The Yellow Springs American, Volume 1, Numbers 1-22
I*ng« Thursday, July 23, 1953 <;UICK.M-: C 0 i> T V I’ H I.V IIX , <(>, Y e lfew Spring* Am crlcm i J nm M n n n .1mi rim I CrtliirvlHe llcrnid Tragic MishapAt Grandmother’s House Snuffs Out The Life Of 4-Year OldBoy Yellow Springs *A tragic drown arrival of ftn lnhalator crew from Ing In a cistern at the rear of his late maternal grandmother's homo stead took the life Inst Saturday of four-ycar-old Roger iTykiei Mere dith, nan of Mr. and Mrs. Clark R. Meredith of Yellow Springs route one. Funeral services were hold TueSday afternoon at 2 P, Til. at the Yoder Memorial home here. Mercy Hospital attendants in Springfield said that, Roger was di-adf on arrival at 7HS p.m. 'Witnesses at the scene said the hoy disappeared about. '1:15 p. m, Saturday. A search was organized and the youth was found in the cistern about Qp, m, l»y his mother. Sheriff* deputies Walter Gregg and Wiiham Cookiis, railed to the seme at Prffo t*. in. said they np- Jitn-d ,*.rt!fa i «i respiration until the Tremont City Volunteer Fire Dep artment, Volunteer firemen udmlnistred oxygon to the l»oy. and said ut one time a faint; pulse appeared evi dent. They continued to admin ister oxygen while Deputies Gregg, and Oooku* took the boy to Mercy Hospital hut, a hospital physician pronounced the hoy "dead on arrival," The parents were visiting the home to help settle the estate of the maternal grandmother, Mrs. Ros< tta Kuote Shilling, who died May 7, Witnesses said the four Mere dith children had hcen playing with their four cousins, the children of Mrs. Helen Fhiney of Glastonbury, T I L E ® Marble ’ 6 Rubber m Ceramic • Quarry © Miraplas Plastic S T E V E N S O M T IL E C O M P A N Y 139 Dayton St. Ye llow SprIngs Phone 7 -7209 Conn,, a slater of Mrs, Meredith. Mrs. Phiney and Mrs, Meredith noted the child missing and organ ized a search of a pond and wooded area directly behind the home, Ne ighbor later joined in the search and summoned sheriffs deputies, Deputy Cookus Said he noticed the cistern opening next to the rear porcli of the home when he arrived on the scene but a sheet metal cov er secured by a stone was in place. The cistern, located under the rear porch of the house is approx imately 10 feet square and was fil led with some IQ feet of water at the time of the mishap, deputies said Deputy Cookus said he removed the cistern cover, kneeled down and Inspected the recess but could not see any sign of the lad. He said they inter searched the pond where some of the children had been swimming. A call was put through to several nearby vol unteer fire departments to augment the search. Meanwhile, Mrs, Meredith and several other searchers had again removed the cistern cover and ills covered the boy by using a gar den rake. All attempts at revival failed, The scene of tin* mishap was the residence of the late William K. Shilling Sr., noted Springfield and international .architect the boy’s maternal grandfather. In ndditon to his parents, the hoy is survived by one sister. Ann, and two brothers, Samuel a n d David. FUN-Damentals To Sing At Opera House Saturday YELLOW SPRINGS — A com- leto program will be given Satur day, 8:00 p.m, at the Opera House. The FUN-DAMENTALS, a barber shop quartet from the Dayton Chapter of the Society for the Pres ervation and Encouragement of Barbershop Quartet Singing in Am erica, will furnish the program for the evening. Those singing in the quartet are Hal Reid (tenor), Rod YoUngman (lead), Paul Chcnowelb (baritons), Virgil Hnrtsock (base). Tlie program is sponsored by the Community Arts Association, There Is no admission and everyone is welcome. Brown’s “Travlmg” Office” To Be Held Thursday July 30th When Secretary Of State Ted drown takes his "traveling office" |o Hamilton. Thursday, July 30, for (■he seventh of a series of jo such ;visits throughout Ohio, residents of ‘Greene County and eight other near by counties will have an oppnrluul- ty to discuss any problems with him and members of his Elections and Corporation Department staffs. His temporary office will he establHln .1 its the Court. Room of Judge Fr* -I B, Cramer, in the Butler County •court House In Hamilton. Yellow Springs Personals ; * Mr. and Mm. Chef Loe and daugh ter Salty, 1X1 1/2 Corry, are visit ing Mrs. Doc’s nephew in Michi gan. * *■ * Mr, and Mrs. J, L. Grimes and family, Spillan Rd., recently retur ned from a fishing trip In Canada, * * * Mr. and Sirs, Lawrence Bailey have visiting them the Harner twins, Janet and Jeanette of Cod- arvillo. • • • Kicky and. Kenny Randall of Hu* stead are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Hol lis Bailey, Ricky and Kenny aro brothers of Mrs, Bailey, * * * Miss Florence Smith, Elm St., spent a few days last week visiting in Cincinnati, She attended the Op era at the Zoo. • • • Mr. and Mrs, R. E. Htipmnu, Jackson Rd had as weekend guests Mr. and Mrs. J. Cary Peterson and two children Johnny and Gregory of Lebanon, Ky. * H * Mary Anne llupman, daughter of Mr. and Mr •. Fowler llupman, spent the Weekend with Mr. and Mrs, Mn h' iiS Kasper and son Jim my » f Cii v. kind, Mrs. Kasper and Jimmy returned home with Mary Anne- to spend several days with her parent*!. • e * Jim, Mildred Foster. 12,5 Whit man left Baton! iy morning <nrouto to California where she in going to spend a month with Mr. and Mrs, Carl Diehl, Carl, son of Mr. and Mr,.. Phil Diehl has hern spending a few days lu re. They are driving out by tar. Mr, unci Mrs. oe Flat ter are also going, * 0 0 LI, Fred I’iksehke and Mm, 1’ltsc- hke, Clifton, expect to leave I,ho first of the week for a vacation mo- tor trip to California. Miss Miriam Hickson, Elm St. I* on vacation form Antiocluffollego delta, Ohio, edRNIR <*0 ARY fr XfNfA Phone 7-748i Yiiim .‘T1**'1
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