The Yellow Springs American, Volume 2, Numbers 1-14
PACK FOUR YELLOW SPRINGS AMERICAN January 21, 1954 ■ > METHODIST Itrv. Thomas B- Smith, pasiur 8:30 :i.m, Church School, 10:40 Worship service Holy Communion* CLIFTON ZION BAPTIST Rev. Richard Phillips, pastor 10:00 a.m, Sunday School 11:00 a.m, Morning Service BYRON' EVANGELICAL and REFORMED Rev, Eugene Davis, pastor 030, Sunday School 0:30 a.m,, Junior Sunday School 10:00 Church Service FRIENDS ROCKFORD CHAPF.I 10:00 a.m. Family Service 1030 - 11:30 Worship BETHEL LUTHERAN 0:30 a.m., Sunday School 10:30 a.m. Woiship Service Assn, of University Women Will Meet ELEMENTARY SCHOOL CAFETERIA MENU MONDAY: Wieners and sauerkraut, parsley potatoes, peach cobbler and milk. TUESDAY: Corner beef pic, green beans, bread and butter, fruit and inIlk. WEDNESDAY'; Roast beef, mashed potatoes, bread and butter, fruit jelio and milk, THURSDAY: Roast beef, mashed potatoes, bread and buiter, frnit ello and milk. FRIDAY': Salmon loaf, mixed vegetables, pickle slices, pimento cheese sandwiches, Ice cream and milk. The Yellow Springs chapter of the a.m, Meeting for American Association of University ('Women will meet Thursday Janu ary 23, at G;15 p.m. In the Antioch ST. PAUL CATHOLIC I tea room., for Its regular January Rev. John Auto y, pastor, meeting. Sunday Masses, 1:30 and 10:00^ Following filmier, Mrs. Arthur E a,m. j Morgan, wife of the president emerl- Saturday. Confessions at •• , lus 0f Antioch college, will address 30 |the group, Mrs. Morgan returned to t mender I Yellow Springs last week from a tcri- I Church, Mary K. Colvin Taken By Death |Pneumonia Takes I Life of Farver Son ADOPT BUDGET A $14,752 budget tvas adopted and church officers elected at an an nual congregational meeting of the local Presbyterian Church recently, Narin Duval, Don Waechtcr »and Russel M iller were chosen elders for terms of three years, and Bry- nnt Turvey and William A. Er- baugh were muneU as three-year trustees. Mrs, Ruth Bean will serve tries and ••commute.^ between Ohio £ v e i l i n g C o u r S C S and Clearwater, Florida, where she ^ Is building a home in the Bel Air A t Wittenberg* sUb-division. The (new lpusc Isj expected to be finished in Marchi and Mrs. Jones will move In then. T o help n larger number of Spr ingfield area residents qualify us DID YOU SEE The robin that is spending the winter close to Mrs, Charlie MellUi- gcr’s home. She thinks 11 may have two years and Mrs. Ben Anthony j gotten lost from its mutes and e»- and Mrs. Frank Brodt three years |Joys tlie table she sots for St so well as deaconesses. Mrs. Mary E. Colvin, 80, of 10M J David Peter Farver, two month N. Fountain ave, died at 8:25 p.m. [ eld son of Mr. and MVS. Harold Tuesday in a local nursing home. ■Farver Rl. 4, Springfield, Old CM- She had been In falling health for ton Rd„ succumbed to pneumonia Uve years and ,seriously 111 for , suddenly, last Tuesday. The body > one year. j was removed to tile Richard's Fu- j Born May 8, 18773, in Yellow j rernl Home in Springfield where I Springs, she was the daughter of l Rev, John McMa* of the High St William Meranda and Mary Snecv *Methodist Church conducted a pray- j jy Baker. She had lived in Spring- j er service, after which the body j cremated. Besides tiro parents, j 5:30 and 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. Regular week-day Masses, a.m. field most of her life and was a j wa PERSONALS . . . Mrs, Alton Prince, Phillips St, entered Mercy Hospital Springfield i last Tuesday for treatment. Miss Elizabeth Baker, who has he >n our county librarian since De- .bt • s enjoying working here very much. She came to us from Cleveland having served at the elementary school teachers, W it tenberg College’s Evening course will offer three education courses next semester, two of them new in tiie curriculum. Evening session classes will start I>\b. 8 following tegktraUon Feb. 2 and 3 Thirty-four courses will be offered jn 10 departments, Enlargement of the education curriculum was planned bccaused that it Iras stayed on. That major tobacco companies arc I etementaiy teachers about to underwrite an open Inde- nov, !nn.oasing rap[dlyi not only pendent research program on the . ,n this avoa bJl lhroughtoUl the alleged cancer producing quality of |naU0n( prQ[ A EUwortl Patm0Si eigarets. j dnoctor of community education, Two palnUnBS b>’ Prlsclll!l ! announced today, that are hanging in the \ . S ., The education courses new to the i curriculum next semester will be That "Aware ’ will fight commu- j ..Aiaterlals and Methods In Science nism in all entertainment media. It \{QV Uu, Elr!!U,nlary Gnules” and j Is an interracial, interreiiglous and ; „Mo(Icrn Eieme«tary Curriculum." I non-partisan group, address: Aware., j>jlc education corse schedule of St. Paul Methodist' the baby is survived by three bro- ' Box 1401, Gra d Cml ral Std' : Is "Music Literatu e and Apprecl- ■’ thers, Don, Ted and Rod, maternal5al * n'ld lnc , vcrsu> "eigm s u N. Y. City. I nMn_ „ branch. Miss Baker was born in . . . . . _ l Cleveland Heights High School libr- OENTRAL CHAPEL A. M. E. Rev. Isaac R- Louden, pastor 9:30 a-in., Sunday School 10:40 a.m.. Devotions lioo a.m., Morni-jr Worship •week trip with Dr. Morgan to the- Surviving arc her husband, Har. . grandfather. Horace English of Col- 'A frican Cold Coast. In her talk ’ Ion W.: a daughter, Mrs. Helen |urnbus, maternal grandmother, Mrs. 1 ’ . ' „ ‘ studied a t ; ! she will tell of her experiences on j thls trip. ! Members may make dinner rc- the Carnegie Library School and Mrs. Adeline Bassett's Christmas . bangle brncelet. There are e ig lit' t S nervations cn or before Monday.! ° □orwin M. Colvin; a sister, Mrs. Olive English of Cleveland, and the Lawrence Barrett, San D iego.'Paternal grandparents, Mr. and i er “ rccf Calif.' six grandchildren; and five ; Mrs, Ernest Farver, of New Castle., w h er mo cr n A u»m, j i n j an. National Republic that Jack Grotc, who has been 111 f o r ! „o n tho bBSl8 of tnformation from F IRST BAPTIST Rev. Wm. L. Williams, pastor 10:00 a.m., Sunday School j 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship i PRESBYTERIAN i Rev. Buckley S. Rude, pastor ; 10:30 a.m., Church School 1030 a.m., Morning Worshlp-"Why • art. wc Presbyterians'.’" j January 25, by phoning Mrs. R. A. 'Frederick 7-7214. reat-grandehildren. -------------- * _ Penna. FIRE DEPT INSTALL PUMPS , The local Civil Defense Grup will ! meet next Wednesday, January 27, • at 7:30 pm. In the Science Build- ! ing at the college. Tlierc will be a' i movie "One Plane - One Bomb" j shown and Sgt. Smith from WPAFB ' will explain operation of plane i j tlie past several weeks has been I advised by his doctor that he can | |return to his work this week. ! .Mrs, Wililam Starkey of Brewer Mrs. Warren Cordell has been Maine is here vlstlng her daughter I , l » :ba „ , d mch ^ lhc nlmc M th,ro She lives j a „ „ „ c„ „ I XenJa> i Tr, .In nMn nl Rcnnhllc. th at X 9-e “ « T o rn m m m m iw s BRIEFS Igor Gouzenko, the Senate In te r-' nal Security subcommittee tagged "X " (Steinberg, former Antioch College teacher) as a member of , , , , . . ,, , , Admiral Ernest J. King’s staff dur- visiting her daughter, Mrs. (Marcia) ; Mrs. Alton Prince. Phillips St. She i n . , i — _ ■ , ring the war, and speculated that Donald Hammond in Berkley, Calif- ^plans to stay for an indefinite time. ornia. Mrs. Cordell went by plane j Miss Irene Hawes has as her guest having left Yellow Springs. D e -. mis week and next, a niece, Mrs. Tlie new truck has been In Col- s,jotting. They will also practice , ’ 1 . •lR „ , ..... ,__________ ____.! ....... . 4 comber 15. Her plans for returning ;x , Neil Jones of Tallmadge, Ohio. ........ . • umbus tills week to have the nev. calling tlie filter center, A num- EPISCOPAL (Rockford Cbapel)__ , ....... . Kn iv,M, i ber of volunteers are needed to o n„ «T.m«lav o mo th Spump Installed. It should be back j ber 8-.00 a m., First Sunday of montn.( j give 2 heurse a week of their time CLIFTON PRESBYTERIAN Rev, Richard S. Smille. pastor 10:00 s m„ Bible School 11:00 a.m„ Morning Worship CLIFTON UNITED PRESBYTERIAN Rev. James D. Taylor, Supply pastor Mrs. Elwootl Shaw, organist 10:00 a in. Sabbath School 11:00 #.m. Preaching Service ; the end of tills week. Your Auctions Appreciated We Save You Dollars On Terms A. E. MARTIN Auctioneer and Real Estate Phone Clifton 7-5770 Associated with F. T. Marlin, Auctioneer and Real Estate Broker, Dayto.v, Ohio Phone Adams 3 JG1. BE |to plane-spotting. = = ^ = = he may have given Moscow data on the Navy's secret proximity fuss. __It is thought that Gouzenko may have additional information linking speeding. Steinberg to the Soviet spy rin g.' How lively tlie females, step at the approacli of Dr. Stanley Cam , c:: COURT Harry J. Biggs, Park Hills Ky., was allowed to part $10.00 Bond for Keep Them Producing With P U R IT Y FEEDS QUA L ITY and RESULTS FOR HEALTHIER PIGS — FASTER GAINS — FOR LARGER PROFITS — L I NKHART . S YELLOW SPRINGS ELEVATOR Phone: 7-73G9 are indefinite because or her daugli- Mrs. Jones is a lecturer and si»k e ter’s ill health. However, she plans Wednesday to the Clark County , to fly to Minneapolis, Minn., to Farm Institute in Springfield on I visit another daughter, Mrs. (Do- Europe and "Doorways to Peace", j .3edal]y the [ t on„, c ' ukl H have 5 ; lores) Thomas Brown, before h c r ,shc hftS traveled in thirty coun-' , c ‘ y f a o c f' 011 d 1 ^ S ‘ return to Yellow Springs. I _“ “ !L |! l d d0 Wlth thl* | __________ m __________ , ....... ........................................... - . . . I project underway at Pels Instlute I !on female fat? :Mrs. Mary Flatter 1 ; Bereaved ; Mrs. Bertie Jane Campbell Huff, , 79, of Clifton, Mother of Mrs. Mary ' JFlatter, of Yellow Springs, died Fri- \ day, January 15, in Miami Hospital Dayton. She had been seriously ill : for a week. Mrs. Huff had resided in ; Clifton for the last 25 years. She is (survived by six daughters, includ- j Ihg Mrs. Flatter, a son and a broth- 1cr. Services were held last Tuesday , In Ccdnrvlllc. Such CAREFULL Work! Stag’s Cleaners CLEAN ING - PRESSING ALTERAT IONS Phone 7-7237 Jason and Leora Siagner DELUXE HAMBURGERS With Lettuce Sc Tomato BREAKFAST STEAKS — — LUNCH DINNER FOUNTA IN SERVICE DICK & TOM’S Open io 12 p, m. Yellow Springs j W E DO IT W f i r CEMENT BLOCKS & WORK -EXCAVTINO AND GRADING —SAND AND GRAVEL; LAND CLEARING ; I’ONDS & LAKES W. B. DAWSON COAL COM PANY YELLOW SPRINGS r r r r r ’jvL ! i to the holder of this license / number 5 3 2 S.S. 10 GAL PURE PEP FREE PLUS LUBE JOB C&L SERVICE INC. CORNER CORKY A XENIA Phone 7-7481 Yellow Springs FARM Faints Appliances FARM implements K B S SALES & SERVICE STORE HOURS Phone 7-7355 8:00 o,m. io 8:00 p.m. Mon- thru Sal Yellow Springs 108 Dayton St. SAVE Year W ritkll Guarantee . . . Strongest Eve r ! f i r r' o * ° * t y y<Siir Of* IEWYT tm “NO OUST BAG TO t/W Y " VACUUM CtfANM OfVIS YOU Un«RfiS,ien0 ' GUARANTEED IN V/RITIND V automatic 4~WAT ragcleaning! Sov* wort, lave vaur , a e y r« 9 », loot The new lewyt withNo, SOCar* pet No«le clean: rug< 4 way: with evyvy •Iroke) Comet with’ all looit for 8oor>to*eelP , ing (leaning .,, pivot. On "Circular Track" , fcoie. „, quiet, no roar ’ •••hot No Puil lag la Imply f m v * su.fs tm wm O N ir i H vnn y m t o d a y s Oaf/ lew/l’t No, 10 Corpcl Noztf* glvn you ■ " O W IM -A N G lf SUCTION! forward ttreltal Get* Snap-down [ S*K and ivrfaco IHi*rf P IU -C OM IING ACTION! fdf thraaSi, Cot onS S d § habit RU6-IRUSHING ACTION! O r ««i nap, ratfar.t (atari) •ItP -C IE A N IN C SUCTION! !•*, h*A Itrok.) far gt'imi’W amhaedteeirll DEATON'S HARDWARE Thorobrcdf ore built v/Ilh Bxira gUattinteiahle quality— lhal'i why liscy arc NOW backed by Ihc tlrongbsl written' guar- ant tci over. Forjofefy— tor tavlngt— Dayton Thorobreds are yourBEST litcbuy. See themtoday. , h . w o , I C 3 v r . u n « o » 4 W o « » ' . 1 y y r l f f e n G u a r a n t e e j i i o r o b r e d g yr. uMondltlanal Written Ouarant T H O R O » W ° v .., h i ;;.V " ** | 5 n i o n f h * uncondltlo"** y y r | t t « n O u o * r® l l f # # C&L SERVICE, INC
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