The Yellow Springs American, Volume 2, Numbers 1-14

January 21, 1954 T IIE YELLOW SPRINGS AMER ICAN SR? ” ” PAGE THRER PROPOSED MO RTUARY SITE (Ladlcy Harris Photon Blood Donations Below Goal Officials In charge of the Red j Cross Bloodmobllc unit described the eighty-three pints of blood do­ nated at Central High School, Mon­ day, January llth , ns fa r below the amount expected. Four rejections were made, because of the physlclal conditions of the would-be donors, Fred W. Lung, Xenia, chairman of live Blood Service Program Com­ mittee, expressed his appreciation to blood donors, school officials, custodians and the six doctors, three nurses, three staff aides, three Cray Ladles and seven canteen workers who made the program possible. Mrs, Robert Turnbuull, Red Cross Cray Lady, assisted at tho blood- mobile unit. Strange Facts About Polio ....MAN'S FIRSTATTEMPT TOALTERTUC COURSEOFA POLIO CPIDGMIC' ZfOrOOO GWHCW6M ti U6- ANDMA****SpOK pMtT TNMAM NJECTIONf • m m x m * t fotremre c*SarmcmTV* mtoco fftACtfON IS PiCAU 0&&&CiALJ&eULT#/ Dr. Dille To Address Farm Forum Dr, Chnrlei A, Dille, mrdu.*' director of Dillle Laboratories cf Dayton, will be gust speaker at the Greene County Farm Forum. Mon­ day evening, nnunry 25. at G.’.o at Ocyer’s Banquet Hall in Xenia Dr. Dille, a pathologist with the laboratories, will show a motion picture and speak on new dn el ip- ments In the field of .medicine. Officers for 1954 will be in chain? of the Forum They are Donul.1 Dallas, president; J. E\ Bradfute vice-president; James I-uudy. secre­ tary; and Paul Hamer, Meareinr Additional members cf the excouti," committee are Thmman Middleton. Arthur Balms, II. E. Richmnn, ami Harold Dobbins. Sugarcreek Township memheis are orrarglng and tvill be m ' barn* of the program Co-chairman <1 "he committee are Ralph Black and Paul Brown, Dinner reservations shouuld l"- made nt the County Agent- o ,,!ie by Friday evening, . . . • Greene County Sales Tax Up The total sales tax t i!:e f t Greene County was $500,415 from July 1 to December 31, 1953 Com­ pared with $440,035 for the ■aum period of last year, a 13.0 per­ cent Increase Is shown, Roger W, Tracy. Treor,uver r f State, reports that Ohio s»!er, tax collection for the last six month:, < 1953 passed one hundred miUbm dollars to set a new mc.rd AIti.« variations were considerable e’.vr Ohio county showed a g.iwi il‘i;,n the last six intuitu, of 195'. » - pared with the luevtuiu, v ia In addition to good bus. ness for the tax collector, this >c. corri-breakitng tax total doesn't sound much like a ir> b'i . ness. Apparently the iw rrtnt t w1. went after bushier.': v.i.? vet Mi;’ ,f — ----- --- • .......... Collector Added To Revenue Staff Autls S, Ramey of CinrirmiiaU he.., been added to the staff of the Xenia Office of the Bureau of Internal Revenue on the second floor Of the Post Office Bldg, for the current tax filing period, Edward H. Ken- dig, deputy collector ih charge o! the Xenia office announced Deadline for farmers and profes­ sional men and women to file their estimated returns for 1954 Is Jar- Si, Deputy Kcndfg reminded tax­ payers. Since the deadline falls on Sunday and the Xenia office opera­ tes on a five-day week from Monday through Friday, the final day oil which assistance can be given by deputies will be Friday, Jan, 29. Besides Kendig the other fulltime deputy at the Xenia office Is Linn Kohn, Ramey will assist at the local office through Jan. 29 and will return March 1 nnd remain Rubber Railroad Is Still Alive through March- 15. The office is ( ( ’ e d a i ’V i l l e 'S c h o o l j Ham H. Harlan o f New Burlington open from Monday through Friday , ' k |is serving ns temporary secretary, from 8,15 nun. to 5 pun. , H o s t T o C o B o a r d s - ^ tentative ddatc of March 1 w’as — —------- * --------- *— • [ * j set for a dinner meeting for all ’ The program for the annual !■Masons In the county interested in Jmeeting of local boards of educe- j affiliating With tho club. The dln- tlon In Greene County last I f 11 b« hcld tbe Mas0ni° , . " „ . „ , , . Temple, There will be a guest I f a-r’ ,n Cedarvillcs new school speaker and permanent organlza- Ohio’s proposed 103*milc con~ oulldlnjj, consisted of iv tour through. •|| h .. fu » cro^in will" ho affcotcd veyor belt line fer movement of iron, the new construction and a short j time ore and coa) between Lake Erie and j talk by J. D, McKinley of Ccdarvillc, j purpose of the club, it was the Ohio River gained added incon- |an examiner from the State Audi- • cut, is to serve as a social live in Chicago today. Top engin- j tors Office, pointing up the need fo r j organization for Masonic bodies In ecru from the conveyor equipment j all board members to check on legal industry announced that conveyor •details of board transactions, belts now can operate twice as fa s t; He insisted especially on move .is Uie maximum speed estimated >accuracy in board minutes refleci- five years ago when plans for the , b,8 the actual business carried on. proj.’ci weie announced. i James J. Curlett, Greene Cpun- H B. Stewart, Jr„ president cf l>’ audito-, rend a paper in which Riverlake Beit Conveyor L ines,ibc *lac* prepared most of the dc~ Inc,, tiie company which proposes bails' relating to school board fi- to construct and operate the o v e r-' 'wnclng. This will be mimeographed the county, Springfield Farm Loan Annual Meeting The Annual Mteeting of the Springfield National Farm Loan As­ sociation will be held this yenr on land conveyor in Ohio, welcomed ‘ and distributed to each of the local Thursday. Februuary 25. 1954. at 1;30 p.m. ill the Y M C A Spring- field, Ohio. The term of one Director of the Association expires and Ilfs succcs- the advice of the engineers as “ an bo" ds- Hl*s e;»Phasis again was on added demonstration of the value ^ eno“ f h# l ‘mc a of the project’' S o f* Provided linuta. "Thu development In conveyors., „ T ,, , T , , ,,, ahng with other important L ie - ' tor':, may $45 million me', m ore and coal freight rates v.c figured orlg.nally,” he said. The Conveyor Committee of Lie ft g0od board member”. Included in Riverlake Engineerllng Council, a the 11s *, -re limiting board action group of 11 belting, conveyor ma- to boar . ..ollcy and leaving details av sub' tantlallydouble the y iUvoislty, Oxford, executive so;- » These attending the meeting will , , retaiy of the Southwestern O lv o i ^ i , , , - - reoortc ,,,, , , , n maximumaimunl tav- c^, , Hn r l . i also litar reports b> the Secretary- Scbool BoardsAssoc,'U1on. t h e n -.Treasurer ami Board members on highlighted the program with his * acUvitit?s durln the year 1553 and analysis of "what It^ takes to b e j the financial condition of the As­ sociation. Tills announcement was made by ehincry, eieetrlcal. materials hnndl- ro The administration, ! ^ j Earl Skillings,Secretary-Treasurer hug and power companies which orl- ‘ pressing opinion except as a board 1 ot the Associa.Uon- glnally engineered the project with group, come to meetings with an| ----- ------- • ------------- an. assist from the Stone As Webster |open mind, accept profesional re- j • -n ^ • 1 0 ft Engineering Corporation, met here commendations nnd weigh them i n , iHUSIC 1eStlVUl OCt to review its original estimates, the local situation, take time to f The Riveilake Engineering Conn- analyze local school program and t II Is working on an entirely new work for Improvements, limit critic-. ,tit'?v of Uic ero -.-eountrv Ism o f school programs to board, j'ltneyor belt, r.tevvmt raid, in view meetings nnd consider public1 rota.- ‘ r f #*nt teebnoloitieal develop- Hons a board resixnisibility,* n *t( , ;md new ei onomie faeron; Refreshments of doughnuts and j Convention of Musical Youth o f ;jt: in" the pol?utmitie, of the coflee were furnished by the Ce- America (M Y A ) will be held on 1 ‘ darvllle Board and sened by Miss tlie enmpu* of Antioch College, ‘ Yellow Springs, f r o m Juiuic 20 thrcuugh 20. This announcement was made today by Erick Leins, For Antioch j. NextJune U The First Annual Festival and Presbyterian Church Union Planned Dr, Ralph Lloyd, president of Marysville College, Marysville, Tcnn., and co-chainnan of a com­ mission of three prcsbyterlan bodies told a gathering In Clifton recently of his commission’s efforts to join 3% million American Presbyterians into one church group. Union of the Presbyterian Church in tlie U. S. A., thc Presbyterian Church in the U. S., and thc United Presbyterian Church is possible by early 1950, Dr. Lloyd told his audi­ ence at Clifton Presbyterian Chinch Sunday night. YMCA To Sponsor Co. Wide Auction With the help of thc Chamber of Commerce Civic Affairs Com­ mittee, the Xenia YMCA will use a countywide auction on Feb. 3 0? the best way of obtaining funds for His commission, consisting o f 551purchase of furnishings for the f ............................. 2 J ’Blue Star Mothers Install Officers Mrs. Joseph Ferryman of Cedar- ville was recently installed as presi­ dent of the Greene County Chapter of Blue Star Mothers of: America, at a meeting of the chapter held at the Shopper’;* .Lounge, In Xenia. Other officers Installed were: Mrs. members representing the throe j YMCA Bldg, at Market and Greene [ Nellie Anderson, vice president; Mrs. churches, has drafted a plan to be;streets. (Irene Bryant, secretary; Mrs. Mar- submitted to church assemblies and presbyteries, lie added. Although no opposition to t h e plan was raised in the commis­ sion. Dr. Lloyd said, approval of Residents and merchants tlirough- j lan Smith, treasurer; MVs. Lucille out the city and county have been j Moore, historian, and Mrs. Rose asked to contribute articles which« Hart, patriotic Instructor, all of might prove uuctlonable. It Is ex- * Mrs. Dorothy Cain, im­ peded that between $6,000 arid $10 - 1mediate past president, and Mrs. 000 will be needed to furnish thc ; Mae Brown served as Installing of- It is not nt all certain. He pointed |building. fleers. P .f : iit at the CVi.vcyof Com- G iutc Lultrell, school secretary, m it *c v M i . h weie L. O. Millard of an<l Mre- Doresa. Townslcy, vo- *5.0 Link-Belt Co, chnirmnn; Har- cational home economics lnstruc-......................... old Von Thaiinti vice president tor ln ^ loca* school. W. W. Boy- j awrf. president of Muslclal Youth or Hew tt-R(it>jt;s Ire M A Kendall’ er- executive head of the Cedar- (America and muslcni director of * * • ’*■ * 4 * ** 1 iuti.. ... « i« . • «...... m* i tliA fl eroUnHAt* if tf PllilllHf*" Gregor of upon We are | delighted to play host to the festival, and welcome its addition to Ithe cultural opportunities of the ‘ Ohio area." The MYA Festival will immediately precede two months of ay Masonic Club bi h- t \ i. tu.d R T Ktemdorf. mara- gf*r r f tie* Cwiwv'jr and Process Equiiiineul DiUsltn, Chain Belt Co * Dr. Paul M. Zeis, Riverlake vice First slep toward reorgantsln prr.Jdcr.t. research; C. G. Allen, the Greene County Masonic Club j Shakespeare ' perfo'rm a^er whlch vice president, Akron. Canton & which has been inactive more than each vear attract thousands of visi- Ycungstown Railroad; and others. ;i0 m was at a mCfJtIn tors to Antioch. Eefore It can go ahead, the *attended by 18 Masons at the Ma- J __________ _______ Rlvenake project must await ac- scmlc Temple here Monday night. 1r i „ „ _ f t tlon by the Ohio Genera, Assembly, A > J ; C o u r t N e W S giving conveyor companies the right .. , • , , , * ,, to ccmpele as common carriers. McD°rman, Xenia merchant, was ■ Martha L. Yoder, 830 Xenia Avc-., •Stewar' pointed out The state Jc- nan,cd t0 contact former members j Yellow Springs, against Earl N , eisMurc twice lias failed to tak e‘ of the club ln ^ cffort- to re- JSprlngiicld, neglect and cruelty: a flror vote on prop^cd cm iv S S J ™ inte” ?L ^ F - « . r k . Xen married at Louisville, K y , July 30, bills due to railroad opposition, h J ,a’ k f " ,ng M temporary chair-! 1938; parents of ll- y car-old said, but legislation again will be ™ n ,lhe * rouP w° rfe,tlg toward|riaughter and 8-ycar old sort whose- introduced in 1955. <lh bs rcor?aid?-aUon and Wil-jCustooy Is vsked by mother. out that organizations have sprung up in opposition to thc proposal, and one such organization Is backed by a $195,000 budget for this year. Union has been under discussion sion. Dr. Lloyd said, approval ot but no formal body was formed until the present commission was created in 1937. At first, only thc Presbyterian Church ln the U. S. and the Presbyterian Church In thc LT, S. A. formed the commission, publishing union plans in 1943, 1940, nnd 11)49. A plan was issued in 1952 after the United Presbyterian Church Joined the commission. The three church bodies "stand on thc same great doctrines, thc sumo great confessions," Dr, Lloyd pointed out. "That Is the reason for the talks about union." Tlie greatest obstacles to thc pro­ posed unification arc human na­ ture and human reluctance to change established patterns, he said. m om a / x t/M W . JO/t) The M A R CH O F D IM E S ianuQry 1 *0 31 j_ Mrs Elizabeth Williams spent the holidays with Dr. and Mrs, H ., N Williams, Xenia Ave She was ■ honored at a tea given by Mrs ‘ Harry Williams which was attended f by a number of her old friends,, FAMOUSCHEAPSTORE Jackets to match .....................................—— $2.59 Boys* western dungarees.......... ....... *......... . $1*^5 Boy1* overall pants 8 oz» Sanforized $1*59 Childrens* cotton slips...................... ....... Childrens' dresses......... ......................... $1.1-' to 1.95 FAMOUS CHEAP STORE Xenia, Ohio W e Deliver MARBLE RUBBER / CERAM IC QUARRY , l ' M IRAPKAS PLAST IC S T E V E N S O N f l T ILE COM PA N Y 139 Dayton st* Ye llow Springs Phone 7-7209 FISHING TACKLE A N D LICENSES BADM INTON GOLF — TENNIS BOY SCOUT EQU IPMENT BICYCLES - TRICYCLES JACKETS - SWEATERS Baseball & Softball GUNS St AM UN IT IO N USE OUR LAY AWAY PLAN R E CO 113 B. inch s t Springfield,O. Thc YMCA recently obtained A farewell gift waa presented to possession o f the building held ln "Mrs, Bryant, who is leaving soon to Its name for the last 30 years since visit relatives in Toronto, Canada, the old " Y ” went out of business n On Thursday, January 21st, the and the present organization was group will visit thc patients at revived. < Wright-PaUerson Air Force Base -nnd will serve mid-morning .refresh- l mertts to the veterans, Safety Shorts CHICAGO—The casualty list for 1952 — 90,000 killed and 9,600,000 $396 Received By School District I t was reported by Miami Twp school officials that the district had received a check for $396 08 under Jlnjuredi That Isn’t the Korean war Public Law 874 from tlie Depart-j toll, It's thc nation’s accident totals ment of Health, Education and 5 for 1952 announced by the National Welfare. The check raised the to ta l' Safety Council, "Accident Facts", amount received from the depart-j the Council's statistical yearbook, ment to $7,921.65 for thc school ( shows that no person was inured ac- year, [cldentaly every 3 seconds during T lie fund will be utilized fo r, 1952, Deaths from accidents occur school operation, made possible5red nt the rate of otic every 5 mlnu- by the number of children whose tes During the year motor vehicles parents arc employed at Wright killed at the rate of four persons Patterson Air Force Base, accord, per hour and injured at tlie rate of mg to the report. .50 per hour WE RENT THEM I Electric Drill Vi <n. $1.50 day Spiked dink soil aerator 25c day Lawn roller__________ 25c hr. Johnsons floor buffer 50 c !j day Skil power saw $2.50 day Hiico floor sander ~ $1.00 hr. Hilco floor edger_____ $1.00 hr. Skil belt hand sander $1.00 hr. Vibrator sander $1.00hr. Underwood standard typewriter ________ - $3.00 wk. Portable adding machine -— $3.00 wk. All hourly rates are for actual hours in use. Daily minimum cost (he same, DEATON'S HARDWARE Phone 7-7451 at Erbaugh’a The Best In DRUGS SUNDRIES MEDICINES CHEMICALS TRUSffes-BODY APPLIANCES A Registered Pharmacist Always at Your Service Erbaugh & Johnson Xenia Ave, Sc Glen -S t YELLOW SPRINGS FOR EXPERT SERVICE PLUMBING ■ * HEATING GUYVARNER YELLOW SPRINGS, OHIO 211 S. Winter Street Phone 7-7688 !VIS1 b t m m TiON m TV—RADIO—REFRIGERATORS W ASH ING MACHINES It'S D&G APPL IANCE SALES & SERVICE MARATHON PRODUCTS Fuel Oil - Gasoline Oils - -Greases OFFICE PHONE 7-7431 HOME PHONE 7-7682 ROBERT J. GROTE Xenia at Carry 8L YeUtw 8pcInga 7 carrymore money-and risk /ess!" , J A checkbook makes that possible. It also makes bill-paying a lot easier, quicker, more business­ like. And when tax time comes around, there's your complete income-and-outgo record On the check stubs, So why carry losable cash? Safe­ guard it here in a convenient Checking Accountl MIAMI DEPOSIT BANK