The Yellow Springs American, Volume 1, Numbers 1-22

Thursday, July 9 Pago GREENES COUNTY rn iY T IX C CO. Jhmotown Jattraal VdWw SprlMK* American C'eriarvllle Herald AMBROSE MORRIS Funeral services for Ambrose (Bobby) Morris, 75, who died sud­ denly a t h!s home In Milledege- ville Wednesday noon were held Friday a t 2 p.m. a t Milledgeville Methodist Church. Burial was In Milledgcvillc-Plymouth Cemetery. Mr. Morris was striken with a heart attack while sitting on the porch a t his home. The son of Gsear and Ruth Ann Potts Moris, he was born in Ross County. Aug, 17, 1877, and had resided in the Milledgeville community 45 years. Be was a retired farmer. Mr. Morris is survived by his widow, Mrs. Clara Alexander Mor­ ris, Whom he married in 190-1; a son, John, Jamestown; three broth­ ers, John and Elmer of Sabina and Samuel, Washington C. H.. and a sister, Mrs. Mary Jett Of Bain- bridge, Two Sons preceded him in death, ---------- tv--------- JENAItO N. WOLF Jenaro N. Wolf, 75, former Greene Countian, died Friday at 6 a m, at his home in Greenfield, The son of R, H, and Mary Stewart Wolf, he was horn at Bow­ ersvilie Jan. 7, 1878 and passed his early iife there. Be had resided in Greenfield since 1901 and former­ ly owned and operated a grocery and china store there but retired a few years ago. Mr. Wolf was a member of the First Methodist Church In Greenfield and at one time taught a Sunday School class in that church, Mr. Wolf Is survived by his widow, Mrs, Mallssa Chaney Wolf D, L, Fields of Jamestown. A sis­ ter died In infancy. Funeral services 'were held Mon day In Greenfield, DR. V . li. IIII.Iy -0 Funeral service# for Dr. P. B, Hill, 70, Columbus former Xcnlan, were held Tuesday a t 1:30 p m. at Zion Baptist Church E. Main St„ in Xenia, where he served as pastor from 1933 to 1912, Burial was in Jamestown Cemetery, Dr. Hill died Wednesday at hi# home in Columbus, . '* $ -* U. S. WALLACE Services for Ulysses S. Wallace, 85, of 217 Coan S t, Wilmington, were conducted at .2 P, M., Friday in Reynolds funeral home there with burial In New Antioch Ceme- ardson and had resided In the Pain- tcrsviliecommunity 35 years. His only immediate survivor is a brother, Sherman of Washington C, H, Bis wife, Mrs, Mttry Mus- setter Richardson, died in 1944, Services were held Tuesday at 2 P, M, at Powers Funeral Home In Jamestown with i n t e r m e n t in Jamestown Cemetery. YELLOW SPRINGS PERSONALS M|sa Florence Pflnurn of Dayton is the house guest this week of Miss Lena and Mary Oster, Wal­ nut Street. * * * Mr. and Mrs. Charles Johnston of Sturgis, Michigan are visiting this week Mr, and Mrs. Fred Johnston of Allen St. Mr. Charles Johnston Is a school teacher in Sturges. i A family picnic was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Johns­ on, Allen S t last Sunday. T * * * Mr. and Mrs, William Forman and three daughters Dona, Virgin­ ia, and Sandra of Mr, Storm, West Va. were 4th of July guests of Mr. and Mrs. Everett Bailey of Hyde Rd. * * * Mr. and Mrs. Ray Kline of Los Angeles visited Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Everman, Clifton Pike, the first of jthis week. Airs. Kiinc Is the sister of Mr. Everman. » » » The Everman family held a fam­ ily picnic at Serpent Mound June 28. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Everman, sons George and Jim attended from here, *" »■ * * . Mr. and Airs. John Amon and Air, vnl of her mother. £. g £ HOMER II. RICHARDSON f Homer H, Richardson, 85, dfgd suddenly at his home in Pninteif^ viiie Saturday afternoon? Suffering from a heart ailment for some time 1900; two daughters, Airs. William | Air. Richardson was found dead In B. Fiammer, Westfield, N. J„ and Jbed at his home. Mrs, Kibler Roberts of Greenfield; | A retired farmer, Air. Richard- two grandsons and five brothers. son was born in New Jasper Twp., And sisters including Airs. Saw Jan. 8, 1888, He was the son of An- Carpenter of Bowcrsviltc and Airs,‘drew and Catherine Ireland Rich* July 1 of a heart ailment. Mr. Wallace Is survived by his widow, Mrs. Alargaret Smalley Wal­ lace; two sons and two daughter^ including Airs. Faye Burhnm jig Yellow Springs. * * * * EVA KAUFFMAN COX Eva Kauffman Cox, 37, died sud­ denly at her home on Nelson St„ Tuesday at 5:30 A, At, She bad suffered from asthma for ten yegj:#.. Mrs. Cox was the daughter of Frt«$£ rick and Rita Kauffman and born in Dennison, Ohio, Dee. 20, 1918 and was married to James Cox, Dee. 20, 1937. Survivors are her mother of Dennison, her husband and five children, BeVerly, Altidrcd, James, Harold and Alargaret all at home, eleven brothers and sisters who reside near Dennison. Funeral, Grotc spent the week arrangements are waiting the urrit,] } Jn wUh ^ and Mrg# many friends who sent cards dur-' ing her stay In the hospital. ' s * * *■ Mr. and Mrs. William Earhart o^ Columbus, and Mr. and Mrs, Cliff Elliot of Dayton visited Miss Helen. Lacy Sunday. • * * Mr. and Mrs, Irwin Inman and1 family, Center College, returned Thursday night from Chicago whcro they spent a couple days with Mrs. Inmans mother, Mrs, Guy Shields. Miss Guyeda Shields returned with them-to spend the 4th of July week­ end. * * * Air. and Mrs. Ross Wise of West­ erville were weekend guests of Air, and Mrs, William Wclsheimer, Jack son Rd. * * * Sgt. Victor Cordell was honored at a party Sat. night at the home of Air. and Airs. Elvin Guest, 534 Dayton, Sgt, Cordell is has Just returned from Korea. ^ * * * Mr, and Airs, Russell Sreridan, Fairfield Pke., had as Sunday guests. Air, and Airs, Jack Brewer and daughters of Cedarvillc. Dr, Evelyn Rude arrived S a t and is visiting withe her brother Dr, Buckley Rude, 112 W, Whiteman, Dr. Rude has been studying in New York. She is on her way to Okla. to see her family. * * Air. and Mrs. Robert Brannum an daughter Kay of Beatty, formerly Of Yellow Springs left last week for Denver to Visit Mr. and Airs. Berg. Mrs. Berg was formerly Alary Ellen Brannum, Kay Brannum was to remain for part of th e ,summer. Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Archbold, 217 birth of a 7 lbs., 9 oz. boy, Wednes­ day July 1, at Mecy ^ xexvd 1 ____ SprfhSVMK^Tni* JmasMWS^iTso have a three year old daughter, Mr. and Mrs. T, A. Donley, Winter S t, are the. maternal great-grandparen B Y GOODYEAR Accessories GAS O IL - GRE AS E m a r a t h o n p r o d u c t s B E A L S S e r v i c e S t a t io n YELLOW SPRINGS PREPARE FOR Q - . . n TH E R E IS A Oil-Saving Furnace to fit your home. Sties to heat 4*i S*> 6-, or 7-room houses. Avail­ able for either forced air or f fCIWity distri­ bution systems. OIL or GAS EASY TERMS Phone 7-7688 “Wait? Exclusive Coleman Denier” PLUMBING AND HEATING SERVICE Yellow Springs Ohio 211 So, Walnut St. » ... ' V ’.*» ‘V ' Roy J. Mrreurio and family, Air, and Airs, Robert Amon and family and Airs, and Airs, Donald ’Amon and family, * * * They attended the christening of Elizabeth, daughter Of Air, and Airs., Robert Amon. ♦ * * | Dr. Buckley S, Rude, pastor of j the Presbyterian Church with three I | young people from the church will J | attend a Presbyterian youth con -1 •Terence a t Hanover, Ind„ July 12-1 120. The children accompanying D r,! I Rude arc John Dawson, Walter | ) Krtccht Jr, and Eleanor Wise. Dr. j I Rude will be an instructor a t th e ! j conference. } 1 * * * t 5 A picnic was held a t the home of }' I Air. and Airs, Wilbur A. Fink Sat-j I urtlay, in honor of Lt. Richard E. j Allen. Lt. Allen left Alonday morn-, | mg for the F ar EEast. | 1 *' # # | I Those present at the picnic were | I Mrs. Eibert Allen, Bobby Alien, Air. { ?Harold Allen, Air, and Mrs, Torn! Houser and son Gary, Miss Gcrxl(; Napier, all of Middleton. Present -from Yellow Springs were L t and Mrs. Richard E. Allen and son Ali-I !chart. Airs, Albert Pultz, Miss Ella I Bailey, Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Davis I and daughter Debbie, Mr, and Mrs.! Estel Botes and sons David, Bil, 1and Russell, Air, and Mrs, Richard Fulton, Air. and Mrs. Wiibttr A, . Fink, and Robert Fink, Who WAsf home over the weekend from Ohio I State University. | p . <* * * i f Ira Barr's car that was Missing- 1Friday was found early Saturday! }morning on Xenia Ave. 1 j *• * * !- | Aiiss Helen Lacy was brought« )heme Friday from the hospital. She; wishes to extend her thanks to her! we’re AIR CONDITIONED! F O R A Y ’ S THE KEXAIX STORE •‘Where You Pay Less'* DELUXE HAMBURGH With Lettuce & Tomato BREAKFAST— LUNCH STEAKS — DINNER FOUNTAIN SERVICE DICK & TOM’S Open to 12 P. Mi, Yellow Springs m a k e y 0 u s H0Me LfKe c- p i >< \ sm n h «, m JOHNS-MANVIUE ASBESTOS SIDING SHINGLES go right over old sidewalls, , , save upkeep expense • The rich texture of Johns* Msnville Siding Shingles has the charm of finest wood*-* will transform the appearance Of your home, At the same time, these shingles save you .money year after year. They require no preservative treat­ ment and are permanent a s 1 stone. Because they are made of asbestos and cement they are fireproof and rotptoof. Make your home snugger and tighter, too. Are easily applied right over yourold siding. Low cost* For free estimate ca ll,,, Yellow Springs Lumber Co. YELLOW SPRINGS, OHIO '■SR