The Yellow Springs American, Volume 1, Numbers 1-22

'M $*S '' T kun laf, July 2 ciiERjfn uuprsDrg' nusrriato co . YclUar I f i t a n A w r i t u Ilm in itow a J r a r _..... _ iJ w n a l C tk r r u n U m U Jamestown Factory Proposal For Union Jamestown — Employees of the Jamestown plant of the Royal El- netrSe Co, decided against enlisting the services of the CIO In the plants recent National Labor Board isleetloM, They voted down the question 91 tfl>42, Results of the election wore re­ leased Tuesday by plant officials. Who consented to an eleetton at a recent meeting In Xenia of rep- remsntaUves of Royal Electric, the Huttonal Labor Relations Board and the CIO. According to Warren E. Flint, works manager a t the James Town plant, the company agreed that the election could be held In the James­ town plant between 3;30 and 5130 p.m. June 23. Sometime ago, Mr, Flint and Harold Mclampy, general manager suited that any economic burdens placed on the company would sink the Jamestown plant Into bank­ ruptcy, "Our economics at present - just after completing the long haul to come out of bankruptcy - are such that those extrabudget ’Union) de­ mands would force us to close down," management officials said. BOWERSVIIXE NEWS BRIEFS Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Haines and children spent Tuesday and Wed­ nesday of last week with relatives in I’hillipsburg. * -it it The Ways and Means Committee of the Methodist Church met a t the home of Mrs, Mary Seaman last Wednesday evening. Those present were Mrs, Ed Hnmmon and daugh­ ter Eleanor, Mrs, Traverse Penary, Mrn. Dale Henry, Mrs. Herbert Hargrave and Mrs, Seaman. * *• Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs, James Gumm were Mr. and Mrs, Richard Lewis and children, Mr. »nd Mrs, Frank Seaman and Lana Jo and Mr, and Mrs. D. F. Sea­ man. c e e Work? WE DO IT . -» .CEMENT BLOCKS & WORK EXCAVATING AND GRADING —SAND AND GRAVEL; LAND CLEARING; PONDS & LARES W. B. DAWSON COAL COMPANY yjSLtGW SPRING? F o p If o iip M o tle y * OI> «• O u r Sp e c ia l Savin gr P lan DROP IN-ASK FOR DETAILS' MIAMI DEPOSIT BANK Member Of PJI.LC, Mr. and Mrs.' Kenneth Jasper of Lebanon, Tenn.. spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs, Benton Jasper and other relatives. • * * Sunday evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Johnston and son, Dtle, were: Mr, and Mrs. Roy Lewis, Dayton Pike, Mr. and Mrs, Harry Larrlclc Sabina, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Oliver, Jamestown, Mr, and Mrs, Foy Gerard, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Robinson, Mr, and Mrs. Charles Mason, Mr. and Mrs. Ger­ ald Bock and Thane, Mr, and Mrs. Gilbert Ream, Mr, and Mrs. Tra­ verse Pcndry, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Beard, Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Chlt­ ty and Ronnie, and Mr, and Mrs. Rollo Chltty and Jane. * * * Rev’, and Mrs. Raymond Konlt- rlght and family were Sunday din­ ner guests of Mr, and Mrs. Vaughn Lewis and family. * # e. Union Daily Vacation B i b l e School will begin July 6 and con­ tinue for the week at the Metho­ dist Church. Mrs. Louise Nichols Lynn of Huntington, W. Va., Will be the director. • * * Mr. and Mrs. Vaughn Lewis en­ tertained school board members, Wilford McDonald, Laurls Murry Frank Smith, Frank Seaman, Fran­ cis Jonc3 and the hew superinten­ dent Orville Lablg a t their home Friday evening. Refreshments of lee cream and cake were served, * * * A reception honoring Rev. Ray­ mond Konkrlght and family, new minister for the Methodist Church, wilt be held a t the church, Sat­ urday evening a t 7:30. Members and friends arc invited and requested to bring A covered dish and table Service, * * * Mrs. Wiley Manker and daughter Marlene of Wilmington spent Fri­ day evening with Mrs, Faye Car­ penter. * * # Mrs. Richard Dctrelch and Mr. and Mrs. Buddie Weils of Dayton were Sunday guests Of Mr. and Mrs, Charles Ellis. * * * Mr. and Mrs, George Meddoefc and daughter Eileen spent Sunday afternoon with the formers parents, Mr, and Mrs, Lowell Moddock of Seaman. Every Friday Hlglit T IM E TR IAL 7 :3 0 p .m , 3 M iles W eal o f ! OR to a te No. NEW BLACK TOP TRACK Qyer fifty attended the father m 4 ■on banquet given by Aha Orange at the Grange'HAII, Friday eve­ ning, Mr. Wiley Manker “ of Wil­ mington was guest speaker, • * ♦ Sunday afternoon guests of Mrs, Mary Oxley and Gene Buekwalter were: Mr. George Buekwalter and daughters Annabclle and R u t h , and Mr, and Mrs. Eldon Krout of near Mcchantesburg, Mr. and Mrs. C. E, Gray of Columbus and Mrs. Anna Gray of Washington C, H , Mrs, Madge Thompson of Me- chanlcsburg Was an evening guest, t » v Mr. and Mrs* D, A. Oliver of Jamestown were Monday evening Supper guests Of Mr. and Mrs. Her­ bert Hargrave and Joy, * « * Rov. and Mrs. George Groh were honored at a farewell party, at the B l e a z e r Church Wednesday evening. Fifty members were pres­ ent, and the guests of honor were presented an electric deep freezer. * * * Mrs. Charles McVey was hostess a t a Nylon Party at her home, Monday evening. Mrs, Edna Owen of Springfield was demonstrator. Refreshments were served to: Mrs, Harry Allen, Mrs. Eloise Baker and Mrs. Liidene Turban of Jefferson­ ville, Mrs. Mildred Pence, Mrs. Min­ nie Dunlap and Judy, Mrs, Evelyn Martin, Mrs. Hazel Borst, Mrs. Ethel Steiner, Mrs. Alice Steiner and children, Mrs. James Gumm, Mrs. Barbara Pence and Mrs. Opal Allen, • * * Mr. and Mrs. Richard Smith and Children of Sabina called on Mrs. Onlda Smith Sunday evening. Business Opportunity $250 MONTHLY SPARE TIME Refilling and collecting m o n e y from our new type Sc candy dis­ pensers In this Immediate a r e a . Finest selected candles now avail­ able for this locality, No selling; to qualify for Work you must have car, references, $000.00 cash, secured and controlled by you. Devoting s i x hours week to business, your end on percentage of collections will net up to $250.00 monthly with Very good possibilities of taking o v e r full time. Income Increasing accord­ ingly. For Interview, Include phone in application. Write P. G. Box 1322, Columbus, Ohio, Mrs. StelU 8aoder*oa Mr». Tea- i l Ault; Mlasei Bertha said Metta Graves of Washington C, H.. were Sunday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. Luther Hargrave. • ' • • Mrs. D. F. Seaman and Mrs. Rollo Chltty and Jane called on Mr, and Mrs. Paul Light and chil­ dren of MUunlsburg, Monday after­ noon. Jane remained foe A weeks visit, ♦; # * Mr. Gene Haughey of Cincinnati spent the week end with Mr, and Mrs, Warren Henderson and son, Mr, and Mrs. Ebcr Coll of Wash­ ington C, H., were Sunday dinner guests of Mr, and Mrs, Arthur Chit- ty and Ronnie. * -Mrs-Oma- Wa»|wsjfy»M«.- O e r a ld ^ . Bock ^ ’iWaaa: jftadt M»iiJArthur s Chltty and R e n n i e vlstted 'Witttv Mrs. Harry Vannoradall of Wil­ mington, Tuesday afternoon. 4-H CLUB MEETS Jamestown—The Stiver Stitching Vikings 4-H club met at Silverereek: School Mon,, at 2 p,m., Fifteen members Were present with their leaders. Mrs, Carl Eisner and Mrs, BUI Evans, The girls had the dresses they arc making fitted and mado plans for a demonstration at the Greene County Fair, Next meeting to be July 6, 2 p.m„ at school build­ ing. AM ER ICA 'S B IG G ES T *m COND ITIONER V A LU E ! The beautiful new Deluxe Electric wm n m HMauwmiwa i tm—u Taka your pick—1) full-power aaolkif, 3 ) special nlfhl cool­ ing, 3) outdoor air mixed with '*cool, 4 ) fresh air circulation, I ) atalo air eahautt * 329 “ ROOM AIR CONDITIONER a m il % M.f.-yat cotta no mort than ordinary Vi h.p. units! Won’t (ail you on tummarr*a hottaat days! • lUMS-QWItn Special conatnlctlou abaorba found! No-Draft Grillaat • AUTOMATIC TIMMRATUM ttWUTM (option al) —Sarval never orar o f under-cools! 1 • MANOSAMT 0* I10W» cablnat, Ivory * Stlilaa, Anoduad Gold trim! • 5-VfAt WAMANIY on Sarvai’a kef* metical!/ aaalad cooling systeml Aha Avallakh —I N.P. mai al at % Jf.P. prfcgl A -C SERV ICE CO . 118 Dayton, Yellow Springs 7 -7406 87 S. Main, Cedarville 6-2251 WALLY ECKROAD, Prop, The latest Hews In easier IrwiRg HOOVER As yH , % !!*> IRON I Newest, most modern iron on tfi» market. Designed withthe care of new fabrics in mind. The ideal iron for “steam finishing” your pret­ tie st dresses and blouses—fof pressing suits—faster, easier. Tot ill your regular ironing, too, be­ cause it’s sa light as an ordinary Iro n—ea sie r to use th a n any you’re ever tried "§ m •95 M rw Kits RMy futurii Instint change-over, dry to steam, stesrt to dry •t th# flick of * switch. Big arfety-aot dial (with mom febrlo Mttlngs then «ny other Iron) ends ineeswork. ComiorUbl# K oolsone hand!#. leelediag CTeiaata# f t New aleem drop at a I . ar*. Krso-haau soUputa. itn principle (water turned to a team i fl e • t&ie)—never say buildup ef preee* G R IN N E L L APPLIANCE SAL S 223 Xenia Ave. Phone 77756