2003 NAIA Division II Women's Basketball National Championship
Pc Hl F 5 5 R Fo d G 5 0 Inman s Sterling College - Ster/mg, KS C 60 R F 59 R Lady Warrwrr I ~:~ uth m Hill !all Stoc ton, S cPherson. 'S Conference: Kansas Collegiate Athletic Enrollment: 475 Record: 25-5 I ERICA DVE TURE wit= tty, loua Experience the Journey! ■ Unveiling 38 original mural paintings ■ Permanen e hibi stre ching 296 feet in length ■ ~perience the 8,000 mile journey from start to ftnish! ■ Addi ion of 68,ooo-square foot Scheets All Sports store ■ e v Southern Hills 12 Cinema features stadium seating ■ ew Barnes & Noble opening Spring 2004 o & £PO OAO • 1-2 TO HIGHWAY 20-EAsT • Exn 1 TO LAKEPORT ROAD www.soutbemhillsmi1Lcom ______________, 44 Head Coach: Lonnie Kruse Asst. Cooch: Steve Crandall
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