The Yellow Springs American, Volume 1, Numbers 1-22

0 0 0 0 MIIS, WALTER JOHNSON' Joined n group of Ladle* from Springfield and ail were guest of the Ruth. Lyons 50 Club at WLW, Cincinnati, last Thursday, * * ♦ WEEK END GUESTS OF D ft AND MRS. EARL S I­ RRED Were Dr. S.vfred’s nephew and wife, Mr. and Mrs. C. R. HoadIcy and family of Detroit. * * * * SUNDAY DINNER GUEST of Mrs. M. I. Hilton were Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Hilton and family and Mr, and Mrs. Herman Thomp­ son and son all of Springfield. *• *= * MR. AND MRS. CLAYTON WISEMAN and children had as their guests last week, Mrs. Gary Galser and sons John and Jim of Bloomington, Ind. Mrs. Gaiser is a sister of Mrs, Wiseman. m <* £ UY AND BILL MOORMAN, sons of Mr. nnd Mrs. Cyril Moorman spent last week at Butler Springs Christian Service camp near Hillsboro. ♦ • ♦ WEDNESDAY DINNER GUESTS OF DR. AND MRS. Stan­ ley Hetsder were Dr. Floyd Matin and Dr. Howard Butmigayt/U, directors of the Social-Psychological Research Center at the University of Michigan nt Ann Aarbor. « * • MR. AND MRS. EARL WEAVER of Providence, N. J„ called at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Carl Johnson, Saturday afternoon. Mrs, Weaver is lh8 daughter of Mr. Johnson. Fund np Vieeniiig callers nt the Johnson home were Ilfs son, Mr, Noel Johnson and family of Delaware, . • * *f MRS, KENNETH CLASS and son Roger of Columbus Were Sunday* dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs, Delbert Glass. In the after­ noon all called on Mr, and Mrs, Herman Glass in Jeffersonville, * * * MR. AND MRS, HAROLD LEWIS left Saturday for a trip thru the East and Canada, they were Joined in Columbus, by Mrs. Lewis’ sister, Airs, Donna Dorn and Airs, Clara Todd. * * * LINDA KELLOUGH of Wilmington spent a few (lays last week with her grandmother, Mrs. Josle Stephens. * » » BONNIE JO WISEMAN DAUGHTER OF AIR. and Mrs. Clay­ ton Wiseman spent several days Inst week In Springfield visiting her cousins Susan and Kay Wiseman. MISSES MARY LYNNAND ROBERTA JO Stuching re­ turned to their home In Cincinnati after spending two weeks with their grandparents Air, and Airs, WHISs Glass and Beeky Jane. * * * * 4 Alls® BARBARA HAINES has accepted the position of clerk- typist in the* office of Clerk of Courts Russell E, Gearhart in the Court House. Miss Haines graduated front Silvercreek High School lit May. ... » » * * AIR. MARK HfNKHORN Of Dayton spent several days last Week with his grandparents, Mr, and Mrs. G, M. Jenks, * * • SUNDAY GUESf OF AIRS. ArYRTLE FINKS was her slate* M in Lemma Doadsof Nettia, • * * AIR. AND AIRS. ROY MOORMAN have taken rooms with Mrs. Myrtle Fink until fall when theywill move to their new home In New Port Richey, Ela-, their asm Ralph has a room lit the Carl Johnson home. The Moormans sold their home to .Mr*. Aulda Browder of Springfield who will move into it this Week* * * *■ MR, AND AIRS. CHARLES EARLEY and son Kirt of RMtf- more, Md., are spending their vacation with Mr. Earley's parents, Mr. and Mrs, Otis Earley and other relatives and friends, * * AIR. LESTER KNOBELOCH of Bellview, III, spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Fields and Hannah, and with Mrs. Knocbcloeh and sons, who have spent the past two weeks tilth her parcts, returned to their home Monday, * 0 * AIRS. Af, I. HILTON had as her guest last Thtlrsdayv Mr, and Mrs. Homer Smith arid Mr. and Airs, Charles Smith Of Columbus. • » » AIK. AND MRS. EUGENE CROTHERS have*moved from the Tiffin Walker property on N. Church St., to the Loren Rodgers property on E, Washington St. Mr. and Mrs, K e p i a r iribvod in the house vacated by the Crothers. »■ * SUNDAY GUEST OF MR. AND MBRS. D. L. Fields and Hannah were their children, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fields, and son of Elyria, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Savage and daughter of Dayton, Mr, and Mrs. Lester Knobeloch and sons of Bellview, 111., Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Fields and. family* - * •• .1" 1, Reception Is Held On Friday Evening For New Church Of Christ Pastor JAMESTOWN — The members of the Jamestown Church of Christ held a reception for their now min­ ister, Mr. Howard McGinnis and family at the church Friday even­ ing. After a bountiful covered dish supper, the members nnd guests ad­ journed to the auditorium for a program with Mrs, Harold Carter in charge. The program Was opened with a song by the congregation, Mr. Charles Loach welcomed Air. and Mrs. McGinnis and daughter. A duet by Airs, Eddie Brown and Airs. Frank Brndds, Airs, Avis Sesslar read a poem written by Airs. Glenn Babb, The program closed with a spelling contest using words found ih the Bible. Airs. Charles Leach, Sr. outspelling the contest­ ants. Air. and Airs. McGinnis and daug­ hter came to the Jamestown Chu­ rch from New Boston. Jamestown Gets Second Fogging Jamestown *—The area o f James­ town received the second fogging Alonday evening. There will be five foggings In all this year, done at two week Inter­ vals, The regular council meeting was postponed until Wednesday even­ ing due to the fogging, Mayor Praises New Chimes JAMESTOWN — Mayor Floyd Smith has sent the following letter to the Journal: On behalf o f the many people of this town who have expressed their appreciation and on behalf of myself as Mayor of James­ town, I wish to express our ap­ preciation to the Jamestown Methodist Church and to its pas­ tor, Rev. ElWood L. Rose for the religious music which has been coming periodically from the tower of said church. These chimes are not o n l y most beautiful to hear but also lend a beneficial and reflective atmosphere to the village and all who hear them. Credit is also extended to Mr, Albert P. Packer of Dayton, Ohio, whose bequest in memory of Car­ rie R. Bargdili and Belle Neiberg- er made these chimes possible. Floyd Smith, Alayor Village of Jamestown Fergtuson On Honor Roll JAMESTOWN — Jim Ferguson is one of three Greene Countlans enrolled in the College of Arts and Sciences at Ohio State University for the spring quarter who achelv- cd high scholastic attainments with averages o f 3.25 or better. Jim graduated, from Silvercreek in 1950 and has just completed his junior year in Journalism at O. S. Jamestown Youths Eligible In Contest Jamestown — In the poster con­ test sponsored by the Greene Coun­ ty W. C, T,’ U., which will be on display at the W, C, T. U. cottage at the Fairgrounds, all boys and girls in Greene County age 6 to 13 are eligible to compete, Contestants are asked to put their nsnrac.aMd jtddfensesRoft' the*hjwltj of the posters, Lions Outline Plans For Coming Year At Meeting JAMESTOWN — Sixty members of the Jamestown Lions Club met Tuesday at the Old Mill Camp in Cedarvllle. Max Jenks, president, presided over the meeting and out­ lined the club's activities for the following year. Family night will be observed by a picnic lunch at Silvercreek School nnd dancing will follow ut the club’s next meeting. Brucellosis Talk, History Of Grange Feature Meeting JAMESTOWN — The Jamestown Grange met In regular session Thu­ rsday evening July 16th. Deputy Alastor William McClelland and Deputy Juvenile Matron, Mrs, AIc- Clelland were present for inspec­ tion of the Grange. During the lecture hour the fol­ lowing program wns given, song “Beautiful Ohio’', by the Orange; reading, “Ohio’s Heritage*' Airs. Elmer Hngler; poem, “The Farm­ er's Wife is Queen," Mrs. Lee Alarslmll; gong skit, Air. and Mrs. Walter Johnson; talk on Brucel­ losis, Hebcr Reach; History of the Jamestown Grange; Airs. Fred L«wi»; solo, Doris Jean Wigal. After the program the Master, Eldon Heinz presented pins to fif­ teen who have Grange members twenty-five years. Refreshments of home ms4c ice cream and cake were served by the refreshment committee, Air, and Mrs* Willis Goodbar, Mr. and Mrs, Wayne Atnrshall, and Mr. and Airs, Heber Keach, Mrs. VaR Gundy Is Church Hostess JAMESTOWN — Tlie Ladies Aid of the Friends Church enjoyed a picnic supper at the home o f Mrs. Althea Vail Gundy last Thursday After the supper a short business meeting Wats held. The remainder of the evening was spentin making future plans and Visiting. Jamestown Liens Help Ohio Group JAAIESTOWN-—Jamestown Lions attending tho International Con­ vention at Chicago last Week figur­ ed prominently in winning first prize in the huge parade for the Ohio delegation. Ohio's participants portrayed former Presidents fi'otrt their state. Bob AloOrman, district governor was made-Up to represent Ruther- for B. Hayes. Alilton Pettit and John Reese drove Willys Jeeps carrying the presidents. Fifty thousand delegates attended the convention. Bonnie Stingley Honored A t Party JAMESTOWN — Miss Bonnie Stingley was the honored guest at a birthday at her home Alonday evening. Games and contests were enjoyed. Refreshments were served to the following guests, Linda Sesslar, Charlene Shaw, Becky Glass, Max­ ine Swancy, Margaret Carter, Joyce Lyons, Carolyn Russel, MIchcal Garrlnger, Dick and Kenneth Pat­ terson, Tommy Thuma, Gary and Marlin Eavcrs, Jack Franklin, Ted Sesslar and the honored guests Who received many lovely gifts, Schmidt - Stevens Vows To Be Taken On September 6th JAAIESTOWN — Air. and Airs, Lawrence C, Schmidt, of north of Upper Sandusky, are announcing the engagement and approaching marriage of their daughter, Jeanctt to Dane Stephens, o f Columbus,\non Of Airs. JOsie Stephens, and the late Roy Stephens of Jamestown. The wedding will bo art event of September, 6th. The capacity of the power in­ dustry has increased almost 50 per Cent since World War IX, an ex­ pansion unmatched by any other major industry* Miss Simmermon Writes Home About Her Exciting Summer Tour Of Prince Charlie" and hie dainty sis­ ter, Princess Ann, Leaving England the party was enroute to Holland, when the mes­ sage was written home. Miss Simmermon is music Instrus tor In the Silvercreek School. % * JAMESTOWN — Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Simmermon South Solon, have received enthusiastic word from their daughter, Miss Rosalyn Simmermon, who had just landed in England, describing her flight. In company with Alls* Leila Balsingcr and Mr*. Jean Kowr bach, both of Springfield, Miss Simmermen Is spending the greater part of the summer tour­ ing Europe, At an elevation of 17,000 feet, with Huffy clouds befew them, at 300 .miles per hour, their plane Hew over Nova Beetle; they stopped at .Gander, New Foundlsnd, to re-fuel, then on to Scotland, for a second “refill" and reached England Monday; Jtriy 13. Miss Simmermon and he* com­ panions got a spfeci&l thrill (among) many others), out o f seeing the Changing of the Guard at Bucking­ ham Palace and while standing R. R. 2, Mr. and Mrs, Maurice Bine- ilitteEjKitf Tgofc:4-p*ctlrrjr gnr, PowewnrllM, .and-Mf? wd* *1 Charles Leighly, Jamestown. I MlieBbttis Is Jmwtlnn to# Vicinity h Jww JAMESTOWN — Births in James town and vicinity reported for the month of June arc, boys to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Brandei, R, R. 1, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs, Max Henderson, Bowersvlilc, Mr. and Mrs, William Ayers, Jamestown, Mr. and Mrs, Dennis Tldd, R. R. 1, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Philips, Jamestown, Girls, to Mr. and Mrs. Alex Hall,. R, R. 1, Mr. and Mrs. John Bills,