The Yellow Springs American, Volume 2, Numbers 1-14
Thursday, March 11, 1954 Six Local Nimrods at Ohio Sportsmen Conv. THE AMERICAN PAGE THREE place In Yellow Springs Methodist Church at 3:30 p si, Miss Demmy is the daughter of Yellow Springs was represented U ts' Robert ArihMt Demmy- 321 Dayton St.. Yellow Springs, and Ute late Mr, Demmy, Mr, Black's par ents are Mr, and Mrs, Walter Black Of Hevloc. at the banquet March 0 of the con vention of the League of Ohio Sportsmen at the Deshler-HIUon Hotel in Columbus. Attending were Lena and Mary aster, fra and Mar ion Barr, representing the Ohio Archers, and Fred Johnston and A r c h i e Peterson, representing Greene County Fish and Oame organisation. Wallace Taber narrated his two great African films, 'Safari Saga" and "Samaki", "Safari Saga" is a feature-length Kodnchrome starring African wild life and native life never before I holographed, Shown in slow mo tion and In close-up were elephant's, ANTIOCH ARTISTS TO DISPLAY WORK MARCHUK AND M The Antioch College art depart ment announces a current exhibit of twenty-two reproductions of wcll- Rov. Thomas B. Smith, pastor of the church will officiate at the open service which will be pre ceded by a 30 minute program of nupiUol music beginning at 3 p.m. Mrs. Paul Tharp of Yellow Springs will be organist and Miss Wilma Squires of Yellow Springs, wlllbc vocalist, FV>r her matron of Iwnor and only attendant the bride will have Mr,:. Richard Anderson of Yellow Springs, Mr, Donald Black of Rev- loo, brother of the bridegroom- buffalo, giraffe, gazelle, and other j c'cct» will serve as the best man, little-known African beasts. I Ushers will be Messrs, Philip Black "Santakl" dcsplcto fishing in the! of Ebensburg, Pa., another brother; headwaters of the Nile, and shows! Gene Demniy of Springfield, spectacular scenery in this rcln-J brother of the bride-elect, and tlvely unknown fisherman's, parad- Richard Anderson of Yellovy Springs Iso, Following the service a reccp- Bride Elect Names Attendants Library Adds Variety O t N e w B o o k s . ADULT FIOCTION Jutland Cottage, by Angela Thlr- known paintings, held in the c o l-! kell5 Wldlow Mann, by Edgar lego's creative arts building until! W olfe' Tiie Man wouldn t Talk ,,)|h [b y Quentin Reynolds; The Saving ' n* |Omcc, by McCready Houston; The Called "19th Century Leaders ot j x i,lrd Generation, by Chester Modem Painting," the exhibit Is , Himes, and Lucky Jim - a rollick- presented and organized by the' |ng misadventure, by Kingsley Museum of Modern Art in New! Am li v York City. The presentation Is Open MYSTERIES to the public Saturday and Sun day from nine to five, Vie Design Studios Sweep Art Awards Anttochs College’s traditional art An Afternoon to Kill, by Shelley Smith; Death by^.Msoclatlon, by Richard and Frances Lockridge; Death of a Lake, by Arthur W, Upheld; Curtain for a Jester, by Francos and Richard Lockridgc. ADVLT NON-FICTION Tho OUVicrs - * biography, by show, jointly-sponsored by t h e ! B a r k e r ; The Opera Reader, scliool's art department and the I CC*R' ^j0U's Bl^ncolll; Tigcrland creative workshops, will be held ant* ®°uth Sea,‘ by Ollic Strand- berg; A Treasury o f Railroad Folk- March U and 15 on the Yellow Springs campus. The twlce-annual arfair, on dis play in the creative arts building, will be open to the public from 2-9 Sunday and 9-5 Monday, Walter L. Won will be held in the church parlors. Hostesses will be Mrs. stesses will be M'rs. Walter Illff, Mrs. Paul Furay of Yellow Springs and ‘ Severson, assistant professor of’ art, j Mrs‘ Frank 8mlth or Sprinfleld, and Graham Humphrey, chairman- MLss Lois Demmy of Yellow aunts or the brtde-clect; Mrs. K en -j of the creative woritahops conlmlt. Springs, bride elect of Mr. Ralph ncth Rltenour of Jamestown; Mrs. tee expcct the sh»w ^ ,ncU]dc d,s_ H. Black of Revloc, Pa., has set; Miriam W. Holverstott of Xenia,! p]ays from the mcdlums of water Sunday, March 21. as tire date for; and Mrs. Philip Blacko f Ebcns-' her wedding and has named alien- ) burg, Pa„ stster-in-law of the bri- dants for the sendee which will take ( degroom-clcct. lore, edit, B. A. Rojkin and Alvin F. Harlow; The ever Ate - a remarkable cook bodt, by June Platt and Sophie Kerr; Dancing made Ensy, by Betty White; The Best of Two Worlds, byj£ Joseph Wood Krutch; Behold Virginia!, by Geo rge F. Willlson; Beamy for Ashes- thls is a novel In verse on man's perpetual search for pattern to his existence, by Christopher LeFarge; r u e c o e o m fr fiA U i T h e F il ip in o s *7eeeoF< r k eoF ltF$*y SUPPLIES MINI W/TMFOOP - y PR INK BUILDING MATERIALS, lA/h]; MATTING, CLOTHING, CORO- l \pce anp ns nlines . * FlUPfNO WORKERS HARVESTING coconutson franklin B aker P lantation , WITHSICKLE KNIVES ON BO-FOOT BAMBOO Notes, LOAD THEM INTO WOODEN SLEDS drawn by C arabaos ancient P miuppk * e <S 'BEASTSOFBURDEN, w&A? ■vi ’ ’ i 5 W m AMBRtCAN H omemakers use ANNUALLYAPPROKt- -'7 ^ O ' MATELY Ef.OOQOOO Husmc POUNDS OF SKREDDED %%%£? COCONUT. pvo N ftie NewB aker process MXKT- CXTENDS COMPLETEPACK AGEFRESHNESS TENWEEKS LONGER THANEVER BEFORE , . POSSIBLE, / / F or th e housew ife , coconutworks magic IN A HOST OF CAKES, PIES, CANDIES AND COOKIES / IN DELECTABLE "ANDROSIAS' o F CHILLED FRUITS ANP SNOWYCOCONUT. i f j S P - W g SSH- ‘YOURTURN U NEXT J Along with sleeping tigers,dread aslipperyroad,aworn-out-head Ila the up* anddownson a tire that keepyou front 4 dipping. When the tread iswornoff, there isn't anything * to keep you from slipping. This is particularly bad when the road* get slippery, like they do these days. You really ought to ride on tire* that have treads. Oughtn’t you? 0 ® gainuumir-ib w*«** mmm *Uyssri color, oil, pen-and-ink, charcoals, The Compiete book of Party Games pastels, sculpture, weaving, ceramics, j by Mcxnnder Van R a n ^ u ^ ^ to lw o rk , textile printing and; Pcacc of EuQ lf by Lle aQd n ng’ ‘ others. This book contains the --------------• ----- --------- I stories of people who have dared to. CopTPlRhl 7954J, Nearly thirty million Americans •believe that peace is accomplish - have migraine headaches. An a t-i rblc; The Head and Heart of Thom- tack can last for less thnn an hour, as Jefferson; ThUrber Country, by to days or even weeks. The illness { James Thurbcr; Bandoola, by J. H. can occur two or three times a week, | Williams - the true story o f lifelong or only once in a lifetime,— ; loyalty between 09 . elephant and a man; V E3Ej MARATHON PRODUCTS Fuel Oil - Gasoline Oils - -Greases * OFFICE PHONE 7-7431 ■OME PHQNE 7-7662 ROBERT J. GROTE Xenia at Carry Si, Yellow Springs FICTION - FOR YOUNGER 1 READER Red Rocket, Mystery Horse, by! . Judith M. Bcrrisford; Indian Sad- j . dle-up, by Olenn Batch; Mystery of f i the Hidden Book, by Helen Puller • Orton; Linda goes to the Hospital,. I by Nancy Dudley and The Animal |Train and other Stories, by Gather- ! ine Woolley. NON - FICTION FOR YOUNGER READERS H ie book of games fo r boys and girls, by Evelyn Borst; Great trains o f the'W orld, bp-'Wyatt Blaasln- game. ,J* FICTION - FOR VERY YOUNG " READERS j Norman and the Nursery School,! by W. Edward Young and Will Hayes; Dear little Dear, by Maj.j Lindman; Mister Whistle's Secret, by Tony Palazzo and Oolden Bunny by Margaret Wise Brown." MAY FREDERICK, Librarian , Ohio Ranks Fourth In License Sale According to latest figures re leased by the U. S. Fish and Wild life Service, Ohio ranked fourth among tho 48 states in the number of hunting licenses sold for the | fiscal year ending June 30, 1953. j Michigan led the states In the sale I of hunting licenses with a total of 1,100,720 followed by Pennsylvania, ! New York and Ohio. In the sale of fishing licenses California topped ail states with a total of 1,158,405 lic enses sold followed in order by Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Illinois, New York, Tennessee and, in eighth place, Ohio with 785.9M. Plant Gst-logsdism Ksspt Tab* m tb# Tounpitsn OUR TILKPHOMI IS just likeoneof thefamily In these busy days when the younger members ire on the move, the’magic o f your telephone is a quick and pleasant way to keep in touch with them. A tele phone call-whether it’s across the city or across the nation—fills the gapi between personal visits , « - arranges those all-important gatherings . , . dispels worry through frequent "voice visits” , . . leu you share the fun o f "grow ing up” with the youngsters. Yes, your telephone stands ready to reunite the family in dozens of ways . , , and at a cost that is surpris ingly low, Just check typical long distance rates on the inside front cover o f your telephone directory, You'll enjoy using this popular service as others do (since the war, the number o f long distance calls is up 80%), That’swhy we are busier than ever expand ing and improving long distance facilities. Once you get the lotig distance habit, we’re sure you'll agree that your telephone is "jute like one o f the family” , 3 it 1 ■* » * • ' •*1 * " ■ ** tJ k k is t p B f s ik k t iM p f iB H s e m e * * t th § h w n t p B s s ik h m t t mwmmBKBmmiBmm , . . Yep , . those plow shares will get dull as you plow thoae rich Greene Co, acres. But there ia something you can do about it! Renew old * , , dull plow shares with Hard Steel Point Good as New! • Special hard-surfacing on points will actually increase life of your plow shares! J& L MFC. CO. Guy LeForge Clifton Tike - General Farm Equipment Repairing Phone 7-3«S3 BNPm Bm Bm 0m m m B »Bm B i0m m m m m Bm BPBKBW Pm Bm m I9KLUXK HAMBURGERS With Lettuce A Tomato IBREAKFAST — LUNCH | STEAKS — DINNER Open to 12 p. m. Yellow Springs^ DICK & TOM’S FOUNTAIN SERVICE FISHING TACKLE AND LICENSES BADMINTON GOLF — TENNIS BOY SCOUT EQUIPMENT BICYCLES - TRICYCLES JACKETS - SWEATERS Baseball 9t Softball GUNS * AMUNITION USE OUR LAY-AWAY PLAN RECO 113 E. High at SpringfieM.O. at Erbaugh’s The BeM la ; '*■ ' DRUGS SUNDRIES MEDICINES CHEMICALS TRUSSES-BODY APPLIANCES A Registered Pharmacist Always at Your Service Erbaugh & Johnson Xenia Ave. & Glen SL YELLOW SPRINGS WE DO IT . . i CEMENT WORK CEMENT BLOCKS * WORK EXCAVT1NG AND .GRADING —SAND AND GRAVEL; LAND CLEARING; PONDS * LAKES W . B. DAWSON COAL COMPANY YELLOW SPRINGS YMR OHIO i l U m i r N O N I COMPANY ChockWhhA SpoctaHtod Financial Institution- P E O P L E S Building & Savings Co* 11 Graen St. Since IM S f T , td Xonia, O, FARM Faints Appliances FARM Implements IB S.SUES&SERVICE STORE HOURS — S;M a.H*. is #:M p.m. Men. thra Sat PI m k M I J S Yellow Springs * 1M Dayton St, P L U M B I N G i H E A T I N G GUYVARNER YELLOW SPRINGS, OHIO 211 5. Winter Street Phone 7-76M “You Hold the Key” Is Council Theme The Greene County Home De monstration Council set the date for Achievement Day at their regular monthly meeting. Achievement Day will be on Tuesday, April 20th, nt the Second United Presbyterian Church in Xenia. Achievement Day, is an an nual event sponsored by the coun cil In cooperation which local Homo Demonstration Clubs, Tho the/ms for the all-day program Is "Yr/u Hold the Key," Committees planning Achieve ment Day include program commit tee - Mrs, Curtis Hughes, Mrs, Robert Van Tress and Mr#. Harold Strobrldge, all of Cedarvllle, Host esses - Mrs. Floyd Namigcn, Fair born; Mrs. Fred Camden, Beaver creek; Mrs. Allen Middleton, Gnc- sarscreek, Mrs, Charles Agnor and Mrs. Harry Brown, Spring Valley, and Mrs, Charles Jones, New Burl ington; Recognition - Mrs. Floyd Heinz, Caasarscreek, Mrs. O, T , Marshall, Ross, ie Mrs. Paul Spltler, Bellbrook; Place committee - Mrs. Russell Fudge and Mrs, Delmer Mathews, New Jasper, Mrs. Cecil R. Baxter and Mrs. Elmer Howe, Xenia; Decorating auditorium - Mrs, Lawson Reid, Jamestown, Mrs. Russell Mills, Silvercrcck; Table de corations - Mrs. Robert Armstrong, Fairborn. PIGS IS PLENTIFUL AT TIIE "HAP" YOUNGS Twenty-four prolific sows owned by C. C. "Hap" Young and Sons, Route 1, have an „average of 10 living pigs per Utter. There arc exactly 240 Uvlng pigs .from the 24 sows that have farrowed since Feb, l, Mr, Young reported. The Youngs have Hampshire sows and Yorkshire and Berkshire boars. There are seven more sows to far row. Mr. Young said the swine prog ram on the farm is designed to develop meat-type hogs. e x p e # s , v E l o o k i n g . • O ' y£T B U D p R l G £ t C E O ^LAVATORIES OF FORMED STEEL AND VITREOUS CHINA Each Briggs Beauiyware lavatory, tub, doiei or link has been Kim- lifically engineered for lop e:Ti« clenCy in the home. Style and design experts are retpomiblc for the luxurious and gfamourou* appearance of each fixture. Get an enimate today and learn how reatonable it h to have these high quality Briggs Beauiyware fix-, lures In your home. Ill US roil COMMIT! IITAILS A C SERVICE CO. W. B. Eckroad, Prep. (8accessor to C. C. Brewer Htg. Co.) 99 S. Mails 8L Cedarvllle Cali Cedarvllie 9-2251 Yellow Springs 7-7409 B T j c k ^ Y e WOODWORKING CO. CABINETS And FORMICA LUMBER - MILL WORK ROOFING — BIDING IMPROVEMENT LOANS IM Moaroa Pfcmo M93 Ztah, Okie M a i If ,Y«f W m MT o Bay or S o E tm l'BWi’W Pw*»#iriy * CALL Or WRITE * LEON H. KLING MeS*Tuy A Co, Loodwt, Ohio PI m m »1 i*w BposlaKn hi Pans Loans at porcspl t a k n d 1/
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