1984 NCCAA National Soccer Tournament

MITCH HENDERSON Mayor Box 1952 75606-1952 . ! 4 757-6666 TO: MEMBERS OF THE NATIONAL CHRISTIAN COLLEGE ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION As Mayon oi Longview, I Mould Like, to take, tkl 5 oppontunlty to extend a ''wanm welcome" to the membens oi the National Chnlstlan College Athletic Association on youn Annual Soc- ceA Tounnament to be held on November 22nd-24th. Longview Is a thriving, pnospenoous and inlendly community hosting £lne hotels, many shops, excellent nestaunants ion youA dining pleasures, and pnlvate nightclubs ion youn even­ ing enjoyment. Oun City also has exceptional cultunal and necneatlonal nesounces, Including the Longview Ballet Theatne, Longview Symphony, Longview Museum and Ants CenteA, Longview Community Theatne and vanlous public panks. I'm sane youn stay In Longview will be an enjoyable and pleasant expenlence. Slncenely, Mayon MH:mn