The Yellow Springs American, Volume 2, Numbers 1-14
PAGE FOUR THE YELLOW SPRINGS AMERICAN January 14, 1954 S U i f p ! # ’^ O R METHODIST Itcv. ThimiaK 15 Smith, pastor t ):30 a,in. Church School. 10:40 a.m. Worship service Hr.Iy Communion. !Birthday Dinner For , Jack Grote j A family birthday dinner for Jack | Orole was given Sunday at the ( home cf his parents, Mr and Mrs. j Henry Orote, Walnut S t, present I were MUs Lena and Mary Osier, 1 Mr. and Mrs Robert Orote with 1 children Beth and Joe, Mr and j Mrs. .John Anion and MY and Mis, j Jack Orote. ! FRIENDS ROCKFORD C'llAI’ liL 10:00 a.m Family Service 1030 * 11:30 am. Meeting Worship Friendly Gardeners Club Mrs Paul Snider, Fairfield Pike, SMALL BUSINESS BETSPAMPHLET EUROPEBETSCASH ! Don Williams, Cleveland Regllonnl Director of the Small Business i Administration said today an informational pamphlet now is available j outlining the entire range of sendees offered by the SBA. > | The pamphlet describes the organization of the Agency. It outlines > ! each of the major SBA programs of financial aid, procurement, assistance i and management and technical service. « for ST. I’ AIII, CATHOLIC Rev. John Anto y, pastor, Sunday Masses, 7:30 and 10.00 a.m. Saturday, Confessions at 4:30 5:30 and 7:30 to H:30 l>.m, Regular week-day Masses, 7:30 t, i CENTRAL CI ia PLL A, M. fc. Rev. Isaac R- Louden, pastor • 0:30 aw., Suncbiy School j 10:40 ami., Devotions | 1100 a.m., Morul a Worship I FIRST *5AFTIST ! Rev. Wm, L. Williams, pastor , 10:00 a.m., Sunday School t 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship PRESBYTERIAN j Rev. Buckley S. Rude, pastor | 10:30 a.m., Church School i 1030 a.m., Morning Worshlp-"Wh.y < are we Presbyterians?'1 EPISCOPAL (Rockford Chapel) 8:00 a,m.. First Sunday of month, V ...— • CLIFTON PRESBYTERIAN Rev. Richard S. Smllle, pastor 10:00 a.m., Rihio School 11:00 a.m„ Morning Worship CLIFTON UNITED PRESBYTERIAN Rev, Janu-s I). Taylor, .Supply pastor Mrs. Elwood Sliaw, organist 10:00 a.m. Sabbath School I 11:00 a.m. Preaching Service CLIFTON /T on RAPTIST Rev. Richard Phillips, pastor 10:00 a.m, Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Morning Service BYRON EVANGELICAL and REFORMED Rev. Eugene Davis, pastor 930 am., Sunday School 9:30 a.m., Junior Sunday School 10:00 a.m.. Church Service > 1 SBA fs the first Independent Governmental agency created for the. j j sole purpose of advising, counselling, assisting and protecting small bust- | j ness. Its field encompasses allsmall business, not just defense contractors i i The pamphlet Is entitled "SBA - What, It Is - What It Does," and In . was the hostess and Mrs. Kenneth i ^ pages, It presents a detailed description which should be of benefit to < Easley and Mrs Roy Glass w^rc co-1 every businessman. hostesses at thcregular monthly j Co ,cs of lhe pamphlet may be obtained by going to or writing meeting oftheIr|undly Gardner , ^ RegIona, 0m0C at 1783 East Uth Street, Cleveland, Ohio, or the branch office; Cincinnati, Ohio, Room 710 Big Four Bldg,, 23!) East 9th Street Club. Mrs. Charles Melllngcr show ed some beautiful colored slides of ' the Clrclevlile Pumpkin Show and 1° Jthe Tulip Festival In Holland, Mich. ELECTRIC HEATERS HELP FARMERS —Electric heaters are helping farmers in this area lo maintain i production by enabling livestock and poultry to have a constant supply of Icc-fi'ie water during the winter months. Left, a thermostatically controlled heater keeps water In tank above freezing while steer drlnks- Tn the next photo, an Infra-red lamp keeps water in cylinder lank Ice-fret* for pigs. Next, sheep Inspects watering fountain which Includes an automatic valve providing a constant supply of fiesh water and a ’ healer which keeps temperature of water above freeing, In the last- pheto, :m immersed water warmer . Injures plenty of lee-free, water lor chickens so they can maintain egg production. CLASSIFIED ADS. FLOWER SHOP — 1 mile north on Route No. 68, Cut Flowers, Cors- nges, Weddings. Floral Designs. Potted Plants. Yellow Springs 7-2553. BETHEL LUTHERAN 9:3* a.m., Sunday School .19:30 a.m. Worship Service WiSI YOU join the Air Defense Team? Surprise air atlack can be dis couraged and prevented if )oU Jo jour purr as a member uf the Ground Observer Corps. The three divisions of our Air Defense Team are Air borcc. Army and Civil Defease—and each is a vital element on which thc others depend. Tins team is complete exrept for thc civilian clement, the Ground Observer Corps, Until this is remedied ue art got soft JgJWII lurpnje Mr uiuek. Will you j*»in this team? Contact stare or local Cavil De fense DiteCtvt a: . (phone and address) •r writa In OROUND '"'AtRVIR CC*PS ' Fare*, *! 15, D. C. School Merger Plans Made inattgh of Ross, to work With the county superintendent of schools, *Vaughn Lewis, % preparing details jof the actual process to be fo l lowed in consolidating the two dlslr- jlctg and present these to a joint The first step preliminary to'board meeting Jan 21 at Silver- consolidation of Ross and Silver- creek School in Jamestown, creek School Districts was taken! The new district will combine a „ , , . ... . ,h„ tax duplicate of $3,024,716 jn Ross January 7th In the office, o. 0 ,Twp wlth $5,463,231 In Silvercreek, County Board of Education in Urns |crcftllng a total 0f S8,4S7,947 lor ■Court House. iboth. Total enrollment at the, pres- The meeting, attended by mem- ' ent Li,ne ts 186 at Ross and 647 at Keep Them Producing With PURITY FEEDS QUALITY and RESULTS FOR HEALTHIER FIGS ~ FAS/ER GAINS — FOR LARGER PROFITS -* LINKHART.S YELLOW SPRINGS ELEVATOR Phone: 7*7369 !Du Pont Grants I I Antioch $2,500 i J A $2,500 grant for advancing the Iteaching of chemistry, has been awarded to Antioch College by the Du Pont Co. ! It was one of 40 such grants \ made by the company to private* institutioas with outstanding rec ords in training chemistry majors. ! President Douglas McGregor, head p HUP NOW! bers of the Ross, Silvercreek and ^ silvercreek, making a total of 833 Jefferson Twp. Boards of Educa- ;for (_y,e two districts. tlon, followed a series of discus-; The capacity of the two buildings of Antioch, said Wednesday night slons of local situations In each of |s great enough to assume both en- |that tlle Du Pont Brant would be thc local school districts during the rollments with no additional build. | ,.most useful" to the chemistry de last two months. ; Ing needed. Such detnlls of place- j partment, The money will be used in The action taken authorized Ihcmicnt, tax rates and budgets will jsupport of the department's tcach- tsvo executive heads, Harry E. WalJ ;be worked out later. ^ ^ | ing, he said. I 4 ace of Silvercreek and E. W. Kava-1 Reason for the action at this lime j Dr James p_ Corwilli i _ _ „ Join the o f Dimes WE DO IT . . . DEMENT WORK CEMENT BLOCKS & WORK EXCAVTING AND GRADING —SAND AND GRAVEL; LAND CLEARING; PONDS At LAKES W. B. DAWSON COAL COMPANY YELLOW SPRINGS is attributed largely to the changes made last year in the Legislature in the General Code relative to organizing. Citizens Committee to control school organization pro grams after Jun^ 1, 1954, Since there can be neither board representation nor membership by any school employe on such com mittees, it was felt that existing boards should examine the possibil. ity of consolidation by boards that j were close lo school problems over a long range planning period The Jefferson Twp, Board of Edu cation stated that "we plan to con tinue under present conditions for the present," head of Ithe college’s chemistry department 1.Dick Phillips On Furlough Pfc Richard T, Phillips, son Dr. Hottel Visits Antioch Dr. Althcn Kratz Hottel, on leave of absence from her position as Dean of Women at tile University of Pennsylvania lo serve as Director of the Coimm.vdon o.i the Education of Women of the Atnericnn Council rn Education, arrived Sunday, Jan. 10 as the next of Antioch College's "visiting faculty " She Is spending her week-long visit cm the Yellow Springs campus infounallv with faculty and student groups, delivering an assembly nd- dir.'.". visiting classes In education and allied courses, and conferring w:th Antioch’s Committee on Wom ens Eduueatton Dr, Hottel brings a wide back- - 'ground in education and sociology to her present position as director lot the C’omnvlftilon «n the Educa tion of Women. 1 Graduating from the University of Pennsylvania with, a 8.8. In edu- cf cation, she went on for an M. A, and Ph. D in soelrlogy, and has since n lived live honorary degrees from isald a similar grant last year had! :provided for two $500 scholarships j *for freshmen chemistry students, j Itho purchase of molecular models I i and electrical equipment for d c -' Mr. and Mrs. John It. Phillips of monslrntlng atomic structure, and' Yellow Springs, recently spent ;t •the Improvement of the depart-' 7-day rest and recuperation fm - as many college:; ment's llbrnry, Including the pur-; lough in Kobe, Japan, His wife Dr. Hotlel's experience in her Ichasge of a German abstract journal. Thelma lives at 1569 Warder St, rm*d has been wide, beginning with on micro-cards. , Springfield. the teaching of social science courses ( Tile Antioch grant was from a . Pfc. Phillips, normally f.tathoned 1,1 l%h school, continuing to the fund of $238,500 for grants to In Korea with the 15th infantry f,ociai service staff of a graduatae universitlus and college to ad- Regiment, stayed at one of Japan?) *10.;pUaI, and the position of Dean of vancc the teaching of science, i t ; resort hotels and cnoyed many Instruction and Professor of Edu- wns announced Wednesday by the luxuuries unobtainable on the war- catlon c?Mcons College in North Du Pont Company. •< s,torn peninsula Caro'itn, before returning to her j alma mater as Dean of Women. ’.V, n YOU savi time . . . SAVE STEPS. . . S^VE MONEY . . . PEOPLES Building & Savings Co. XENIA, O, 11 GREEN ST. -Since IMS” to the holder of this license number 55 OSS 10SAL PURE PEP FREE ! V Y e a r W fiH fU l G u a r a n t e e . . . S t r o n g e s t E v e r ! DAYTON t h o r o b r e *>s - U n t o n d i t i o n f l l l y GUARANTEED IN WRITING PLUS FARM Paints Appliances FARM Implements KBSSALES&SERVICE STORE HOURS *#i*a9 y-tiss 8:90 a.m. to 8:M p.m. Mon. thn Sat Yellow Springs 1M Dayton BL LUBE JOB C&L SERVICE INC. CORNER CORRY A XENIA Phone 7-7*81 YeUlow Springs Thorobrodt ere bull! with •xfre guaranlttobh Huoliiy—that'*why they are NOW backed by the sfrongeii writltn guar - anfees ever, Forsafely—*•> for favtngt»Dayton Therobreds areyourBEST tire buy. See Ihemtoday. rgfytM M o* 3 y r .unCon<**„n»ee W r l t f e n 6 u o r « " , e e ^ h o r o b m ^ _ >• *rdln«ty 2 y r . u r . c o « < 9 * > ° " « ' y .« k*"«" iv,1* ** f ;u\0< "• !4 * 1 5 m o n t h * o i i c o n d i t l o n o l W r l t f o n O u a r o n t o o C&L SERVICE, INC,
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