2006 NAIA Volleyball National Championship Program

CHAMP ONS OF CHARAC I E:R INTERCOLLEGIATE ATHLETICS ® RESPECT INTEGRITY RESPONSIBILITY Champions of Characte~ SERVANT LEADERSHIP ~**-*A ™ SPORTSMANSHIP inc 1937, th admin1 ter d program and hamp1on hip in proper balance V\ ith th o erall ducat,onal p ri n . In 2000, th I r affirm d 1t purpo to nhan e th charact r-budd1ng a p t of port. Through Champion of hara ter, th en 1 ironm nt in v\ h1 h tud nt-athl t , oach, official and p tator i ommitt d to th tru p1rit of comp tition through five t n t . re pect, integrit , re pon ibilit , er ant leader hip and port man hip Th AIA hamp1on of Chara ter program i d 1gn d to in till an und r tandin ot chdrdct r alu in port, and pro id tud nt-athlet , oa h and par nt th tra,nin to h Ip th m l,n.--.. , thn r;nht th;nn rlA tha nnht th,nn :.lnrl \ .:ii, 10 tho r,oht th,no ,n,._,rJp ..:inrl n11t 1rlP thP ,nnrt Ptt1ng f'\.IIV\i lll II Ill llllll , UV lll II Ill. l.lllllb UIIV "UIU \.II ''b''\. \.llllf III Jl 'v'I _,,. --... ...... ..... ,.... ...... ... .., ......... . PPORT ITIE FOR THE T DE T-ATHLETE • 48,000 pdrt,c q t1lin tud nt-t1thletes • liundr d of I d hon r d n ti I c n •r1•nn ll' l'I • Chdmp,on up opportun111 JI thL' crn ,fu L'nc L', , 11 ndl rt g1onc1I ,rnd ndt1on I 11 • 2 3 chdmp1on hip mg 1 i por l [ I II untr r \\. H J It Ind I nl ll1 II 11) '' O NE ATHLETE OF CHARACTER ILL IMPR0V A TEAM. ON TEAM OF CHARACTER W ILL IMPR0 A HOOL ON H CHARACTER C N IMPACT AN TIR COMMUN! - Bru t~ Bro\\ n 1 \I \ pt'c i.i/ Prt' em r p Ill H' •ti I :