The Yellow Springs American, Volume 2, Numbers 1-14
T h e Y e l l o w S p r i n g s A m e r i c a n VOL 2, NO. I YELLOW SPRINGS, OHIO, THURSDAY, JANUARY 7, 1954 7c PER COPY OLIVER LOUDDEFENDS COMMUNIST PARTY S0H00L School Board Meets Jan. 14 Kidnap-Robbery A t Fairborn Mr, George Tate, Manager of the “American” Offices A t 227 Xenia Ave. The office MP The office of the Yellow Springs "American” lias been moved from Dr Oliver S. Loud, Antioch Col lege, is at It again. On November 28, 1053, the subver sive. Activities Control Board began hearings to determine whether or not the Jefferson School of Social Scl., ence, New York City, should be or dered to register us a Communist- front organization, under the pro-' Hie former Diehl Meat Market vision., of the Security Act of 10.10. locution lo quarters at the rear of The school has been branded for v , , . , . years as the top open school of the " ' c' Th° Mephone Communist conspiracy in the Uhl- llu,,ll)‘'r remains tl>e same — ted States for students of Com- 7' 7710' ^,rs’ ,,,an Shcrwln L, act- munlsm. Ing as News Reporter. Dr. Bella V Dodd branded the Jefferson School of Social Science y-v , _ T - of New York ns n Communist-front * CtCFSO Il J riC a dS in her testimony before the Subver- _ . . slvo Activities Control Board In Wn-. L lV IC A c t i o n G r O l i p shlngton. The New York "Times" on November 20. 1053, quoted Dr.' Archie Petoreoon, Xenia Pike, wss.g-oo p.M. This la. a rare opportunity Dodd tin lndcntifylng nil but onB vicctcd president of tile Miami.and Wo hop many wiu , t . ............. Township Association for Civic Ac-U ,„„- n - Tr„7„. member o* the Jefferson School ad- , . . . .. ___ ...... fhcar Dr. Lloyd Death Takes Mary Dunevant JChe first meeting of thc new j Mrs* Mary Eliza Baker DuncVant, \ Board of Education will be held tit j°. died at 8:35 o-m,, December 30,' Skyway Park Grocery was kidnap- 8:00 p.m- at the Elementary School, January 14. The new members are, Mrs, Richard P. Betscher and Mr. J. D. Dawson. Old .members are Mr, Wm. Perry, Mr. Bruce McPnd- den. and Mr. Win, Marshall, Plans win be mado for the new year Dr. Ralph W. Lloyd To Speak In h«r home nt 134 w , Whiteman Ipod and robbed of 114,850 at 10:30 St, She lind suffered a paralytic»a.m- on December 31 at the corner stroke thrce days earlier. j of W. Main and Wright Sts. in Mr8. Dunevant was born near Fftlrborn hy two armcd bandiu who Clifton, Dec. 20, 1873, a daughter of !? rCed thei5 lnt0. Mr' Tate* car* Dan and Susan Waymir0 Baker, and t0 “ e do™ on the had lived In this community all f °.r if 10 car ,wa* ^ ^ n to a her life. She was a member of the 0,1 about » " — — He re- Ycllow COUNCIL MAY FIGHT PHONE RATE NIKE '"1 Yellow Springs Presbyterian Church. W, o . Dunevant, her husband, pass ed away In 1347. * Surviving are two sisters, Miss Anna Baker of Yellow Springs, and Dr, Ralph W. Lloyd, president of i Mrs. Morton Dallas of Xenia. jMarysvllle College and Chairman of ' the Commission on Inter-Church IRelations which has been negotlat- jing with the Southern Prcsbyterlian Church for a plan of union will be speaking at the Presbyterian Church at Clifton, Sunday, January 10 at north of Yellow Springs ported thc theft to the Springs Police. The Fairborn Police request' that the people in this vicinity be mi the lookout for two men with the Funeral services were conducted Ascription and contact Friday at the YoderMemorial Home,! 1 ’ , .Chi,cf ° f ™ ‘CC * ,f the Rev, Buckley Rude of the Ycl- |any ‘eatla can bq furnished. The first low Springs Presbyterian Church.I""™ ^ ? officiating. Burial "was in Clifton o d’ ® ' ®.2 toll, weighing 140- Tlio Yellow Springs Council has’ decided to Investigate the possibili ty of opposing the proposed incr eases in local telephone rates by Ohio Bell Telephone Company. Thc decision was reachedd at the regu ar council session held Monday evening at the Opera House, manager in Xcnlu district. Exact amount of thc increase would be determined by the type o f service used, Mr. Gray said. Council also authorized the Vil lage Manager to advertise for bids on two sewage and trash pumps and one sludge pump, and a tractor, A special meeting of tile council plication for rate increases pending before the Ohio Public Utilities Commission. Cemetery. mintstratlvc staff as known to her ns members of .the Communist con spiracy when she was working at lu headquarters, One hundred thirty-four profes- professors and! lion nt a meeting held In December. Other officers of the civic group are Robert D. Hammond; .vice- j president: Paul Pltstlck. treasurer, |and John Nlckoson, secretary. sionals, Including clergymen, have signed a state- |J ,,nQ M n v ment said to follow thu Common-; UIJ° 1TJU*J line. It protested the hearings on, -vj m ’ November 24, and defends thc ivO W U C l i a g S right to tench Marxism at the Indoor Archery Handicap Shoot The Yellow Springs Archery Club held its first indoor handiienp shoot of the Season January 3, Thirty- three bow-and-arrow fans particl- „ , . . . pated in the event- JCfarson School A» order to a T D “ « « « « ' « « » fta ttlm . to w . register would not interfere with ,L? „ l? „ a d a £ "£.U d years, Buddy Grinnell made a operation of the school but would ,J,B‘ ' m^ r . $2' * enne ! scorc of 750 out 01 a Possible 810, only b« a requirement that Hie „ ^ r °t»S r 0 ;wlth n° hftndicaP- Budt!>' has enter- school tell the truth about Itself, 1 g 0 1 Gieenc County ed the Indcor archery matches DID YOU SEE observers report. which will commence January 10, Seven years ago, he was national junior Indoor champion. Scores for the January 3rd shoot, Including handicaps', were: Begin ner 1st, George Everman, 695; un- ler 1st, Ronnie Ockcrman, 813; The Volunteer Firemen met Tues- women 1st, Virginia Herst, 797; und »L l.l . .Atol.Ultol....... «/.. M. . HH« .... Oliver 8. Loud, Antioch College, 1 was listed as one of the professors T P ir p n iP fl R u v signing the protest statement : ’c iu v .ii d u j i Light Plant Jack Grote 111 day night and purchased, a portable [men first, Ira Barr, 793, Ninety nr- Juck Grote, Winter S(, has been ill light plant for $550 which was paid : rows were shot at a 48-lnch target from 30 yards with the exception of for the post week and has not been for out of the funds enrned by thc abl<i to carry on work as normal nt nun fighting fires. This light plant the Grote Tractor Garage the exception of the beginners who gives them 4 lights—two 500-watt |shot their 90 arrows from 20 yards- f:;pai lights and two 50-watt flood!The ncxt handicap shoot will be ilights. After the meeting, there was (held January 31. N a m e L i k e “ S u n k i s t ” som(‘ <llficusslon n*nong the men as lo purchasing gas masks sometime For Ohio Hogs «,nth0 fulure ® i They have thc new tanker truck Ohio livcsock fanners aie think- r.,ady-dor Jlmliea »»«• lng In thc far corners of thc$r tt‘crc lct December 31 for equipment , . , .. for the truck, This equipment inminds these days for a name they , , , , ........ ■ ' eludes front mounted pump and . „ . hope to sell Ohio hogs at premium j,0;Ci n0ZZicS( ft( ladders, and belted by a Yellow Springs man prices wherever good ham, pork, hardware The members of the" arrested by Xenia police as a chops, and bacon are appreciated. Volunteer Fire Department have] P«>wlcr*u*Pe®t ... . uirpitdv nurchiiKotl llcriiOi for thlsf’ a he Accused Oiforjjp RtEviins* Jim Wcstfnll, manager of Produ- “ lr<ua-v Purcnasea ngr.w o i M n nr n o Glenn St Yelow - ' tanker ut it cost of almost $300. Negro, oi iju uicnn &i, xeiow Prowler Suspect Forfeits Bond ' Bond of fifty dollars was for- 150 pounds, block hair, and was clean shaven. He was wearing a light brown felt hat and a gray gabardine overcoat- He used a 45- colt automatic. The other man was about 35 years old, white, weighed The Paul NoskeT Christmas card 190 pounds, 5’6” - 6'8" tall with with pictures of mother, dad and !light complexion. He was wearing a five of the children, three boys and: blue baseball cap and brown cow- two girls, all smiling except dad. boy boots. That Wrens store In Springfield is putting In escalators- ‘ | The 1954 Miami Deposit Banlc j calender with the excellent picture 1 E l e c t s O f f i C C f S of the nev? grade school. I ’ ** J Miss Lou H. Thompson was eloct- Mayme Osters new Moon Book, j ed president of the Shakespeare She orders It for a nurnebr of pea. j Club at the regular meeting heldd pic in town each year. Maybe Dave ‘ January 4 at the home of Mrs. P, B. Jenkins will let you look nt his- He •Wingfield. Other officers elected are plants by it that is why he has such Miss Ella Fogg, secretary, and Mr*. P, B. Wingfield, literary director. The club will celebrate its fiftieth anniversary during 194. The next The phone company has an o p -, win be held Thursday evening at the purpose of approving th« appro- 7:30 pm., at tile Oiiera House for priatlons submited for 1954. With Proposed increases in the Yellow i the exception of $400.00, th« Greene Springs area range from, thirty-five County Budget Commission has al- cents to $2.50, according to C. W. lowed the full budget, it was an. Gray, phone company commercial; nounccd. BRYAN SCCHOOL MENU Moiulay: Beef and Noodles, buttered peas, bread and butter, fruit and milk. Tuesday: Meatloaf, Green beans, bread and butter, pudding and malk. Wednesday: Cube steak, Parsley potatoes, bread and butter, apple and j Tuesday: Mfcatloaf, Green beans, bread and butter, pudding and milk, milk. Friday: Orange Juice, macaroni and cheese, peanut butter sandwich, Ice cream and milk, milk. Shakespeare Club a good garden. * In the dime store and the hard ware stores, Uie copy of Sandwich; meeting will be held January 18 at glass patterns that Anchor Hocking’The home of Miss Ella Fogg. Glass Corp, Is getting out; In bever age and berry sets. » . * * » * . * . * . . I POLICE NEWS . . . David Grinnclls. * j Johnnie L. Wilder, Rt. 1, So. *** j Charleston was arrested in Yellow The article “BRAINWASHING Springs for driving while lntmicat- AMERICAN STYLET In Jan, Amcrl- cd- He is In the county jail and there can Legion Magazine. was to be a hearing at 7:30 Wed- “ * nesday night in Mayor Hughes Did you sec and have a chance!court, to sign thc petition against the| Bobbie Jean Sullivan of Llvings- seatlng of Red China In the UN cir- ■ ton, Tenn, was arrested for speeding additional copies of Uie petition 5rested for speeding and posted a from the Committee For One M il-; is bond- lion, 30 West 44th St, New York 30, | Mr. Edward Benton has returned New York. from Florida w i t h Ids car which was stoen by two Juveniles, The two W.S.C.S. Meets The Women's Society of Christ ian Service of the Methodist Church will hold a meeting January 14, at the church. A covered dish dinner, arranged by Circle 4, headed by Mrs. John Stover, will be served at 12:30, Th« program committee will have as their topic “The World Federa tion of Methodist Women” for the meeting at 1:30. Dr. Allyn Visits Antioch College Dr, Harriett M. Allyn, anthro- Congregational j Meeting Of The Presbyterian Church The Presbyterian Chrch will hold its annual Congregational meeting Wednesday, January 13, at 8:30 pjn. at the church. Any member of the congregation Is free to make nom inations at this meeting In addition to the nominations of the commit tee, Consent of the persons nomi nated should be obtained before their names arc presented- Please Wm. Ferguson Heads Farm Bureau Council front fenders were slightly damaged Thc two boys who stole the car are now in the detention home in Xenia, cere Livestock Cooperative A s . xxm . i - . i Springs tlon at South Charleston, n-ports j The suspect was apprehended that tile farmer-owned Producers m v To,»» 1 in Xt'nla by police who had re-j associations in Ohio and Indiana are 1 * *‘ * o l ir t J t lU l “ o j Cc{vcd complaints from two rest- j William S, Ferguson was named j |_A )ng P r O Q S offering a $200 reward in a contest Thy annual Greene County Farm ® dents of the cast side area- He (president of Farm Bureau Council j , _ to select a brand name for meal- Bureau tea will bc held at thc T r i-' appeared in Xenia Municipal j j at lhc anmla! cieCtlon held TueS- D a i r y o t U f l y type hogs and t h e pork products nlty Methodist church, Main As' Court December 28, His case was^ I llwy supply. They arB hoping to get Monroe St, Xenia, Friday, Jan. 15th,1 J u'"‘ pologtat and former academic dcan jmnrg this date on your calendar of Mount Holyoke College, joined;since other significant business may Antioch College’s "visiting faculty arise which may be of importance staff"’ this week. j to you- A covered dish dinner will She arrived on campus Tuesday,^ at 0:30 and the meeting will fol- raoming and will spend the balance low at 7:30. of the week conferring with An tioch’s Committee on Womens Ed ucation, visiting classes in anthro pology and allied courses, and meeting informally with student and tloch for faculty members Thurs day afternoon. Hearing, On . New Mortuary There will be a hearing before the Presbyterian Women -To Install Officers wrm ui foi; a meeting of the Women's As sociation of the Presbyterian Church, Thursday, January 14, at 1230 p.m. There will be a luncheon business meeting, Installation of of ficers, and a program. - Officers to bc Installed are Mrs. Carl Drake, president; Mrs. Stanley a name which can become ns well 2 v M Theme for the day will be, known ns “Sunkist’' which to nearly -Building Goodwllll." Miss Jean everyone signifies California fruit \vertz, Columbus, will bc guest No- 1 meal-type hogs arc now bc- speaker, Shc will show pictures and ing gold thhrough most Producers talk tn her vacation trip lo Europe markets 75 cents per hundred pounds > last summer. The "Roger Hammond above regular prices, Mr. Westfall Family,” of near Yellow Springs, reports, They are worth more to the:will furnish music, packker, tile wholesaler, retailer and The tea is In charge of thc Farm consumer because they yield a high-!Bureau Women’s Commute*, Mrs- er proportiion of lean meat and lens .Sam Dean, chairman. The 1954 of- fat and waste than do ordinary or fleers of the Women's Committees over-fat hogs, he oxpalns Selected arc: Ernest Freeman, Xenia, tests have shown that consumers arc chairman; Mrs. Eldcn Heinz, Palnt- wlillng to pay momre for meat from crsvltle, vice-chairman; Mrs* Russell these leaner, trimmer hogs, |Mills,, secretary. , i i , , , ,, continued until December 29 a 'JdW evening, December 31, at tin. Timc Is slowly running out on the - 4 . .« 4 L: .» rtf Ttfn n« 1 rl M « KriuHitl HrSld- *« ... Approximately 185,000 hogs have All farm women and their friends been graded this year at Producers nrc invited to the tea. markets in Ohio Of these approxi-; mately 4 percent Were No. I hogs . _ , selling at the price differentials. S lO C K m C I l 1 0 D ISCU SS They will net farmers from $75,000, ^ to $ 100,000 more than If the htgs M a r k e t i n g had been sold in the ordinary way without grading, r Problems in production and mar- Clty folks as well as fnrm people: of CJrf !‘?c 9 °u" ty]ft are being invited to take pari in the mhJon crop of iwe&tock will be dLs- name contest. Mv. Wcslfall said, cussed by county stockmen at their interested Irt any program ™ 1111'1! committee meeting January which time he failed to appear. Bill O’Neill To Run Again 0 C. William O’Neill, Ohio’s thirty-1 seven year old Attorney General, has announced that he would be a candidate for re-cleotlon as Attor ney General, As Attorney General, O'Neill has Issued 3400 opinions, collected for the Slat© of Ohio more than $7,- 000,000 and successfully disposed of 11,000 cases. ONeiU said that his of fice has successfully concluded more cases during the past year than dur ing any comparable period In the history of the State of Ohio, The last Legislature directed O'Neill to undertake three nt-Wpro jects, which he expects to bring to completion during the next year. They are: <11 lo conduct a narcotics investigation In Ohio and to make recommendations to the next session home of Mr, and rs, Edwin Brad- ^Legislative Service Commission — for Its authorized study of Ohio dairy problems, an official Of the Ohio Farm Bureau Federation warn ed today. Hex long, Loudohville, state trus. futo Rd. Other new offeers arc Jimmy Turnbull, vice-president; Mrs- Ed win Bradfute, sec*y-trcas; Harold Stormont, discussion leader; John They are Interested M any 0f the Legislature, U> to establish and Mr* Ler0y Jacobs, Mr. which will put better meat on heir U. an anUsubvcr«lve division In the O f-! J’ Mrs. wslllam Kyle and family. ... ..... . In Xenia a«* anf,SUDVerBlvc * tables, lie declared- Each Buggestton ° ^ cfs 5 “ „ i HAm«nlflce of the Attorney General, and for a brand name must be a ccom -*^ "1 79 ( 3 ) to establish a division within penled by an explanatilon In 25 o ffe r s fer l h c new year *** . , fflce to enforce and restrain the, ^ * I f ,“ ae„rF"li " S H S S S w * contestant ihlnkks the name is most County Agent E- A. Drake announc* suitable, Thc contest closes January cd today, I Speakers scheduled for the mcet- Bradfutc and Elwood Shaw, legisla- “tee and chairman of the dairy study tive representatives; Mrs, James, committee for the Bureau, urged Patterson and Mrs Leroy Jacobs, re -; the Commission to “get moving”, If presentatives to County Women’s!it hopes to accomplish the Job “Ohio Council, (dairymen are counting upon/ Retiring officers of Utc farm group J f^ng said that “ despite pic fact wcre William Kyle, president: Mrs ’ that the Commission was given the Jean Shaw, scc’y-treas.; Edwin authority to conduct the study over Bradfute, discussion leader; William ;six months ago, little or nothing Ferguson, legislative representative;, bas been done so far , Mrs Roger Collins and Mrs. WM- Authority came by way of a re- liam Ferguson, representatives to solution (HR. 215), proposed by County Women’s Council. j Rop Fisher (R.-Waync County), - j, tu m.«nn»'and backed by the Farm Bureau. Preceding the ! Tlic resolution directs the Com- and election, the annuaiturkey sup „ to study the prob- per of the council was served by the 0f dalfylng and „ tated ,ndus- host and hostess- * AU members of the council were ^................... present for tlie occasion. They are! It was adopted by the, Houae during Mr. and Mrs, Roger Collins, Mr, and. rlla^ 0f Rst-mlnute legislation Mrs. John Bradfute and family, Mr-1 gdjouming in July. «n/i mvr William Ferguson and fam-. Among lhe matters suggested for specific Study by the Commission are health ordinances and sani tation requirement*, pricing system within the industry, and the label- Board of Appeals In the Council:Wise, 1st vice-president; Mrs, May- Room of the Opera House, January! nard Finley, 2nd vlcd-p»fcstdent; 11 1954 at 8:00 P.M., to act on the .Miss Bessie Totten, secretory; Mr*- application of Louise Snyder to Bile Goode, treasurer; Mrs. Paul start a mortuary at 322 Xenia Ave, Scmler, social committee chairman, Miss Ella Fogg, overseas sewing I l f r a n i h h f p H n c f p d d chairman, and Mrs. E. J. I»katra, M r s . L s lD D ie iio&iess l u .h0UicktCping committee chairman. Westminster Class The Westminster class of the ' Kathryn Peterson Presbyterian Church will meet Jan- j uary a , ic54 at 8:oo p m . at the! Heads Rebecans home of Mrs, Armond Dibble on i West Davis St. Mrs. Charles Mel- Kathryn Peterson will be install- linger will read a paper on Birds. ed os Noble Grand of Friendship Rebecah Lodge Monday, January Dr. Green To Address}1*. * ^ the ** ml j Other officers to be Installed are L i b r a r v A S S O f i f l t i o n ■Ruih Flatter, vice Grand; Hilda L i l D r a r y A S S O U a U O n (Rahn rccordlng secretory; Gladys The Library Association will hold Jacobs, financial secretory; Doris its regular meeting January 13, at Wilson, treasurer, and Osa Shlnkle, the library at 1:30 pm. Dr. Stanley ?retiring Noble grand- N- Gam, Associate professor o f ; Several appoCntive officers will at Antioch, will speak. The subject also be Installed, Refreshments will will be “A Scientific Paper is Coil- be served after the installation Cere- ceived and Bom,' The hostesses wilijmony, be Mrs- P, B. Wingfield, Mrs. Rich- , icm or ard MoraVec, Mrs, George Foos, Mrs. Greene Memorial Patient Roll Mf Westfall further pointed out ;!n2 include: James H- Warner, beef grading urogram at the South.Extension marketing specialist, both Charleston Producer., Stockyards of Ohio Stato University. J, R. Kim- earlv in 1954 probably in February, her, A, A, Neff, Denver Moore and Till, will enable our patrons to take Harold Benedict, will report for the S v a n t e M markeT differentials Cincinnati, Dayton and Springfield STS2?type hogs, L« k Associations For further information about| In addition to report from the the name brand contest contact per- market manager, Mr. Benedict wiU amnelat your local South Charles-;discuss swine grading and Mr. War- ^ Producers^Stockyards, the beef cattle situation. C. W. ton Producers Stocityaras, |Hammans will speak on the 1954 [livestock outlook, BIRTHS • • • j Officers and executive members Mr and Mrs Joe Holly announce’. ^ tJh« county committee are: J- K. Mr- ana Mrs. iBradfute, chairman; James Lundy, the arrival of a !vlce chairmamrt; Harold Tate, aecre- Hg was born at Wercy Hospital, ^ an< and , Rev. and Mrs- Jame3 Patterson, or Cedarvllle, Mr- and Mrs, Elwood _____ ______ Shaw, Mr. and Mrs, Harold Stor-; ^ substitutes for dairy products- monl and family, Mr. and ” !rs- jAJs0^the t^nunisgion would consider Jimmy 1’urnbull, Mrs. Bertlia Fer- j ^ _ the a{jvisabnit.y of the creation m > . • * * ? • Bk" ' “ *“ p ii^ m weighing in "at 7 pounds, 7 Donald Dallas, uiArs- HoUy to- the P*t| gniMmother and Fruit Tre«a Are Saved Common Pleas Judge Frank L. __ Johnson, Tuesday issued a restrain-! **” “ ['■.*“ ‘^ 11 . Ing order against Miami Township trustees planning to widen Hyde rd. He Indicated the trustees Will have to file condemnation proceedings against owners of real estate abut ting the land, Tlie restrainer was allowed in a suit brought by Frederick E. and Jane *■ Anderson of Xenia, Dr W, A. Hammond and Merle add Gertrude Oasho, owners of Hyde rd. properties. They contended fruit and shade trees would be lost- guuson, and Misses Carolyn Collins and Pauline Ferguson. Oscar and William Bradfute, sons of the host and hostess, who were of a state milk control commission for the purpose of regulating the production: transportation, manu facture, processing, storage, dlstri- arciiie w . cm sT home for the holidays, were guests button, fleUvery, and sale of milk' .Long said: “The need for such a Study-to' as impertont today as when the resolution #18' adopted- Dairy ing leads ■in U sh ' income among Ohio’s agricultural enterprises and Archie WeUett Crist, 78, a retired’ is therefore important to the state’s farmer, was lean* dead Tuesday,’economy. . , , the Husted rd. Cark County Cor- “It to urgent that the Legtola- December *», 1951 In Me heme an'live Service Commission study get oner Austin Rich}.rtto said M f.; underway as soon as possible be* Crist’s death resulted from natural [cause the Commission Is expected^to Mrs- C, M- Zeller. TWELFTH NIGHT PROGRAM IS HELD __Lec»l Bay and Girl Scouts are walding up their plans for Yellow Springs’ annual . “twelfth .night'’ eelebrattons at Bryan High School.. ..According to tradition, the boys nude the rounds ef the town on Satmnday collecting Christmas trees which the townspeople left In front of their home* after New Year Day. . . . . . . . . ------------- *_ ..O n Wednesday, the boys, Joined by Girt Seouts and others of thef Increased activity In ail phases of operation at Greene Memorial Hospital in 1953 over 1952 Was sliown In figures released today by Hospital Administrator Omer B. Maphis for the last 12 months. in the last year, 3,473 patients were admitted to the hospital com pared to 2,589 in 1952, Since the hospital opened here Aug. 2, 1961, a total of 7,034 patients had been admited through Dec. 31. The hospital recorded 1*,223 patient days, representing the total number of days’ care given to all, _m an ity , burned the trees and patients, in 1953 against 12,342 pat- prosented a special program. ___ [lent days In 1952- __l1ie buys presented a history oft During Uie last year there were “twelfth night," while the senior ;g03 babies bom at the hospital Girt Scents lit the fire and Inter- (compared with 651 in 1952, The mediate Girl Scents swag carols-1 greatest number of births was re- : Mr, and ltt»f Robert Hammond, Center College 8t- returned the first of the week from spending the holi- Mr, and Mrs. Chet Loe are visit- d*r» in Norwalk, Conn, with Mrs. Ing the'ir daughter, Sally, In Miami, Hammonds parents, Mr. arid Mrs- Pfit. * Leslie A. Pitman, causes and occurred a few hours!rep0rt its findings and recommends before Ms body was discovered- jtions for needed legislation to the Mr. Crist was bom in Yellow next session of the Ohio House of Springs March 6, 1678, and was a son of William I, and Margaret Lerfel Crist- He was a member of the Bethel Lutheran Church Surviving are a brother L. J, Representatives’, long said. The entire eenuamlly was Invited te jein the festivities- M i. and Mrs. Arnold Roth (Car oline .Wingfield), Phils, spent the holidays With' Dr. and.Mrs, It % Wingfield, High St- Mr. Roth left ........... last Friday and Mrs. Roth Will Mr. and Mrs. Fred SwetJand, J r-.'^ve this Friday. M i, Roth, * tHUf* .E- Enon%d. ieft last Week for 7*1* j tooniwt, was Written up in ■Jan, ____ .. -of Pine*. Prom thdre they will go to ,“olamour" magaslne and some of Crist Of Springfield, Route *, and pUerw Rico where they hive a 'nu cartoons were used as illtistra- » niece and a nephew- sugar plantation- * Ittons- , corded in December when 13 babies were bom during any one month, July was the second highest month last year with 92 births reported. In the last 12-month period 90 deaths occurred at the hospital- In 1952 there were 54 deaths- Because of a continued shortage of nurses, the entire section of the first floor designed for iMMgdtal cases has not been put into full use, Maphis said. At present from only 10 to IS beds are,bring go* comodated
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