The Yellow Springs American, Volume 2, Numbers 1-14

I* PAGE FOUR THE AMERICAN Thursday, April 15, 1054 £ $ s CHURCH SERVfCES Sunrise Service 1 Easter Morn PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH „ Easter momIn* at 6 a.m, .the youth o( the Methodist and Pres- FIUENDS ROCKFORD CHAPEL 10:00 a.m. Family Service ■. , . __. , , , , byterInn Churches will present a 1030 -* 11:30 a-m. Meeting fo r ! , , ' . . ■Sunrise Service In the Methodist ° r* ' • . ... ; Church. At the regular worship nt i 10:30 the choir will present the call i to Worship and special Easter A>>- |[hems. The Sermon subject will bo i "He Is Risen", Because of the pos- salblllty that there may be room to . accomodate those people coming late 1to the Easter Service, will you please ; come early to Insure a place for i your family, ‘KNTIIAL CIIAP1.L A. M. E. Rev. lunar R, Louden, pastor 9:30 am-, Sunday School J<M9 a.m., Devotions 1100 a,m., Morning Worship FIRST BAPTIST Ilrv. Wm. Williams, pastor 10:00 a,m„ Sunday School 11:00 a.m- Morning Worship IIPISCOPAL [Rockford Chapel) 8 00 First Sunday of month. CLIFTON PRESBYTERIAN Rev. Richard 8. Smille, pastor 10:00 a-m., Bible School tl:00 a.m., Morning Worship • CLIFTON I'N ITED PRESBYTERIAN Rev. James D> Taylor. Supply pastor Mis. Elwood Shaw, organist 10:00 a-m. Sabbath School 11:90 a.m. Preaching Service CLIFTON ZION BAPTIST Rev. Richard Phillips, pastor 10:00 a.m. Sunday School BYRON EVANGELICAL and REFORMED Rev, Eugene Davis, pastor 930 a-m., Sunday School 9:30 a.m.. Junior Sunday School 10:00 a-m., Church Service Fish-Game Association Plans Home Green County Fish and Game Association at their regular busi­ ness meting last Tuesday night discussed plans for the Association's new farm home off Union Rd, Archie Peterson announced that about *2,000 in labor had been promised by excavators in the county tor work on the proposed five-acre lake at the new Club site, A site for the lake has been chosen was reported by the Lake Commit? toe. $400 in bonds was presented the club by Homer Bowser from the Inactive Bird Dog Association. in 1030 to promote basic research Rhd education In the sciences, Its -aim Is to help develop the potential scientific manpower resources of the country in an effort lo Stem a grow­ ing shortage. Drs, Owe t and S*rwart will work on the pro'ect 1m •'•l ately. Much or the laboratory work In the project will be done by AnU rh students under the college's strd '-wo k prog­ ram. Dr. stcwa-t’8 first lotTost in the problem began when he was work. Ine, for his doctorate at Johns Hop­ kins University, anti h" wrote his cloctornl thesis on the sublet. He has received three sn"cp<ti ve Fred­ erick Gardner Coltc’l g’ nitts from til" RcsearMi Fcun',M ,on '"r work on the same problem The two prof’'s a id Robert Warner, J-., of ' " ’■-t C v t ll'on. Ohio have write1' i in per on the earlier work to I " ■ "sent >d nt the Ohio .Academe of v ietre on Amdl 17 at Ohio Uni-e 'b y in Athene Warner, an A n 'm ’h -senior in physics, has been laboratory techni­ cian on the project. COURT NEWS COMMON FLEAS COURT DIVORCES ASKED . Myrtle Brown 8toudcinirc, 131 Marshall Street. Yellow Springs, against Joseph same address: neglect and cruelty: married -n Xc.ha Aug. 17, 1943; plaintiff a k; ;c-itaratlon to maiden name of 'Jrown, Antioch Receives Science Grant The National Science Foundation has announced a grant of $10,000 to Antioch College physicists Dr. jGwilyn E. Owen, professor of phy- *slcs, and Dr, Albert B. Stewart, as­ sociate professor of physics, for I basic research In the properties of ! gases, < "The purpose of this project is j to increase our understanding of a : very fundamental problem In phy. ^sics, namely the manner In which YELLOW SPRINGS METHOD IST. gases carry an electric current," Dr. CHURCH •Stewart said today in explaining the Rev, Smith will speak on "Con- research, quering Our Fears." BETHEL LUTHERAN 9:39 a.m., Sunday School 10:30 a.m. Worship Service METHODIST Rev, Thomas B. Smith, pastor. 9:30 Church School. 10:40 a.m. Worahfp service. "Our particular concern Is with the oscillations that are generated * by a conducting gas and with the ! information these oscallatlons can ! give us about the behavior of gas atoms and electrons. I t is our be­ lief that the new understanding Saturday. Confessions at 4:3# (o obtained through such work will 5:30 and 7:30 to g:3* p.m. ald ,n * station of other problems Regular week-day Masses, 7iJ0 in atomic physics.” f a.m. • The National Science Foundation' ST. PAUL CATHOLIC 308 Phillips Street Yellow Springs. Ohio Rev. James O. Byrne, pastor Sunday Masses, 7:30 and 10:00 s.m 11:0# a-m. Morning Service >was established by act o f Congress; Watch Your Kite Springtime Is kite flying time and a happy occasion for many boys. Rut such fun can be turned into tragic circumstances if a few im­ portant precautions are overlooked, The Dayton Power and Light Com­ pany said today. Parents were asked to caution their children not to fly kites near electric lines. Kites contacting lines may cause electric shock, serious burns or even death. DP&L outlin­ ed the following precautions: 1. Make certain that electric lines arent’s neafby when flying kites. 2. Don’t fly kites with wire cords or* wet cords. These arc especially dangerous because they arc good conductors of electricity. The wind may suddenly shift nnd draw kite cords over the power lines. The electricity then travels down the cord into the hands of the person flying the kite. 3. Don't try to rescue a kite if It gets caught in electric lines. Never climb a pole or a tree to pull a kite away from electric lines of any kind, Using stick or pole to "punch" kite away from lines can also be dangerous. The pole may touch the power lines and conduct the elec­ tricity directly to the person hold­ ing the pole. Marcella H amnion*I Wins Top Hornr Marcella Hammond, seventh vatic pupil at Bryan High School, on top honors In a violin group after playing "Life T'o Cherish" by Henry Fnrmc- in an .elimination contest In music at Northridge H'gh School, Dayton “pccntly. Comments on the song which Marcella played were expressed as "good" with favorable mention about her training. Fressa R. Inman To Give Talk 'Inca and pre-Inca Civilization in Peru" will he the subject of n talk by Frown raker Inman before .he Yellow Springs chapter of the Am­ erican Association of Univerc'ty Women on Thursday, April 22, Her talk will follow a dinner meeting nt G:15 p.m. in the Antioch tea room. Mi-. Inman re.ontly spent a month In Peru during a three- month visit to South ‘ America. Her previous travels In ^Mexico have given her a background in pre- Celumblan civilization In the Am- i riens, Colored p'cturcs taken during her trip will be a highlight of Mrs. Inman's talk. She has made an extensive study of color photography and has obtained outstanding pic­ tures. Members arc asked to make din­ ner reservations by telephoning Mrs, R. A. Frederick 7-7214, on or before Monday, April 19. Free Chick Day In Cedarville Your Purina dealer M- J, Wllllnm- ron Feed and Supply Company, a t : CcdarvUlc, has always been known ai a good place to get chicks and chick-starting needs, But right now, they're offering you the bargain of the month. On April 22, Williamson's Feed and Supply will give you absolutely f ee 10 Leghorn cockerel chicks when you buy 25 pounds of Purina Chick Stnvtcna . , , or 25 chicks when you buy 50 pounds of Startcna. When you buy Startonu, you get chicks free. Your Dealer wants you to sec for yourself the good results you get on Micro-Mixed Purina Start­ cna. He wants' you to prove in your own chicken-yard why It’s the country's favorite starting ration. So make your plans now to bo­ on hand early because first Corne­ ll rst served on this bargain offer. You !) get 10 Leghorn chicks with each purchase of 25 pounds of Purirla Startcna . . 25 chicks with 50 pounds of Startcna. These little roosters should be big and plump1 frying chickens by 8 to 10 weeks old. ■ 1 REMEMBER — April 22nd is chicken-bargain day at Williamson’s ' Feed nnd Supply—the Store with the Checkerboard Sign in Cedarville. SHAKESPEARE* GUEST DAY The Shakespeare Club will hold their annual guest day April 19 at the home of Miss Bessie Totten. Buy Her Roses - Make Her Happy - Help the Lions - ROSE DAY May 1 AAUW Slates Benefit Party , Burbank, Mrs. T , E. Charlton, Mrs, ?John Cochran, Miss Eleanor Collins. MVs. Clara Dawson, Mrs. Paul Ebert, Mrs. H. C. Eystcr, There are 102 units in Ohio push-. ing the Easter Seal Drive. j “I f you plan to attend the AAUW * scholarship card party, please make!, your reservations In advance," urge Jean Taylor and Mrs, Delano Foote, ticket chairmen. Reservations may be picked up at the door but the planning committees would like to know how many will attend Jp order to accomodate everybody. The event will be held at 6 p.m. Saturday, April 24, In the grade school auditorium. Proceeds will be used to present a scholarship to a Bryan high school girl graduate, “We’ve received several applica­ tions for the scholarship," states M'ary Hunt, president of the Yellow Springs chapter of the American Association of University Women, Mrs. Floyd Nlswander and Mrs: Donald Good, co-chairmen for the event, ask that guests bring their own cards with'them. Donations of cash, flowers for decoration, or re­ freshments from those who want to help the scholarship fund will be welcomed by the solictlng chairmen, Mrs. H. M. Bcrlcy and Mrs. T, E. Charlton. Refreshments consisting of sand­ wiches, cookies and coffee will be served to all guests at the close of play. During the evening soft drinks will be on sale. Delano Foote, master of cere­ monies, will distribute among the ticket holders gifts from local mer­ chants and home-made cakes. Tickets arc available at the Hand­ craft Shop, 417 Xenia avenue, or may be purchased from AAUW members, who include: Mrs. Jessie Armstrong, Mrs, Ira Barr, Mrs. Adeline Bassett, Miss Blanche Bean, Mrs. H. M. Berley, Mrs. Richard Betscher, Mrs. John Birch. Miss Vivian Brcsnehcn, Mrs. John W. BOYD ALEXANDER ELECTED TO OFFICE W. Boyd Alexander, vice president o f Antioch College and dean of administration, has been elected vice president of the Association of, Ohio College Presidents and Deans, The group met a few days ago in Col­ umbus. Mr. Earl Hamilton, Limestone St. moved Wednesday to Mrs. John sHulls 1202 Xenia Ave7 7 5 -‘ v t 3 : W r it t& l G u a r a n t e e . . . S t r o n g e s t E v e r ! i f \ VOTE FOR HILL FOR STATE ■ i l REPUBLICAN YOUR District Deserves • A Sober And Religious Senator • An Experienced Tested Public Official*** • A True Citizen And Family Man 9 A Senator Guided By High Standard* • A Senator True To His Convictions • A Senator Not Obligated To Any Interests X WINSTON W. H ILL PRIMARY — MAY 4th 1954 C J’s Farm Market Just North of Jackson Rood On V, S. Rt. 68 r 7 / 7 1 ' ' ! \ I *a — w \ r * l t l * v . W i C . ' * / 4 V . t - f t 1 / * REMODELED & RE-STOCKED V / . ' l M - * i / J^sevtBtes/ Miss Betty Lou Fellers, Mrs, W il­ bur Fink, Mrs. M. H. Finley, Mrs, Kingsley Fogg, Mrs, Delano Foote, Miss Mary Fralfck, Mrs. R. A. Frederick, Mrs. F. c . Genovese, Mrs. ponald Good, Mrs. Henry Orote, Mrs. John Halchtn, Mrs. Russell Hollister, Mrs, Kenneth Hunt. Miss Mary R. Hunt, Mrs. O. L, Inman,"Mrs, F. A. Jackson, Mrs. Alan Knabc, Mrs. Charles Kohler, Mrs. Donald Mcnn. Mrs, Margaret Mcrcfcr, Mrs, Clark Meredith. Mrs. Floyd Nlswander, Mrs. Paul Noskcr, Mis Esther Oldt, Mrs, John R, Parks, Mrs, Paul Rothcrmund, MVs. P. A. Smith. Mrs. Lester Sontag, Miss Sarah Stokes, Mrs, Allyn Swinnerton, Miss Jean Taylor, Miss Bessie Totten, Mrs, William Touchmnn, Mrs. E. c. Turner, and Mrs. Glenn Wright. Big Special Display Attraction at Deatons Deaton's Hardware Is really going all-out In observance of Irha Hard­ ware week April 16-24. Genial Wilbur Deaton and his staff have been working for days In preparation for the big event. "The price tags will Jbc as big a surprise as the variety of mcrchan- dtst,” Mr. Deaton declared. Prom washers for that dripping faucets to fly-rods for the trout fisherman, Deaton's Is ready to serve you. "Do-it-yourself” fans will also be especially interested In the new lines of hammers, saws and the latest in power tools for the home Workshop. Coffee and donuts will be served dally at Deaton's during hardware week even If coffee should rise to $2 a pound. * For the gardeners, there will be special interest In Deaton’s new "Green Thumb Garden Shop,, which Is being formally opened during the Irha event. The F IN K & HEINE CO. Baycri Of CATTLE — tlOGS SHEEP * CALVES AT DA ILY MARKET PRICE Springfield, O. Phone 3-9721 MARATHON PROBUCTS Fuel Oil - Gasoline Oils - ^Greases OFFICE PHONE 7*7431 HOME PHONE 7-7662 W tW R T J. GROTE Xenia at f'orry 8L Yellow Spring* T’ **ibre't* nro * ” *1' ' l-'H • '-e- q* t>i j nt • >■. : * c. - •- 1 si’* v '-y : -jy ft.-e NGYV I'erV- j »hr *’ ‘ h'jvsf guar - c ■•-•*» eve: Fo; 'v fe ly — f n i cv i ng *—-Djy'.on T *.d« aniycrorP.'ST l,,« them loouy | 0 * I * * » ' . l C&L 1W *#*•***' W r l l l « i W W tP COMPLETE LINE OF FRUITS St VEGETABLES ..... . ..... .... ......... MEATS - GROCERIES VARIED STOCK OF SEED POTATOES ONION SETS AND PLANTS CABBAGE & TOMATO PLANTS 'V ’ ifLr-JtT Also Carry-Out 3.2 Beer STORE HOURS Monday - Wednesday * Thursday 8 a* m. fo 8 p. m. Friday St Saturday 8 a, m. to 9 p. m. Sunday 9 a. m. to 8 p. nt* , CLOSED TUESDAY You Are Cordially Invited H today, WW up ! STOP Iff" D&Q APPLIANCE SALES & SERVICE 827 Xenia Ave Phone 7*7752 For quality service on' all makes of electrical appli­ ances. For A SAFE FUTIRE Save New A t Cedarville Federal Savings & Loan Association 2y2 Eamings-Insured — OUR 59TH YEAR— SSSNSSilSIllISlSSNSin^ ■