The Yellow Springs American, Volume 2, Numbers 1-14

Wright Field Polio Festival Thursday, January 28, 195-' YELLOW SPRINGS AMERICAN PAGE THREE Proof Employees ni Wrlght-Pnltt’r.on Air Force will Inuucli liii’i r ! 1051 March of Himes fund campaign with » four-day festival of dancing nnd entertainment to be held m the Civilian Club January 27 through HO P ricm l’i front tokel »alea m il be proiioi lioned to the Greene. Clark and Montgomery rnunty rh.ipten. of the National Foundation fur In ­ fantile Pamlysls with the going to each chapter determined by Ihe number r:f eh limn employee.'! living In the counties. Clark Cross, Civilian Special Proj­ ects Officer, said no quota has been set for base employee.-) to reach but It Is estimated that more than $30.- 000 will be raised through the proj­ ect. In -addition to the entertain­ ment proginms. 750 "T e.t Tube’ collection boxes have been placed in offices on the base. Entertainment for the festival will be furnished by radio Ftatiot WJEL, Springfield, Ohio, which will also record the event and air the program at a later date. Dance music will be provided by members of the 661st A ir Force Band station­ ed ntWPAFB. HOSPITAL CAPE GROWS During 1053 Hospital Care Corp­ oration recorded Its largest member­ ship gain since 1040, it was; an­ nounced today. A total of 92,701 new southwestern Ohio Blue Cross members wort added to the rolls of Hospital Cari Corporation last year. At the end of last year 1,123,974 Blue Cro,-. mernbers were enrolled, which sepre sonts approximately GO per cent o the population served by Hcsplta Cure Corporation, Jay Stewart and bis pretty as­ sistant, Susie Hatow, say “ It Pays to be Married," and set about proving it each weekday after­ noon at 5:45 p. ni., EST, over tVUV-N llC . Blue Cross Payments Reach New High For the first time In the history of Hospital Care Corixirnlltin monthly payments for Blue Crow members' hospital bills lopped a million nnd a half dollars. December payments for South­ western Ohio Blue Cross members including Greene County, totaled t i .559,433 55 More than 14,000 ho* pita! bills, representing ttpproxi mutely O j .OOO days of lio, puu. iu .' were paid bv Hospital Care la_t. moitih. “ I:u reared Blue C r - . mri..tx>r ship and a Ingle r ai-iope n , .! per hospital bill resulted ill la .1 month's record payments,'' Jnine E. Stuart, executive director of Hospital Care Corporation, said Stuart, who Is also chairman of the National Blue Cross Commis­ sion, added that the 86 Blue Crow Plans in the United Stales and 1 Canada arc now paying an average of more than 55-mllllon a month for members' hospital cafe, , •t Erbaugh’* The Best In DRUGS ■ SUNDRIES | MEDICINES CHEMICALS TRUSSES-BODY APPLIANCES Sen. Danner To Seek GOP Nomination A post card "poll’ of the more ban 9.000 Republican precinct work­ ers in Ohio by Slate Senator Fred V Danner of Akron may mean that i OP State Chairman Ray Bliss lias Hind a gubernatorial running mate ur finite Rep. William Saxbe. Saxb:» has announced that he will tie In opposition to Congressman .'ioorge Bender for the GOP nomi- lation for U, S. Senator, Son. Dnn- er Is asking OHIO OOP workers y tell him whether or not they will lrculatc his petition for Governor, k fellow townsman of Ray Bliss, Danner is not considered likely to lave conducted the poll without the miction of Use OOP state chair­ man- No Information regarding the ro- ponsc to Sen. Danner's unusual poll” has been released. WHYTHE MARCH OF DIMES NEEDS §S£ MORE IN ’54 LARGER GIFTS FROM EVERYONE NECESSARY 10 FINANCE FULL PROGRAM PLUS POLIO PREVENTION POLIO PREVENTION PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION SERVICES l OPERATION MUST FOR 1954 - AJLEAST $ 75 , 000,00 Dairy Unit To Meet Dr. Fordycc Ely, chairman of the department of animal science at j Ohio State University, will be guest speaker at the annual membership I meeting of the Greene County j Dairy Service Unit at Tccumsch I School, Thursday, February 4, at .8 p.m. according to County Agent j E. A. Drake. i Chores Baldwin, field ropresen- ‘ tatlve of the Central Ohio Breeder;; Association will report on the re­ search program on freezing semen and the bull proving program. . The program codmittcc composed ’ of Clark Meredith, Glenn Charles nnd William Stover, In addition to the guest speakers and brief ns- 'soclntlon ,-eports the program «nn - >miltee o f Clark Meredith, Glenn Charles and iVJilliam stover Is arranging for special entertainment. A committee of Harlan Butts, Neal Beard and Ben Jenks are ar­ ranging for refreshments and door prizes, Awnrds also will be made to herd owners with high herds and high Individual cows on test, A children’s nursery will be operated by the Happy Workers 4-H Club of Ccdarvllle, with Mrs. Mary Mott as advisor. Directors frqm six townships, New Jasper, Ross, Sllvcrcreek, Spring Valley, Sugarcrcek and Xenia, will bo elected for two-year terms. Nominating committee mem­ bers are Herman Armstrong, Eycrett Gregg and Milo Cooper. II. E, Elchmcn is chairman of the 12 mpmbrr board, Fred Williamson is vice-president and William Shaw- hun, secretary. matchless A GAS cooking A Registered Pharmacist Always at Your Service Erbaugh & Johnson Xenia Ave. & Glen SL YELLOW SPRINGS 2 H f o FOR YOUR MONEY on OUR SPECIAL SAVINGS PLAN D n y I * Ask Far Details MIAMI DEPOSIT BANK Mentor •* F.D.I.C. \ matchless lighting complelely automatic gas lighting. No malchcst Top burners, broiler, oven —Ihe gat lights v/hen you turn it onl matchless speed no waiting with Ihe inslani heal of natural gas, the magic flame, matchless economy controlled gas oven temperatures improve flavor, reduce meat shrinkage, avoid waste, matchless flexibility natural gas gives any heal you choose— no! Jus! 3, or 5f or 7 factory-sol speeds. matchless convenience gas rang* Is easy lo use, easy lo keep clean, Inside and out, ........ ...for you... with a new * automatic "Cp” natural gas ranges matchless comfort heavy insulation keeps cooking heal inside, ieaVes kitchen comfortably cool, matchless per rmance "CP " is (he mark that distinguishes new ga* ranges that meet the strict standards for "Certified Performance." Saves lime , , * saves work , , , makes delicious meals easy to prepare, matchless value “CP" Gas Ranges Sn many popular makes are waiting at your gas appliance dealer's store, There’s a choice of sizes, top burner arrangements, oven and broiler heights. There's a new gas range to fit your kitchen at a price to suit your budget, See your gas appliance dealer this week and see how easily you can own a new "C P " Gas Range and enjoy matchless cooking , THK DAYTON POWER AND LIGHT COMPANY See "YOU AJtl THWH"— fcldey, 7:00-7:30 P.M.-WHIO-TV, Channel 7 Happy Wii Broadway and film star Jessica Tandy Is co-starred with her hus­ band, Hume Cronyn In W LW - N IIC's “ The Marriage," a radio series about a happy fam ily and their smalt daily dramas atred Sundays at 7:30 p. m,, EST. INCOME TAX RETURNS PREPARED 3211*2 S, Yellow Springs SL (Route 6*} Afternoons and Evenings until 8:30 P. M. Closed Sundays to Fanners Welcome Reasonable Rates Rhone 5-1943 SPRINGFIELD, OHIO FAMODSCHEAPSTORE Jackets to match ...................................... $2.59 Boys' western dungarees .......... .................... $1.95 Boy’s overall pants 8 oz. Sanforized ............... $1,59 Childrens' cotton slips .................. 59c and 70c Childrens' dressea ....... ........ ...... . $1.19 to 1,95 FAMOUS CHEAP STORE Xenia, Ohio We Deliver Planners OK New Mortuary Last Monday night the Planning Commission mot and approved a proposal brought to them that the Snyder home located at the corner of Xenia ‘Ave., Limestone St. and Walnut St„ be used as a mortuary. This Is a very dangerous comer and there would be a parking pro­ blem. A sketch was presented to tlie Commission showing a circle drive around the house and plans were told of removing the present garage which would make room, In all, for the parking of 20 cars which would be adequate for the average funeral. Kenneth Coffman, Fred Lemke, a representative from the school board, and a representative of the Presbyterian Church, met and approved these sketches and plans before they were submitted to the Planning Commission. It was made clear that the point In front of the house was to be left clear and plans for beautification were expected to be under way in the near future. The Recreation Committee will be Invited to meet with the Plan­ ning Commission at their next meeting at the Opera House, Feb­ ruary 8 , at 8:00 p.m. for the dis­ cussion of recreation land available to the town. I t was brought out that the Gaunt land will not be available to the town until the fall of 1954. What scents to be needed Is a combination ball park and plcnia area. Dr. Kenneth Hunt envisioned in the part of the Glen that has been offered for town use, a pond of uniform depth, with a sandy bottom and a picnic area. Anyone with plans or suggestions In mind for town recreation arc asked to present them next Monday night, MAYORS COURT Mr. McPherson, 30, of Xenia was arrested and was charged' with dis- orderly conduct. He was fined costs of $5.00 and was warned to drink beer on the premises and not In cars on the street. Miss Norma Pertle was similarly changed and fined the same, Harry J, Briggs of Park Hills K y„ was arrested for speeding and forfeited a $10 bond by not appear. Ing in court. Louts Boyer. 10, of St. Marys, Ohio was arrested for exceeding the sliced limit and was fined $10 nnd costs of $ 6 . . Leon Buffcnbnrger, of Ccdarvllle, forfeited a $3.00 bond by not ap­ pearing in answer to a charge of double parking. Four Juveniles have been picked up in Yellow Springs os runaways in the past 2 days. Tuesday after­ noon about 4:00 two boys from Springfield were detained, and at about 1:00 a.m. Wednesday two more boys from Cincinnati were found nnd turned over to Juvenile author­ ities in Xenia. There have been more than six boys picked up here in the past two weeks. ■l- DEATHS Dr. James Nickens of 2104 E, 83rd St., Cleveland, died Monday at his home according to word re­ ceived by relatives in this city. Dr. Nickens, who is survived by his widow, Mrs. Cornelia Nickens, is survived by a number of rela­ tives In Springfield, Yellow Springs •■.nd Xenia In f i l l KIDDS Phone 7-7740 Your Auctions Appreciated We Save You Dollars On Terms A. E. MARTIN Auctioneer and Real Estate Phono Clifton 7-5770 Associated with F, T. Martin, Auctioneer and Real Estate Broker, 'Dayto.i, Ohio Phone Adams 3-361, \ . Such \ I CAREFULL I j Work! | • * [ Stag’s Cleaners j i CLEANING - PRESSING j • ALTERATIONS : « • j Phone 7-7237 ! • Jason and Leora Stagner ; P U B L I C A U C T I O N The Cedarville Board of Education, Cedarville, Ohio, will offer at public auction at 10:00 a, m.r Saturday, Feb­ ruary 27, 1954, on the grounds at the Cedarville Public School, Cedarville, Ohio, a building of wood construction of the following description; A wood portable sectional building approximately 22’ 4” by 331-9” with a wood floor, gable roof covered with a tarpaper shingle, wired for electricity, three exits doors with glass, no partitions, row of 8 windows, 2’-10” by 4’- 10" down one side. The building may be inspected at any time at the Ced- arville Pubic School grounds. Terms of safe, cash at time of purchase, building to be removed from school premises within thirty days of date of purchase. Any inquiries should be addressed to Walter W, Boyer, clerk, Cedarville Board of Education, Cedarville, Ohio telephone number, Cedarville 6-1871. Joe Gordon, Cedarville, Ohio, Auctioneer,