2004 NAIA Women's Division II National Basketball Tournament
Sincerely, Dear NAIA Participants, On beha lf of our students, faculty, and staff, please allow us to welcome you to Sioux City and the Thirteenth Annual NAIA Division 11 Women 's Basketball Tournament. Morningside Co ll ege is honored to host this prestigious event, and we trust your stay in the Siouxland area will be enjoyable . We would like to convey our congratulations to each of the participants in th is year's event for their outstanding accomplishments this season and wish each of you the best of luck as this exciting tournament unfolds. Finally, our thanks to the many volunteers who make this tournament such a success. Your efforts allow us to showcase our city and this region to the entire nation and make this wonderful event possible. John C Reynders, President ornmgside College TO ALL PARTICIPANTS OF THE 2004 NAIA DIVISION II OME 'S BASKETBALL TOURNAMENT On behalf of all of the c1t1zens of Sioux City, as well as my fellow City Counc il vlembers, I would like to welcome each of you to the 2004 NAIA Division II Women 's Bas etball Tournament. We welcome the opportunity to host you in our community for his e ent for he seventh straight year, and we are pleased to be hosting this citing ee of women's basketball our new Tyson Events Center. h1I in S1ou Ci , I hope you will take the opportunity to v1s1t our shops and r taur an , and e p rience our local historical attractions and sites You will enJoy 1 1tmg our do n o n, which includes our renowned Art Center, new Orpheum atr , and our h1 tor1cal di trict. We are also proud of our new Lewis and Clark Int I pr C nt r, I 1ch I locat d on our uniqu riverfront. Sincerely, Lf£v-f {l lultt~ Beverly A. Wharton, President Briar Cl iff University 1 our upport of th1 v nt W nd f 11 during our st r h ppy that you have dec1d d to v1 1t S1ou City, nd w in our community. h the D 1d W. rris, M 01
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