The Yellow Springs American, Volume 2, Numbers 1-14
I * « Thursday, April 1, 1954 THE AMERICAN PAGE THREE sEaster Seal Campaign \ U n d e r l a y 1 | Occupational and physical them * pLits, thy names are Patience. | I f ever a group of women were i endowed with superhuman pati ence, it is that group which works with crippled children. ' Stop In at a treatment center , for crippled children for a visit, if ’ you are in doubt as to who are the most peraervering and patient .people. Watch the physical thera- pV,t, tne speech therapist, the oc-, cupatlonal therapist at work. | Note the patience with which ’ these women and men work with the ANTIOCH STUDENTS HEAR EDITOR - - Sevemi members of the An- *crippled children, who are being tloch student body gathered In Kelly Hall Tuesday evening to hear j taught to become useful adults. Ralph Shupe, editor of the "American,'' speak briefly on "Communism j it ’s part of the Job being done ns a Campaign Issue." A qucstlon-and-answcr period followed. The m eet-, w*th funds^from the Easter Seal Ing was sponsored by the Antioch division of Students for Democratic • campaign Action, (Ladlcy Harris Photo) 'Die deepest oil boring in the Man iookelh on the countenance, world Is in Kern County, California, but Cod on the heart, Man con- Thc deepest producing oil well in th e. sidcrcLh the deeds, but God weigh- world likewise Is in this California. cth the intentions, county, > Thomas A. Kcmpis The drive ends Easter, ! but contributions are never too late to help a child. There are 102 local affiliates of the Ohio Society for Crippled Children, which carry on their work the year round. Treatment, diag nosis, and equipment to help a child Fam o u s Bathroom Scale Exact weight every time, with a Borg. Accurate as your doc tor's scale, and guaranteed for life under a Service Warranty. Big easy-read dial, smooth tile platform. Choice o f colora, Never sold for Icaa. $ 7 . 9 5 * o x e o Red Br«a>» Tough pal metto—fibre whisk broom. 7\tf overall. .Useful every day at your home, office, shop or car. o x c o R a n c h H o u s a Tough-fibred push- broom for sweeping all outdoor surfaces. Garages, stdewalkv * basements, etc. 14*m*m A O block. 54" handles 91 A s 9 0 NtWl STAM1IY "HAMAST"” HAMMER TheCls« Helds TheKell • •AMi n Inches ts Ytsr Issili * 2-98 HEWl W A M If ' "TWO-FOVI-SIX"’ HTHtWOMRMI fetk Lsf Vyttt te I vh N a4 «n -fa il* Is M oth # IxtsedseM l hr I m M feslleM—ni»n#*t» H a r d w a r i n g N e w s * Everybody Hkcs a party . . . We are giving a house party this week complete with free coffee and doughnuts every day throughout HARDWARE WEEK. Stop in—-you can't miss the red, white and blue I, R. H. A. sign out front. In keeping with IRHA Hardware Week, our price tags will he as low as our stock is modern. Look over the new garden tools, glance at the houseware and kitchen gadgets, look over our new paint department and perhaps even choose the color you want to give the kitchen wall a new look. Buy or browse -—but do drop in. Everybody is welcome. (™ p D SCREENDOR BRACES i w . i r u - i i s . i m IWs Sum la takaap m pwm» sag la aay WWW *e r< ASSi faaie • t SaiH f ay. yMtS,MoHy 1 5 c N E W SCREENDOR 'V M im r N». It * « Clam Slid’ I n M c Hhtti tar taB pnPTvCTw m g lw W y w it * 06ieataste4hshocbyO ht * skamam- bsystta* 2 9 c L a w n M o w i n g 'MIAJW«• MsX.■S.< SteaGizmm MO SMAKTHBSS FOO. H-nttitM MO OATH/ STHtFtSUM * BOOKS AftowAusmrttmsntt TAFt tH MAMMOWXW0 c o to A tjrs * * sh a b lb ! 1 fy H a t a j y , aaaf vuy ts «mw M M o ts m om e ion . oomtm m ts coiobsahs 3 m* by w o rn *. V i s f - W a t s a i & ' g o f . * & § f M r S T l t f U - T A R g t X >OW t J . radtat, as "d u k i t aa la plttm", aa tarn-sraaal W aggia. M a x a* yaa mtm, a^tk OSJSf | m f i wgf atawlaf. Yaa «aa da k wkh a Matty Msva* and k»,,gstaging Saw * aafahr Mads*. D a rt hag • mmtr 'H f yaa try a Hatty. °* S59.95 W. Deliver Phone 7-7451 •re provided by the fuads from | Easter Seats. But it is the therapists who have the difficult Job. Watch one as she tries to teach a five or six year old child how to take one step. That’s the Impormnt one. The others come easily. But it may take four or five months o f dally help before that first step is taken. Watch a therapist teach a child to drop a ball into a hole in a box, Watch another as she sits for hours in front of a mirror with a child, trying to get the child to make sounds with her mouth. Trully, women and men working with Ohio's crippled children are the most patient on earth — and all it takes from Ohio's citizens to speed this wort is support o f the Easter Seal campaign. It ’s never 'CH A IRM AN OF SDA MEETING — |Council Whether you are a member |or a Home Demonstration Club you i hic welcome to attend the aesaton and learn how to be a better home- too late to give. Evan R . Dawson On Deans List j Miss Annette Klein, Antioch poll- |tieal science student, is shown as [she presided over the meeting of ) SDA held Tuesday evening in Kelly Achievement Day Program Set i { Registration at 9:30 run. will open jmaker. [ the Achievement Day Activities on ; „ . - . « , ! April 20th, at the Second United' ■ ® V e r i x l V C A I f a t j Church, in Xenia. A Break The program will ' open with* „„ , ; Meditations, a prayer presented asr lu ts cause a tremendous economic la chorale reading by the Plan and 'oss cach year. Do Home Demonstration Club. Rats can carry diseases such aa Mrs. Aubrey Frost, an interior de- P«aguc, typhus, infectious jaundice, ; corator will explain the part the r!^ kite f cvcr, and others, j homemaker plays in making her.’ Remove rnt harbors by removing home attractive and comfortable.; old lumber, shacks and j Questions from the audience will b e, Pr!v*cs’ vanswered. i RaLproof nil buildings, I Achievement In Tralloring will Remove feeding and breeding j be Illustrated by a style show by !>lnccs by storing garbage and trash women who have completed a tall- *n water-tight metal containers ored gannent in the tailoring w^b close fitting lids, classes. : Exterminate rats by every possible Mrs. Clara Weiscnborn, State * nwlh° d such as poison, traps, and Representative from Montgomery. clc- County and columnist for a Dayton ’ ~ ------ ------------- 1—— '* I Hall at Antioch College. ! Harris Photo) 1 r. For the 32nd consecutive year, Mr. Evan R- Dawson, student at ncw hlgh WttS ln sales of liqUc- Harvard University Cambridge, ncd petrolciun gas. The 1953 sales and son of Mr. and Mrs. i about 10 per cent over 1952 Mass i . DY e 5 ? w X r ln g T h i m llTth! rc«>rda-.^ rin g the total to an esti- 1 the women of the ha, 7 ehm c^F lrat (Ladley ’ newspaper, will present a challenge to every homemaker in her talk in the afternoon session. Her subject is "Women W ill Use the Key." Special music will be featured j throughout the program, Lunch will be served at noon by deants list a t the university with grades of B or better, it is an nounced. Mr. Dawson was grad uated from Bryan High Scliool. mated 4,920,000,000 gallons. Billy Andrews was released from Greene Memorial Hospital. Xenia, Tuesday. FISHING TACKLE AND LICENSES BADMINTON GOLF — TENNIS BOY SCOUT EQUIPMENT BICYCLES - TRICYCLES JACKETS - SWEATERS Baseball A Softball GUNS A AMUNITION USE OUK LAT-AWAT FLAN REC0 lit E. Mgh'aL SpriagfleMtO. YOU WANTED MORE COLORS IN,., j come, first served- . . J j Achievement Day is sponsored b y; /the Greene County Demonstration Your Auctions Appreciated We Save You Dollars On Terms A. E. MARTIN Auctioneer and Real Estate Phone Clifton 7-577# A-jsociatod with F, T. Martin, Auctioneer and Real Estate Broker, Dayto.i, Ohio Phone Adams 3.J61. 2 y2% M W ** , w t DO IT ...ftart T h y A n : WONDERCOLORS TlMfl anas- ♦•'• ■ *a^ .. DRUGS SUNDRIES MEDICINES chemicals tr 05 ses - body APPLIANCES •r%kt (ahn • tsd t i l i UK*Cstsw aB sn M s Ml Calsrs • issy-TsIg tilq tilm virjm | kh nooini miri • w s ^ r s r . s r wOA*oHmm10t% FOR YOUR MONEY OPR H PE riA l SAVINGS PLAN Drop In Ask For Detail, MIAMI DEPOSIT BANK k lem b e r o f F .D .I.C , WORK CEMENT BLOCKS Sc WORK EXCAVTING AND GRAD ING —SAND AND GRAVEL; LAND Cl,EARING; PONDS A LAKES W. B. DAWSON COAL COMPANY YELLOW SPRINGS YellowSprings LumberCo. Phone 7-7426 A Magbland Pharmacist Always at Yaar Serrtea Erbaugh & Johnson Xaela An. A Glen SL - YELLOW SPRINGS COFFMAN FuneralHome 322 Xenie Ave. 24-Hour AmbulanceService Phone 7-7310 J — ATTENTION PLEASE — h We Sell Farms, j City, apd ^ Suburban Property « M A R K E R & CO. 5 . Realtor* W 509 Cmll.han Bldg. W AD S251 . KE 4954 Dayton* O.^ s A ir •5£* e a t i n g GUYVARNER YELLOW SPRINGS, OHIO 211 S. Winter Street Phone 7*7666 FOR HOME - OFFICE - STORE W in d o w Un its from 1-3 to l '/2 h. p. Includes thermostat and a heater for those chilly mornings. l i t D a y t e n st * ** w * Taw *. i\ RUBBER ____ ____ . QUARRY iflJp lPLAS PLASTIC , S T E V E N S O N ' TILE COMPANY • * Yellew Spring* Phone 7*7209 JU l . f t i S F P a i i i t o Appliances FARM Implements ILES& SERVICE U I t li pA lKM i Hm Sat Y*i«w Springs 1M Daytaw St. ' .................. “ A d - O n s * 1 We can install these units in your present heating ducts and utilize your furnace blower S e l f - C o n t a in e d complete w*th blower. Models for stores, offices and to attach to your present heat distribution system DON 'T G E T A “ GU ESS -ES T IM A T E" CA LL US FOR AN ACCURATE H E A T GAIN STUD Y t - * b * 4 A f /• A . C . Service T hM tnBM f. Phone 3-32S1 HEATING -SHplET METAL . t . . t g # t
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