2006 NCCAA National Volleyball Championship Program

EAGLE ATHLETICS Those who hope in Che LORD w,11 soar on wings like eagles Isaiah 40:3 I The Northwestern College volleyball team extends a welcome to all teams, officials, and fans attend ing the 2006 National Christian College Athletic Association Division I volleyball cham– pionsh ip tournament. We are truly excited and thrilled to be hosting this year's post-season event for the second straight year. Whether this is your first time on our campus or if you are back again after competing here last fall , it is our hope that your visit and experience on our campus will be both enjoyable and memorable. Please feel free to ask us if you need assistance with anything as we strongly desire to serve you in any way we can. Though we will be competing against other teams, we are grateful to share in the same Savior and Lord, Jesus Christ. Good luck to all teams participating this weekend and may all of us glorify God in our actions both on and off the court! Sincerely, The 2006 Northwestern College Eagle Volleyball Team phone 651 -631 -5219 fax 651-628-3350 web www.nwc.edu/athletics , orthwestern College I 3003 SNELLING AVENUENORTH SAINT PAUL MINNESOTA I 55113-1598