The Yellow Springs American, Volume 1, Numbers 1-22

* REV. AXI) *MltS. WILLIAM WAIDE had as their RiiestH, her neiee Mrs, Ruth Robb McSkinln and her husband and children Anne, Carol and Jimmy of Basking Ridge, New Jer­ sey, Also callers at the Waide home in the afternoon were Rev. and Mrs. Melvin Carson of Bell Center, Ohio. * * * On Friday Rev. and Mrs, Waide entertained her nephew, Dr. W. Dwight iSterett, Jr., of Skokie, III. Dr. Sterett was accompa.'ked hy his wife and two children Susie and Cindy. Other guests were ljer neiee Mrs. Elanore Minnfek of South Charleston, O., and child­ ren Mary* Eloise, Peggy and Jimmy, Mrs. Ida Stormont and daugh­ ter Mabel and granddaughter, Cheryl were also guests on Friday. w * ♦ * M I BIBLE CLASS of the United Presbyterian Church will hold an ice Cream Social, Saturday, July 25, on the church lawn. Home made lee cream and cake, barbecue, cold drinks, and coffee will be served. In case of rain, the social Will be held inside. * * * REV. AND MBS. W. K. GUT EX and Son, of South Court- right, New York, will be week end guests of her sister, Mrs. Lee White, and family. <* » * * JIM WHITE, son of Mr. and Mrs, Lee White, has been spend­ ing a short time at Chatauqun Lake, N. Y., and has also visited his aunt, rT7-s. John Porter, of Toronto, Ohio, recently* * 4 a MBS. GREER McCALLlSTER, accompanied by three Re­ gion Auxiliary members of South Charleston, left Wednesday morning for Cleveland, t)„ to attend th*,State Eight A Forty Convention. Thursday evening, Mrs, Lawrence Waddle Joined Mrs. McCalllsIer In Cleveland where they are serving as dele­ gates from the local auxiliary unit at the State Convention. Mr. McCalllster left Friday evening for Cleveland as delegate for the local Legion Post, , » * * MRS. BERTHA DEAN is spending a two-week vacation with her sister, Mrs. Arthur Cultice and husband, Mrs. Dean is em­ ployed by the Kroll-Colllcr Publishing Co., and Will return to work after her visit. * * * MISS WlLMAlf SPENCER and .Wary Lee Cummings spent Tuesday afternoon in Dayton visiting Mrs, Ethel Shultz. * 4 * THE 2-II BIBLE CLASS party was held Saturday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Wells. Approximately 25 mem­ bers were present to enjoy the indoor Weiner roast held Inscide because of rain, A desert o f watermelon was then served and the evening spent socially, * » » THE CEDARVlLLE 4-11 HOTSHOTS met at the home of Mike Anderson, Monday evening. Nineteen members and their leader, Monroe Pyles, were present. The president, Bill Arthur gave a safety report. The advisor discussed a schedule o f 4-Jf activities for the Greene County Fair. Flans were made for an achievement meeting early in September; Mrs, Anderson served refreshments to the group, • * * “ F a r m BUREAU COUNCIL No. 9 met Thursday evening at the home of Mr* and Mrs, John Collins, Fourteen members were present to discuss the topic "Come to the Fair". Refresh­ ments were served following a short business meeting, ♦ * ♦ ROBERT M» JAMES* nephew of D. Ralph James of James Wrig Co. has been working at the drug store sliicc the first o f July, Mr, James Is a Pharmacy student at Ohio Slate University. • * * MRS. JAMES DlTFFIELD returned home Friday from a few days visit with her daughter, Mrs. V. W, Burba and family o f Gvmd Rapids, Mich, Miss Phillis Burba of Long Island, N, Y., who Js In the Wave*, and Kent Burba, Memphis, Tcnn,, of the U, 8. Navy, were each home on al5*day furlough, « • * MR, AND SIRS. CARE RITENOUR and daughter;Were guests .Sunday of Mr. 'And-.Mrs. Fred Crlftln o f "West Jefferson, O, s » • GUESTS OF MRS. J. S. WEST last week end were her daugh­ ter, Miss Susanna West, and friends, Mr. and Mrs. Martin of Toledo, O, Mr. Montgomery West and family o f Piqua, O., also spent Saturday with his mother, Mrs, C. A. Hutchinson, Jr., and children of Chicago, arrived Monday evening to visit her mother, Mrs. J. S. West. » v ♦ MIL AND MRS, DENNIS MOSES and daghter, Treva Jean, will leave this Week end for a few Weeks in Canada. They will go by way ofPort Huron, Michigan, * • • MR, ROBERT C. NELSON OF OKLAHOMA CITY, Okla­ homa, his mother, Mrs."Robert Nelson and Miss Alberta Owens, returned recently from a four-day tour o f the Smoky Mountains. Mr. Nelson Is spending a two week vacation here. ASA Ball Tourneyj Begins Wednesday In Cedarville, Two Games Mark Opener Community Park. The competition 1ty in the annual American Softball for Ike county title will actually Association nation elimination race. 135 Of County's Top Players To Participate Here Greene County’s softball classic, the ASA elimination tourney, is scheduled to commence next week under the lights of the Ccdarville Ccdarville— An official report of the contributions received from Cc­ darville village and township for the Red Cross Campaign conduct­ ed last March, was received by Mrs. Greer McCalllster, chairmaipof this community. The goal for the year had been Former Local People Take Over New Pulpit Ccdarville — Rev, and Mrs, TCd Harsh, New Castle, Pa., who have been serving the Reformed Presby­ terian Church in that city, have accepted a call to the Cincinnati Church of that denomination. They will begin their work in Cincinnati in August. Rev. Harsh attended Geneva Col­ lege, fieavert Falls, Pa., and Is a graduate Of Ccdarville College and Reformed Presbyterian Theological Seminary of Pittsburg, Pa, Mrs, Harsh Is the daughter of Mf. and Mrs. Meryl Stormont, The Harshes have a two-year old son, commence Wednesday, July 28 and continue each day, except Sunday, until August 7, #Thc tournament will bring ap­ proximately 153 of the county’s outstanding softballcrs in competi­ tion as members of nine teams vic­ ing for the title and the distinc­ tion of representing Greene Coun­ sel at $1,024 a minimum of $1 n family. Contributions from this community amounted to $805,88. In behalf of the County R e d Cross officials, Mrs. McCalllster ex­ pressed her appreciation of the co­ operation of the solicitors, and Operation of the s o 11c 11 o rs, and thanked each person who helped In any way as contributor or solici­ tor, Firemeu Discuss Hallowe’eu Fete CEDARVlLLE — Ccdarville Vol­ unteer Firemen met for their regu­ lar meeting on Monday, July 13th at the Firehouse, The business meet ing was conducted by the president Laurls Straley. The minutes were read by the secretary, Lewis LilHch, Discussion was held and plans formulated on the Annual Ilalo- we'en Ckrntvai Which will bo spon sored by the Fire Department In Ccdarville. The men will also be on duty, Friday, August 7th at the Greene County, Fair. for the ASA tourney In Greene County cults for double - header games every week-day night on the C c d a r v 111e park facili­ ties. Teams will be eliminated af­ ter two losses until a title winner Is determined. Spectators from all section of the county are expected to witness the contests and will Ins admitted on payment of a, very modest admission charge. The opening game of the Green© County t o u r n e y on Wednesday, July 28, will be staged between the Wrlght-Patterson Welfare nine, One of the leading teams in the Miami Valley area, and the South Charles­ ton Merchants, present member of the Community Softball League playing on the Codarvllle softball diamond, The game Is scheduled for 7:30 P, M. In the second game Jamestown's representative In the Community Softball League and current leader will face the Xenia Eagles, The latter replaced the Morris Bean Company nine of Yellow Springs W'hlch was compelled to withdraw from the tournament due to the inroads made by previously estab­ lished vacation periods for many of Its players* The following night, the Ccdar­ ville Progressive team will compete With Yellow Springs nine in the Opener and Ben’s Cleaners of Fair­ born will meet the colorful Cedar- ville A, C, Negro team In the night­ cap, The other team In the tour­ ney, Leahey’s Shamrocks of Xtala drew the first round by. Wheat farmers will vote August; 14 to accept or reject marketing quotas for 1854. j RED CROSS GOAL FALLS SHORT IN CEDARVlLLE AREA Peter. School Of Missions CEDAKV7LLE — The following ladles o f the Methodist Church here recently returned from Sabina, Ohio, where they attended the Wo­ men's School of Missions: Mrs. David Reynolds, Mrs, Carl Rltonotir Mrs. Robert Huffman Bnd Mrs, Wilbur Wisccup, Friday visitors at the school were Mrs, E, R, Biggs, Mrs, Tom llarner, Mrs, Harold Spitler, and Mrs, Llndslay Wlnana. Miss Doris Ann Reynolds assisted with the nursery group during the week* Mrs*Nelson Creswell and children left last week end for Winona, In­ diana They plan to spend a week there. Mr. Creswell has been in Winona attending the School of Photography for the past t h r e e weeks. Mr. Merry! A* Haines of Altoona, Pa, and hia son from Richmond, Indiana, are visiting Mr. Haines’ cousin, Mrs, Fred Clemans and family* Statistics indicate that in 1941 there were 29,900,900 radios in use In this country. In 1901, there were 44,107,009. e Clarifies Distribution Of Cedarville Fines, Penalties, Bonds cutlng officer Was a state highway Monies accruing from fines penalties and forfeited bonds Jn the Mayor’s Court at Ccdarville derived from prosecutions under municipal ordinances Which have no counter­ part In state statutes should be paid to the village treasury. This ruling has been given by Common Pleas Judge George W. McDowell of Highland County, pre­ siding ort the Common Pleas Court bench recently, In a suit filed here last Aug, 8 by Mayor Karl Bull of Ccdarville, Mayer Bull had sought a decla­ ratory Judgement as to a clarifi­ cation In the method of distribu- patrolman in which case one-half of the money was to go to the state and the other half to u s village treasury, in east's where prosecutions are for violations o f state traffic laws bul the arrest Is not made by the Stale Hlhgway Patrol, one-hivlf la to go to law library association and the other half to Greene County, and in cascm where money ,s received from pros­ ecutions for violations of the Liquor Jontrul Act. 50 percent Is to go to .he state, 25 percent to the county tnd 25 prcccnt to the law library, isfloclation. ■ tlon of the money. Named as de­ fendants in the action were offlc- als of Cedarville and Greene Co­ unty and the Greene County Law Library Association, In his origi­ nal petition Mayor Bun had point ed out that the law library, the village and the county were entit­ led to share in the court’s income and asked the court's direction as to disposition of the money* In his ruling, in which he quoted decisions in similar cases, Judge McDowell drected that all monies collected hy the plaintiff as mayor, pursuant to Ohio’s General Code, be paid to trustees of the Greene County Low. Library Association except In cases when the proee- Money derived from prosecutions under a municipal traffic ordinance but which has a counterpart In a; state statute is to be divided equally between the law library association and the county since “there In a state statute under which this pros­ ecution could have been maintained according to the ruling, This sauna ruling also applies, he pointed ouij to money held by the sheriff re­ ceived from collections for prosecu­ tions for violations of a municipal ordinance. An entry on the Common Plead Court journal ordered that all mon­ ies held by the plaintiff, as mayoifc be distributed in accordance WitR the ruling* i X/'-