The Yellow Springs American, Volume 1, Numbers 1-22

ABOUT JAMESTOWN PEOPLE . » Ol KTKKN MEMBERS of the Primary Class of the Metho­ dist Church with their teachers, Mrs. Harry Mossmnn and Mrs, Max Jenks went lo the home of Mrs, Sarah Shlgley, Sunday morn­ ing and had their Sunday School lesson and sang Songs, In honor of her birthday. They presented iter with a birthday cake, * * DORIS ,1RAX WIGAI. member Of tho Jamestown Juvenile Grange sang a solo *T Believe" when the Granges of Greene Coun­ ty gave a program over radio station WRFD, Columbus, last Saturday, % * * SIX MEMBERS. Of Den 4 Club Scouts, Die, Cher-O-Kces, met nt the home of their den mother, Mrs, Harry Mossman, Monday afternoon 1:30 to 3:30, Den Chief, Scout Tommy Thuma had charge of the business meeting assisted by Scout Billy Martin, The afternoon was spent in making ropes. Refreshments of potatoc chips were served. Ail dens have discontinued their meetings for the summer, except Den *1which will continue to meet. * » * MISS DORIS JEAN WlGAL spent the week end with Miss Patty Gordon of Grape Grove. v Tilt; READERS CLASS of flip Friends Church will met with Mrs. Altha Van Grundy for its regular class meeting on (he evening or July 21th. # * * DINNER GVESTS OP Mr. and Mrs. William Bales and son Role rt Thursday wen Mrs. Eva Thomas and son Herman, Mrs. _ Roger So r: !<m ami children and Mrs. Robert Barnet. O Or MR. AND AIKS. JACK BROWN mid family spent Sunday' In Cira «nn,di gin; ts o f Mr. anil Mrs. Glen Dean. ft C’ ft .M iss LOW EV A SHARP returned to her home Sunday from Poinpww FM She ha:, huts at the home of lu-r brother-in-law . and astir. Mr and Mss I»«n Jtur.ton s* viral months While re­ cuperating from a Mm,us ilinesr.. her eondition is much improved. Mrs lhue Gordon who lias been at the Houston home several week., a*,, mp.miid her ainh r home. ft O ft % AIRS, ODESSA COLEMAN siml daughter, Alary, of CTncinnnti spent tie* wu k mil with Mr, ami Airs. Glennie Jinks. # # e St NDAV EARNING Gt'BSTS of Mr, nnd Airs, Jack Brown and family were Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Phillips of Springfield. » o » AIR, AND MRS. ROGER SIERTEIN and family, Air, and Airs. Marion Balm and family, Sir. and Mrs. Robert Barnet, Mrs, Eva Tiioma . and Herman and Mr. nnd Mm. William Bales and son, Robert enjoyed a panic at Bryan Park recently. * * * AIRS, JESSE CASEY nnd two children of Cotter d ’Alette ar­ rived Saturday by plane at the Vandnlla Air Port for a two. weeks visit with her mother, Airs. Mabel Reeves and other rcla-* r lives. * * • AIRS, CORA MILLER of Somerset, Kj\ is visiting lier sort and daughter-in-law, Mr. nnd Mrs, Paul Miller, of Fairborn, * » * AIRS, PRANK S1MISON spent last Thursday and Friday with her son-in-law and daughter, Mr, and Airs. Paul Miller of Fairborn. t om m y AND BEVERLY GORDON of Xenia are spending a few days with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Carey Gordon. ft ft ft AIR, AND AIRS. FRANKSIMISON and Ann Etta entertained Sunday, Mrs Cora Miller o f Somerset, Ky., Mr. and Mrs, John Paul Milier. Fairborn and Air. and Airs. Lawrence Rogers, Jamestown. The winston was in honor of their son-in-law, Air, Miller's birth­ day. WCTU Posters To Be Displayed At Comity Fair Posters entered in tho Greene County WCTU temperance con­ test will be on display at th e WCTU Cottage at the Fairgrounds during tho Fair, Aug, l-s. The posters jnugt be 14 by 22 inehes and show one or m o r e evils of alcohol, a AVCTU spokes­ man stated. They will be judged for neatness, originality and apt­ ness of thought. The age limit is from 6 to 15 and prizes of 53, $2 and $1 will be awarded, for different age groups. The posters must be at the WCTU Cottage by 4 P. AL, Tuesday, Aug, 4. Y ellow Sprlmca American Jfnme*<o>tn Journal Cerfarvlllc .Herald Thursday, July 23, 1953 Page T i;n K i:\ E c o u n t y i> iu .v ri*G c o . Party Honors Warren Hawk Cedarviile - Warren Hawk, son of Mr, and Airs, Lewis Hawk R. R. 2. Cedarvilie, was guest of honor at a party given in his home Saturday afternoon, the occasion bcjfig his n th birthday. Games and swimming were en­ joyed and prizes awarded. Warren was presented many nice gifts. Refreshments were served to his s: honlmatcs and neighbors who were: Wanda Braun, Rita, Leila, and Pearl Storcr, Afariiyn and Bec­ ky Bovvt master, Steve Williamson, Garry Darby, Paul Jarrell, Timmy Bhizer. E« igh Holly. Kent Palmer, Kent Hoihnger, Billy Bowermustcr, Garry Aloort man, and Kenny Hetty Hostesses were Airs. Jenny Bovver- master and Airs. Hawk. Service Men S/Sgt. Glen Pinnlck, son of Air, anti Mrs. Emerson pinnlck, 705 Xenia Ave., Yellow {Springs, return­ ed to the States, July 5, after com­ pleting seven months overseas du­ ty, Sgt, Pinnlck is a flight engineer oh B-29 bombers, and With ills Crew flow missions from their base In Okinawa to targets in Korea. Each member of his crew proudly wears tile Air Atedal, recently awarded them for their effective strikes a- gainst the enemy. Atet by ids wife at an Air Force base near San Francisco, Sgt and Airs. Pinnlck proceedpd to Spicer, Minn., where their truck and*house trailer had been stored, and tiny are now on their way west to Afountairt Home, Idaho, where Sgt. Pinniek will be stationed. Wheat Needs Rat Protection Farmers can protect stored Wheat from rodents by rat-proofing bins, using poison bait and keep­ ing surrounding clean, says R, K. Davis, wildlife conservationist at Ohio State University, Davis says all holes more than a hnlf inch wide must be closed to keep rats nnd other large rodents gut of bins. Best materials to use are, half-inch hardware cloth or gal vaulted metal, To Stop Kits from climbing out­ side wails, the wildlife specialist suggests that farmers nail strips of galvanized metal along sides of the bin about -10 inches from the ground. The sheet metal should be bent out at the top. Since rats can Ijump only nhout 3 feet, they can (not climh higher than tin* metal. The adagy, “Man may work from sun to sun, but woman's work Is in ver done," falls flat ns a flound­ er In modern-day swirly, say the experts. They point out that now. through the use of electric appli- nm i n, a housewife in the u. R. has the equivalent to CD servants at her command Today there are 21,000.000 do­ mestic gas motors in the U. S. Cattle, Calves and Sheep FISHING TACKLE AND LICENSES. BADMINTON GOLF — TENNIS BOY SCOUT EQFil’AIENT BICYCLES — TRICYCLES JACKETS — SWEATERS BASEBALL & SOFTBALL GENS & AMAICXITION tS E OCR LAV-A-WAY FLAN R E C 0 113 E, HICH ST. SPRINCFIELD, OHIO Plenty of Cars! STOP IN — MAKE AN OFFER Hurry and Ask Us About The Special Deal On I95D Ford Tudors! Burdick Motors Inc. Your Ford Authorized Dealer P iioiie 7 -7M 7 Open till 8 P.M. YELLOW SPRINGS NO COMMISSION Check WMi A Spjckftmd Flnonctal h iOM** P E O P L E ' S BUILDING AND SAVING CO. 11 Green St. Xenia, O, Since 1885