2005-2006 NAIA Division II Women's Basketball National Championship Press Book
CHAMPIONS OF CHARAC I ER NATIONAL .ASSOCIATION OF INTERCOLLEGIATE ATHLETICS I ECT ITY Champions~ ® RESPONSIBILITY of Characte'J. SERVANT LEADERSHIP ~.~ - SPORTSMANSH Since 1937, the NAIA has administered programs and championships in proper balance with the over~II educational experience. In 2000, the NAIA reaffirmed its purpose to enhance the character-building aspects of sport. Through Champions of Character, the NAIA seeks to create an environment in which every student-athlete, coach, official and spectator is committed to the true spirit of competition through five tenets: respect, integrity, responsibility, servant leadership and sportsmanship. The NAIA Champions of Character program is designed to instill an understanding of character values in sport, and provide student-athletes, coaches and parents the training to help them know the right thing, do the right thing and value the right thing inside and outside the sports setting. OPPORTUNITIES FOR THE STUDENT-ATHLETE • 48,000 participating student-athletes • Hundreds of NAIA students recognized annually as All-America Scholar-Athletes, thousands more honored on the conference level • Championship opportunities at the conference, sectional, regional, and national levels • 23 championships encompassing 13 sports: MEN Baseball Basketball (Div. I & II) Cross Country Football Golf Indoor Track & Field Outdoor Track & Field Soccer Swimming and Diving Tenn is Wrestling WOMEN Basketball (Div. I & II) Cross Country Golf Indoor Track & Field Outdoor Track & Field Soccer Softball Swimming and Diving Tennis Volleyball '' ONE ATHLETE OF CHARACTER WILL IMPROVE A TEAM. ONE lEAM OF CHARACTER WU IMPROVE A SCHOOL ONE SCHOOL OF CHARACTER CAN IMPACT AN ENTIRE COMMUNTTY. ' ' - Bruce Brown NA/A Special Presenter Sponsored By: 9 BUFFAUl -}lJNDS- WWW.CHAMPION SOFCHARAC I ER.ORG
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