1946-1947 Baptist Bible Institute Catalog

F. Pas.toral .. Training. A very helpful study of the per– sonal life and habits of the pastor, his ministry in the parish and suggestions concerning visitation, business meetings, weddings, funerals and other practical pas– toral duties. Day School: one hour, second semester, third year. G. Anti-Christian Cults. A review of the origin, history and tenants of the various anti-Christian cults and how to Scripturally meet these claims and deal with individuals affected by them. Day School: one hour, first semester, third year. H. Church Supervision. The organization and manage– ment of the church is studied in relationship to its force, tts field and its finance. This study includes effective methods of supervision, organization for worship, teaching, training and service, with a work– ing plan and program for the community and tk· successful methods of promotion and advertising. Day School: one hour, second semester, third year. SACRED RHETORIC The Christian worker must have a practical and versatile knowledge of written and spoken English if he is to ably and effectively present the Gospel of Christ. Emphasis is placed upon correctness of grammer, sentence structure, spelling, punctuation, diction, written composition and oral expression. A. Practical English. Day School: one hour, second semester, first year. Evening School: one hour, one term, second year. B. Spoken English. Day School: one hour, first semester, s€cond year. Evening School: one hour, one term, second year. D. Public Speaking. Day School: one hour, first semester, third year. E. Homile:tics. The importance of preaching, value of prepartion, the selection of texts, materials, illustra– tions, etc. Day School: one hour, first and second semesters, second year. Evening School: one hour, first term, fourth year. F. Homiletics. The construction of sermons, the differ– ent types of sermons and the study of Bible sermons. -30-