2006 27th Annual NAIA Volleyball National Championship Press Book
27Ttt AN UAL NAIA VOLLEYBALL NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP AIA Volleyball Tournament All-Time Participation Year: 16(1989-91,94-06); Won:67; Lo t:21 ; Pct.: .761; 1st: 2; 2nd: 1; 3rd: 3; 4th: 2. 1989- lost to outhwestem (Texas), 5-15, 13-15, 6-15; de( Hastings eb.), 15-8, 13-15, 15-7; def. Lewis-Clark State (Idaho), 15-4, 15-9; def. outh Carolina-Spartanburg, I 5-11 , 9-15, 15-13, def. Brigham Young-Hawaii, 15-8, 15-IO; de( Cal Baptist, 15-13, 16-14; def. Hawaii Pacific, 15-10, 16-14 ( emifinals); de( Hawaii Pacific, 15-3, 17-15 (Championship). 1990 - de( Eastern azarene (Maine), 15-2, 15-5; def. IUPU-lndianapolis, 15-5, 15-8; lost to Hawaii Pacific, 13-15, 7-15; lost to Moorhead State (Minn.), 13-15, 13-15. 1991- def orthwestem (Iowa), 15-5, 15-9; def. Fort Hays State (Kan.), 15-13, 15-7; def. Hawaii-Hilo, 15-17, 15-3, 15-5; def. outhwest late (Minn.), 15-13, 15-13; de( South estem (Texas), 15-10, 15-8, 8-15, 15-13 (Quarterfinals); lost to IUPU-lndianapolis, 12-15,13-15, 15-2, 12-15 (Semifinals); lost to orthwood (Mich.), 12-15, 5-15, 15-13, 15- 6, 6-15 (Consolation). 1994- def Lewis-Clark State (Idaho), 19-17, 15-17, 15-7, 15-10; def. Texas Wesleyan, 8-15, 13-15, 15-13, 15-4, 15-8; de( West uginia Wesleyan, 15-9, 10-15, 15-9, 15-1 ; def. Monte allo (Ala.), 5-15, 15-6, 15-6, 14-16, 15- 13; def. St Mary's (Texas), 13-15, 21-19, 16-14, 15-9 (Quarterfinals); Brigham Young-Hawaii def. Fresno Pacific, 15-4, 15-8, 15-10 (Semifinals). Puget ound def. Fresno Pacific, 15-11 , 16-14, 15-13 (Consolation). 1995- def Georgetown (Ky.), 15-4, 15-8, 15-4; def. Rockhurst (Mo.), 15-12, 15-6, 15-11 ; de( illamette (Ore.), 15-9, 15-11 , 15-3; def. t Mary's (Texas), 10-15, 8-15, 18-16, 15-13, 15-10; def. Point Loma azarene (Calif.), 16-1 4, 15-12, 15-11 (Quarterfinals); lost to Bngham Young-Hawaii, 2-15, 1-15, 15-7, 5-15 (Semifinals). 1996- def Milligan (Tenn.), 15-7, 15-5, 15-7; def St Thomas (Fla), 15-11 , 15-1, 15-3; def orthwest azarene (Idaho), 15-2, 15-10, 15-9; def. St Edward's (Texas), 15-6, 15-13, 13- 15, 15-17, 15-9; lost to Point Loma azarene( alif.), I5-8, 9-15, 7-15, 8-15 (Quarterfinals). 1997 - def Georgeto n ( y.), 15-7, 15-7, 15-7; def. Hastings (Neb.), 15-13, 15-10, 6-15, 15-6; lost to orthv.est azarene (Idaho), 15-11 , 3-15, 4-15, 9-15; def. Incarnate Word (Texa ), 15-3, 15-13, 15-13, lost to Rockhurst (Mo.), 15-13, 11-15, 15-11 , 11 -15, 7- 15 (Quanerfmals) 199 - de( Palm Beach Atlantic (Fla.), 15-6, 15-1, 15-4, def. St Edward's (Texas), 15-5, 15- 6 15-4 Jot to Le is-Clark State (Idaho), 6-15, 14-16, 11 -15; def. George Fox (Ore.), 15- 12, 15-9, 15-6 lost lo olumbJa (Mo.), 11 -15, 9-15, 5-15 (Quarterfinals). 1999 - def. orthwest azarene (Idaho), 15-7, 15-5, 15-8; de( ational American ( .D.), 15-12, 13-15, 15-6, 13-15 15-0 def indlay (Ohlo), 15-1, 15-2, 14-16, 15-7; def. King (Tt:nn.) 15-9, 15- IO, 15-11 ; def al Bapttst, 6-15 15-11 8-15, 15-12, 15-1 (Quarterfinals); def Hasting eb.) 15-2, 15-9, 15-4 ( elil!fi.nals), lot to olumbta (Mo.), 15-8, 14- 16, 12- 1 , 7-1 ( harupioru.bip) 2000 - lo t to olumbta (Mo. ), 11 -15, 3-15, 10- 15 def l. Xa ier (lll.), 15-1, 15 , 15-6, dd Judi na outbea:,t, 15 15-5, 15-7; def atlonal Amen an D ), 15-6, 15-11 , 15-2, n tale ( D) 15-11 , 15-13, 8- 15, 1 16 11 -15 (Quarterfinals) utht:m Ort:gon 30-14, 30-1 , 0-2 ; def. ra e (Ind), 30-18 31 -29, 0-21 , ( t: ), 5- 3, 2 - 0, 30-25, 29-3 1, 15-12, d . Lo ola (La ). 30-20, 27-30, 0- 0 9, dt- 1>1 ru. n tale D ), 30-27, 30-25, 0-22 (Quanerfinab), I t to lurut, (Mo ) 18- 0, 0-26, 20- 0, 25-30, 12- 1 ( emifin ls) -Ob2 - dd t.hnmgton (Del) 30 16, 0 6, 0-22, def oulh m Oregon, 0-19 0 23, 0- 1 dd Lub hmllan ( k lUI ) 0 17, 1-29, 0-1 , d olwnbia (Mo ) 6 34 30 , dd Poml !A.Ima anut:11~ ( alil) 1- 9, 2- 0, 0-27 ( u rterfin l ) I t to 19, 24 0 -0 0 0 I , 9 I ( cllllfinals) 0 l 0-1 6, dd li ct IWlr~n (111 ) ~0-2 , 0-2 1, 0 Season Results Date H/.-\ / '.\ Opponent , Result 8/25 H Southern Oregon w 3--0 8/25 H Hope International w 3--0 8/26 H avannah College ofArt & Design W 3-1 8/26 H Lubbock Chri tian w 3--0 8/30 H Cal State-Bakersfield w 3--0 9/1 Lewis-Clark State w 3--0 9/ 1 N Houston Bapti t w 3-1 9/2 Menlo w 3--0 9/2 N HolyNames w 3--0 9/5 H Biola w 3--0 9/12 A Hope International w 3--0 9/16 A Concordia (Calif.) w 3-1 9/19 A Azusa Pacific w 3-1 9/23 H California Baptist w 3--0 9/27 H Freno State w 3--0 9/28 H The Master's w 3--0 9/30 A Westmont w 3--0 10/3 A Vanguard w 3--0 10/6 H San Diego Chri tian w 3--0 10n H Point Loma Nazarene 3-1 10/10 A Biola 3--0 10/14 H Vanguard 3-1 10/20 H Concordia (Calif.) 3--0 10/24 H Azu a Pacific 3--0 10/27 A alifomia Baptist 11/2 H The Mater' 11/4 H e tmont 11/8 A al tate-Bakers:field 11/10 Point Loma azar ne 11/1 1 A an Diego hri tian 11/14 H M nlo 11/17 H Azu aPa ifi 11/1 H tit! and 1 th rall and 11th rail team ( anad , Julio, L mil, Liu f ut m mb nth All-R n t am ( an· d , L mil, Liu and \: ang) ph m 1c Utt hu Liu n n ' and R.cg1 n 11 Pl th y ,U
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