The Yellow Springs American, Volume 1, Numbers 1-22
T f - \ - ... * * * [ Mr. anil Mrs. Harold Guthri and family recently returned from a week's visit In Apollo, Pa., where they were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Walter J, Guthrie. . .» . .« ------r. f! Mr, andMrs, Thomas Frame njid family and Mr. andMrs. Morris De Forge attended a family picnic at Bryan Parle Friday evening. Miss Viola Thurman of Englewood, was also a guest. * *■ * Mr. andMrs, Herman Neff ofCambridge, O., wereguests of her brother, Mr. Albert Abels and family last weekend. 4 « * Mr, and Mrs. Harold Guthrie, Dr. and M rs, James Chesnut of Dayton, Mrs. Irene W, Chesnut, and Mrs. S. C. Wright were guests Saturday evening at the home of Mr and Mrs. Harry Wright. * * * Mrs. Hurry T. Jones and Mr, and Mrs. Walter Jones of New Madison, 0., and Mr, and Mrs. Elbert Jones of Columbus, were guests at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Donald F. Kyle recently, * * » Rev. and Mrs. R, A. Jamieson left recently for Hanover, In diana, to attend the Synodical meeting of the I'nited Presbyterian Church, They will return home Saturday. * * * Airs, Edith Welmcr of California visited her sister, Mrs. Nel son Creswell recently ’ 4 * ♦ Mr, and Mrs, WilburCummings ofOskaloosa, Iowa, wera weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Agnor. They returned with their son and daughter-in-law to Allan Park, Mich,, for a visit with them, ' ♦ * * Mr,and Airs* E, it, Biggs, Mr, andMrs. FlynnBach and fam ily and Mr. and Mrs, James Wisecup enjoyed a picnic supper a t the heme of Mr, and Mrs, George Smith of Xenia, Saturday. Miss Helen Finney who is a nurse In Louisville, Ky., visited her home for a few days last week, A group from the First Presbyterian Church Cedars iiie, trav elled to Xenia to hear the Bob Jones thU endty musical ensemble Sunday, The group included, Mr, and Air*, c. W* Steele, Rev, and Airs, C, Wilbert Sterner, Ails* Alla Murphy, Tburmuu Baker, Jerry Judy, Male Stover and Ails# Sally Kay Creawell, A fmtrfb of July picnic and family m inion wa# held at the homo of Air and Air* Paul Bannay last w trkmd T h a t guests wire Mr and Mrs, (’hark* Buck, Mr, ami Airs. Walter W tllrr of Liberty, Indiana; Mr. and Mrs, J, II, Bull, Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Elder, Mr. and Airs, .1, A, Kielzcr, Mr, and Mrs, David Ramsey, Air, and Mrs. James Ramsey, Rev, and Mrs, Wilbert Sterner and son, and Aliss Wilma Spenser Of Cedarville; Mr and Airs. Edgar Lynch and daughter of Clarksburg, West Va.; and Air, and Afrs. Douglas Williamson of Springfield. Aliases Doris and Ruth Ramsey left Afonday morning for a trip through the Northwest United States and Canada. On their way to tho Pacific Coast they will tour the Black Hills and the Bad Lands of South Dakota. After visiting several parts of Cana da, they will return through Yellowstone National Park* They plan to be gone lor four or five weeks. Air. Norman Charles and Mr, John BtCiWSrb febently Spent A week's vacation In the South, Where they Visited friends they m et while In tho service, f. *■ * Twelve members of the Rebecca Lodge attended the District School of Instruction at Xenia this week. Tho school is an annual project and was held In Cedarville last year. Mr. James Malloney and daughters of. Columbus, O., visited Mr, James Dufficld Sunday afternoon. Play Court, Rink Program Eyed Coup le M a rr ied S u n d a y in Cedarv ille P re sb y te r ia n Church Marriage vow* were exchanged by Alls* Gac Whltehousc and Air, John Mnrshall of Cedarville In and informal service In C e d a r v i l l e Presbyterian C h u r c h Sunday at 7:30 P, M, The bride Is the daughter of Mr. and Airs, Leonard F o s s on, Xenia Ave„ Cedarville. Parents of the bridegroom arc Air, and Mrs. Murray Marshall Of Cedarville, Rev, C. W, Sterner, pastor of Uic church, officiated a t the serv ice at which members of the Im mediate families and a few friends were present. For her marriage the bride wore a beige lace dress with beige accessories and carried a colonial bouquet of p i n k and white roses. % Air. and Airs, Ted Alarsliail of Cedarville, brother and sister-in- law of the bridegroom, were at tendants, Afrs, Alarshall W ore a gray nylon dress with white acces sories and her flowers were red roses. Following the service a wedding supper was served a t DeWine’a Restaurant in Yellow Springs. Air. and Airs. Alarshall are a t home in Cedarville, Afrs, Marshall was graduated from high school In Ada, O, Air. Alarshall attended Cedarville High School and Is em ployed at Don's Market In Cedar ville, He was released from the Army five months ago after serv ing overseas two years. Both Cedarville Teams Edged In League Play Both Cedarville t e a m s In the Community Softball League were vanquished in exciting and closely contested games under the lights In Ccdarvllle's community park last Tuesday night Cedarville A, C. lost ait over time game of nlhe liming* to Uenhey'a Shamrocks, following a One hour Interruption caused by power failure due to recent elec trical storms, Jim Briley** double in the bottom of the last Inning broke the deadlock when he scor ed on « mispfayed recovery* of the " hit in deep left field, In the closing game, Jamestown continued its flawless march for the title by downing Cedarville | Progressive Club 3-i 1« a twirling I thirl betwetn Luke Easter and Stan | Scott, The former fanned is local Imttfrs and allowed three hits, Ccd* arvllks only tally tame In the sev enth arid closing Inning on Scott’S second hit of tile game, a double, that W«# followed by Gins*’ triple. Store* K JI E Cedarville A, C, f f 3 Ltnhoy Shamrocks *»» 8 is 4 Batteries ■Cedarville A. 0,—Jones and Cohili; LeftHeyf* Lewis and Bri ley. R I | E Cedarville P. C ,......*.* 1 3 2 .Tanicstown 3 4 1 Batteries—Cedarville P, C.—Scott and Van Horn; Jamestown, Easter and Stafford, The second half of the Com munity Softball League race for tho pennant commenced last Fri day night when Jeo Zeiiara hurl ed a no-hit game for Leakey's Shamrocks of Xenia and admin istered the sixth defeat to South Charleston by a 5-1 score. The lone tally of tho'losing nine wa* acquired by momentarily wild ness on the part of Zelfara In the fifth Inning when he walked three batters. An infield tap per mitted one runner to cross the plate. In the nightcap game Mo r r i s Bean continued his hot winning s t r e a k by thoroughly humbling Springfield 11-1 In a game called at the end of the fifth Inning, due to the 10 -run lead rule. BUI Trout, first seeker for the Yellow Springs Industrial team hit three succes sive home runs, setting a new* rec ord for an abbreviated game. His round-trippers accounted for else of the eleven runs scored by Alcrrls Bean. Charley Gerhnrdl, Winning htirler allowed Springfield only one hit. Scores R If E Lcahty’s Shamrocks * .5 7 1 South Charleston , . . . 1 0 i Batteries — Leahey —» Sellars and Aforgan; S» Charleston—Byrd and Spahr, If If E Morris Bean Co,. . . . . . 11 11 1 Springfield 1 1 8 Batteries “ Aiorrls Bean- Gerhardt and Cultire; Springfield-French and Dulaney. Rev. John Stoll To Preach A t Cedarville Chureh Cedrtrvilte At the morning wor ship Sunday, the Rev. John Stoll will prearh In the First Pm byB r ian Chutth of (Tdarvillr Mr Hud! Is Faculty member and registrar of tho Cedarville College Baptist Bib le Institute, graduated from Wheat on College and Grace Tlicologiral Seminary, In addition to teaching, Mr. Stoll has served a church in the state of Indiana, His home is Aitoona, Pa, In the absence of the pastor, Rev. C, Wilbert Sterner, Air. Paul L, Ramse, Clerk of Session Will a r range for Dr, Frank A. Jurk&t to preside. Initial Steps Are Taken By Park Officials Initial steps to commence tho immediate construction of a large combination play court area and ice skating rink In the Cedarville Community Park were taken by the park commissioners early this week.4 Decision to commence construc tion of this new facility followed on the heels of the announcement that the Cedarville Township Beard of Education plans to di rect an eight-week summer rec reation program in the park dur ing the next calendar year. The combination court and rink is one of the facilities which the com mission will develop to support the recreation program, Plans for the new fac ility call for a concrete rimmed 70 by 00 feet play area with two tennis courts which also can be used for volley ball, outdoor basketball baskets for training and practice in the cage game, plus an elevated edging to permitting flooding In the winter time for skating purposes. The new facility Will be named in honor of Dr, Donald F. Kyle, Cedarville, who originally proposed the court area and made a substantial contribu tion towards Its cost. However, con siderable additional funds will bo required, to attain completion of this project. Work of reveling the area for "Kyle Court” Is scheduled fo r the Week end and will be followed by the rreefion of the necessary foundation and retaining wall construction. Afost of the con struction work Is expected to bo completed by Fall with the fin- l Biting touches, such as final sur- 5 facing and placement of playing l equipment being withheld until | next Spring. \ The tourt project had been ap proved by the Cedarville Progrts- s8«c Hub some months ago and :turfhd over to the park commission f,>r nYvf’inptwrtt when considered thru iv fhtt* of the new facility witf «hHigr.atf d by the club Planting Board and will lie immediately ad- ^Jatchf t& the present k o tm h t# scourt* vFELLOWSHIP MEETING j (Vdarvillc Nineteen young pto- j pie from the Cedarville Churchs are attending tho Y o u t h Fellowship Conference at Hanover, Ind., this week. Rev, and Mrs. James Pat terson accompanied the g r o u p which totaled thirty-four f r o m Cedarville, ColumhUs, JamestbWRt and Clifton churches. Miss Margaret Marriage Will Occur July Mr, and Airs. Frank Swancy of Cedarville arc announcing the ap proaching marriage of their daugh ter, Miss Margaret Ann to Mr. Mel vin Tackett, son of, Mr. and Mrs. Simon Tackett of Cedarville. The wedding will occur July 18 a t 3 P , M., In the United Presby terian Church in Cedarville, After their marriage. Mr. Tackett and his bride will reside in Wilmington, Miss Swancy la a graduate of Cedarville High School and a tte n d ' cd Cedarville College. She 1,1 em» ‘ ployed ns a secretary a t Wright* Patterson Air Force Base, Her fiance, also S graduate a t <3c3arvlllc High School, has com- ‘ pleted his junior year a t CedarvlHr. College. He plans to Complehi* work for a secondary teaching £«*>;; , grcc a t Wilmington College foihrisk -i ing his marriage, /
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