinnock, Mr. and Mrs, .Thane, Chitty and Roger, Mrs. Ona'’Warnock, Mrs. Lucy White and'Mr. and Mrs. Ger­ ald Bock, and Thane, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Gahmo and son, Mike of near Williamsport, Mrs# Lester Cook and Jimmy and Mrs, May E|Hs of Jeffersonville and Mrs. Robert Mason and chil­ dren Were Thursday dinner guest of Mrs, Herbert Margrave and Joy. ^ < ■i* t t * Mr. and Mrs, Charlie Fields of Jamestown were Sunday afternoon guests of Mrs, Mary Oxley and Gene Buckwaltcr. • • • Mr and Mrs. Charlie Mlfey called On Mr. and Mrs. Dean Miley an.l Marjcne, Thursday evening Reorganization of the Woman’s Society of Christian Service of the Boworsvllle Methodist Church was held last Wednesday afternoon In the basement of the former Xenia Street Methodist Church, Forty-one members were present. Hostesses for the meeting were Mrs. Gilbert Ream, Mrs. Vaughn Lewis, Mrs. Rollo Chitty, Mrs, Ernest Johnston, Mrs. Harold Carter and Mrs, Ray­ mond Ha i nes . The next meeting will be held in August, with plans being made for a picnic, •- • * Mr. and Mrs, Traverse Pendry Iand Mr. and Mrs. Nell Pendry were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs, Ralph Korn and daughter, Marilyn of Portsmouth. Marilyn accompanied them home for a weeks visit, • • * The Hutchison family reunion was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Robert Brown and family, Sunday, Thirty-two guests f r om JTennessee, Kentucky, Cincin n a 11, Dayton, Greenville and Lebanon were present, . . . . . , . • • • Rev. Ramon Konkrlght, the new minister for the merged Methodist Church will be present for church services Sunday morning. Rev. Konkrlght who Is married and has four children was transferred from North Hampton White Rev, Groh, former pastor was transferred to North Hampton. Both ministers plan to move early next week, •' • • Mrs* Vaughn Lewis accompanied by Mrs. Vesta Fudge and Mi s s Dorothy Wclngnrt of Xenia attend­ ed the 0, E.S. Luncheon at Seville Tavern In Dayton, Saturday, Connie Lynn Lockwood of James­ town spent S u nd a y night an d Monday with Mr, and Mrs, Herbert Hargrave and Joy. • • • Mr. and Mrs, Rufus Bock and Mrs, C, O. Patterson visited with the formers sister, Mrs, C. V. Wal­ dron at Grant Hospital Columbus, Friday afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Thompson and children spent Friday evening with Mr, and Mrs, Dick Lewis and chil­ dren, • • • Mr. and Mrs, Earl Martin o f Springfield and Mr. and Mrs. Dale Ray and daughter of Sabina were Saturday evening Supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ada Brqakficid, Mr. and Mrs. Dean Miley * w f Mardonc were Tuesday evaaOpg guests of Mr. And Mrs. Woods and family of near Gran field. • • • Mr, and Mrs, Loren Guthrie jjpii family were supper guests ofMMf. and Mrs, Martin Jacobs, Saturday evening. ,RUT.: GET A MAN W HO KNOW S TO DO IT! PHONE ANYTIME DAY OR NIGHT 7-7406 l !' i"; GET OUR ESTIMATES NO OBLIGATION Easy Terms Available We Specialise In SHEET METAL WORK PLUMBING KEATING Guaranteed A-C SERVICE CO 118 Dayton, Yellow Springe 7-7406 WALLY ECKROAD, Prop, 87 S« Main, Cedxrville 6-2251 FUEL OIL - GASOLINE, OILS• GREASES OFFICE PHONE 7-7431 HOME PHONE 7 -7662 ROBERT 4 GROTE , Xenia i f Corry St, YillhW Spring! one answer . . . 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