The Yellow Springs American, Volume 1, Numbers 1-22

ABOUND YELLOW SPRINGS A picnic wm enjoyed a t the home of Mr. Earl Ellison Saturday eve* nine. CJuosts were Mr. and Mrs. Victor Andereon and daughter Lin­ da, Mr. Richard Anderson and son Ricky, Buddy Grlnnell and Mike, Ernest Johnson and Ratty Shook, and Mr, Ray Cornelius, * • • R. S. Simpson, R t 343, has re* ccntly moved Into this trailer homo, He represents Empire Crafts Cor­ poration, makers of tableware. He formerly resided In Springfield. • » ' * Mr. and Mrs, Raymond Dlhrkop and sons, Karl and Billy, and Miss “Yvonne Gibbs spent the week end in Detroit, and Canada with Mr. ’M . and Mrs, Roy Waddle of Cedar- vllle. • * * Mr. and Mrs, Leroy Jacobs Visit*, ed Mr, Jacob’s uncle and aunt, Rev, and Mr#, Willard Bodell In Liber* ty, Mich, They also enjoyed church services at Rev, Bodell’* Church and a family reunion With relatives from Orlando and Miami, Florldip Chicago and Kalamazoo, ■ • • 0 Mrs, Cileries C o u l t e r moved Thursday from the Leroy Jacob’s farm on Clifton Road to the P. J, McCorkell apartment on North St., Ccdarville. * Mr. and Mrs, Douglas MacGre­ gor’s cottage at Piedmont Bake, Darrell nil! return to his home, Sunday. • • • ^M ^V^llamS tokcs^S r^-M #:' and Mrs. and two daughters Pats)* and Sandra are Visiting Mr, and Mrs. Richard F. Betseher of Enon Road this week from Albany, Ga, The Stokes’ and the Betschers’ went to Cincinnati Wednesday and had dinner with Mr. Paul Betseher. Following din­ ner they attended the Cincinnati. Reds baseball game. * • • Mrs. Johnnie Paul left Sunday for San Diego to join her husband who has just returned from Pearl Har­ bor, IBs address Is Johnnie Paul, QMSN, USS Spangler D E 696, % Postmaster, San Francisco, Calif, » * » Mr, and Mrs. Victor Anderson, Bryan Road, had as,week end guest Mr. and Mrs, H M. Anderson and children, J e a n n e and Jimmie of Chlllicothc. * * • Mr. andMrs. J, W.Waddle of Troy were week end guest* of Mrs. Waddle's parents, Mr, and Mrs. Leroy Jacobs, and also visit­ ed with Mr, Waddle’s parents, Mr* F R E E ! to flic holder of this license number Mrs. Buckley Rude and daughter Jane left June 30th and arc visiting •Lirith Mrs, Kay' Mayer of Perry, dfihb. i * * * Ttajfc Dayton Rifle and Revolver Clujf will hold their Spring meet- Jljipln the form of a picnic at the jlfarm of Vic Anderson, Bryan Rd.t July 10 at 7:30 p.m, Prizes won dur­ ing the year Will be given out. The officers for the coming year will be Installed. Mr, and Mrs. llenry Hnnnon and daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Parker and son Henry Jr., of Orlando, Florida were guest of Mr, and Mrs. Leroy Jacobs and Mr, and Mrs. Harold McKin­ ney, Monday and Tuesday. • * • Mr. and Mrs. William Forman of ML Storm, West Va., who run a deer hunters lodge there, visited some of their camp patrons here last week end, A dinner was held for them last Sunday a t the Gen­ eral Denver Hotel In Wilmington, Some of those attending were Ar­ chie Patterson, Fred J o h n s t o n , Floyd Bailey and Everett Bailey. ■* • » Mr. and Mrs. William Duncan and family left Saturday for two weeks In the south. "XTa 111d a was honoredfut mrty Saturday night at the houie oTiRjL. and Mrs. HowMd^peiSSo. The f i j i l ■auhsM g jnm lCehoe’s front lawn. Guests a t the party Were Mr, and Mrs. P. W, Wise, Miss Mabel Wise, Miss Miriam Dickenson, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Dykstra and daughter Sue, and Mr. and Mrs, Earl Littleton. "* * * • Mrs, B. E. Marsh Was honored at a birthday dinner Monday eve­ ning a t the home ot Mr, and Mrs. If, It. Smith, Shawnee Dr., Spring- field. Guests at the party were Mr, and Mrs. B. E. Marsh and son Stephen, Mrs. Grace Schmidt, and Mr. and Mrs, Earl Blttleton of Yellow Springs. * * * Mr, and Mrs. Frank Tomlinson of Dayton were Sunday guests of Florence and Marguerite Williams of 120 W. N. College S t ------- V-o----------- Cows being fed for high milk pro­ duction need correspondingly large amounts of fresh drinking water. Yellow a»rlHK« America* Jnmestew* Jeerael Cedarvlllc UeraM (iHEKXK C O V m nUMTEIt^ O ft' Thursday, July I Fag* U Dr, Jane Cape, Antioch Nursery School founder and formerly pro­ fessor of Home Economics a t Anti­ och College for twenty-five years taught lost year In a girl’s school in Baghdad, Iraq. Her family In Wisconsin expect her home some time the last of this montr. Shc Is nowr touring Scandinavia, She has also been Jto Greece, Turkey, Egypt Lebanon and the Holy land, »■ * *■ Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Radin, Win­ ter St., expect to leave for abroad about July 10, They will stop in New York to Visit Mr. Rad ins fam­ ily. • OUTSIDE • INSIDE • AH colors, all sizes K B S SALES & SERVICE, INC, APPLIANCES—HARDWARE—CARAGE John Deere Farm Implements General Repair Service 108 Dayton St. Dial 7-7355 Yellow Springs 10 gal. PURE PEP I * g i p> m F R E E LUBE JOB CORNER CORRY t XENIA Rfcduo 7-74*1 \l V