The Yellow Springs American, Volume 2, Numbers 1-14

January 14, 1954 YELLOW SPRINGS AMERICAN PAGE THREE Deer Season Most Successful 'Hunting, Fishing I 'Big Business {Did You See Th0 game management faction o f : Did you know that hunters and the Ohio Division of Wildlife has 1Msherm«n In the United States last labeled the 195a Ohio deer reason 50 per cent morenmney ;•«rr ...*“« I,! ' S a ?» u , „ , i han the sales of all household ap. Although reports are still being ? received by the Division, the actual dances, television sets and radio reported kill during the three-day ->eus combined? gun season and two-wek archers According to a recent release by In the January Ohio Const-rva- jtlon Bulletin the artlcte “ Everybody Wants His Job" that Frank Stein- bach from the Division of wild Life District Headquarters just north of Special Meeting Of Village Council Antioch Profs, Author Books There was a special meeting of * tm Afntloch Ue* ty ■ a members, one a professor emeritus Uie Village Council last Thurs-and the other an associate professor, day night $42,SC5 G4 was approprlat Community Com. Discuss Mortuary The Planning Commission met Monday night to hear the appeal of Kenneth Kaufman for a building uisirici M a rt r j st. rur t * 80 i e win be published by the Antioch w alt„ r , hc Snyd“r Dr0Dert*. Xen a. caught and tagged last year ud for the general fund.This Is *438. JPrc5s ^Jhln the next Several 'far w m a ‘ ^ u w y In the Upper Little Miami and . less than the budget called for. moml, tor use OS a mortuar>, tne permit season has reached 3,850 and is ex­ pected to climb to nearly 3,000 upon final tabulation. These kills were reported to the Division on the, regular report card atnehed to each .he United Stales Department of 'ommerce hunters and anglers spent >lx billion dollars last year In pur- uli of their sixjrts. An amount which equalled the tntnl retail deer permit. They do not include t,f (i]| Kns stations In this Massies, 382 bass. The majority ) Total npproprlaUons wcre *370.918.-l ^ D r ’ chatterjec who became nrof-*1'nf h " ” rufuscd Prevlously b y lhe were smallmouths, a total of 243,, 57 Thc appropriations have been ’ mutha Nath Chatterjec’s "Out of m e T t t 5l but he Increased the rock bass approved by thc budget commission Confusion” which will annoar o n . property did not mc0t the Ml {catch over thc previous year by of Greene County. ,Feb 20th Th fb ook a c S n r To “ nlng ordl,?J{nce " rc*ard* " f catching 137- * -_______ m _______ 1 , u’ \ boos, according t o , the strcet parking and that it i If you have not seen Mrs. Scott) {f1 ’)refaf c by Dr< Arthur J3, Morgan, W0U]d add to the traffic congestion, Dean Alexander |8 'a m *lur° biography, Personal , Thu meeting was attended by philosophy ana social theory." It representatives of the Presbyterian At Conference I „ ! also carry ar‘ Introduction by ‘ Church, School Board, and some j Harry Kulmer Barnes, widely known -property owners. During the discus- unlicensed hunter (farmer) kllb Game management men estimate the total kill during the season will country The Chamber of Commerce report Iso rptcnlcd that nearly 19 million level off near 4.000, which is the 1fishing licenses and 13 and one-half largest take since the first Ghh’ ; mlllon hunting licenses were Is- deer Season was held In 1343 lice- ailed by the 18 states last year The ond highest total kill was in 1951 . »>lal of six billion was derived when a total of 3,500 deer were iv <' «•« exhaustive research studies ported taken 'that rovenled the average sports- l-ess than half of the totul number i'nan spends slightly over $300 a year of licenses sold have beet1 officially ‘ tor bis s]>ort, by purchasing cioth- reixjrted. Seme 12,000 cards havej ng. tackle, licenses, ammunition, been received thus far reporting '-.•urn. dogs and dog food, lodging., whether or not a deer was taken, j Peciai equipment, cameras, film which would make a ratlu, of those ;and hundreds of other items charge- r(.‘porting, of one hr nearly every ]l,ble °'nly to his support- four hunters bagging a deer I *■ R°es to prove one thing, which This ratio Is expected to change, sportsmen have known for years, however, when all reports have been j'bat wildlife Is big business, and received. It Is known from past {men in al fields gave wtldlifc more experience that there Is a some- j'’onsldenulon than Is now accorded what greater tendency for the mere Ithe source of this six million dollar successful hunters to report first ’.Industry. Therefore the success per number j _ ____ ___ B_________ of hunters will probably go down gradually before the final report Is made. Hunters are. urged to mail in the report card attached to the deer Permit Immediately. The card needs 'Worrnll riding her bike to work * lntely nt the Old Pels House, It Is j because she Is stnylng home with j Scott"ErnU!0 i n ^ n S d ^ S : : j Vlco-pr^dcm W. Boyd Alexan- jhlstorlan and sociologist c t C o USt ’ o^ember ; Mwd S R !*;"sop c,fm'ril“ s. of soclal « '« « * bwt i ^ t " Mtfthat ! Atuur.ey-aeneral C. William ON.M. C Arrange ................................ - ■ - -bine after h.dne nn ih„ « f . - ------------ - ----------- - - • who is regarded as an eventual slon It was brought out that there i Dr, Chatterjo,., who became prof- {is need for n side walk on Walnut BENDER T ® CHALLENGED BY WM. SAXBE In n ratlicr surprising develop­ ment in the Ohio political picture. State Rep. William Saxbe, Urban#, ias announced that he will oppos« Congressman George Bender for the GOP nomination for U.S. Senator, Most political observers believe that Saxbe had planned to run for the nomination for Attorncy-Gcner- il However, when Lnusche decided to seek another term as governor, by S r a r e b e U r S f“or “ > s t i n g s * * * *l " > That the picture has been chnngcd ,lilUon ° r American Colleges and the i j " Lo. A lto f rMif ’ |lhnn ll,,e 8nyder propeny’ u w,us in the Miami Deposit Bank, One ot , American Conference of Academic j 8 ok bv Dr ark , w L®1*0 ^rou*ht 0Ut l,wl th<’rc haVu Robert Whltemorc's hung there last,Deans ° n nn‘l Wednesday ' c ,d ^ D"’ fA‘^ ” d';'” ntJds ^ t»i0 elimination of month and Dlano Foote has one the Nethefland-Plaza Hotel. n u b lS d Tn ,h parkl" f 0,1 Walnul slrcet from Meetings of the deans were held , , 0lwy‘ 'v111 Published In the ,9 a.m, to 4 pm. because of Uie haz- late spring by the Press. A socio- >ard to school children. It was decided that Mr. Kaufman prepare a layout showing how he proposed to solve the parking prob­ lem,, thc Planning Commission will reconvene In two weeks, Jan. 25, 8:00 p m. to consider the layout and render a decision. Any taxpayer or party concerned has the privilege of appealing this decision to the ivillage Council. , there this month of the Pcnnsylv*} anta Railroad Station- These two 'Tuesday and Were highlighted Yellow Spring artists take monthly ! n luncheon meeting at turns with their art display at the ■£ " ’? ld{;n_t, ” °2'ard .T " ' author of “ Patterns of Industrial Nursing Career- Wedding Bells which ioeicnl study( !t Is titled, “Wildcat .Strike’' Dr. Qouldner Is also the ban* ’ , College of Wooster. Sessions of th c!allthor of ''Pattf rn5 of mdcrntrlal S L you l „ t „ 0 i -l-u^ny „,f »t paper that the time for the radio j ^ ntinuod throughout Wednesday, j t d f u administration’ of a program LAST MAN OUT is Sun- { President T.homas E. Jones, of I ' *,m k S h S r T .n «n day night at 10:00 P. M. over WLW. .Strlham College, Is on the board of of a sub-surface mlnr T J T t Poonln »hn hnv (not th.. Cnm directors of the association. , / ,, °, R s.u , s{ r!nce m*nc>one of People who have just ML the Com- , Alexander also attended a ' th° first sociological,-studies of mln- munist Party or hnvc escaped from i , °r aLVO ,ULCnaeU a . , , behind the iron curtain tell th0lr gathcrlnR ln advanc« of thc dean’s j ___________________ true life story. .conference at which speakers, dis- |ELEMENTARY SCHOOL CA$'ETE r T a " men U™TOR^VEEK~1oiF JANT^h The two men Suunday morning cussion leaders, and consultants, of Beef barbecue, creamed potatoes, carrot strips, fruit and milk going from door to door passing out A1^ andcr waR on° ’ werc in j Tuesday: Creamed Chicken and bLscult, buttered pens and bec ts, fruit J the announcement of. an addrese attendancc,___ _______ ___ J and milk Ah„\ULTorjWTL0B£?rPA Do It"'YoJrselfHints 'VMn“ 4w! R lr“’ i *”d ’» “*'• thc . ^ r 1 T 1’ pi“ «ww= a m » < ( » „ .I.™ ,, Watchtower. as sure starter for the governorship, announced that he would seek re- election, This left Saxbe with no wher0 to go unless lie chose to take on proven vote-getters In Ohio OOP circles such oh Bender or Jim Rhodes. For reasons probably known only to himself, Saxbe has elected to challenge the widely known Bender. Thc youthful legislator Is generally regarded as a “ protege" of GOP State Chairman Ray Bliss, an open enemy of Rep. Bonder. .................. _ Professional nursing is a career no stamp and provides much of which can successfully be combined the-Information needed in establish- wlUl marriage, according to offl­ ing fnture deer hunting regula- ■ clals of the St Elizabeth School of -tlons. ,Nursing at Dayton, Winners who made kills on tlndr • This group said figures complied j own lands and do not have a re- by the American Nurses’ asoclation j port card are asked to cooperate show that 4C.7 per cent are single j by mailing the Information to the and 4.9 per cent arc widowed. j Division of Wildlife, 1500 Dublin "Apparently one of the reasons. Road. Colmimbus, Ohio. why so many graduate nurses marry . ............................... is because a nursing education pro- -. vlcles such ’practical background Mr George Dewey's moLher from f0r lmppy married life," Sister Miin- ! Detroit has oeen v:.„tmt> if, atj1Vt director of the school, coin- ’ Dewey’s over the holidays .mented : Idea has been born, we thought our ___ .readers would be Interested hi a few WAS HE GOODNOUGII? .simple hints along that line. If you Frank Goodnough of Cincinnati ’« '« planning to refinish an old, but was arrested for speeding In Yelow s°»d Piece of furniture, first re- Sprlngs and posted a *15 bond, move all the old paint with a good - Chief Bradley don’t allow no foolin’ Paint remover and a putty knife, ‘round here 1being careful not to score thc wood. -------- Rub the wood down well with steel salad, bread and butter, cookie and milk. Friday: Tuna casserole, lettuce and apple salad, pimiento cheese peanut butter sandwich, ice cream and milk. LUMBING ■ ' GUYVARNER YELLOW SPRINGS, OHIO 211 S, Winter Street Phone 7-7688 IF YOU ARE NOT ALREADY DIALING JAMES­ TOWN 4-9952 FOR YOUR FLOWER NEEDS, GIVE IT A TWIRL TODAY, ARY’S GREENHOUSE GRAPEGROVE, OHIO PHONE 4-99521 MARATHON PRODUCTS Fuel Oil - Gasoline Oils - -Greases OFFICE PHONE 7*7431 HOME rilONE 7-7662 ROBERT J. GROTE Xenia at Corry St. Yellow Springs iwool and turpentine or same paint * remover, using first a coarse steel j wool and then a fine. To finish this j off apply a good varnish satin with a rag This will give a smooth even cent that can be shellaced, varnish­ ed or waxed afterward THE FINK & HEINE CO. Buyer* Of t I CATTLE — HOGS l * *1 _ | SHEEP nd CALVES ■AT DAILY MARKET PRICE {Springfield, O. Phone 3-9721 : Such I CAREFULL i : Work! [ Stag’ s Cleaners • CLEANING - PRESSING • ALTERATIONS • Phone 7-7237 • Jason and Leora Slagner at Erbnugh’s The Best in DRUGS SUNDRIES MEDICINES CHEMICALS TRUSffeS-BODY APPLIANCES A Registered Pharmacist Always at Your Service Erbaugh & Johnson Xenia Ave. St Glen St, YELLOW SPRINGS City Property or Farms Let I s Sell Your Real Eslate Courteous, Efficient Real Estate and Auctioneering Service 4<i % Farm Loans ' C. E. LONG — Realtor—- Phones - Office 4-7811 - -Res. 4-7801 N. LimesUne St, Jamestown, O. ADAI R’ S THE LEADING HOME FURNISHER FOR OVER 60 YEARS FOR F U R N I T U R E C A R P E T S A P P L I A N C E S tt-24 N. Dei. st, Xenia, O, EXPERT SERVICE <N m Tl sm © ’ TV—RADIO—REFRIGERATORS WASHING MACHINES It’s D&G APPLIANCE SALES & SERVICE MARBLE RUBBER CERAMIC QUARRY MIRAPLAS PLASTIC S T E V E N S O N TILE COMPANY « 139 Dayton at. Yellow Springs Phone 7-7209 FISHING TACKLE AND LICENSES BADMINTON "Wtf GOLF — TENNIS BOY SCOUT EQUIPMENT BICYCLES - TRICYCLES JACKETS - SWEATERS Baseball & Softball GUNS & AMUNITION USE OUR LAY-AWAY FLAN RECO 113 E. High *1. Springfield,O. jDELUXE HAMBURGERS With Lettnee * Tomato BREAKFAST — LUNCH STEAKS — DINNER FOUNTAIN SERVICE DICK & TOM’S Open lo 12 p. m. Yellow Sprlagi -i«Y HOC ROXES Your Auctions Appreciated Wc Save You Dollars On Terms A . E. MARTIN Auctioneer and Real Estate Phone Clifton 7-5778 Associated with F. T. Martin, Auctioneer and Real Estate Broker, Dayto.x, Ohio Phone Adams 3-J8I, We Are Now Taking Order* and Building HOG BOXES & FEED RACKS 6 x 7 Box on ly ................ ......... $52.50 Our 6 x 7 Box is Semi*A Type Oak runner* A floor * Hardwood Frame - Metal Top TOP OPENS FOR INSPECTION We alto build a 7 x 14 and an 8 x 16 house on Orders Only Forbetterwheat erapi to prevent soil paralytti-* TopdresswithBKIM ,inthe proper analysis) L. R. JACOBS Phone 7-9321 FAMOOSCHEAPSTORE Jackets to match........................................................ $2<59 Boys* western dungarees............ ............................ $1.95 Boy’s overall pants 8 ox. Sanforized .................. $1.59 Childrens* cotton slips .................................... 59c and 70c Childrens* dresses................................. . $1.18 to 1,98 FAMOUS CHEAP STORE Xenia, Oht* We Deliver Your BIG U detier CSA « ply 10*1040 er 842*12 for top drilling your wheel te enceur- »gc ipreiding and growth ts welt *i preparation of mil fur greater oot acreage end higher quality corn. BIO M, ee meet Miami Valley farmer* knew, ii manufactured tea lo stead* ardt, never down to pile*, ^ TKt Miami Portlilatr Company la an laSo* ptndent MiaaM ViHar l . concern unite (U i opersusn 4 ht TheMiami Fertllinr(tRparii JDiftn II. m OtticimdfieUryiWSNts,Ml H