The Yellow Springs American, Volume 1, Numbers 1-22
l ‘«ge 6 Thursday, July S3, 1953 'GREENE COUNTY I*J«NTING CO. JnmeittairH jou rn a l Y ellow MprlnKH A n trlca n t'cd a n 'lllc Herald New Zoning Law Imminent (Continued from PiUte 1 AMERICAN) unit! they favor business zoning, or they've failed to comment, he stat ed. One of-the first things t h a t council considered was the f a c t that a new business district was being established in the south end of town," said Beatty, “We tried to learn the, reactions of business men, Their interest was just fair, and it's the kind of situation that takes a great deal of effort to do anythihg about" At least three public meetings were held to discuss the proposed plan before the first reading of the proposed ordinance on May 4. 1953, Realty added that the council and planning commission are try ing to "establish something that Mill stay established for a while." They don't think it's a good idea to adopt a plan Hint may have, to be changed in a year or two. "Zoning makes a difference in laves a n d Insurance rates," ob jected a property owner. He was told that such rotes are based on valuation rather than zoning. Beatty emphasized the point that zoning restrictions won’t affect ex isting uses of property. In o t h e r words, if you*now have a store lo cated in a residential district, you won't have to close it, "The ordinance also offers any resident an opportunity to appeal from Us restrictions," lie pointed out. Bill Duncan, council member, told objectors that "there is no intention of this council to create hardships. We feel that certain tilings that might affect you are tilings that will move very slowly," The objectors agreed that there should be a zoning ordinance. One summed up their attitude when she said: " I can't see wby the town needs to expand, anyway." E. It. Bales, proprietor of Bales Chevrolet company, exhibited an ar chitect's drawing of a sales and showroom he plans to build In the disputed area, on the northeast cor ner of Walnut and Dayton streets. The zones provided in the ordl- ariee are as follows: Residence "A", one-family and two-family dwelling, places of wor ship, schools and other public build ings, gardening and farm uses ex cept animal fayms, Residence "B,” multi-family dwel lings, recreational and community centers, grounds for games and sports, hospitals, mortuaries, char itable Institutions, and extension of existing cemeteries. Also railroad passenger stations and rights of way, boarding houses, hospitals, clinics, professional or re search centers, professional offices, and home occupations, Residence "C," dormitories and oilier buildings for conduct of an educational institution, clinics and professional research projects, Business “A", retail stores and shops, banks, Offices and similar community services, manufacturing processes accessory to retail sales, and services for residents of neigh borhood. Business "B", theatres, restaur ants, assembly halls, pool parlors, bowling alleys, motor vehicle sales rooms, garages, filling stations, telegraph or express offices, laun dries, wholesale grocery, drug or merchandise businesses. Industrial "A", industrial plants, lumber yards, coal yards, grain ele vators, light manufacturing, and junk yards, A special permit la needed for any building use Which might be noxious or injuries to the public welfare. No dwellings are to be erected In the industrial district. In other districts, residential use will be permitted. Minimum requirements are estab lished in each zone for size of buildings, size of front, side and rear yards, and spafe for off-strect parking. I AROUND YELLOW SPRINGS Dr. C. K. MILLER .nd two I'ltil dren Dona and Randy of Ft, Worth Texas and Mr, and Mrs. Swcnsk and sons Gary and Larry of Oregon arc now living on the old Andrew's farm now owned by Betscher. * * * Mrs, KINGSLEY FOGG and sons Larry and Harold spent the week end in Kentucky and Tcnn. They visited many points of interest. They wont with Mrs. Fogg's mother Mrs. G, E. Van Ness of Brookvillc, Ind. Miss Ada Van Ness also ac companied them to Covington, Ky. where she Is head dietician in St, Elizabeth hospital. They returned Monday evening. • •. m MR. AND MRS. HARRY THALE of Cincinnati spent the Weekend with Mr, and Mrs. Richard Betsc her, Enon Rd. Miss Susan Betsqher returned home with Mr. and Mrs. ThaJe for a week. * * * FREDDIE AND DANNY JOHN- son of 130 Glen S t have been en joying a visit tilts week from their father, Mr. Frederick K. Johnson Of Philadelphia. In addition to nu merous baseball, movie, and fishing excursions, last Tuesday afternoon they visited relatives at the And- rew-Hagemcyer farm near Wayncs- ville, where the boys showed their Dad how to drive a tractor. * * • You may ask for your Fair Cat alog at Furay's Drug Store, Get your entries for exhibits to Greene County Fair in early. The office Is now open in the court house in Xenia each day from 8:30 rum, to 4:00 p.m. You may obtain your entry blanks at this office. List* your exhibits on blanks and receive your exhibits tickets, also your tags identifying your articles. Do not take your articles at this time. • • • The Friendship Rebakah Ledge will meet In the Lodge Hall Monday July 27, at 8:00 p.m. Mr*. F. A, Jackson returned Sat urday from Bloomington, Ind, where she attended the Indiana University writer's conference, Mr. ackson is at the University for the summer session working toward his degree In Doctor of Education. • * * Miss Carrie Hinkle, Springfield, was Uic guest Inst week of Miss Helen Meredith, Phillips St, * * , * John Everett Bailey, eleven-year- old son of Mr, and Mrs, Everett Bailey, Hyde Rd., was released from Miami Valley Hospital S u n d a y morning where he had been confin ed for ten days following a major surgery. * • * MRS. HERMIT HENDERSON and children Linda, Malissa, Kim, and Peter of Monrovia, Calif., are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Dunevant, * • * Mr. Gerald Coy, publisher of the American, returned Tuesday from a three-day business trip to Chicago, 111 . * * • Miss Alls Anthony, city editor of the American, is confined to her home under doctors care for treat ment of asthma. • * • Mr. and Mrs. Albert Johnson, 330 Dayton, are leaving Saturday for a two week vacation in New York. They are* planning to spend a few days in New York City and arc re turning by way of Niagara Falls. Their two children David and Linda are going to stay with Mrs, John son's parents, Mr, and Mrs, Lang- don in Ottawa, Ohio. * * » Mr. and Mrs.ForrestThornhill, and Mr, and Mrs, Clark of Sabina were Sunday guests of Mr, and Mrs. Emmet McCurdy. * * * A bridge party was givenby Mrs. Mrs. Clara Dawson and Mrs. Fran cis Laist last Thursday evening at the home of Mrs, Dawson, Guests were Mrs. William Figgins of Was hington D, C., Mrs, Aimce Olson of Chicago, grasOi I^vllSS Wsston, Mrg. Robert Hollister, Mrs. Nina Geiger, Mrs, Adeline Bassett, Mrs, Eliza beth Hunter, Mrs, LHe Goode, Mrs, Verona Zeller, Mrs, Russell Ark, Mrs. Nettie Fitz, Mrs. Enid Smith, Miss Maude and Bessie Shaw, and Miss Carrie Batch. * * * Pfe. Blit Albright who is station ed at Ft, Knox spent the weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Ern est Johnson. Sunday evening Mr. and Mrs, Russell Ark, Springfield Pkc„ entertained Pfc, Albright at a picnic at their home, Guests were Mr, and Mrs, Ernest Johnson, Miss Patty Shook, George Johnson, and Mr, and Mrs, Russell Ark. • » * A bridge party was given by Mr*. Lile Goode and M/s. Nettie Fitz Sat urday night. Guests were Mrs, Fr ances Laist, Mr3, Nina Geiger, Mrs, Nellie Weston, Mrs, Adeline Bas sett, Mrs. Matilda Swinnerton, Mrs. Mrs. Robert Hollister, Mrs. Eliza beth Hunter, Mrs. Clara Dawson^ Miss Maude Shaw, Mrs. William Figgins of Washington D. C, and Mrs. Aimec Olson of Chicago, * • • » Mr. and Mr*. Albert Fultz. 117 E. N, College had as guests on uly 14 and 15 Mr. and Mrs. Guy Pultz and son Levcrno of Minneapolis, Minn, * * *■ Sir. and Mrs. Wilbur Fink enter tained at a picnic on July 15 at their home. Guests were Mr. and Mrs, Albert Pultz, Mr, and Mrs. Guy Pultz and Mrs. J. C. Walker and daughters Margaret and Anno of Dayton, Mrs. Stanley Morris and daughter Mary F.llcn of Cincinnati Mr. and Mrs, Estel Boles and sons, David, Bill, and Russell of Cedar- vllle, Mr, and Mrs. Richard Fulton, Jackson Rd., Mrs. Richard E, Al len and son Mlchettl and Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Fink. Mr, Morris showed s l i d e s of scenes of interest to the group. • * * * Mr, and Mr*. Floyd Bailey, West Enon Rd., spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Elmo Spriggs and Mr, X O. Spriggs of Enon. Mr, A. O, Spr iggs left Monday to make his horns In Tampa, Fla. OPEN HOUSE SAT. AUC. 1st 9A.M.-9P.M At Our NEW CEDARVILLE STORE $500.00 In PRIZES IN OUR LI OF FURNACES A-C SERVICE CO \ **nv**' *^ ^ n v m y m ***■* t ■*»v r■»*/ *i
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