The Yellow Springs American, Volume 1, Numbers 1-22

★ ★ ★ « Dry cleaning Laundry Service Rug Cleaning Fur Storage Moth Proofing J DRY CLEANING O ppo site Post Of f i ce Phone 77385 BRIDGE CLUB MEETS ' Jamestown—Mrs, Florence Den­ nis entertained the members of her bridge club Wednesday, After the games were over and tallies count­ ed, Mrs. R, L. Haines had high score. Mrs. Earl Murry received the traveling prize. The hostess served an Ice course to membersf Mrs, Bertha Thuma, Mrs. Grover Tobin, Mrs. Frank Moorman, Mrs. Earl Murry, Mrs. Bertha Earley, Mrs, Milton Oliver, Mrs, R. L. Halites. Museum Display At Hardware. Store A special museum display of ac­ cessories, h a r d w a r e , guns, tools, utensils, washing machines, grain cradles, etc,, used 50 years ago will be featured during open house at Fairley’s Hardware Store In Hills- 6 A S - O I L ■G R E A S E m a r a t h o n pro du c t s B E A L S Service Station YELLOW SPRINGS boro, July 9,10 and 11, when "Ohio's model hardware” is unveiled to the public. Among the old-time accessories will he a fan operated by steam and generated by Wood alcohol, high-wheeled bicycles and scores of other articles that will interest young and old. Owners of antique items are invited to bring them in for display, Valuable prizes will be awarded the winners. During the three-day open house over $3000.00 in prizes Will be given away together with 10,000 useful gift souvenirs. There will he 10,000 orchids for the ladies, door prizes and special gifts for children ac­ companied by parents. Major prizes to be given away to those registering include an elec­ tric refrigerator, oil heater, electric washer, electric i r o n e r , electric lawn mowers, etc. Further details regarding Fair- ley’s open house will be found in an advertisement in. this newspa­ per. Jamestown Girl's Betrothal Told Jamestown—Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Sprinkle, 23 N. Church SL, James­ town, arc announcing the engage­ ment of tbclr daughter, Miss Doris to Mr. Richard Newell, son of Mr, and Mrs* Pearl Newell, near South Charleston, Miss Sprinkle, a graduate of Sll- vercreek High School, Is employed at the Credit Bureau of Xenia, A graduate of Ross High School, Mr. Newell la employed by O. L. Con­ nor and Son of Dayton. He served four y e a n In the Air Force and for half of his service Was stationed in England. GIANT EARTHWORMS The worms found h e r e a r c mighty slim plckin's compared to those available in parts of Aus­ tralia and South America. The giant earthworms of those coun­ tries often arc an inch thick and about seven feet long; each one a WelloWoridY" Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Harold Biggs son and daughter-in-law of Rev, arc announcing the birth of a son, Allan Richard. Mr. Biggs is an as­ sistant professor at Bucknell Un­ iversity in Lewisburg, Pa., where they make their home. Mr. and Mrs. Miron J. William­ son near Cedarville have named their infant son, R o g e r T. The baby was born Tuesday at Greene Memorial Hospital. Mrs. Raymond T, Williamson near Cedarvillc is the paternal grand-mother and Dr. and Mrs. Fred T. W o o l a r d of Washington C, H. arc the maternal grandparents. ------------- S u C & ------------ [ R U E F U L TitonAf Phone 7-7237 CLEANING - PRESSING ALTERNATIONS STAG 'S CLEANERS JaM* M i I m m StagMr we’re AIR ONMIONED F U R A Y ' S THE REXALt, STORE “Where You Pay Less’’ MUSICIAN D EAN L CORDON IS R EC IP IEN T O F MUSIC D IPLOMA Cedarville—Dean L. Gordin, a graduate of Ross High School, re­ ceived his diploma in piano when he appeared in hts final recital In the piano classes of his teacher Juanita Rankin Fultz of Xenia, O, Dean also received a Superior rat­ ing when ho played ten pieces from the early and late classics, romantic and modern composers in the National Piano Teacher’s Guild Auditions held in Xenia in May, Deans major appearance was in the presentation of the entire Wil­ liam’s Concerto, played from mem­ ory in the musicale by advanced, students of Mrs. Fultz, in the First Methodist Church In Xenia on Tuesday, Juno 9th. Dean plans to enter Muskingum Coliege in the fall. FEDERAL LAND DANK LOANS Finance Your Farm With A Long Term 4% FEDERAL LAND RANK LOAN A LOAN: That will not have to be renewed every few years at added expense or a higher interest rate. That will not come due in a lump sum during ‘‘hard times.” That is designated to buy a farm, refinance a loan, or provide for agricultural improvements. SEE EARL SKILLINGS Secretary - Treasury Springfield National Farm Loan Association Serving Champaign, Clark and Greene Counties M. & M. Bldg. Springfield Phene 3-3491 5 th annual CELEBRATION Sponsored By Wallace C. Anderson Post No. 544 American Legion SATURDAY - - JU LY 11 DRAWING FIREWORKS SOFTBALL ENTERTAINMENT CEDARVILLE COMMUNITY PARK 6 P. M. to 12 P. M. Plenty Parking 6 P. M. to 12 P. M.