2006 NAIA Volleyball National Championship Program

NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF INTERCOLLEGIATE ATHLETICS ® Champions of Characte~ ~~~1'r™ l ad r in the de elopment of tudent-athlete , the AIA i committed to changing the cu lture of port through hampion ofCharacter. Fow1ded in 1937, the IA continues to be a pioneer in implementing exceptional tandard for academic di er ity and character. .. ATHLETICS • The AIA has 45,000 tudent-athlete participating at nearly 300 member colleges and univer ities throughout the United tate and Canada. • The AlA offers 23 champion hip in 13 sport and offer championship opporturutie at the conference, regional and national level. CHARACTER • The AI focu e on character development of tudent-athletes with the Champion ofCharacter program. · • By following the fi e tenant of re pon ibility re pect, integrity, ervant leader hip and portsman hip, AIA tudent-athletes will understand character value in ide and outside of the port setting. ACADEMICS • The AlA ernpha i the importance of academic hile participating in athletic . • The AlA offer the All- merica cholar thlete Program, recognizing junior and enior tudent ath lete with a mirumum curnu lati e GP of 3.5 (on a 4.0 ca le). For more information, visit www.naia.or 52 AlA Volleyball auonal Champ1onsh1p 2006