The Yellow Springs American, Volume 2, Numbers 1-14
The Yellow Springs American 77TH YEAR, NO. 3 YELLOW SPRINGS, OHIO, THURSDAY , JANUAR Y 21, 1954 7 CENTS PER COPY YELLOWSPRINGSGOING ALL OUTAGAINST POLIO Show*.-*, pi'iiny and a porchlitfht campaign will be three methods of boosting January contributions to a goal of $1,500 for the March of Dimes fund in Yellow Springs, it was announced by Henry Federighi, chairman of the Lions Club Committee, which is handling the an nual campaign. Tile benefit show, u home Intent * .............. ..... program, is set for Saturday “ * BIG SHOW the local high school, featuring trampoline and twirling acts. It BIGHTS POLIO I t being arranged bv" Hobctt Gov. - er of Bryan High School. No ad- Git Saturday, January 23rd, at mission charge Is planned, but H-bO I’ M. at the Grade School Audi- members of the tuidienre may luilum, n Polio Benefit llomu Talent make nn offering nt the door, of- Variety Show will be given under flclals said. die auspices of the Yellow Springs Lions Club. Features will include: Ttanijxrhne exhibition by High School students. Baton twirling by Gabrlelle Kneeht and Shirley Miller. Dancing nt all ages by Mr. Bar- bule'-i o s pupils. Bud Hewlett as "Bp Bo” the down. mu Billy music by Huff and Gall Reed. A specialty number with Daycy Jones. All members of the community are cordially invited to attend, Tl- though there will be no admission charge donations will be accepted at the door. Remember this is a crucial year in cur tight against Polio. We must Methodists Plan Many Activities Death Takes i Chester W. Miller AMER ICAN LEGION DANCE Rey, Tom Smith's sermon this > Chester D, Miller, 48, Ilyde Rd., | There will be anotlter American Sunday will be 'The Roads W e 1Yellow Springs Route 1, died Legion 50-50 dance this Saturday Travel”, The Methodist Youth Pel- ?In Miami Valley Hospital, Dayton, lowshlp, senior group will be th e} following a four years’ illness, guests of the senior youth group at f Born near Bryon, northwest of the Central Methodist Church In Xenia, Mr. Miller had resided in Springfield, at 6:30 Sunday even -’ the Yellow Springs community the Ing, The Intermediates will enter- ’ last 10 years and was engaged In tain the younger youths of the farming. He was a member of the |Hme. Presb'ytcrlan Church of Yellow Church of the Brethren at Zimmer- « ------ -------•------------- Springs, The latter group will fur- man. j M o i* g < lI 1 S R e t u r n Mr. Miller U survived by his j widow, Mrs, Thelma Miller; a ! ErOllt A f r i C c l daugluer, Martha Jean, at liome; J six sonji, Donald, Daniel, Theodore. I Arthur E- M o w n , former presl night and Mr, McDonald will be on hand to call. A room on the second floor will be fixed up real pretty for the folks to partake of refreshments. There have been some good sized crowds and everyone has a good nisli the devotions and program and the former will furnish entertain ment and refreshments. The Woman's Society of Crhist- tan Service of Yolow Springs are following the custom of the district , nt home; four sisters, Mrs. Thomas, Frederick and Eu g c n e denl of Antioch college, has return- K A AM — fIB.A MMAMifta i AlflH - /' i I-- j 0_lcd after a two-month tour o f the by entertaining a sister society. ! Seph Coy, Xenia; Mrs. Jack Young. |African Gold Coast. Mrs. Morgan I Dlls is being followed this week.! Springfield; Mrs. Harold Durnbaugh i accoinpanied him on the trip, when members of Medway society and Mrs, Arthur Jenkins, Dayton, j Dr' Morgan served as a consul- mcet In Yellow Springs Methodist and Five brothers; Clifford, Samuel 1Ulnt on human relations for the Church on Diursdny, January 21 land Albert Miller of Xenia* M'arlon ! ^ olta R *ver Aluminum Project on The Mothers’ Porehlight ru ra l* Is scheduled for ihursdav. Jan. and will be directed by Mrs A l bert Johnson and Mis, Ralph Hea- ,;o .,11 out in order that the lack of at 2:00 p,m,, and present their of Dayton and Warren or Yellow program; special music and refresh- Springs. ment being provided by the Yellow j Funeral services were held Sunday Springs society, ja t 2:30 p.m. at the Church of the < A Bible study class wil meet each Brethren in Zimmerman. Dr. J. Tuesday evening in February, from ! Clyde Forney, pastor of that church, 8:00 to 9:30 at the Church. The topic . will officiate and !burial will be In wll be JEREMIAH and text book tByron Cemetery, will be furnished. This class Is be- j lng sponsored by the Woman’s i “ * ~ Society of Christian Service and ' will be taught by Mrs, Tom Smith. Everyone is cordially invited to at tend. ten, who will send volunteers throughout the village that night for contributions at homes where porchlights arc lighted. A benefit movie. "Roguc’r. :r.c:u*y may not prevent success. Come with your neighbors and enjoy a pleasant evening together to help a good cause. Lowell Foss will act as Master of Mnivh, ’ starring Peter Law ford Ceremonies and refreshments will and Richard Greene, will be te a -. >,e : rs'cl by wives of the Lions Club lured Sunday, Jan. 31. r.nd Is spon- ‘ n.embeis to help the Polio Drive, sored by the Lions Club and the ■ m - — Little Theater In Yellow Springs.: B o a r d R e - E l e c t s Officials announced that a col- i lection of 100 pounds of pennies is: C l y d e A d l l l t l S anticipated, with n lmgc scnle set i Mrs. Clyde Adams was re-elected up In front of Deaton's Hardware j Store. They also added that lh e ; P ^ id e M of the Greene County balance will hit the center jnnrk! ^'Strict Library'Beard at a meeting when $147 or $148 Is collected. I :idd f ]a'x ucok Ilt tllc Xcnla L1* CanlsCcrs liavc been set up In lo» j brari'* cal stores and collections will be OUl',r 1)6ard ofricPrs nnn,od ?Mis. Merritt E. Sehlafmaii, of Fair- basketball games t o ! b 'nl 1U'W v,ro Pnsldent; Mrs. Law- Jefferson Trips Bryan the Gold Coast. Prior to flying to Africa in October, 193, Dr. Morgan conferred with British engineers in England. Before leaving the states, Dr. Morgan was awarded an honorary membership In the American Society ■of Civil Engineers. The high award is regarded as outstanding in its field since the Society gave only four honorary memberships last year. PERSONALS . . . By KEITH SHERIDAN A N N U A L MEETING A t the annual meeting of the stockholders of The Miami Deposit |Bank last week, Russell B. Stewart, Bryan got o ff to a good start, bu t! Morris Bean, Carl Corry, D. A, Magruder and Mildred L. Stewart Mr. and Mrs, Herbert Wise. Jack son Rd., expect to leave tills woek- ' ran out* °* steam 'n l ^e 'nst Quar- end by plane for Miami, Fla. From ! ter- ** Jefferson’s Big Red beat the •were re-elected directors, there they plan an extended trip to ' Bul]does 52-38- The ]°ss ran Bryan’s \ The directors re-elected the fol- San Juan and through the West -Ending to a O-wins and 3-losses! lowing officers: Russell B. Stewart, Indies. Miss Bernice Esh of Chcboy- •'ln the League's competition. Bryan *President, Fred Kershncr and James gan, Michigan will stay with the I owned a first quarter lead or 12-5 : D- Mitchell, Vice Presidents, Mildred children while tlielr nnrents ari/ a n d a halftime lead of 24-37 but, as *L * Stewart, Assistant Vice President away : in previous games, lost their driving , and Cashier, Dorothy M. Brannon, high school supplement the funds. Pack 5 Cub Scouts To Celebrate Birthday {son Orber.n, Xenia, Route 4, rc- 1 *!<■ led secretary, and Miss Elizn- I belli Baker, Xcnla, Greene Co ibrarian, was elected clerk. Reports were given concerning !:« enmn'. repair work which began list spring. The office o f vice president had been vacant since October when Park 5 \ el low fiprmg*. Cub f,void , j, j. Gray resigned as presl- will celebrate it., fciiith butluLr, , *oi.t mid Mrs. Adams, then vice next month. The year which fa dent, succeeded him, coming to a clou* ha:, been very J successful one. This can be attribut ed In part to the enthusiasm and !Porch Light Parade Against Polio diligent work on the part of the Den Mothers, Pack Committee Members, and its sponsors--The j Ikical mothers wil make their Methodist Men’s Brotherhood. ‘ r-inrch against polio in the Porch- Tlic Cub Scouts have carried the \ " e '* pftrad^ ™ TS ni« ^ ' Ja” Ha7 following theme at their monthly’ 2*' 7 (^ 8^ » * [ ’ ™ Marf meetings which are attended by n t, least one of their parent,: Septcm- / ; « * • £ of the Lions Club-and the ber, Family picnic at Camp Birch Uon WHc-’ wU ^ l Je “ “ J il at which each Den had Us o w n * ^ e s and do.lare handcraft display: O ctober.-Indian; « • “ ^ ^ ImAtcn th c cu re Xor lore” at the Methodist Church; l^ho The disease has been more November, "Hobbies”, also at the Hcvalcnl in the last two years in Methodist Church; December,. "Christmas Carols’. This program Ohio. Of all March of Dimes money tailed in Ohio since 1938, G5'/f has was given In conjunction with {tlc. ^ patient care Only Girl Ocouks cn December 18th at the ' » * * ^ thf( nfttional M p ^ t maim .in held at the new Elementary School |A lbfr“ Johnson, who urge you to Auditorium at 7.00 P.M. on T h u r s - i^ n your poreMight on Thursday Mrs. Norman Crock of Philadol- j Power in the last quarter, phit w ll. -rive this week for a visit j Leonard Sec and Dave Blackwood with lie parents Dr, L. L. Taylor {were high for Bryan as they" col and her sister Jean. She expects to I lectcd 9 points each, stay about a week. j Little Hasley Delaney, who Is one Mrs, Mary Cameron left this week *0f tlio best guards In the county, col- by plane for Florida where she ex-|iccted a total of 15 points, while peels to stay for several wees, j Thane Bock was a close second with The Russell Stewarts left W ed -, 14 points for Jof/t <yjn. On Friday nesday for Florida. They plan to a t-I January 22, Bryan Bulldogs go to tend the opening of the Antioch j for a league game with the Shopping Center in Ft. Lauderdale ■panthers, and two weeks in the Keys after JO. Jesse Chamberlain, Jr„ W. The Bryan Bullpups tan away from the Jefferson Reserves tu they won art easy 50-34 victory. Doug Williams was the hero as he poured in 20-markers, Sixteen of Doug's which they will drive up the west :oast to Tarpon Springs to visit Mrs. Stewart's sister. Mr. and Mrs. M. Kasper and son, Jimmy of Cleveland, arc visiting' , . , Mrs, Kasper‘s parctits, Mr. and Mrs, 1 II. F. HUpmnn this week. * Mrs. Odncss-L, Inman, head of ., . , admissions nt Antioch College lias; 1 ,r®ws' ,C ,ff I C" ry ^ run|M^r“" » , been in South America on a vacation‘ as he donated 11 markers to the cause. Gerald was high for Jeffer. son With 15. BRYAN jump shots from behind the foul line, and the other 4 came from free F F . F TO ’ „ 6 3 9 4 3 7 6 0 6 6 i 7 . 6 3 9 She spent some lime In Rto D e , Janiro and is at present in MVm- J livedo, Urugay. Site Is exjtected J back April 1. I Mrs. Lincoln Gibbs, Davis St., le f t , Bcf Wednesday to visit her daughter, fish er „ — ----- --— Mrs. Wendell Griffiths (Catherine *Bbtb!r-------------- Gibbs) In Columbus, Ohio. M rs-j1-** -------------- Gibbs Is the proud Maternal grand- Blackwood — mother of a son bom to the G rlf- ! JEFFERSON H I filhs last week. Mrs. Drake Heads Presbyterian Women The folliwlng officers of the Worn- , cn's Association o f the Presbyterian ; 1 : D e lan e y ___ F.P. „ 12 F 3 TO TAL 15 ARCHERY [Curtis _______. . . . . . 4 3 7 Six members of the Yellow' Springs 1Bock ........... . . . 8 0 14 Archery Club attended the Ohio 1Ping _________ 6 2 18 State Archery Clubs annual business Guthrie 6 2 8 meeting In Newark last Sunday. Douglas Goodfellow, Jack Kershner and Andrew Peters, as Assistant Cashiers, Mr. Paul Melchert To Teach A new teacher has been employed to tench seventh grade arithmetic. Science and Physical Education, He lives at present at 501 Overlook Rd., Mansfield. Ohio, He graduated from New Bremen High School, New Bremen, Ohio, re ceived his B.S. degree from Elmhurst College Elmhurst, Illinois and his M.A. from Ball State Teacher’s College at Munlce, Indiana. • ——— * Masonic Annual Inspection The Yellow Springs Lodge No. 421 PAA .M . will hold Us eighty sixth annual Inspection Monday evening January 25 at 7:30 o’clock with the conferring of the Entered Appren tice degree. L. L. Lundy will be the Inspecting oficcr. Make your linner reservations in advance and jlan to attend this meeting^ Church were Installed by Mrs Mrs. Mellinger Discusses Birds Buckley Rude at the home of Mrs. Carl Drake last Thursday: Presi dent, Mrs, Carl Drake; 1st Vice President, Mrs. Stanley Wise; 2nd s D ie Westminster Class of the Vice President, Mrs. M. F. Finley; •Presbyterian Church met January 12 State Archery Golf Shoot at Col- Sccrctary, Miss Bessie Totten! \ at the home of Mrs. Armond Dibble. They were Misses Lena and Mary Gster, Mr. and Mrs. I. R. Barr, Bill Bryson, and Rudy Ockerman. About 50 people, representatives of clubs all Over the state, were there. Dates set for state shoots and maor club shoots are: March 6 and 7, Ohio . „ r.,r j night, January 28, at 7:00 pm . and Treasurer, Mrs. Lyle Goode; House- . Mrs. Charlie MeUinger spoke on day, January 28tln rue ti e c or j ^ r(,ad wUh yoUr contributlon. keeping Chairman, Mrs. Edward lire topic "Our Feathered Friends” , this meeting is Trie L ° \ ‘ rtuirrh bells will ring at 7:00 to-Dykstra; Overseas Chairman, Miss |She gave a great deal of information Showman” and will be carr e oa ' - 1 r Ifeht EiJa Fogg; Social Chairman, M rs .li as the "Cub Variety Show” , Each of the seven dens will present art act and will be accompanied by the rhythm band of Den 2, with melodic support by their Den Chief, David Whitmore, on his bugle and public, address system. The admission charge will be a ton f«n t contribu tion to the “ March of Dimes,” Bob cat Induction and Advancement Awards will be made. The public t» Invited to atond and participate in the hilarity and singing of the even ing. A new WebcJos Den will be formed in February and plans are bc-ing formulated for Scout Week (Feb. S-121 by having each den enter one of their projects toward a communi ty display. 'remind you lo~turn on your light Ella Fogg; Social Chairman, Mrs.fabout the birds most or us are not so that the Mothers will stop at ( Paul Semlcr, : loo familar with but come and go your liou'C. \ Committee members are; Ways j not far from our doors. There are Solicitors include: Mrs. Cornelius and Means, Mrs, M. H. Finley, Mrs. ‘ ‘ ‘ " Grinneli, Mrs. William Erbaugh, j Dean Birch, Miss Martha Drake, Mrs. Alton Prlrice, Mrs. Robert.Mrs, Arnett and Mrs. Walter Mcfford, Mrs, Carroll Johnston, JKneeht; Program Committee. Mrs. Mrs. Snyder, Mrs. Norman Thomas, j Stanley Wise, MYs. A. W , Liddlo, Mrs. Thcinee Smith, Mrs. G u y, Mrs. G. E. Owens and Mrs. Howard Varner, MYs. Wilbur Deaton, Mr.'fKahoc. Jack Birch, Mrs. George Beecher, 1 program emphasis for the year Mrs, Albert Johnson. Mrs, John 1js gp^jjish Speaking People within Rlmelspach, Mrs, George Mlnshall, Jour B0rcjers. The next meeting of *3% . f Al I I , 'T m a m m m J finTht m m c w m d i me s Mrs. John Louasberry, Mrs, William Dawson, Mrs. Russell Hplllsted, Mrs. Henry Fredcrighc, Mrs, Ralph Hea ton, Jr., Mrs. Eugene Birch, Mrs. Howard Brown, Mrs. Douglas Good- fellow, Mrs, Armand Dibble, Mrs, Maynard Finlay and Mrs, Bruce McPhaden, I f by any chance your light Is missed and you have net been called on by 8:1/?, please call 7-2714 or *1-3271 and someone will glady pick up your contribution. This year, make the parade of porch lights longer so the parade of crippled children grows shorter. the Association will be held Feb ruary 11 at the home of Mrs, I. R. Barr. Rep. Ankeney Gives Auto to YMCA State Rep. Herman K , Ankeney of Beavercreek Twp., revealed Saturday night as the winner of of a 1940 model Ford at Ellis Motor Sales, said today that he was giv ing the auto to the Xenia YMCA .for its public auction to raise funds [fo r building furnishing*. abeut 320 species in Ohio. It was reported that the Christ mas offering of $25 had been sent to Sage Memorial Hospital, Ganado, Mission, Arizona. Dr. Robert Starr, and family, formerly of Springfield, have been with the Mission four years. The Starr’s haye been life long friends of the Ebersolc family. I t was also reported that the basket of White G ifts was delivered to Miss Helen Chappie, Nclson- ville, Ohio, for relief work ln her Mission fields there. Her county Is extremely short of County Welfare relief monies, Several boxes of clothes will be taken down Jn the near future. There is a great need for children’s clothing: Anyone wishing to donate please contact Mrs, David Fitz 7-7587. Miss Mary Osier, Walnut St,, left Wednesday to visit Dr. and Mrs. K . Ml Kruse (Patty Grot*) at Cedar Rapids, Iowa. umbus; July 24 and 25, Ohio State Target Shoot at Cincinnati; Sep tember 4 an<l 5, Ohio Slate Field Shooti Cuyahoga, July 12-lfi, Na tional Field Shoot, Sunapee Moun tain, New Hampshire, Auguest 2-G National Target Shoot, Sacremento, California. The Yellow' Springs Club's two open Shoots will be April 4, Rover, Bryan State Park and May 16, In vitational Target Shoot at the Y el low Springs range. Rudy Ockerman and Ira Barr are members o f the board of Governors of the Ohio State Archery Club for 1954. * Robert H. Wead «„■ Elected Delegate Robert H. Wead, former Yeliow Springs resident, now a Xenia law- year, was one of two elders in D ay- ton Presbytery elected as delegates to the UJS.A. General Ascmblly of the Presbyterian Church in Detroit in May, at the Presbytery's winter session in Franklin. Harry Henrick- son of Blue Ball Presbyterian Church will serve as the other eider delegate. Community Council May Purchase Recreation Bus The purchase of a bus to be used chiefly for the recreation program wll. be considered by a special com mute of the Community Council, The appointment of a committee to Investigate the feasibility of ac quiring such a bus was ordered after considerable discussion at the Council’s Wednesday nlto meeting. D ie Community Chest la expect ed to reach a total of $5,400, ac cording to a report received by the Council, A budget committee report on the chest fund will be submitted at the next meeting, February 17. It Is planned to hold this meeting In the Grade School Auditorium. In this connection, it was announced that the ’’going" ree for the audi torium is $5,00 per night unless the kitchen is used in which case the fee 1s $10. During discussion of the previous meeting, it was brought out that members of the Mills House com mittee included Henry Federeghl, Mr. Wolford, and Mrs. Edwin Loe, It was recommended that the com mittee membership should include someone with a good practical knowledge of building repair. Mrs. N, A. Russell has been named clialrman of the Swim Instruction Committee, it was announced. D ie Orton Pool lias been reserved for the swim instruction program during the month of June. The program was revealed to have been self- supporting during the past year. D ie Community Scholarship Committee is no more. By the nar row margin of 7 to 6, the Council voted to disband this committee. Considerable discussion preceded this action, it Js reported. The need for additional recreation for grade school pupils was present ed by Mr, Halchin. A t present, there Is no post-school recreation program for the fourth fifth, and sixth grades. The new school has a multi-purpose room suitable for recreation which could be readily used. That a teen-age gun club would serve a need in the community was also suggested. D ie Community Council held Its meeting at the home of Mrs, John Birch with an attendance of twenty -five, give or take. Benham Heads Bryan Hi Lloyd Benham,)member of the faculty at Bryan High School, Y el low Springs, has been appointed high school principal there as part of the Miami Twp, School Board's efforts to add to the efficiency of the township sochools by increasing the teaching and administrative staffs. Board members pointed out tliat Denham's appointment and plans to employ a full time teacher in place of Mrs. Benham. wife of the new principal, who lias been teach ing half-time at Bryan, will pro vide an administrator at the high school when Supervising Principal John Halchin is away on school business. At the beginning of the 1953-54 term. F. A. Jackson, elementary school principal, was given a half day free from his previous full time teaching duties for tils work as an administrator. The board is planning to add two elementary teachers to the Yellow Springs fac ulty. Speed Puts Auto In Ditch Marie Schnuror, 33, of C04 Liv ermore St., Yellow Springs, was died into Municipal Court On a charge of speed excessive for con ditions after she was involved In an automobile accident Diursday at 10:50 a. m., 1.1 miles north of Xenia on Route 68, the State High way Patrol reported. The Schnurer woman lost control of her auto which went Into the ditch, patrol men said. She was not Injured, Bryan High School Honor Roll „ D ie following students had an average of B or above for the third slx-wcck's period of this year. 7TH GRADE—Mark Bixler, Ju dith Burba, Susan Clark, Jem Filler, . Darlene Hawkins Judith Hayes, dt ' L . aV" ! ! " w ! ! Eve Odlarne, Julie Loud, Kathleen Local Phone Growth Is Almost 200% A record-breaking decade of telephone growth and expanding service was climaxed today by Ohio Bell announcement that it has pass ed the 2,000,000 mark in the number of telephones in service. Nearly a million of the 2,000,000 telephones have been added in the last 10 years, At the beginning of 1944, the company had 1,0751)00 telephones in service. D ie rapidly growing Yellow area has witnessed a similar tele phone growth, with 1,794 telephones now In service, compared with only 799 ten years ago, according to C. W. Gray, local Ohio Jlell commer cial manager. Equally Impressive lias been the in crease in volume of calls during the Wells, Paul Sherwin, 8TH GRADE — Delter Kneeht, David Llthgow, Peter McGregor, Jerry Pleh, Doris Bean, Dorothy Bittner, Janet Blackwood, Jane local calls In the Xenia area has grown from 12,914 to 32,583, while the number of long distance calls originating here has jumped from 1,057 to 2,443 dally. The company-wide total at local and long distance calls hit an all- Dykstra, Blaba Folkmanis, Nancy j lime hfSh of 9.836,000 a day In 1933, Meranda, Mary EUcn Mlnshall,' compared with 5,655,000 calls daily Janice Schwab, Margaret Wise. , In 1943. „ , m. - L ,, „ ... 1 Not only did the number of Ohio BTH GRADE—Darrell Dawscn, Alls telephones added ln the last Folkmanis, David Kirkpatrick, sig- jq years j^ t, about equal telephone urd Knemeyer, Colleen O'Gara, gjowUt in the previous 67 years of Dianne Waechter, j telephone history, but the amount 10TH GRADE—Anita Bean, Judy of lines, buildings and equipment Duncan, Yvonne Gibbs, Ellen PH- 1needed to meet the demand for lard, Mary Anne Shaw, Patricia ! “ " 1 “ / T ™ ' th^ ‘ doublCdJ . n „„.,lth e 1943.1953 decade. The company a d iaries Weller, ELanor pJant investment Jumped from $228,- 090,009 In 1943 fa more Ihin $475,- 000,009 at the end of 1553; the num- Tharp, wise. 11TH GRADE— SUe Anderson, Barbara Beal David Champney,! ber of employees — now exceeding Jack Cochran, ShJrley Miller, Narva ?20,000 — has nearly doubled and Schooler, Douglas Williams. J2TH ORADE—Sue Dewine. Sonia Robb, Luise RoLhemund, Joan Shoemaker, Diantha Whitmore. the payroll is three times w h it it was in 1943, Since 1943, the number o f house* holds with telephones lit Ohio Bell territory has increased from 61 per cent to 85 per cent, i u n r r f i d The year 1946 — the first full H l i v l H o year after World War I I—witnessed Corporal Joseph Cordell arrived thc ’aref f r° W“ L S E , . , , , , . i a gain of 168,000. Last year’s gain home on a seven-day furlough just Wfl* teIcphoneSi in time to welcome his new daugh- j Demand for higher grades of ter, Maytuma Irene, who weighed servjC(! has likewise shown a marked ln at Mercy Hospital at 4 pounds, ‘ increase. In 1943 Ohio Bell had 115,. 6 ounces, January 15. This Is their ( 000 residence customers with Indl- flrst girl and second child. Cpl. vidual-llne telephones, while today Cordtell has been serving in the there are 352,000 individual residence medics a t Camp Atterbury, In d .;llne® ln service, Mr. and Mrs. Warren Cordell arc Advances Jrt the art have kept .. _ . . , _ , , pace with, and In many instances, the paternal grandparents. Best o f * mfldc lhc telephone fgrPWth Of the list 10 years. Among Ithe mart notable achievements of jthe period have been: Operator dialing o f long distance health to mother and baby. T V DO PA Y ! t Elder Welch, Yellow S p rin g s “ 5 ^ Wetfhone ^ for motor Route 1, recently sold five regls* tered Aberdeen-Angus cow to Chester Schmidt, Sycamore, Ohio. Another Greene Countlan, Monroe Pyies, Cedarville, purchased three Angus cows from Dlanor Farm, Brookvilie, Ind* recently. vehicles and water craft. Network television service, Extension of local calling areas. Metropolitan numbering plans for eventual nation-wide long distance dialing. Microwave radio relay transmis sion of long distance telephone call*
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