The Yellow Springs American, Volume 2, Numbers 1-14
PAGE FOUR THE YELLOW SPP.INGS AMERICAN Thursday, January 28, 1954 I SififflflSMPi it'.30 a.nt., Junior Sunday School 10:00 a in., Church Service DKTIIKD MJTIIKIIAN 9:30 a.m., Sunday School 10:30 a.m. Worship Service MOV IES , M IKES and TELEVISION TALK ----------- By INEZ GERHARD—ANS Fej»(ure» - ! METHODIST * Rev. Thomas R. Smith, pastor 9:30 Church School- 19:40 a.m. Worship service Holy Communion, 2 - ' i v i l i d k 'W -jt m m i rubs SI * * 4N0 BUS F j f WANT ADS ’; FRIENDS ROCKFORD CHAFED 10:00 a.m. Family Service 1030 - 11:30 am, Marlins; Worship fo I IFOR RENT: 4 room medern apart- EVE ARDEN, star school teacher on CBS Radio's Sunday evening “ Our Miss Brooks," has just added another award to her already lengthy list of honor?. Five hundred radio and T V editors have now selected her "Woman of the Y ea r" in radio. "Our Miss Brooks," a delightful comedy senes, has steadily increased in popularity during Its six years on the air and many of her most ardent fans arc the country's finest educators. « • « PRA YERS—.CBS' John Henry Faulk, the T e x a s , philosopher, tells the one about Boots Cooper, a ' good-hearted old boy and pretty religious. "But he was all-fired lazy. He had a prayer framed right over his bed and every night ho would hop into bed, point at it and soy, 'Them's my sentiments.' ” ST, P A l'L CATHODIC Rev. John Ante y, puslnr. Sumliiy Musses, 7;3U uml 19.06j u.m. [ Smurtluy, Confessions ul I “ 'll to ' Si3A unit 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. 1 ItcRulnr week-day Musses, 7:30 a.m. I ment On first flor.r. Mrs. John Pyles - Phone CVdaivllle 0-1733 1.88.54 CENTRA!, CID\ri:i. A. M. E. Rev. Isaac It- Douilen, pastor 9:30 a-m., Sunday School 10:40 a.m., Devotions 1100 a.m., M o rn 'll Worship - - ■■ ■ • F IRST BAPTIST ReV. IVm. D. Williams, pastor 10;00 a.m., Sunday School 11:00 a.m- Morning' Worship PRESBYTERIAN Rev. Buckley S. Rude, pastor 10:30 a.m., Church School 1030 a.m., Morning Worshlp*"Why: are we Presbyterians'.’ ’' . ■EPISCOPAL (Rockford Chapel) j 8:00 ft.rn., First Sunday of month. j CI.IFTON PRESBYTERIAN ! Rev. Richard 8 , Smllic, pastor 10:00 a.m., Bible School 11:00 a.m.. Morning Worship FOR RKN’l' i-Vb HU - 5 room apart- mem with hath, M C Nag ley - Phone Ci’diinJIle 0-2501. 1,38-54 MASTER M IX FEEDS- A complete feeding plan for the Ufa o f ; your hog. Nothing more economi cal. Xenia Farmers Exchange, hone 4-4471. A YOUNG EM IGRANT, a church and a red rose combine to make T h e C a v a l c a d e of Ame r i c a ' s "Man of Glass" a highlight for this month. The boy was Henry William Steigel, an immigrant who became a fabulously rich g 1 a s s m a k cr, known ns the Baron of Penn s y l v an i a , I n 1770 hej built the church, in ^ ^ B M a n h c im , P a . Ever since then, EVE ARDEN: on Ihe second Sunday of June, ' a red rose has been laid on the .‘ altar, originally as z-ent, now as SEE Our Large Selection of Break- j a tribute to Steigel. Robert Straus lug Plows. HAI,L J. H ILL FARM ! Plays Steigel. Cavalcade is seen SERVICE. Phone 4-9691. ! BAB f netw° rk Tuesday bvc- , i nings. A more famous American, i--s-z- 4 -u : Samuel Morse, is the hero of the •---------------------------------------------i next Cavalcade broadcast, "What H E L P WANTED—Farm Machinery i God Hath Wrought," a story of I Salesmen. Call at Conklin Bros., : M d se’s fight to obtain recogni- ' Fairground Rd., Xenia. Call l n ' “ °n for the first telegraph, i Person ONLY. No Phone Calls, ! MA R K STEVENS, who stars on "Marlin Kane” mystery drama show (NJ3C-TV Thursdays, 10 p.iT\.) has developed one o f the strongest television fan fo llow ings, judging by the mall that comes in, Stevens docs a terrific job in portraying the role of a private investigator who docs not depend on guns or his fists to get results, but who carries through his assignments with a tense dramatic feeling that makes this one of the best dramatic shows on the air—-even including non- mystery shows. Now in its fifth consecutive year on television, wc predict "Martin Kane" w ill rate higher than ever before. And v/hile we arc complimenting this program, let's give it another bouquet for its public service in. giving its time to the American Medical Association about once a month for the A M A "March of Medicine" progress report. We need more of this cooperative spirit on the part o f sponsors ELEMENTARY SCHOOL CAFETERIA |COURT NEWS MONDAY: Spaghetti and Meat, green beam, bread and butter, fruit COMMON I’ IXAS COURT and milk. TUESDAY; Canned roast beef, buttered potatoes, bread and butter, fruit and milk. WEDNESDAY: Meat loaf, spinach, bread and butter, fruit jello, and milk, THURSDAY; Orange juice, ham slice, buttered peas, bread and butter, cole slaw, donut and milk FR IDAY : Macaroni and cheese, green beans, harvard butter sandwich, ice cream and milk, beets, peanut DIVORCES ASKED Anna Mac Stuverts, n minor by her mother, Myrtle Jenkins, Fair born, Route 2, against Chester W „ Yellow Springs; neglect and cruel- tyj married at Fairborn, June l, j 1953; parents of 3-week-old son; League of Women Voters The league of Women Voters will meet at the home of Mrs. Clarence Lcuba at 8:30 p.m., February 8 . They will discuss possible needed changes In the Ohio Constitution and will make recommendation for a state current agenda items for 1954-55. 1-28-2-4-11 BOB RINGER MOTORS For Complete and Dependable Service Xenia, o. Phone 2-1431 1-28-2-4-11 — I A T E > H . . I CLIFTON UNITED PRESBYTERIAN James ID Taylor, ! Rev, pastor Airs. Elwood Shaw, organist 10:00 n rn. Sabbath School 11:00 a.m- Preaching Service CLIFTON ZION BAPTIST Rev. Richard Phillips, pastor 10:00 .Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Morning Service BYRON EVANGELICAL and REFORMED Rev, Eugene Davis, pastor 930 a-m., Sunday School SEED Supply *r*>e most complete stock for your farm. Xenia Farmers Exchange, Phone 4-4471 1-28-2.4-11 | VINCENT HEIDER ’ Complete Bookkeeping, Income Tax nnd Clerical Services. 0 ml, from Fairborn toward Xenia on Rte. 235. 1 Phone Xenia 2-185C or Yellow Springs 7-2600 j 1-28 to 3-11 Keep Them Producing With PURITY FEEDS QUALITY and RESULTS FOR HEALTH IER P IG S — FASJER GAINS — FOIL LARGER PROFITS — LINKHART.S YELLOW SPRINGS ELEVATOR Phone! 7-7369 s a l t We specialise in helping every man to look his beat GEGNER’S BARBER SHOP Yellow Springs _______ B [ >ELUXE HAMBURGERS With Lettuce & Tomato IBREAKPAST — LUNCH I STEAKS — DINNER FOUNTAIN SERVICE DICK & TOM’S flOpen to 12 p. m. Yellow Spring*! Mr. and Mrs. D .A. Magrudcr, of Phillips St. exjwct to leave Friday January 29, for New York. From there they will embark on a Carrl- bean Cruise visiting all the popular places such as, Bermuda and Ha vana. Tile Kahocs write from Tampa, Florida that they arc enjoying their vacation anil will soon be heading east. Mrs. Lyle Clootie. Davis Street, Is suffering from n throat ailment and has been advised to use her voice only when necessary nnd then not above a whisper, plaintiff asks restoration to maiden name of Jenkins. JUDGMENTS GRANTED Grlnncll Farm Equipment, Inc., Yellow Springs against, William Reid, doing business as Reid Im plement Co., Mcchnnlcsburg; $894.07 on a note; judgment for plaintiff. Peterson and Neathcrton, Xenia law firm, represents plaintiff, READ ESTATE TRANSFERS Chet and Marie S. Loc to An- tlonelln Schrclbcr, two pari-lotn In Yellow Springs, $1. ____ PROBATE 'COURT APPRAI SALS ti.lnte or Mary E. Dunevonf; gross value, $51,488.60; deductions, $2,879.10; net value, $48,009.50, 0 MARBLE CERAMIC MIRAPLAS We,—* RUBBER QUARRY PLASTIC 139 Dayton *t. S T E V E N S O N TILE COMPANY Ye llow Springs Phone 7-7209 i u- Year W /jtkh Guarantee ...Strongest Ever! WE DO IT . . . CEMENT WORK CEMENT BLOCKS Sc WORK EXCAVTING AND GRADING —SAND AND GRAVEL; LAND CLEARING ; PONDS Se LAKES W . B. DAWSON COAL COMPANY YELLOW SPRINGS FARM Paints Appliances FARM Implements KBS SALES&SERVICE STORE HOURS Phone 7-7355 8:00 a.m. (o G:00 p.m. Yellow Springs Mon. thru Sat 108 Dayton St. THE F INK & HE INE CO. Buyers Of CATTLE — HOGS SHEEP nd CALVES AT DAILY MARKET PRICE Springfield O. rhone 3-9721 *s0mi0 ,nn03m0nnmmw^0aasm0)0^»0 HOGS, CATTLE CALVES and SHEEP NO COMMISSION F lt t l TRUCK ING Kirk's Stock Yards CALL FOR DAIRY MARKET Washington, C. H., O. Phone: 2599 rt0r0'0m0--0-0?0‘:0:0'.*v0'0i*&t0*0n DAYTON T H O R O B R E O J ' Uncondit>®n fl^ T k *. g u a r a n t e e d IN W R IT ING Therobrsd* art built With extra guarartleeable (Quality— that's why Ihsy •re NOW backed by ths tfrongeel written guar - anleet ever. For *ofsty~- ♦or saving*— Doyton . Thorobrsdi are yourBIST tiro buy. So# thsm today. Tho woiW'» E S m - w h " * , l 3 y r . u n« o " < « » l0 " 0i ’ W r lM « " 0 u a r a i 2 yr. uncondltlo"®’ i t h o r o i m ® Vowr best Rro bu y •• * * u n c o n d W * " * * W r i t t e n FISHING TACKLE AND LICENSES BADMINTON GOLF — TENNIS BOY SCOUT EQUIPMENT BICYCLES - TRICYCLES JACKETS . SWEATERS Baseball A Softball GUNS A AMUNITION USE OUR LA Y -AW A Y PLAN RECO 113 E. High *t, Springfield, a F o r the Beet In s ta l la t io n OF CARPET — LINOLEUM ASPHALT AND RUBBER TILE W ALL TILE — VENETIAN BLINDS Call D a u m & D e t t y C o . Phone Xenia 2*5231 Th»r0, rids y n c e j^ r C&L SERVICE, INC, . ....V - * ’ ' MARATHON PRODUCTS Fuel Oil - Gasoline Oils - -Greases OFFICE PHONE 7 -7431 HOME PHONE 7 -7 6 4 2 ROBERT J. GROTE X*nb> at Carry SL ' YsEew Spring* PLUMBING ■fHEATSN.G u GUYVARNER YELLOW SPRINGS, OHIO 211 St Winter Street Phone 7-7688 •■swjjAj IF YOU ARE NOT ALREADY DIALING JAMES TOWN 4-9952 FOR YOUR FLOWER NEEDS, GIVE IT A TW IRL TODAY. AR Y ’S GREENHOUSE GRAPEGROVE, OHIO PHONE 4-9952 k s a M W iM m a N d *
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