The Yellow Springs American, Volume 1, Numbers 1-22

JAMESTOWN Mrs, Maude Wooding and Miss Kiln Jordan of ifow tendon were guests Friday of Mrs, Katin Msiler. j M tt. Dora Garringcr r-pent a few j days last *wlr with bar son-in-law | niid daughter, Mr and Mss Hay TIdd. ♦ * * Mrs, Donald Karlcy and daughter Mr* and Mrs* Haul Garringcr and daughter Ruth. Mr. and Mrs. Rob- art Oarringor and daughters, Jen* ny K. and Karen were Wednesday evening guests of Rev, and Mrs, U* A. Smith in their home in Wll- Robinson Thursday evening. They enjoyed a picnic supper in their hack yard. * * * Ward It, Little, Viola Little and Ralph Toiand motored to South So­ lon, Sunday afternoon and called ("apt. and Mrs. Gordon Blines of New MiAim. were guests several days hist week of Mrs. &. H, Mam- men and children at the home of Mrs, Matron's tnotlier, Mrs, Ethel Isles. Mrs. Mammon and son and Ditine, and Mrs.Ivan TIdd and sons d a u gh t e r are here while Capt Jimmy and Gary. and Severely Jot- te spent Monday In Dayton where Dinne, Beverly, Jimmy and Cary were guests on the Kenny Roberts TV show at 8 P, M. Mammon is serving a tour of duty in Korea. » * * Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Stitsworth were guests of Mr, and Mrs. Karl on their cousin Arthur Dawson and family. *. * v Harry Pickering of Washington D C? spent, the week end with his mother of Mrs. Lav bckerlng, v • ». Sunday dinner guests of Mr, and Mrs. Donald Pickering and fam­ ily were Mr. and Mrs, Carr Lewis and family of Dayton, Mr, and Mrs, Fred Lewis of BowersvUle, and Mr, and Mrs, Harold Lewis, HOT-WEATHER £ > WATERMELONS — Good, Ripe Southern Variety ► PAGE S Vi Gallon Ice Cream Special What A Hof Weather Treat! • Imperial Vanilla Ice Cream • Lime Milk Sherbit • Orange Pineapple Ice Cream \ FROZEN ADES - Lemon, Lime, Orange YELLOW SPRINGS MKT. Open 7 A. Rt to 9 P. M. Daily; Sunday 7:30 to 12:30 FREE Delivery on a $3.00 order OUR PRICES ARE LOW ER * . . Mrs. Kufesel llalnes and'ehiidren; spent the past week in Akron Visit­ ing her parents Dr. and Mrs, Fred Smith. *■ * . * Mr. and Mrs. John Qrjsson and son Tom Of F a i r b o r n and Mrs, Florence Dennis and son Kenneth were Sunday afternoon find supper guests of Mr, and Mrs, Raul Dennis and family. -* * * a Martha Halites is leaving th oo u- Birmlngliam, Mich., to join, her brother-in-law and sis­ ter, Mr. and Mrs, James Rowland and family when they will vacation at a resort In northern Michigan, , v * Sunday afternoon guests of Mr, and Mrs. Earl Garringcr wore, Mr, and Mrs, Willard Garringcr and family of New Jasper, Mr, and Mrs, Gail Garringcr of Sabina, and Mr, and Mrs, Russel Hughes and sons. Mr. and Mrs. Russsel Hughes and sons Neil and Dick* Miss Lavlna Pension, and Mr. Edward Hammon attended the twi-llght bah games at Grosley Field in Cincinnati, Tues­ day evening, • ^ • • Mr. and Mra. Max Heifner and Joy had as their Sunday afternoon and supper guests, Mr. and Mrs, J, A, Moyer and’son of Newark and Mr. and Mrs, Ralph Peters and daughter of Hebron, • « « Neil Long, son of Mr. and Mrs, Cecil Long of near Jeffersonville, Who is in training at Camp Alter- bury, Ind„ and Miss Marjorie Hue of Springfield called ort Mrs, Kate Miller Sunday afternoon. PICNIC AT SrBACKLENS Cedarville — Sunday School pic­ nic of the United Presbyterian Church was held Tuesday evening a t the home of Mr, and Mrs, Ray­ mond Spracklcn, One hundred-and- tweaty-five were present lo enjoy ft ball .game, hfttt minion and swim­ ming. As Farm Envoy Lowell McLear of Arcanum, Ohio has joined The Dayton Power and Light Company as a farm service representative according to F. E, Hill, manager of the southern di­ vision of the company, Mr. McLear will aid farmers with electrical problems In the Xenia, Wilmington, Washington 0, H. districts, He will also assist In the farm electrical education and the rural youth ac­ tivities of the company. Mr. McLear has been a Vocation­ al agriculture Instructor a t Arca­ num High School for the past alic : years, He graduated from New Madison in 1941, and from Ohio State University in 1936, where hla chief study was vocational agricul­ ture. He Was an Air Corps pilot from February 1913 to November 1940. Mr. McLear, his wife Ruth and their three children reside a t f Ivester Lane, Arcanum, They plan to move to Xenia in the near <u- - ture. Cedarville Plans Delayed Fourth Celebration Cedarville — Plans are being: formulated for the delayed Fourth of July celebration being held the ' evening of July 11 from < to 32, Tickets ore in the hands of Le- giohnires and Auxiliary for the big drawing of $200 cash, a $00 Sav­ ings Bond and Steam Iron, The Legion is to he complimented in their generosity in providing fire­ works for the local community. Cost of the fireworks a l o n e mounts to about $300 and it is hop­ ed the community will co-operate and make the evening a success, A good ball gome under the lights, games in the shelter house, and refreshments served by the Auxiliary will help moke the eve­ ning a success. u ■*; a* <h Printing of Distinction . . . NOW Fast Service On Your Printing Order © PHONE OR COME IN THE CEDARVILLE HERALD YELLOW SPRINGS AMERICAN Phone 6-1711 , Phono 7-7740 JAMESTOWN JOURNAL Phone 4-9031 4fFt*