The Yellow Springs American, Volume 2, Numbers 1-14
PAGE FOUR YELLOW SPRINGS AMERICAN January 7, 1954 B l o o d m o b ! , ~ T~ IUC III X e n i a J a n . 1 1 Headquarters for U»e Red Cross, Bloodmobllc, which will arrive In j Xenia on Monday, January 11, will1 School *t 1 METHODIST Rev. Thomas II. Smith, pastor 9:30 a.m. Church School. 10:10 a.m. Worship service Holy Communion. is shipped by piano to hospitals overseas; and much Is used at mill, tary installations and hospitals lor servicemen and veterans in this country. At home, the demand for blood Is greatly increased for the prod uction of Gamma Globulin, width Is used mainly for combatting the effects of poliomyelitis. Gamma Globulin is administered liirough i FRIENDS ROCKFORD CHAFED 10:00 a.m. Family Service 1030 . 11:30 a.m. Meeting for Worship - — •' ....... -- ST. FACE CATHOLIC < Rev. John Ante y, pastor. , Sunday Masses, 7:30 ami 10:001 am. ; Saturday, Confessions at 4:30 tn = 5:30 and 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. Regular week-day Masses, 7:30 j a.m. - .... ■ • ■ -■■- CENTRAL Cl1AFIX A. M. V. Rev. Isaac K- Louden, pastor 9:30 a.m., Sunday School 10:40 am,, Devotions 1100 a.m., Morning: Worship - ......... • - : FIRST BAPTIST Rev. Wm. L. Williams, pastor 10:00 am., Sunday School I 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship ’ .■ PRESBYTERIAN < Rev, Buckley S. Rude, pastor j « 10:30 a.m., Church School i 1030 a-m,, Morning Worship-’*Why 1 1 are we Presbyterians?” t I ........... • f EPISCOPAL (Rockford Chapel) ■ 8:00 a.m., First Sunday of month. - s bo Xenia Central High Gymnasium. At this time an appeal Is being I made to Uw people of Oree«e Coun- j ty to participate In this Blood Prog- ; rum. Even though our country .laj tot now engaged in war the need, for blood Is as great as ever, and nothing could be more Important to the success of this undertaking than a wide and thorough under- iiUinding of It, First of nil great quantities of whole blood and blood plasma are still needed by the military. Some local health departments and hos- |pitnis without charge to the patient, j | In Greene County, a large per- > ,ccntage of the blood collected is jreturned here for use of patients _at Oreeno Memorial Hospital, There' is no charge for this blootl but a i . s small fee Is charged by the hospital for cross-matching administration. ; * Persons volunteering to give blood arc asked to call 2-4428, the Red* Cross Headquarters at 118 West Second St*, for an appointment. Equipment will be set up at Cen tral High School Gymnasium and work will begin at 11:00 A.M. Seven to nine donors will be scheduled every fifteen minutes until 4:4f> P M, So, to avoid a period of wait ing If it Is at all possible, doners are asked to call In advance for an appointment, a Miss Ohio Helps THE XENIA NATIONAL BANK When Traveling Always Carry TRAVELERS CHECKS American Express or Bank of America If Lost or Stolen Total Amount Refunded in Sixty Days Y O U S A V E T I M E . . , s a v e S T E P S . . . S A V E M O N E Y . . . i m p iW f y PEOPLES B u i l d in g & S a v in g s Co . XENIA, O. U GREEN ST. "Since 1885- m e t e , CLIFTON PRESBYTERIAN Kcv, Richard S. Smille, pastor 10:00 a.m., Bible School 11:00 am., Morning Worship CLIFTON UNITED PRESBYTERIAN Rev. Janies D. Taylor, Supply pastor Mrs. Elwood Shaw, organist 10:00 a.m. Sabbath School 11:00 a.m. Preaching Service CLIFTON Z?ON BAPTIST Rev. Richard Phillips, pastor 10:00 a.m, Sunday School 11:00 a m. Morning Service BYRON EVANGELICAL and REFORMED Rev. Eugene Davis, pastor 930 am., Sunday School 9:30 A.m., Junior Sunday School 10:00 a-m., Church Service Miss Ohio, Martha Zimmerman of Salem, adds her contribution to the 1954 March of Dimes. More support than ever before is need ed In the current drive because of the costs of the new Folio i Prevention Program of stepped- j up gamma globulin supplies and ; testing of a polio vaccine. CLASSIFIED ADS. I WANTED—Day work In my home l Washing, ironing or cleaning | Contact Mrs. Sarah Shopc, 743 ( No Main Street. s | 1-7-54 i i iFOR SALE — 20 Weanling Pigs. Phone Ccdarvillc 64-932. WHEN MARIETTA WAS FOUHDED (1788) A HUNTER COUID KILL 20DEER A DAY-----IF BEARS, PANTHERS,WILDCATS AND WOLVES DIDN'T GET HIM. i OBTAIN THEM AT THE XENIA NATIONAL NANI XENIA, OHIO MIAMISBUR 6 MOUND. _ DAYTON, IS THE LARGEST CONICAL BURIAL STRUCTURE IN OHIO Member of Federal Accounts Insured Reserve System U p T o $ 1 0 ,0 0 0 .0 0 DID YOU KNOW THAT FEDERAL ex c is e T a x e s lev ied o n teleph o n e USERS COST AN AVERAGE CF *l«« PER MONTH PER TELEPHONE ? 0t* !f > BETHEL LUTHERAN 9:30 a.m,, Sunday School 10:30 a.m. Worship Service Card of Thanks We wish to express our sincere thanks to otir relatives, neighbors and friends for Ulclr kindness to us at the tlm<. Of t!ie Illness and death of our husband and father. Mrs. Florence M Fields and family FISHING TACKLE AND LICENSES BADMINTON GOLF — TENNIS BOY SCOUT EQUIPMENT BICYCLES - TRICYCLES JACKETS - SWEATERS Baaeball St Softball GUNS St AMUNITION USE OUR LAY1-AWAY FLAN RECO m E. High *L Springfield,O, WANTED Used STEEL FURNACE 24 inch or larger — o — CALL Yellow Springs Phone 7-4251 or 7-3664 Mrs, s. F. Weston, X cnia Avc,, returned lost Thursday from spend- hig the holidays with her son Burns in Cleveland, Thomas Taylor, freshman at the 'ulUnlv, cf Michigan, spent the holl- r ,Vv T - - * T ” 1n ^ «■ * M l» ho £ £ 2 New Year's Eve party. Their guests Albers, formerly of Yellow Springs Della Hardman, a long time rcsl- |n th0 marching band, He Is now were Mr. and Mrs. Fred King, Mr. announce the marriage of their dent of Yellow Springs, has been 111 playing In the symphonic orchestra and Mrs. Emcr Qrcenwald, M‘r and daughter, Mar Louise to MV. Rufus since Christmas. Her address is ^art *lls VBCatlon, ho worked for H* WclJel'> Mr Jn‘I Mr* Benton of State College, Penna,, ‘ Presbyterian Home, Sidney, Ohio, tho anthropometric survey at An- Robcrt Acton, Jr., and Mrs. and December 28, 1953 ,R.R, No. 4, tloch College. He returned to the Mr. Russell Sheridan. j ‘ j [University last Sunday, 1 _ Mr.~and Mrs. M. E. Tavener of Fairfield Pike, entertained with a ! Mr' f*-*** 4 -4 $ S $ ^ :s* s wii> j? # .'* 2 y2% FOR YOUR MONEY •n THE FINK & HEINE CO. Buyers Of CATTLE - - HOGS SHEEP nd CALVES AT DAILY MARKET PRICE •fTfaNTflett, O. Phone 3-9721 n it 7 m Wont To Buy or Sell Your F un or Town Property CALL Or WHITE . LEON H. KLING MeSarany @ Co. Leadm, Okl* Phone ft Wo Speohilfani U Form L oom it #l| pentad fartene* OUR SPECIAL SAVINGS FLAN j Drop In Atk For Details MIAMI DEPOSIT BANK Member of F.D.I.C. Year Written Guarantee .Strongest Ever! • • at Erbaugh’a The Best In DRUGS SUNDRIES MEDICINES CHEMICALS TRUSSES-BOQ.Y APPLIANCES A Registered Pharmacist Always at Your Service Erbaugh & Johnson Xenia Ave, & Glen St, YELLOW SPRINGS SCIENCE B L “f/Hj/wm E I C H M A N ’ S GAS AND ELECTRIC APPLIANCES WIRING MATERIAL^ DAYTON t h o r o R * * J * Unfond|tlonay g u a r a n t e ed IN WRITING f^r*<***C>*’'' LIGHTING FIXTURES 12 Wert Main rt, Xenia, O. .Phone M2 B U C K E Y E WOODWORKING CO. CABINETS An« FORMICA LUMBER — MILL WORK ROOPING — SIDING /IMPROVEMENT LOANS IM Monroe Phone MB Xenia, Ohio Therebredi arobuiltwith •afra fworanfoonblo qualify—4hat*twhy they aro NOWbacked by tho itronfoif wr/tton fuar* anfooo ever. Forsafoty— for eevlnf*—Dayton Thorobrodi aroyourBIST tirobuy. Soo thorntoday. g f y e & i t t o * - fts,10*»-»‘ <’PPlnfl ,u 3 y r . Mn .ond ltl<>"«' Written Ounrontee t H O R O ® * * ® 2 yr.vncondltlo»«» Written Guarantee t H O R O ® * * 0 s w a - - a n * * " ® " * " * ' Written Oa«ro " ,,# C A U T IO N O N H O M E P A IN T IN G by Science Features Planning to do any painting id your home? If you arc, and if there arc children around, doctors advjse that you be sure to use a , paint which does not contain lead j chromate in the pigment, i The reason for this is simple. l. Young children, as every parent ' knows, have the habit o f chew- ing bit Whatever comes to, hind —the rail of a crib, &,iChairr a Window s i l l , even b its cr painted plaster which fall fro.n Old walls, If this pal ,t } | *'< contains lead I ' ' t' VvV chromate — n rather common ingredient of the . p igm ent, espe cia lly in chrome , yellow', orange and green colors— enough may be swallowed by the f child to cause lead poisoning. In i the first six months of this year 15 cases of lead poisoning were re. ported in New York Gity alone, 11 among children. Most manufacturers of children1! furniture take care to use paint that does not contain lead chro mate. This precaution may be hul* lifted, however, if the parents re* paint furniture or toys which aro used by the child with a lead painty . So If you’re planning to repaint in the home, make sure the paint label states that it contains safe levels of lead chromate—one part lead to 200,000 parts of pifemenlt .^ggfhr C&L SERVICE. INC. Such \ CAREFULL I Work! | Stag’s Cleaners | : CLEANING a PRESSING : j ALTERATIONS j j Phone 7-7237 \ • Jinon and Lew* Stagner • a §.
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