1945-1946 Baptist Bible Institute Catalog
• FOl.TNDING AND PURPOSE It was in September, 1941, that the idea of a Baptist Bible Institute for the Cleveland area was formulated. Several Baptist ministers were in conference between-sessions of a day of Bible Fellowship being held at the Calvary Baptist Church. Pastors Wm. S. Ross and D. E. Luttrell, both having been previously im– pressed, set forth the idea. The other pastors present were im– mediately in accord and all agreed to put forth an effort to estab– lish such an institution. The many details involved in beginning such an institution made it impossible to start the school immediately. There were, however, several called meetings and finally in July of 1942 a course of study for the first year was adopted and officers were elected. The school was offered the use of the Educational Build– ing of the Hough Avenue Baptist Church at 82J3 Hough Avenue for class rooms, and on September 15, 1942, the Baptist Bible In– stitute opened its doors to Clevelanders. Due to war conditions and long working hours the first three years were fraught with difficulties, yet God graciously gave blessing and victory, and almost 300 students have received cer– tificates of credit for completed units of work. It is the firm hope and earnest prayer of the officers and fac– ulty of the school that many will avail themselves of this precious opportunity to secure a working knowledge of the Word of God. At present writing World War II has just come to an end. With peace-time pursuits and fewer hours of work many will be free to enroll in the classes of the Institute. As never before, the.world needs the Gospel of Christ! Why not enroll NOW and prepare for the Lord's service at home or a- broad? _ fl AtV!, 0 The CourseSoffered by the Baptist Bible Institute has· been carefully planned for the purpose of providing varied training for the following: 1. Christians desiring to become effective Church Workers, Sunday School Teachers, Youth Leaders, Children's Work– ers or Evangelists. 2. Young people who wish to become established in the funda– mental truths of the Word of God before attending college or seminai·y. 3. Persons planning to become full-time, life-service workers, witnesses, teachers, pastors, missionaries, or evangelists for Christ.
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