The Yellow Springs American, Volume 1, Numbers 1-22

t * ■.n Need For School Space Told SUNDAY DINNER gucst of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Simiwn were Mr. and llis. Lawrence R u tty of 'Wilmington and Mr. and Mr n, . John I hull ALikr of Fairborn. it A # MR. ROBERT THDMA8 «,r AL ;mi. F la , Is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Drib- rt Olasa for ti n days. * * w MU. AVI) MRS K. Kl.f.T.l KT were week cud fittest of Mr. ami Mrs. Delbert Glass. Mr. Hemw Tliunm who lives at the Glass home and Mr. ami Mrs. Klglert just returned from a three Htrtis tour of Ibe West. e ■# i* MRS, IJETTIK JONES and Rap* r .Tom »of Bow nvilte. Mr. and Mrs, Wfllw tUacH and Ik«Ity. Mr. and Mt-.t In-lb* it Glass. anti Mr. and Mia. Johnny Ftanterlb att* ndi-d tin* fn»‘ rul ;/>ivsfu of K« nncth ■glaas held a t tin* Sjn-isrs Fun- ral in Uohimtm, Friday morning. ♦ # * MR. AND MR.s. HARRY LOVE, Alr-me Reynold* and Hilda Adi of Indianapolis, Iwl.. Mr. and Mra. Frjt» Nr wrfon »t<4 Mr. and Airs. Date Sinkln-tn and Mark til Dayton wri* Sunday dinner gt» nt of Air. ar.d Airs <3. At Jonhs and atttt-ndul the rodto. * s* m AIR, AND MRS, FRANK WELLER am! family who have 1 >-1 a living- in Osage, Kan. for several months have returned to James­ town and taken the Airs Eva Mcrhvcathcr apartment on Davis St, w * * MR, AND AIRS. H. O, LEWIS spent Monday evening In Cin* lutnati ®a gtirats Of Mrs. Odessa Coleman and children. * m m WEEK END tJUESTiof Mr. tfWl Mrs. Frank Glass and Dorndd were their r;nn-in*l.«*.v and daughter. Air. and Alfa, Don Jones and family of Hamilton. Thiir grandson Richard rt nxiincd for a visit. * * * AIR, AND AIKS. FRANK SHIPLEY have received word that their grandson Midshipman 3rd Class Richard Shipley, son of Air, and Airs, Hall Shipley of Ashvillc. N. C*., sailed June 0 with the Atlantic fleet on ih« Battleship .Missouri for a two months tour of duty in the South American area. * * <r MISSES MARY LYNN and Roberta Jo Limbing of Cincinnati are vis,ting their grandparents. Air, and Mra Willis Class and Becky, * * 0 MRS. Ida Ocmmtr, Airs. Atabclle Hurley, and Airs. Bernard Ettceht amended the Clinton Baptist Assoefatlonal meeting which was held a t Jonah’s Run Baptist Church near Harveyahurg, Wed­ nesday, Juno 21. A covered dish dinner was enjoyed a t noon, # * * MR, AND AIRS, W, D. DUNN who spent the winter months in Braddciiton, Fla., arc visiting their con-in-law and daughte r, Air, and Airs. John Ferguson t nd Jimmy, * * * AIRS, CORA CHAFFIN came Tuesday to the home of her ftttt Floyd Chaffin and family, for an indefinite stay. Her daughter, Airs, Frank Elliott with whom she makes her home Is guile 111 and is confined to the hospital. * a * DR, AND AIRS, R. M. Dill left Tuesday for a two*wecks vacation touring the South. *■ • * MRS, TIFFIN WALKER Is enjoying * Vacation from her ■duties" at the library and m visiting relatives in Denver, Colo. * * • AIR, HAROLD THOMPSON who has been at hi# home for three weeks left Friday for .Mobile, Ala., where he was transferred after being In J.o» Angeles, Calif,, for several months, He was accom­ panied .South by his mother, Airs, Dora Thompson and Airs, Alonroo Alnllett of .Springfield who will remain there for a few days, » * * F IRE CHIEF DORA FIELDS, Howard Wright tthd Ohtrtefi Haney attended the convention of the Central Western Firemen'# Association held at Alinmlshurg, last Wednesday. The JamostPWh Fire Department Is a member of the Association, Baptist Church Honors Minister With Outing ‘he Baptist CbtiMs met with Rev, rind Airs, I„ A, Smith and family !,'i Wilmington Sunday evening for a pirate -upper at the Denver Wil­ liams Jr. park. Aft* r the sapper hour the group -.vent to Ihe Smith home which ia r.< or Ua park for a hou*it*warming. A *.45 iJr. it program was enjoyed. Tl; - , U* •ittrudUig wen Air. and Mr Itebcrt Garring* r nnd daugh- Air, and Airs. William Jones and Wane. Ate. and Airs. Paul Tunis,df>n and Minn. Ate’. and Mr-:. P,3'iS G:nrringer and Ruth. Air. and Mr'.. Mi?«» Cooper and Baity, Mr. nnd Mr- Albert Wigal and Dm is New Boy Scout Troop Gets Off To Good Start Jamestown-.-At the meeting of the newly reorganized Boy Scouts, a patrol system was decided upon and set up on a temporary lmi,i. Meeting Held A t Siivercreek; Jamestown — The Siivercreek School Board presented to the pub­ lic suggestions for a budding cx- 1 W troops were formed, tlu irl P n^ a , ^ f m a t “ s» f al names to he chosen by the mem- j 39 rwnln^ uf ‘ f ' . , . Edward Irons, president of the Members present and their troop! * °m%' told. «* ? “ lnwMKjiat<! a " 'ds group were, number 1, Tom Thai- fw ,nuitUn« in wh;i h -H MEETING HELD Jamestown—The Kitchen Kutlcs -H club met at the Siivercreek aodl Wed., with their leaders Ira, Sam Dean and Mrs, Willard lainea. They made sponge calces tid Icings And completed plans for swimming party a t the Washing- bn C, H. swimming poo! July 6, JAAIESTOIVN CO.M1NG EVENTS JULY P-VcrdA-Ja Garden Club at Mrs. Clayton Wiseman, July 0—-Jamestown Church of Christ Ladles Aid at the Church July <5—Silver Stitching Vikings i- H at school 2 p.m. ?Air. and Mis. Fho Ferldns and :i«n« !Air and Mr:. Ward Little, Dr, and l Mr.,. R. At Sm»th and b>>m: Air-,. | Main He Hurb y and grandson, Airs, | Linn Church, Airs, (’!*miner. Nora | Uo-.vr-rs. KaU<* Judge, Airs. Homer ; P<raingtr, Misst* Carol Binkley, j Carolyn Omm cr, Tonya Crow! J and Barbara Clenimer. Rev. S m i t h leaves July 8 for j Camp Bm kcnrnlgc, Ky., where he will serve as post Chaplain. Friends Class Holds Picnic Jumcstwon -The Ladles Clasa of the Friends Church enjoyed a pic­ nic &upp*r Friday evening a t the home of Air. and Aim. W ilted Swigntt on the Washington Pike. The bttslm as session teas held out on the lawn with the pr< rndent, Mrs, Thurman Tidd hi charge. Mrs. Alary F idd le r had the devotional period. Members enjoying the evening were. Rev, and Airs, Dewitt Fos­ ter, Air. and Airs. Homer Robert*, Air. and Aim. Thurman Tidd, Air. and Airs. Leonard Conner, Mr, and EJbut IfaJik and grandson, Air, and Airs, Foster Jrnks, Afr. and Air®, Floyd Chaffin, Air. and Airs, Jot* fhvigart, Air, and Mr#, Mack Brown and family, Alfa. Arthur Faulkner and son, Airs. Julia Gordon, Airs. Eva Tidd, Mrs, Myrtle Frnkrr, Mr#, Delia Paulin and Liia, Airs. Alary Fletcher and Phyllis Ann, Aliss Mar ley Briggs. Sarah and Louise- S!ty- Ics, Villa Chaffin, the hostess at#* ter, Mr#, Bessie Wshsun of' Day- ton was a guest, Homecraft Club Meets at Jamestown Airs. Wayne Haupt was hastes# for the. June meeting of the Home­ craft Club the members worked on tray* and aprons, Mrs, Carl Pick­ ering talked on flower arranging. Those present were Airs, James Pierson and son, ATrs^tVayne Per- slngcr and daughter, Mrs. Hebof Reach ahd son, Mrs. Bill EvanS, Mr#, Arthur Allen, Airs, Elbert Ba­ ker, Mrs. Lauda Smith, Airs, Tin#* sol Mills, Airs, Carl Pickering and daughter, and the hostess Airs, Haupt and son. The nest mooting: will be a picnic at the home ol Mrs, Lnud$ Smith, July 22, Each member is to bring a Rower ar­ rangement, «* - -.**db-* >♦**- —- When a too-short window Bharff pulls off the rollef, try sewing A few* Inches of muslin to the toff before retaeklng. I t doe# ftdi Show when raised. y *„...; In carry on an effective education- o i n \ *I al program. j Tin- school population has inere- I sed until the present building T« ln- *adequate to properly hou e and year** for the present number of i student i, all available- spavo is be- [ing u -d , many elussroonis are were present, ** and learning conditions OttoDii tipt-i .i fhatapt-ml for lack, of epate."' Tin* board through enreful study and survey., <»f existing eonditioas strongly r* • onur.en-lni steps in the hum*,hate future to rtipand the lindding fueilitirs for tin at bool. Tij.s fad's first grade has beep lim­ ited In numbers be,,urn- of no place to put the tsfra iwowing stu- *dentfi, 1 The national population trend . fihowo that there w;ii contlsue to ' be an upward trend in school pop- W. J. GMvin, notid Ohio news- ■U]:l.j0n jor som,, yettrs to come. paper P«b!id.en ti nt of a heart Jt wa„ Mj,, Irwn8 conclusion Hint condition in \\ llmington Tuefttay. j arrangements, should be made ma, leader, Larry Brown, and jerry | Fpeakraan; troop 2, Dick Jenkr?, I buider, Steve Powers and Lohf j Pu kering: troop 3D«ck K* cue, lead*! er, Russel Flax and Eddie Wright. * Air, Collins of X*mu. a scout ex -' jecutive, Harold Lewis, Alas Ji nk , | Bernard Knreht. members of the j Boy Stout commute. * St outmast* r Ba i Kneeht urgi jail mterested boys ag,-:! eleven to ?th ritm t indutlvr* to he prenent at I Bn* next met ting July w T.nn P,AL i nt U«* Mona Den. ■II I'#KI >*r VV. j . Galvin Hies; Former Publisher Of The Journal irnnuiiiafily to meet the l.nal sit­ uation. U p was CO, i 1 Air, Galvin was pnbliolier of the | Wilmington News-Journal and head • ^ . iof Ualvlti NewepajK-rs, te e , one of ■ 1 ^ l,,t' k ^ s" •johiun largf st newspaper thain'i.H- rn t building wen* fatefully explain- Iwas pttWEhrr of the Jannatown. teprearntativen of the Rrm of 'Journal for many years, i B^^kemyr-r and . ::.,ivaa. who de- I It was on tile Jauu atmvn Jour- and bm.t the pw sent build- !uni that Ate Galvin got hi# a wing lo be sIn the newspaptf btislnrso. His fa* J'Mtd to the NortlnvirA end of the tin r found! d the Journal 16 ^ ^ am fR^Hrc-turo ago. John, as he was known to his harmonizing w*i 4b the existing te.ends, received his early training huilduig and the front of the build- on the Journal and worked ns i t s : inf* remaining ns it is, editor nnd tht-n Us publisher for} The addition would house estrn many years, * f tassroom#, bund room, shop and From Jamestown, John nnd his agricultural room# toilet# and lock- brother, L. S . who died in 1052, er facilities. The present cafeteria branched out a»d the firm now 1would be enlarged by inking in the publishes paper# In Lima, Wilmlng* present Home tconomteftl room, ton, Washington <* H , Van W ert,' the present shop room, also sug- Girdevllle, Hillsboro, nnd I^gam l gestlons were made for enlarging Hi# son, Wayne, former editor o flih e gym, »mj auditorium to make the Journnl, now heads the Corpor- avaiiabh* extra space to t physical aticsn, I education in both the grade# and The present Journnl publisher, |high school About twenty-five i«- Gcraid If, Uoy, attended Ate. G»l* j terested citizens attended the meet- via*# funeral Thuradny in Wltmlag« 1ing, ieveral question# were asked ton. Burin! also vrm in Wilmlng* | nnd the di»cu*sion og the issue* wan ton, I lively. No decision# ^erc made. Jane thnma, Arthur Edwin Frame To Be Married On Angnst 29 Jamestown •- Miss June Gregg Thumet of Jamestown and Mr, Ar­ thur Edwin Frame of Wapakonetn whose engagement wan announced into In 1052, will be married on Sat­ urday, Aug. 29, at 3:30 p.m. In Jamestown Methodist Church, The bride-elect I# the daughter of Air, and Mr#, Willard Gregg Tluima, 06 E. Washington St„ Jamestown, Parents of Afr, Frame ora Afr. and Air#, Jojpn Maxwell Frame of Delmar Acres, Wapako- ntls. Rev, E!wood Rose, pastor of the Jamestown church, will officiate al the service, A musical program will prcccde the ceremony and will bp presented by Mis# Harriet Reed­ er of Jamestown, organist, and Miss Marcia Moorman of James­ town, vocalist. Alls# Moorman and Alls# Thuma^were classmates at Siivercreek lYlgh School. Alls# Anne Brittain of Hinsdale, III., a former university rOomato of the bride, will bo maid of honor. Bridesmaids will ba^Afiss Patricia Evans of Shaker Ifgts, another former roomate of, Alias Thuma; Alls.# Margaret Frame of Wapako- ucta, sister of ^the bridegroom- elect { Aft## Nnpcy Sanders and Miss Mary Lee Jenk# of Jamcs- School. town, former classmates of the bride-elect a t Sllvorereek High Mr, James Somers of Crawfords- vlllc, Jrid„ % former1 roommate of Air. Frame at OulvordSlIttan- Academy, will servo «£ Jicst miu^ *