1984 NCCAA National Soccer Tournament

NCCAA: Game Plan Succeeding A different kind o f Game Plan Some athletes will be winners throughout most of their sports careers expe­ riencing the fame and pop­ ularity which follows an impressive sports record. Yet, when their last game has been played, and their uniforms hung up for the final time,, some of those same athletes will wind up on the losing side. It all rests on the game plan. So you need to deve­ lop a plan that produces true winners. It must work both before and after gra­ duation. In 1966, we devi­ sed that game plan — the NCCAA. Designed to stimu­ late the athlete's strong­ est potential: body, mind, and spirit. And the game plan is ca­ tching on, virtually all across the United States. Since the first national soccer tournament (1973), in which 4 colleges compe­ ted, the National Christi­ an College Athletic Asso­ ciation has grown to near­ ly 100 Christian liberal arts and Bible colleges. Participating schools are dedicated not only to the best athletic competition possible, but also to ex­ emplifying Jesus Christ in everything they do. We believe: Athletics are a means to an end and not an end in themselves. That the pro­ cess is as important as the performance. That the athlete is more important than the program. Athletics in a Christian liberal arts or Bible Col­ lege is a unique experien­ ce in which Christian men and women are prepared for a life of meaningful work and service. The athletic experience provides an at­ mosphere of dynamic growth for learning leadership, team work, discipline, and mutual respect. In addi­ tion, the athlete realizes his preparation for life is more important to the coaches and athletic admi­ nistration than won-lost records and championships. For the athlete desiring to be part of a team that competes on district, reg­ ional, and national levels while realizing the impor­ tance of having an educat­ ion within a Biblical per­ spective, the NCCAA is the right game plan. For the coach wanting to work with a team worthy of top athletic competition, yet also aspiring for his players to represent Jesus Christ, the NCCAA is the right game plan. For the spectator who is seeking a game that draws enthusiastic response, but likes to know the partici­ pators are living beyond the score of the game, the NCCAA has the right game plan. The NCCAA. An organiza­ tion that brings Christian colleges together to share common goals, values, and perspectives, not just for athletic competition. The NCCAA is growing. We anticipate over 300 colle­ ges to become part of our team in the near future. Our goal is to establish a national headquarters and a full-time staff. Besides soccer their are currently tournaments to determine NCCAA National Champions in basketball, cross-coun­ try, track and field, vol­ leyball, and wrestling. We hope you will want to find out more about the NCCAA.