The Yellow Springs American, Volume 2, Numbers 1-14
The Yellow Springs American VOL, 2, NO, 14 YELLOW SPRINGS, OHIO; THURSDAY, APRIL 15, 1954 7 CENTS PER COPY ANTIOCH COLLEGE - T H R U TO NATIONAL SECURITY V?: ■0 . ■%P -I BY RALF1I 8HCTI ) -------------— ------------------------------ ~ i * v t i j Labor leaders are required* by a $sdcral statute to - B ILL BRANNUM WINS j ; execute non-Communist affidavits in o|der to qualify for! „ _ , . i cc. Uin rights. i P LAC E ON BA LLOT A trained espionage agent operating at Antioch Col- j DonnId w „Bm„ BranmimwilI ^ • le g e could, with a minimum of collalxjrfltidn, accomplish , a candidate for Democratic Central m o r e f o r our Communist enemy in orie year than the j committeeman, j a v e r a g e Communist union official couljjr hope, to accom- i plish in his whole lifetime. And.that is ufact. j The future security of the United ' states requires that a thorough and j detailed Investigation be- made of -Antioch College. j Since a* congressional committee *■•*1t V * - i Is the only agency which can poo- i slbly do the Job as It should be done, candidates for President of Judge George W. McDowell, of Highland County, ruled this week that a writ be- issued directing the , Board to place Brannum's name on such facts as theae: thO ballot. Brannum was represented A membe^tol;the Antioch College j by Marcus Shoup, Xenia attorney, Board pf TitRtoes signed a nomlnat-j and the Board of Elections was ”re- ing petitions’pledging himself “ to j presented by Prosecutor George R. support - anid^ vote for” the- Com- Smith. the safety and security of the CAMPBELL MEMORIAL DEDICATED AT METHODIST CHURCH — ign ited States demands that a tong Formal ceremonies dedicating a new pulpit to the memory of the late - ° vcj'dd* ^01' Kl^SS i w l * * * * Mr. Jesse Campbell were held last Sunday morning nt the Methodist’ 8 ” . .. . Church. Participants in the ceremonies werc.l . to r., Mrs, William Sehnub, the Rev. Thomas B. Smith, pastor, and Mr. Kenneth Campbell. Mrs. Gertrude Erbaugh; M rs . L . L . Tay lor d • j r- •j ! Hites Held buried rriday ! _ Funeral services ror Mrs. Om Me- sutC5 Ulrough' thc dcUvery * the and important Battles could be lost for reasons . which might have been traced to I Antioch College. ] Defenseless women could die in thc bombed ruins of their homes because there exists the possibility o f thc bctraysl of the United Mrs. Gertrude D. Erbaugh, Caslln Taylor, 86, of 114 S. Walnut cncfny of ............. 0 , „ , , 1 l ” Yc,llow S')rings' werc conduc,tcd . data by persons associated with An- died Tuesday evening at Springfield at 2 p. m. Wednesday in thc Yellow tioch college City Hospital. Mrs. Erbaugh, a part Springs Presbyterian Church by the owner of thc Erbaugh and Johnson ucv, Buckley S. Rude, pastor of the Drug Store, was thc widow of church. Arthur D. Erbaugh. who died Inst: Mrs. Taylor died at 11:50 u.m. September, i Monday in Springfield City Hos- A native of Brown County. Ohio,ipital where she had been a patient- These arc serious charges. They are made with full knowl- I edge o f their gravity. I In addition to its Importance, the ; problem of Antioch College is most _ . . . . . . . . . . , unique. It has many phases, many Mrs, Erbaugh had been associatedsince April 2. She was admitted to facets many angles with her husband In the drug; the hospital after fracturing her ; UnqUesUon.bly, a majorlty of An- business here since 1924 Prior to hip i„ a fail at her home Her graduaUss Lhroughout the one coming to Yellow Springs, the .death, however, was unexpected ! hl)ndrcd of lu exUtence have Erbaughs had operated drugstores, Mrs. Taylor c am e to Yellow , d lta B li Because of the lnD a yt° n‘ , wtllt ™ i® P " 8 8 ‘ nJ , ‘ v! T “ ^-exceptionally unusual and high She is survived by a son. Wi liam,, or. L. L. Toy or. who has been a- of thc AnUoch a druggist and part owner of Er- general practitioner of medicine #n unuma, number of ,u baugh and Johnson, She was a here for 50 years. member of thc Yellow Springs! Before coming to tbte commiini-M Presbyterian Church. ; V the Taylors resided In old F a lr^ m t a„ o f |u rnduat« a Funeral services will be held Fri- field several years. Mrs. Taylor was;. , , day morning at 11:00 a. m. with Dr. a member of the Yellow Springs I > cn ,oy* 1 cU1,en8 durin« more Buckley A. Rude, pastor of the Ycl-j Presbyterian Church. 1 “ * n . ye* ” ‘ . .. . .#hl low Springs Presbyterian Church She was born In Perry County! ^ « » » i « t h nf ! Dec. 38, 1807, and was a daughter; J ? ™ * andstrength of « ■ » ^ LUCrCUa Carroli - Ih^ 'd a n g ^ irtleh ^ lt — . — r e s . » . t . « o , W i f i . T i m c | „ l , four daughters. Mrs. A. Gordon; | ( ^ . With The Sick . . . ■MflcLcnimnorPlttsburgh. Pa„ Mrs.Aroyc b,e !I?ence. ,1“ " Mrs. Lena Holly broke her leg Bernice Ross and Miss Jean Taylor! ® ? iT !?* Tuesday and was taken to Mercy of the Walnut st„ address and Mrs,. . Hospital Springfield. Norman Crock of Philadelphia; a Utlllcd T Z . . T ' • • • son. Dr, Rodney T. Taylor, pastor o f , wo™an Ht|d f hlW w‘ thln ltf bor)d*” !- Mrs, James Fulton was taken to the Chambersburg, Pa., Presbyter- B^ 8t v* y *****^1*' the hospital Tuesday. - iau Church; a brother,"Carroll Mte- cd rcvolvcr Uys re8dy 8t Anl,och' the'Uqited States,-Governor of Ohio and other offices. 'Five members o f the'Antioch CoL lege staff and faculty signed' the seine Communist nominating pe tition along with some students, sound"b f thigJtWe are oh the Antioch Cqllege staff a t this apioment. Nominating petitions for thc pro- The prosecutor had advised the election board and argued In Com mon Pleas Court that a new state law, effective last January 1, made Brannum ineligible as a candidate since he had voted as a Republi can in thc 1952 primary. The Election Board, on motion of Prof, John sparks, of Antioch College, had unanimously voted to Communist ^(Wallace) Progressive i Brannum's candidacy. Marcus Party wer* circulated by members of the Anwch faculty and others In the Antioch sphere of influence. Those petitions were signed by 138 officiating, Burial will be In Caslln of New Lexington, and seven grandchildren. Has Its trigger been pulied7 Is It being pulled now? Will it be pulled In the future? Only the Congress of Community Countil will meet April 21. There will be election of Mrs, Dorothy Brodt, Limestone thc United States can take the ae- offlccrs, also a report from several S t, left last week end for a visit In tlon necessary to remove that dang- commlttccs. Scottsviilc, Ind. CHILDREN'S PICTURES THEN fREEANDPUBLISHED INTHE AMERICAN # Wonderful Prizes for the Cutest Children er or reduce it to a minimum. Those ', among thc Antioch College trustees 1who would do It are powerless, i Antioch College has been suspect ' for years. Notwithstanding the evi dence giving basis and support to > be suspicion with which Antioch has been regarded, no official ac tion worthy of the name has ever been taken to obtain the facts re garding the college. I t is true that * the presence of Communists on the 4faculties and In thc student bodlef residents of t Yellow Springs and Miami Township, Almost half of the 136 signers were either Antioch students or ,members of the Antioch staff. Many' of them are on the Antioch College faulty at this mo ment. « A former president of Antioch College hwnenled and objected to the abuse and exploitation of aca demic freedom at Antioch “by a very small but very active group whose Ideas and program of action are dlrialed by an organisation which repgpeents a foreign govern, ment whfch>hopes to undermine and to destroy American lnstltuthma and the AwerMa .government.” He was ImmadlatelyjLttacked by the Antioch Young Communist League because of his e ffo rt^ protect, the college end the tor«f*,ciUarae on its staff and inJta a RMRiber of a communist esptbnage ring was named to the Antioch faculty. In the face of all this and more, Antioch College has not been inves tigated by the Congress of the united a t * * . And one of the most revolting aspects of thc Antioch situation ie the feet that loyal students could have been and might now be made the Innocent and unwitting "stool pigeons” of enemy agents. (Editor's note: Tills is the first of a aeries of articles on the situa tion at Antioch College which has been the topic of much discussion and little action for almost two decades.) - Shoup had contended before the Board of Elections that the omission of Brannum’s name from thc ballot was "unlawful and unwarranted" and that the statute on which the board based its action was not ap plicable. Brannum will be opposed In the May 4th primary by a Miami Twp. man who was a signer of the pro- Communist (Wallace) Progressive Party nominating petitions a few years ago. BICYCLE AUCTION — Saturday at one o'clock an auction was held of approximately twenty bicycles and miscellaneous parts at the police station. Police Chief Russell Bradley acted as auctioneer and village manager Howard Rahoc acted as clerk. Part of the biclcles were unclaimed bicycles collected or left with the police. Thc proceeds from the sale of these went Into the police pension fund. The remainder were bicycles Antioch Collge had had In storage, The proceeds from these went to charity. Easter' Egg Hunt Huge Success The Easter Egg Hunt-tong a tradi tion for the children of Yellow Miami Schools Favor Exempted Status A unanimous vote by the Miami Twp. Board of Education this week favored it becoming an exempted school district—no longer a part of thc county school system. The move to break away from the county system had been under discussion for some'* time. The School Board is working against a May 1 deadline to comply with state provisions for establishing the new status by next July 1, Spring, and Miami Thwnship-took! Immedl8U:ly 8ftf *he J ot^ 8 place on the Mills Lawn L «t> «™ “P ™ m m e d by thC ,b08r<! ? J . . . . „ , _ . ____ , . .... Iconduct a census of population In Tnuraday.; The guests were children <— . f .. lt . ,. ___ _ __ . . . ... .-the school district outside the vil- of the local schooU-both public and . . Anltoch-from kindergarten age, to| *®^_ , , , , and Including the third grade, along! 8* t<! ,8W with” nnium nf m arhnnl ! clnpted vU1* « e ^ hav* Ieast 3-' i isa,ise,reic“” iCMT IMRp RlOQCIl #H VfMS . a —aa . . a ^ . ’T t T^ ____ . .. *. 1 1#50 the village and township com- and around the trees In the spacious ., . . A . . . * , __ _ " blned had a total of 4J200 residents, lawn. Four goose eggs, colored red,; , . . ” ’ . . . . -and that figure Is believed to have gold, sliver and blue were hidden1, and these were the prize eggs.’’ ^ ^ j . ^ • . Children who found the p rise^ s? * * ? « * “ ' ,l .0* were Bonnie Jo Shaw, Allen Orln-»th . 00 . .08r ' 811.. . , *? nell. Tucker VlemeUter, and Douglas fRVored to g,VC thc dL,Wct Bryan High Honor Roll McPhaden, To each of the four was1 "more direct control" of polley- Auxiliary Members Attend Round Table Wednesday nine members of the American Legion Auxiliary Thomas , ,, .... . . . making matters. He added that the ? ChUad !n.ove was definitely not of in the hunt received a iollypop As fr!ctloll wjth lhc county fidl00l usual, many older people of the vld - 1 vjL m nily thoroughly enjoyed the hunt' from the sidelines. This activity, started about 1933 and discontinued during some of the years, to an affair in which many people take part and feel a deep interest. The eggs are contri buted by everyone. Many dozens were left with MV*. Nora Frye at the Weis grocery, and on Tuesday night thc young boy Scouts made a house- to-house visitation to collect eggs, jThe Home Economics room of Bryan Edwin Bailey unit 867 attended the,H,*h, T l " * f * ^ Bay Her Roses - Make Her Happy - Help the Lions • ROSE DAY May 1 Bryan High honor roll for the last six weeks is as follows: 7th GRADE Mark Blxler, Susan Clark. Jim Filler, Stephen Gcgner, Darlene Hawkins, Judy Hayes, Julie Loud, Paul Sherwln. 8th GRADE Doris Bean, Dorothy Bittner. Janet Blackwood, Jane Dykstra, Baiba Folkmanis, Dan Gasho, Dieter Knecht, Doris Kenomcycr, David Llthgow, Nancy Merandn, Mary Minshal), Martha Shoemaker. 9th GRADE Darrell Dawson. Alls Folkmanis, Ann Hoffman, David Kirkpatrick, Colleen O ’Gora, Dianne Waechter. 10th GRADE ................................. Anita Bean, Judy Duncan, Yvonne Gibbs/ ,Joyce Phillips, Ellen Mi lord, Mary Ann Shaw, Elizabeth Whltcmorc, Eleanor Wise, Patsy Tharp. 11th GRADE Evelyn Adams, Sue Anderson, Barbara Beal, Dave Cliampncy, Jack Cochran, Elizabeth Finley, Ted MVNutt, Shirley Miller, Marva Schooler, Douglas Williams. 12th ORADE Patty Alexander, Sue DcWine, Walter Knecht, Sonia Louden, Bill Meffcrd, Fortla Robb, Lulse Rother- mUud, Pat Saycr, Joan Shoemaker, Dlantha Whltcmore. * «K- . liiW.;—impm* Mr. and Mrs. David Sallumc left last week for a two weeks vacation in Mexico. They went by plane and will stop in San Antonio enroute. Mrs. Sallumc took gifts from her G irl Scout troop to be given to Mexican Girl Scouts. • * • Miss Nancy Harris, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Harris, CJIfton third district monthly Round Tablej00^ ^ jand Seventh grade Girl Scouts with j their leaders came bit Wednesday ■— ——* . . . of prominent colleges and unlversl- It is an undisputed factthaUhcreapon sih ilitfes of tomor- ties has become dismayingly corn- row shoulders publishers . . look at these future "World Builders". * which has existed at Antioch Col The only way we can do this Is by publishing pictures of them in a lcge for „ Im05t twenty years. :K rs . Vm , Alexander; Mrs. D on a ld ^ feature series. To assure thc latest aikl best reproduction pictures . . . Communist infiltration Into edu- j ShlnMe, Mrs. In i Barr. Mrs, R ich -! dozcn yodng F°men of the PTA they must ah be of uniform size and quality . . . we hare Invited the ratlon hsur invwtlgated by con-lard Betscher and Mm. Ekton Bayer.,were 00 the *rwux,s “ hcIp and to meeting at the OBSO Home in Xenia. They are Mrs. Wilbur Flnk,i .. . J „ , Mrs. Edward Carlisle, Mm. James i dye ^ f * n'8r Oalrymple, Mm. John Nlckoeon,!*nd « ‘Khth grade ,Glrl Scouts hid ' the egg* at noon on Thursday, A Woltz-Allcn Studios of Dcs Moines, Iowa, a nationally known portrait grP5Si0naj committees. The existence j During the Imainess meeting ail - "*“ * "“ * , of such Infiltration at some of oar (were alerted to watch for any ap-f f Oldest educational institutions haslproach Id send yonng people to EN- sUidio, to take these special pictures for us. An expert children's photog- *--------------------— — --------- rapher for the Studios, with all the feature. Neither are they obligat been revealed. For some strange!CAMPMENT FOB CITIZENSHIP.) 1keep order. The Easter Egg Hunt Is a project of the Recreaton Committee of the j Community Council. Mrs. C. 8. necessary equipment for this spe- ed to purchase pictures after they reason, regardless o f all the evidence clallzcd work, will be here Monday, are taken. Those who want some indicating thc likelihood of such April 26th Plttures will be taken at additional prints may obtain a lint- nfiltratlon at Antioch College, the Lcylon Hall and will be open from ited number by arrangement with college has gone blithely on its way, 10 A. M. to 5 P. M. , the Studio representative whan un-investlgated and unmolested by * O n test an Added Feature ; the* f 1* * thc P °sc ,thcf W8f agencies of government with „ ~ printed in the paper and entered In , the exception o f the FB L Jtom ,, ,T o add ■& the 1” tef f * fc “ “ |” the contest. I t to entirely up to when some notorious Antioch char- thlh WW them. actor is brought into the limelight 1 2 ^ 0 0 ^ S250BO' The Mere Wctares, the Better of publicity, the Antioch "ruling ] P«>f>to fbe Home, a tour of th e : m the rutest bov Each child o r ' The Ye1!ow Springs American. classes" either Ignore the matter or j grounds and building* was made, i_ An ^ between the ages of eight Children nhotwrraohed In this com- 8lmply W8nts 40 p5cture a11 o t the p* lwe only mon4ent*rlly to Issue a; The next Round Table will bei|M* twelve who are Interested In munitv will automatically be c n -!youngsters and the more, thc better, j brief and haughty apology or "ex- May I# at Plgua. ,playing little league baseball, please tered in this contest. The contest’ 86 the Mothers and Fathers of the planation." ! r * « a J l T r a £ 5 ! ------- > « • « « «• the Uyont at the Maefctop covers the Eastern States oniy ‘ community In which this paper e ir - 1 Proper investigation of the An-, G a f a C I l G l d D | behind the new school Saturday, It w m pointed out that the ^ • Ada™ w m in charga ot rila n a n g e . Firing Line stated it was another ™ nts and wHo hriped In any way, Mrs. Adams expresses her appreciation and 'says a big "Thank you,” ..... Baseball Tryout May 1st Questionable organization and that five members of Its staff Bad left wing affiliations, in addition nine officials of the organization have «atanstee front affiliations. Following an excellent lunch, the same lunch served to the rest of the LEGION GRANTED ZONING APPEAL Last Monday night the planning commission granted the. zoning ap peal of the American Legion Civic Center, Inc,, to use part of th e, is orte of six Junior girls nominated Dayton St., Legion Home for office for May Queen at Wooster College space of thc Grlnnell Farm ' The queen is to be chosen In clcc- Equlpment Co., Inc. tfons and will reign May 15, Beauty alone docs not count . ; culates Should remember the date >tloch gap In our security fence» the Studio judges will base thelr |Monday, April Kth, Lcglon Hall; without the power of subpoena sndi selections upon the personality and1* * ^ « * “ » * * * * their charm as portrayed In the pictures-!40 ■perJUry iS *n lmp0* iW,,ty' And| WirisHonors The Pr*H*«&r Giardeneri won at _hnH f | You will be mighty glad, a fte r-1 the currently' available evidence'the Greene Goun'ty Flower show eligible j wards, if you did, and very, very^proves tlwexteteme of a danger atlast week' # ibwt, a second, and sorry if you do not permit your1Antioch College which carries tta ah. 1 N* Charge ta Parents children to participate In this event: There Is no charge to the par-} The kiddies will have much fun and ents. There are absolutely no,both Mdther and Dad — and the strings to this invitation. It to{youngsters, tSo — will ’be very bonafide in every sense of the word.; proud to see their pictures in print Parents do not have to be subscrlb- ctartywnon even readers of this news- : pahw’-'to take ^vintage of 'this: later. And remember, your child may win one of those wonderful prise# lo be awii^cid. Immediate threat far beyond the,a# serious problem of Communist fnfll-;i ^ tratlon Into edheattota Evidence that the potential threat vtohd extols may be found W ho less an *I m » j authoritative doewmeiit than the tt& iW I Anh^^ObOega a %:J|£ift # v i& » # n a y Sta. \ — . A first wa# for its church ar- ajrerdiid it Emm ite te s e n daHodU l*OT^||Sad Bnydir, ia4-r. ' [May 1st at 1:M e’cter.k. / DAN KLIPS PERSONALS, . . Miss Linda tu ttrell of James town was the weekend guest of Mis# Esther Lbtiise Sidenxtlck, Dayton Piie> Mto* Anna Walter, 134 W. White- main St;, was removed yesterday by ambulance to the home of her •laMNF, Mrs, Morton Dallas, neicr .xehia, ■ ■, ■ t •ov . FRANK 3. LAUiCHt sign* ths Shis seetten #» the World Oood Will Sook, containing signatures of people dll ever ths world who art contributing to a fund to make Bibtes available wherever ndsdod, Tha timarioM 'Statajlocloty opohoora th# movama’rrt IrHihla eourtt^ taaklil* on # Br: R t L t VOehihn, prasldant, Capital Unlvoralty* Columbus. ©Mi g p n . #«***»* ^ AW '#,
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