1945-1946 Baptist Bible Institute Catalog

' -~· l ,,.. <,. 4. Persons not sure they are called or fitted for full-time Christian work, who desire to know God's plan and pur– pose for their lives. 5. Graduates of colleges or seminaries who wish to supple– ment their training .by a thorough study of the whole Bible under a consiste,knd scriptural interpretation. PRESENT INSTI'rur_rE HOME Spacious and comfortable rooms in the Educational Building of the Hough Ave. Baptist Chiirch are used to house the office and class– es of the Baptist Bible Institute. Entrance to the Institute office and classrooms is at the left and near the rear of the building. FTJTURE VISION "Where there is no vision, the people perish" (Prov. 29: 18). Our expectation is from Him! (Psalm 62: 5). "According to your faith be it unto you" (Matt. 9: 29). "You have .never tested God's resources till you have tried the impossible". We are believing God for a THREE YEAR DAY SCHOOL WITH MASTER BIBLE COURSE in the very near future. We are trusting God to supply buildings and dormitories. We are praying that God will lead many of His children to give largely toward this all-important work of training young people to reach multitudes for Christ. Gifts and bequests may be sent to the office of the Dean, Rev. Kenneth A. Amsler, Baptist Bible Institute, 8273 Hough Avenue, Cleveland 3, Ohio. 1 '