The Yellow Springs American, Volume 1, Numbers 1-22
AIR BOOTH COMMITTEES NAMED 0 0 0 0 Mr. will Mm. Raymond Stephens were Sunday dinner guests ; o£ Mrs. Josie Stephens. *' • » Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Tidd Sunday evening for an Ice cream, supper were Mr, and Donald Early and family. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Early, and Mr, and Mrs. Jesse Garringer. * » » Mrs. Ray Tidd spent a few days last week with her mother at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Donald Brcaktleld. On Thursday after noon Mrs, Tidd and Mrs, Breakfieid called on their uncle, John Long of Fairborn, who Is critically 111, « * • Mr. F rank Fields and son Jeffery of Elyria came to the home of his parents Mr. a«d Mrs. D. L. Fields Monday and attended the funeral of his uncle Mr, Jenaro Wolf of GrecnficM * * * Mr, and Mrs, Lester Knobolork and sons of Belleville, 111., were week-end guests of Mr, and Mrs. D. L, Fields, Mr, Knobelock re turned home Tuesday morning. Mrs, Fields and sons remained for a longer visit with her parents. « v Mr, and Mrs. G. M, Jenks Were Sunday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs, Beam Woods mid family of near Waynesville, *■ * * Mr, and Mrs. Everett Reynolds and family of Winter Garden F la , are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Carroll demmer. * * * Mrs. Mabel Reeves and Mrs. Bertha Thuma spent several days «lost week in Xenia ns guests of Mrs, George Eckulc and attended the Sesfii-Centennial activities, * * s Mr, and airs, Itlff Evans and Linda air. Dean Hawk and Mary Joyce Reed were vsitors a t Russels Point Sunday, m w * CEDARVlLLE PERSONALS.......... . . . . . . . . *,*, . . . . airs, R, T, Williamson and Rev, Robert Harriman have recent ly made a tour Of Southern Ohio. They visited the Presbytcran missions in that area, and returned home after a few days « * * Miss Carol Stevenson and Paul Welton recently visited their grandmother, Mrs, Elmer Drake, in Illinois. They were gone from Friday until Monday, • • * Mr, and Mrs, Carl Ferguson of Pleasant Hill. Ohio spent the weekend with his sister, Mrs, Raymond Spracklen and family, » » * Mr, ami Mrs. Robert Steiger* are leaving Prday for a two week's vacation a t North Port, Long Island, While there, they will visit relatives in the metropolitan area in New York Cty. * * * Mr, Montgomery West and family of Fiquo, O. visited with . his mother, Mr*. J 8 West on Sunday, * * Mr. and Mrs, Harold Retelmnl were guests a t a p!?Wc supper Friday owning a t the home of Mr, and Mrs. ico n Chug »f too* don, Ohio. t # » Mr#, I*a«wy fliom lon and thildm* of flhr-lby, Ohio, were week ««d guest* of Mr, and Mrs R L. Natseft * * ♦ Mr. and Mr#. William Water vigited friends, Mr. and Mrs. Gail Stephens, in Oak Harbor %v«f the weekend. Mike and &*» Step* liens returned to Cedarvilie with them for two Week*# Visit, •# f * Mrs, Harold Relnhard spent two days last week with a for mer school mate, Mrs, Gladys Wilson of Whiteslovvii, Xnd. • *■ ■« MR, AND MRS. B, DALE WOODS and son Thom Of Newark Were weekend guests of Mr, and Mrs. Max Hcifner. a * • MR. AND MRS. HAYDEN FLAUGHER, Mr. and Mrs, Harold Flaugher and family, Mr. and "Mrs. Denver‘Bloom and family and Mr and Mrs. Kenneth Flaugher of Springfield called on Mr, and Mrs, Walter Shcpiy at Leesburg. Mr, and Mrs. Shepley were cele brating their fiftieth wedding anniversary, .• « -* MRS, DOROTHY DOGOERT of Dayton speut Last Thursday With her aunt, Mrs. Eva Thomas • ' m MR, AND MRS, MARION BALES ft&t family spent Thurs day evening with Mrs. Eva Thomas and son Herman. v ■ w V ~ BARBARA AND JIMMY RUDER of St, Louis spent last week with their grandparent*, Mr, and Mrs, Chafles Ruder. Ellyn F. Talbott Is Awarded Scholorship, Western College Greene County 4-H Picnic Is Slated Ju ly 12 The 4-H picnic for all 4-H mem bers, their advisors, and parents will he held at Camp Clifton, Sun day. July 12 12:30 to 4:00 P. M. The program arranged calls for basket lunch nt 12:30, each fam ily to bring a well Riled basket and table service. Soft -drinks to be furnished. From 2:S0 to 4:00 will be recreation period, planned by the Junior Leadership Club. 2:40 to 4:00 swimming. 4-H members and their families are Invited to attend. Tills Is a time where members and parents will have an opportunity to meet other club members and parents from all of Greene County, Houston Evans Honored A t Party Jamestown — A surprise supper was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Evans and daughter Tues day evening In honor of Houston Evan’s birthday. Those enjoying the evening Were Mr. and Mrs. Keith Evans and family, Mr. and Mrs, Glennie Jonks, Mr. and Mrs, Dick Yenger and son, Mr. and Mm, Ennis Stephens. Mr, and Mrs, John A, Evans, Mr, and Mrs. Kenneth Ritcnour and 'daughters, Mr, and Mrs, Ralph “Reed and Mary Joyce, Mr, and Mrs, Roby Reed and Betty Jo, Mr, and MW. Bill Torbett, Mr, and Mrs. Melvin Evans, Mrs, Houston Evans, the honored guest, Houston Evans and Mr. and Mrs, Johnny Evans and family of Grove City. Jamestown -y. One of the Ccnten iat scholarships being offered this year by Western College for Wom en lias been awarded to Miss Ellyn Frances Talbott, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, C. N. TMbott of James town. Miss Talbott is a graduate of Silversreek high school. The value of her scholarship is ft,M0, to bo awarded over the four - year college period. The scholarship was awarded on a competitive b a s i s , according to Robert McKay, director of admis sions. The 100-years old institution is nil residential, and Is located on a rolling campus at the edge of the village of Oxford, John Davenport At Fort Meade Jamestown—Private John F, Da venport, son of Mr. and Mrs. L H. Davenport, of E, Adams St., has arrived a t the 2053rd Army Recep tion Center, Fort George G, Meade, Maryland, where ho will receive his Initial Indoctrination into the Army Front here he will be sent to an Army installation for basic train ing. Daffy Vacation Bible School Picnic Friday Jamestown *—The Dally Vaca tion Bible School a t the Church of Christ which started last week will close with a picnic Friday at Cyril MoOfman farm home. Seven ty-eight children are registered and they will give a program a t Serv ices Sunday evening. Grange Units Picked To Wc . A t Fairgrounds Jamestown — The committees were appointed to Work on thc’f&te booth a t the Greene Coflnty Fair a t the Grange meeting la it Thurs day, After- the business session a pro gram in charge of the program committee, Mrs. Carl Pickering, Airs, Paul Garringer and Mrs. Ma- belle Hurley was given. The .pro gram topic being conservation. Mr. Carl flickering and son Eddie con ducted a question and answer peri od with Mr, Pickering asking the questions. Eddie also told of the work which was done at the different camps he has been attending, The program continued with a solo by Ruth Garringer and a con test and a game. Snip, Stitch, Stir 4-H Club Meeting Jamestown - T*» Snip, Stitch, and stir |.» Club of RowT«m* \ ahlp n u t at the school, June 30, for ilk If final mewling before the judging, Mother* of the girls were pw spiit to observe the met ting, Pint,:; for the fair Were discussed, AH the cookers met at the school July 7 before the Judging, July 17, Next meeting of the sewers wilt be July 21 before final Judging July 29. Next regular meeting will be July 31, There were five moth ers present and thirteen members and their leaders. Refreshments of Ice cream, cup cakes and ice ted were served, - 20-PLUSSERSHOLD MEETING SUNDAY Jamestown — Several members of the Twenty-Plus of the M. H. Church met a t roadside park west of Cedarvilie Sunday evening for their annual picnic, the bountiful supper "Was climaxed with home made Ice cream, Plans were discussed for their annual ice oream supper to be held later in the month at the chuiheN and games led by Rev, L. A. R m i were 'enjoyed. STITCHING VIKINGS 4-H MEETING HELD I Jamestown — The Stitching Vi kings 4-H met a t the School, Mon day. Nine teen members were pres ent and received instructions on making buttonholes and applying vippers. Neat meeting will tie July 13 and all projects are la be finished and brought In for pre-Judging which -v. ill be done by Mrs, Taylor. Covered Dish Picnic At Evans’ Thursday JamoHtown-Sixty neighbors and friend* gathered at the homo of Mr, and Mrs, Bill Evans and daughter Linda, Thursday evening for a cov- eredydish picnic supper and a pre- Fourth of July celebration. GUESTS OF MR. AND MRS. Charles Reeder over the 4th of July Week-end Were Mr, Robert Bruns of Lakewood, and their daughter Harriet Reeder of Columbus, JOYCE ANN MOSSMAN and Ruth Ann Brown returned home Friday after Spending the wee-end at the M, E, Religious Camp irt Sabina for the Junior HI age group, there were 157 in attendance MR. AND MRS, JOHN RUSE, Mr. And Mr*, Robert Moorman, Mr, and Mrs, Milton Pettit and Mr, and ra. Bernard Kneeht are Spending this week in Chicago attending the International Lions Club conven tion. MR AND *MRS. JOHN GUARD of Cincinnati were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lnwssw Held and Robin, Philip and Paul Retd, sons of spending two weeks In C,hlv»\0 guests of their uncle and aunt Mr* and Mrs, Emerson Jones. The Runaid L Watsons Are At Spoken In Rapidan, V i Jamestown —Miss Carol St, John daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Ivan St, John of Aiken, S. C., and Ronald L, Watson, son' of Mr, and Mrs. Law rence Batson of Wilmington, Dela, were married on Saturday, June 20, 1953. The ceremony took p l a c e at Horseshoe Farm, h o m s of the bride’s uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. William R. Collins In Rapidan, Va. Rev, Dr. H. E. Pickhard: of ficiated, with a reception following the wedding. , Mr; St* John gave his daughter In marriage.' T ie bride’s gown was rhantilly-lace ovee sntin. The guimpe hadice had a yoke of II- . fusion and a small lace cetar.Tlie full fane skirt ended In a scal loped, uneven hemline. The veil was Of tulle, with I'ldH tt iap of pearls. She carried a white or-' • I chhl corsage. Miss Jane Collins was maid of honor for her cousin, and other at tendants ware Miss Margie St. John of Silver Springs, Md., and' Mis* Christine Clark of Wilmington, Mary Lou St. John was flower girl for her sister, Mr, Edmund L. Watson of Beav er Falls, Pa., was boat man for his brother, Robert .Rudrow o f Wil mington was usher. The hrlde has been saw cisla with the DuPent Co., h Wilming ton, The groom graduated inJTune from the University af Delaware. The couple will live In Pittsburgh where I m »Is amployad by ifceJIt**- pers Chemical Co. Mrs, W a l t e r St. John 'is the grandmother of the- bride and is visiting her daughter and : Horscihoc Farm In Va.
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