The Yellow Springs American, Volume 1, Numbers 1-22
tries a certain announcer over WLW-D TV remind you strongly of a man next door or a former classmate a t Ohio State? Chances are he does, and small wonder, since Yellow Springs’ own Ken Diehl is beginning his second month as a staff announcer for the Dayton and Miami Valley tcle- oriRiiml translation from Fwnch of “Marriage of Figaro," mid re ceived (he Ohio State University "Oscar Award" for (he -beat ac tor, lie graduated with a RA de gree in (»(!(. Ken also studied music for eight years and plays the piano and trumpet. He spent eight summers working with the Yellow Springs Summer Theatre and, after grad uation front college, was associated1 with radio stations in Springfield —------ -— .... .— ---------------- vistcm channel, Ken did not have to travel far from homo to launch his career, al though he spent two years In the West Indies, travelled on the West 'Coast and studied at the Ben Bard Drama School In Hollywood before settling down at his family home in Yellow Springs, At Ohio Stale Ken was a mem ber of the "Strollers" and t h e "Scarlet Mask," played the title role of Figaro in iteaumnrche’s ctivities MRS. LEROY JA COBS, Xenia-Cllfton Pike, will be the setting for the annual picnic Of the Presbyterian WESTMINS TER CLASS at 6:30 P.M., Tuesday. In addition to bringing cover ed dishes and fable service, mem bers arc also asked to donate children's, teen-age girls* und women's clothes and children’s shoes to be sent to MRS, HEI.EV CHAPPIE for her work at the .MISSION S T A T I ON S , DORR RUN, SAND RUN and COB CHA- PEI,. The pjynlc will be the last meet ing of the group until September, Transportation to and from the af fair will be arranged, It was an nounced by MRS, DAVID FITZ, program chairman. Local Grange To Award 25.Year Membership Pins On V Annual Picnic Also Slated Jamestown — At the next regu lar meeting of the J a m e s t o w n Orange, July 16, pin* wilt be given to those who have been members 25 years. Fifteen will receive pins, The Orange will have their an nual inspection alio, Mr. William McCMfcwi, Greene Ceiurtyl puty Master wilt have an! Mrs, Hh Chirnd wU| the Juvealla Orange, I ” A short program arranged bji lecturer will be given and refr ments served. Keep Them Producing With PURITY FEEDS QUALITY and RESULTS For Healthier Pigs— Faster Cains— For Larger Profits L I NKH A R T ’ S ELEVATOR /e l low Springs Phone 7-7369 PfannhgtouflM&tion is halfthe fun. And whata lot ofplanning you do by telephone! Yf;t« hold big confabs about where to go. You call friends wlio've been there,,.and who love to dish out tips about hotels,.* fesmufauts **»stores *». and what to wear*' You Hue up reservations % phone. You shop by ph on e to. f i v e precious time# A n d , ,.wh«n you get back , , , you re-live the fun by phone ♦**telling friends about tt* Yes. * .your telephone ispdti of dll your happy times*».a tedl buy for pennies at day. TH« OH IO T I L IP M O N I ifore the invaded a began to OTTER’S STRATEGY Otters, when hunting for fish always swim Up stream. This Is because fish, when waitiargHnr food or reposing, have thefff he:fj|s up tiie water, The otter ily approach them t i . . i IN CAESAR’S •y.M More than 100 years' legions of Julius Gaul, the natives of use shellac to protest The surface Unities. of their temples i * • DOG v*. W The main Hjith sicai struefur wolf is In the eye. dog’s eye tB-Mpgurr wolf is oblMhue. FAST ,A1 Fas milking is’ lmportant in pre venting bivine mastitis, GROWTH tbr UNIONS — Unions haV* grown fivefold in the United States since 1032, e in the phy- dog and the pWpll of the that *6f tho FEDERAL LAND BAND LOANS Finance Your Farm With A Long T/ferm 4% FEDERAL LAND BANK LOAN A LOAN : That will not have to be renewed every few years at added expense or a higher interest rate. That will not come due in a lump sum during times.” ‘hard That is designated to buy a farm, refinance a loan, or provide for agricultural improvements, SEE EARL SKILLINGS Secretary - Treasury Springfield National Farm Loan Association Serving Champaign, Clark and Greene Counties M. & M. Bldg, Springfield Rhone 3-3491 is the oilier lin e for DODGE! * I i fcMumy In the 1953 Mobdgas Economy Ran, the Dodge V-8 beat all othendears in its class, , . outperformed all 8'S in every price class, .Bepaodshfr Fawar-lbr-Sialisfjf Ten days later, the same Dodge V-8 act 2 new official AAA performance records for standard American cars. Proof of reserve power-for-aafety, Baptadabfi Cmehtf Dodge Modern Design does away with “meaningless metal” and waste Space outside—provides more comfort space than ever inside, fat* Dodge for ’53 brings you new mastery of the road, new maneuverability In traffic, new parking ease. It snugs down oft curves like a true sports ear. i i two brake cylinders in each front Wheel ,* , Safety-ftim wheels ,» rubber Seat cushions «, liebrakesWith . ^Onflow ride control , electrio windshield Wipers *. *foam and many others. Here is our invitation 1Como irt fof a “ Road Test Ride.” Find Cut ali that Dodge Dependability means in terms of economical power, safety power, riding comfort and handling ease. There is no obligation. You will discover a new kind of car, a new kind of driving enjoyment *. . a t prices th a t s ta r t below many * model# .lit the “lowest-priced” field. peeifieatiomandtutulpmentmhjeetto changewithout notice. m a ta m t comtr mnojwr DEPENDABLE V-EIGHT OR S I S iVeGof fo Drive If fo Ba/iavaf/f CEDARVILLE, OHIO ■'at i rnlinriYitHIi % /.r.
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