The Yellow Springs American, Volume 2, Numbers 1-14
THURSDAY, MARCH 18, 1054 THE AMERICAN PAGE THREE sta tem en it o f pol icy RECREATION AND YOUTH COMMITTEE 1. NAME OF COMMITTEE: 1chairman, The chairman or coordinator of j the committee shall be elected on* *Dually lay vote of the Council. All , other committee members shall be >be appointed by the chairman. This agency of the Yellow Springs N° member ol the comn*,ltee mny Community Council shall be known 550 t,v> re,clPicnt fit RECREATION as the RECREATION AND YOUTH AND YOUTH COMMITTEE funds. COMMITTEE, Formerly it was call-; '* SCOPE OF ACTIVITIES ed the Yellow Springs Youth Coun-1 METHODS OF OPERATION: ci! and when it became affiliated Tho prC£C,lt “ UvItl“ of lhe RE‘ wlth the Yellow Springs Community Council it was termed Recreation Committee and Youth Council, In. lerchangeably, 2, PURPOSE: 'Hie purpose of this committee shall be to 'provide wholesome re- og™m creation for the youth of the com-1 multy of Yellow Springs. It shalll coerdinato the activities of Its varl-f cus independent programs so that, the maximum value to tho com- ' CREATION AND YOUTH COM MITTEE approved, by the Commu nity Council arc ns follows; , a, High School Recreation Prog- *ram. * b. Elementary Sc1 too) Recreation be paid Immediately by each ac tivity, A general accounting of these petty expenditures shall be the re- spnslbility of each director of these petty expenditures shall be the re sponsibility of each director or chairman, NEWS BRIEFS Tho Women’s Auxiliary of the Clifton Fire Department will spon sor a bazaar and hake sale on Saturday March 37,4 at fa aun. With the approvnl of the majority’ proceeds will go to the Clifton Fire of the committee funds may be transferred at any time by the treasurer to other activities of the committee. Deportment. c. Summer Day Camp Program, ■d. Community Swlni Program, e. June Swim .Instructlori Prc).j- ram. f, Annual Easter Egg Hunt. Oh Aprir 4 the annual Rover of the Yellow Spring* Archery Club The following nominating Com- win be held at Bryan State Park, mittce was appointed. "Mrs, Landis, ; it js usually held on the third Chairman; Mr. Barr and Mrs. Mcl-j Sunday in April, but due to Easter, linger. This Committee is to select nominees for tho offices of Chair man, Vice-Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer and One Trustee for the coming year. munlty may be realized. The com mittee shall provide advice and as sistance to the personnel conduct ing these p‘ f -ams ce.g. High School1 Recreational Program, Swim Inst- ; ruction Progrnin, Teen-Canteen, ■ Summer Day Camp, etc.). It shall also coordinate its activities so as to avoid conflicting with, or dup licating, programs already conduct ed by agencies within the communi ty which are not recipients of Yel low Springs Community Chest funds. It shall investigate all new programs and present them to tlie Yellow Springs Community Council lor approval. f 3. MEMBERSHIP: ,1 In order to fulfill tlie above pur- , , pose the committee shall consist of qucst for CommunityS lie s t funds | g. Hallowe’en Program. h. Christmas Holiday Community Dance. ‘ i i. Maintenance and Improvement of the High Street Playground Area ‘ j. Teen-Age Canteen Program. Any current activity of the com munity may be^lscontinned at tlie recommendation of the Recreation and Youth Committee and tlie ap proval of tlie Council. New' ncti- ’ Vitles may be added by the Recrea-' tjon and Youth Committee sub-, jeet to the approval of the Council. | Tlie Recreation and Youth Com mittee will meet at least once each quarter throughout the year. 5. FINANCIAL PROCEDURES: A financial statement and a rc- TRIP IN CASE OF FIRE Mr, Charles R. Scott, Ohio State the (late has been advanced year. tills Last Tuesday the federal govern, ment filed a $571,40 tax lien against Mrs. Uric, 80, of Cleveland,,*’mem ber of the Tax Protest Committee of Peacemakers. Mrs, Uric is a for mer resident of Yellow Springs. Eleanor Wise, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Wise, Xenia Avc, a sophomore at Bryan High School, was one of eight Winners in the American Legion’s essay contest In the Legion’s Third Ohio District. Tho eight prize-winning essay* were chosen from 45 entries, and the winners w ? a ? announced by Dale Binkley of Brookvllle, ’Third District Commander, Tlie essays will be en- Dr. and Mrs. Unas Pauling were tcred in competition with those guests a t an.Antioch College Science 'from 13 other districts in the state. BuJMmgFtea; Thursday affection at] Tho top 12 essayists will be n- teas, establUhedovar twenty years Fire Marshall, points out that there!B8C» are given one each division, by 'l 4 pun. Dr, Adams, Chairman of the | arded a 10 -day trip to Washing- Science Building, Jetted that these on, D. C. m , t v Mri F. A. Jackson, Davis St., were 5,748 dwelling fires last year the staff of the, f&ence Bulldirl ; ' principal of the grade school ten- in Ohio with a momentary loss of $6,401,955. In order to insure the safety of your loved ones and to prevent your home from being another fire loss statistic, Mr. Scott suggests that you make a systematic fire hazard in spection of your home, and that you, immediately, remove or correct and their wives and student assist-j dered his resignation at the .school ants help with the arrahgernents.; board meeting March 2nd. His re- RepreaentaUVea frdtl^the Fels R e-1slgnation was accepted with regrets, search, Morris Bean and Company J Mrs. Charles Kohler spoke con- and the Natlonaki.^ash Register ccrning' a recreation program far Cptapuiy of DkytodVerealab lnvit- High School girls. Discussion follow ed'to atend>the tea. ed. The board set up a meeting date The annual Father and Son.Ban-] of Mar. 23 for parents Interested In any hazardous conditions that you! huct of Yellow Springs Lodge No., having a separate Junior Hi may find. 421, F. & A. Ml will be held Saturday There was a dlscusion of our There are fire hazard Inspection! evening March 20 at 6:30 in tjie school becoming an exempted vil forms available that will be a valu- f *oca^ elementary school. The speak- able aid to you when making an er °t evening will be Attorney for the following year shall be; prepared annually by the trcosurcr.j This report shall be approved by a; majority of the members of the t committee and signed by tlie treas. J urcr and tlie chairman. j The year-end balance of each ac tivity or the committee shall be re— i of a chairman and the following— a. Treasurer b. Public School Faculty Member c. Summer Day Camp Program Clmirman. d. Swim Program Chairman. e. Chairman of Teen-Canteen Progrnin. . , » Additional members may be np. portcri ^paratcly by the treasurer; pointed at the discretion of the and the money granted to each ac -• , , Uvity from Community Chest funds " wiii be added to this balance. From these funds the committee 1treasurer shall make disbursements «by check for large, recurring debts upon notification by the director or | chairman of each activity, urther. ” cel tain amounts of these funds may j bti disbursed directly to these ac- I tlvltles, by check, upon request to the treasurer In order to permit ; petty and miscellaneous debts to! inspection of your property. Mr. Scott suggests that you contact your local fire department, insurance or the State Fire Prevention Bureau for these inspection forms. If you discover a fire, notify the firo department immediately, The -first five minutes at a fire arc John O. Harper of Springfield. His topic will be ’’Living by the Plumb Line.’’ Tickets should \>e purchased In advance from any ofleer of the lo I re. large school rather than a county district school. The decision will be made at tlie next board meeting. The book “I Wo* a Captive In Korea” by Philip Deane, hot been presented to the Yellow Springs Library by the American Legion Auxiliary, Thomas*-* Edwin Bailey Unit 657, In memory of all our boys who served in Korea. Tlie book tells the story of two yearn and nine months of imprison ment by the Communists. It Is u most remarkable personal document of the war in Korea. The author went to Korea as a war correspondent In July, 1950. He was taken prisoner after thirteen days of wild, hopeless action with those few lost OIs sent to slow the Red offensive. Stop Signs Dr, Linus Pauling, chairman of. the division of chemistry at Califor. J nla Institute of Technology, cur-i rent Centennial visiting faculty' —-——---- •*----------— | member at Antioch College, told a Antioch Chapter No, 445 O.E.S, j student assembly Tuesday morning worth more to tlie fire department >invites Us members to attend the that while’ literature deals with than the next two hours. Too often1Annual Inspection* Saturday. March! man’s relationship to man, science r« person, upon discovering a fire,, ®pm, at the Yellow Springs j deals with an Infinity of relation- tries to fight the fire first and ( Elementary Auditorium. 1 calls tho fire department only after ' the fire Is out of controL Many at Evbaugh’a The Best in DRUGS SUNDRIES M ed ic ines CHEMICALS TRUSSES-BODY ’ *■APPLIANCES ’ A Registered Pharmacist Always at Your Service Erhaugh & Johnson Xenia Avc. A Glen S I YELLOW SPRINGS We specialize in helping every man to look his best GEGNER’S BARBER SHOP Yellow Springs FISHING TACKLE AND LICENSES BADMINTON GOLF — TENNIS BOY SCOUT EQUIPMENT BICYCLES - TRICYCLES JACKETS - SWEATERS Baseball St Softball GUNS St AMUNITION *■ L’SF. OUR LAY-AWAY PLAN RECO 113 E. High sL Springfield,a Your Auctions Appreciated We Save You Dollars On Terms A, E. MARTIN Auctioneer and Real Estate Phone Clifton 7-5770 Associated with P, T, Martin, Auctioneer and Real Estate Broker, Dayto.x, Ohio Phone Adams 3J61, a••••i««fi•••••••if••*•••■•«**•••*»• 1 Such I CAIEFULL ! f Work! | ■ . r £ [ S tag ’s C leaners j I CLEANING - PRESSING ; : ALTERATIONS { I Phone 7-7237 \ ■ Ijumn stmt Leon SUffM? * ■ • ■ * ••••»••■•••*••»*•***•••**••■*••■••*• The FINK & HEINE CO. ** ** ■ -d* t i t i i n i — b o o *1 ' • SHEEP A CALVES AT DAILY MARKET PRICE Springfield, O. Phrit* ....... 1 COFFMAN FuneralHome 322 Xenia Ave. 24-Hour (IAmbulance Service Phone 7-7310 MARATHON PRODUCTS Fuel Oil - Gasoline O ils « -Greases OFFICE PHONE 7-7431 i .*a HOWE rHONE 4,■- *• J* 7-7SS2 3- ROBERT J . GROTE Xenia a t Cany ti , . YritewSpriegs homes have been lost as a result. A good plan to follow, upon dis covering a fire, Is to help any per sons in immediate danger to safety. Call the fire department, try to isolate the fire by closing, doors and windows in the immediate vici nity, then try to extinguish the fire with fire extinguishers, garden hose or any available equipment. If the area becomes too smokey or hot, get out and wait for the arrival of the fire -department. For A WE DO IT , . . CEMENT WORK CEMENT BLOCKS A WORK EXCAVTING AND GRADING —SAND AND GRAVEL; LAND CLEARING; PONDS A LAKES W. B . DAWSON COAL COMPANY YELLOW SPRINGS SAFE FUTURE Save Haw At Cedarvillc Federa l S av in g s & Loan A ssociation 12% Earnings-Insured -—OUR 59TH YEAR— ships He defined a cultural subject ns “one that enriches man’s intellectual i and spiritual life” and that “science ] may be considered the greatest of all cultural subjects.” Red stop signs were authorized for Ohio beginning today, with the sign ing of the official Highway Depart ment Journal by Director 8. O. I hirer. Tlie new red stop-sign will firntunlly replace nearly 30,000 yellow stop signs on the rural state highway system. "The yellow stop signs are still legal nnd in force," said Llnzell, "and they will be used until the Highway Department can replace them gradually. To replace them all Immediately would entail pro hibitive cost," The Highway Department’s De puty Director of Operations, O. W. MteCaughey said that the journal entry, which he presented to Lin- zeii for signature, specified that the minimum size of the sign shall be a 24 by 24 Inch octagon, with the word stop at least onc-thlrd the height of the sign face. On rural state highways a larger, 30 by 30 inch, sign Is specified. McCaughcy said, ‘The colors used shall be cither black letters and or white letters and border on a red background,” McCaughcy continued, ‘■When block and yellow arc used the yel low background may be reflected. ; When red and white are used the I word STOP must be reflected and the red background may be.” Dr. Pauling said that one docs; not need to be a scientist to enjoy > science and that people sometimes! forget the great part that imaglna-; lion plays in science. • Dr. Pauling, who Is on a nine-day! visit to Antioch College will speak ; again at Vespers on Sunday, March 1 21, and on,Monday will Attend, tlie! meeting of the Antloch^AAUP chap ter to discuw the implications of his assembly talk. !r SCIENCE a n .«t ,MOMMAS OF OLD AGf ^ By Science T eafon is'; DELUXE HAMBURGERS With Letiace A Twaata BREAKFAST*— LUNCH | STEAKS — DINNER O pe* la I t p , m , Yelfew S p rlng* | DICK & TOM’S FOUNTAIN SERVICE YOU WANTED MORE COLORS I N . . . i ...H e n They A n : WONDER COLORS i s - P L U M B I N G § H E A T I N G GUYVARNER YELLOW SPRINGS, OHIO 211 S. Winter Street PI hmm 7-7B8B | a Haa-SlrarilapeMp Caltrt ! a iPsiWia trHfct C*l»ri | a itraUaU* Ufto Cafer* ’ a NnMa Safe Cabri . *ls*r.faAppiy6avCaiart '! a PaW'erfheW*Wrd talar* , **WOND«RPAINT ; wM>Aa famtm W0% Max tmwMmt M m . . . Yep - . thooe plow oharef will'get dull at you plow thiMe rich Greene Co. acrea. But there ie aowetkiny you can do about it I ' • Renew old , * , dull plow there* with Hard Steel Point ’ n • Good a t Newl • Special bard-au(facing on p o in t* will; a c tu a lly : • iiw re e * 0 ':^ # ( » f '■•W Guy ciirtMt! Genera] Farm \ * . •here*!’ fedig YellowSprings LumberCo. Phone 7-7426 The song which (amenta that "the old rockin' chair’s got me” expreaaea a feeling all too often charagterlatic of elderly people. In many caaea theac people suffer from no organic disturbance. They simply feel uoid.” But the proverb that you are only aa old aa you feel haa received considerable sci entific support in recent years, i 'Ll Advances in j medical science, | Which have f added years to j our life expec- j tarKfyv . ..have ; made old age ; healthier than >! ever befgre. } As a matter , of fact,the com- * plex problem* involved in helping ; the ever-increasing elderly popula- j tion lead healthy and useful lives haa given rise to a whole new . branch of medical science. This is ' ■called gerontology, the study of ; , old age , Many cases of elderly people ' who lack a sense of general well- i being—who feel “old” and spirit- I less—can be traced to a deficiency ; in certain hormones, the life-regu- ! taring chemicals produced by the , body's glands, , j To help people suffering from this deficiency, a hormone drug, j called Combandrin, has been de- i _ velopcd. This drug, containing two \ important hormones, acts to help • rebuild tissue and promote a sense j of fitness. It can be given by in- ; jectfon or by tablet,j, I ^But this is onl^Hnr aspect of 1 gerontology. Others include pay-. chiStry and prevanRHS,medicine— in fact, all aetehwR knowledge that Can help old people live hap pier; healthier lives, ‘ P lan s Made For SAR Friday, March 12, a group of members and eligible members, from Greene County, of the Sons of the American Revolution, met with state officers of the organiza tion to discuss re-activating the Nathaniel Greene chapter. Among the state officers present were: Thomas A, Calhoun, President: Warren M. Taylor, Vice president; Rev, Chandler Crawford, Chaplain; and Randolph F. Sellers, District Representative. It was brought out that there are only 4 members In Greene County at tlie present time; 2 in Xenia, and 2 In Yellow Springs. There are quite a few eligible.", in tho County. There are 3 active cliapters of the Daughters of the American Revolution and any male oyer 18 years of age who has a blood rela tive In this organization is eligible It Is also clnimed that there are more revolutionary war veterans burled in Ohio than any other state. Few people seem Xo have heard of tlie S.A.R. although It is older Mian the D.A.R. As a matter of fact the organzatlon of the D.AFt. was originally copied from the S.A.R. The S.A.R. Is not a secret organiza tion and its purpose can best be de scribed by quoting the official Policy: "Wo undertake the responsibility of protecting the Institutions of Government established by our forefathers and to guard our con stitution and B1Hof Rights from en- roachment from any source. We believe in a democracy In a repub lic and that our way of life and our liberty are worth protecting and preserving. To this end we pledge our fortunes and our sacred honor.” The S.A.R, also believes that he who has no respect and reverence for the work of his forefathers auto matically forfeits the right for such reverence and respect from his posterity. Tho SA.R. has supported military prcpnrdncss for 60 years. It has supported a post war plan to settle international disputes without re sorting to war, and without unduly yielding our sovereignty. Tlie S.A.R. has worked with the F.B.l. and other government agencies in fight ing subversion. It haH furnished material for education in construc tive citizenship. I t is teaching youth to vote intelligently and to disregard fleeting and unsound radicalism. Tlie S.A.R. established constitution Day (September 17). It inaugurated Flag Day (June 14), It establshed Young Citizens Day, now known as I am an American Day. It awards medals for outstanding work in R.O.T.C. and Good Citizenship medals to students In grammar and high schools. The list of distinguish ed men who arc and have been members of the organization is long. Seven presidents including president Eisenhower, either are or have been members, Mr. Randolph E. Sellers, 1213 Hayward Ave., Cincinnati 26, has offered to furnish further Infor mation about the S.AJl. to anyone desiring it. FARM P a in ts App liances STORE HOURS — 8:00 a.m, te 0:00 pj*. M m . tern Sat FI mm 7-7355 Yellow Spring* MI Dayten SL CLOCKS. CLOCKS. CLOCKS. Cleaned and repaired, all work guaranteed. A. H. Hall, 19-26-3 RHOBS for tlie whole family. Come lh and sceptic new styles.—Look theta over. Ellison’s Modern Shoe Repair 19.26-2-0 FOR SALE—3-piece living room suite, S-pfece dining room suite, 9 x 12 rug, small rugs, electric Iron and toaster, dishes etc, Pric ed reasonable. • Karl Robinson Ph. 4-5211 OR SALE—Overstuffed davenport, occasional chair and 12 x 15 mg, Cheap, Phone 4-9110. MARBLE . C M M M tg ^ ’Q U A l m ir X p l a s p l a st ic ■" i r o f ’E & s o N ■ TILE COMPANY jilMSsh ■i ** . Yellow Spring* Phone 7-7204 ^ 1 k ^ ' . 2 lA% FOR YOUR MONEY OUR LFKCIAL RAVINGS FLAM MIAMI DEPOSIT RANK Msatkw • M . I A
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