1946-1947 Baptist Bible Institute Catalog
H. Christian Evidences. Day School: one hour, first semester, second year. Evening School: one hour, one term, second year. CHURCH HISTORY AND MISSIONS The aim of this department is to give the student a con– secutive view of the epochs of Church History with doctrinal developments, ancient and modern heresies and the relation to contemporaneous social and political history, in the light of the divine foreview of the Church's true spiritual history, as given through the New Testament Epistles and the Book of Revelation. The student is given the Scriptural basis for missions and the historical account of missionary work throughout the world up to the present time. A. Church History. The development of the church is traced through the general periods of Church History, including the Apostolic Church, the Persecuted Church, the Imperial Church, the Medieval Church, the Reformed Church, the Modern Church, the Mod– ern Missionary Movement, the Church of the Twen– tieth Century and the recent ecclesiastical develop– ments. Day School: two hours, first and second semesters, second year. Evening School: one hour, three terms, fourth year. B. Baptist History. Day School: part of last semester, Church History. Evening School: one hour, one term, third year. C. Denominational Disiinctions. A study of the distinct– ive polities and practices of the larger denominations. Day School: one hour, second semester, third year. D. History of Missions. A review of the biblical basis and methods of ancient and modern missionary endeavor and a detailed study of the History of Missions from the apostolic period to the modern period. Day School: one hour, first and second semesters, second year. Evening Se:hool: one hour, three terms, fourth year. E. Missionary Problems (including First Aid). Day School: one hour, one semester, third year. F. Non-Christian Religions. A study of the great ethnic religions of the world, noting the particular teachings. -28-
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