2006 NAIA Volleyball National Championship Program

To 'ember 29, 2006 elcome to the 27w Annual AIA olleyball ational Championship! This marks the 70 th year the ational Association of Intercollegiate Athletics has provided opportunitie for more than 45,000 student-athletes to compete for 23 national champion hips in 13 AIA sports. The AIA and host cities stri e to create championship event that reward athletic and academic excellence and provide memorable experiences for all student-athlete , coache and fans m attendance. 1nce 193 7 the AIA's mission has been the education, development and advancement of tudent-athlete Through our nationally recognized Champions of Character program, the a ociation is emphasizing the positive lessons of sport and encourages participation ba ed on lo 'e of the game. The -AIA is committed to the true spirit of competition and our athleti program strffe to intenuonall) teach respect, responsibility, integrity ervant leader hip and port man hip . AIA anonal Championship events provide a stage to remforce the association' ommitment to change the culture of port aero the country while impl menting e ' eptional tandard for acad mi , di 1 er ity and chara ter a we elebrate the ulmmation of lon hour oft am nd mdi ridual preparation, ea on-long ompeunon and d di at10n, I would hk to thank th tud nt-athl t coache admini trator and fan and expre m appre iauon for your ommucd commnm nt, intere t and uppon of the AIA On b ·half of th· ssou tion, I \'am to thank olumbia olleg , -tephen ollege, and th H\ l f ( ol mbia fo, ho tm th1 e ent and furth rm the nu 10n of th AIA. In pan1 ubr, I \\ ould Iii t • p1 ~ m, ppr· 1 uon to olumbia olle e pr 1d nt Dr Gerald Brouder, athl tl, d1r L r B b Bm h rd olumbt ( oll e Bo rd of ru tcc , 1nd the ampu , 1mmumt\ ur 1 Ill llt ll )l th nl u nd the oumle 1lunt ·er for) om d --di 1t1111, um' 111 l 1h ll r