1946-1947 Baptist Bible Institute Catalog

"ti f I. I I Ii I Ci Ct J lit tt (jj I"' 111 £111 !'ti fl II I I i Ii NI IC f I I I I! I ( ff I j fl 1 I 1 t Support of t:he lnst:it:ute The Baptist Bible Institute of Cleveland has no endowment or fixed source of income. No tuition is charged the student. The small registration fees cover only a minor fraction of the cost of maintain– ing the School. The ·Institute is supported by the voluntary offer– ings of God's people who desire to have a share in the evangelization of the world and the edification of the saved through thoroughly training and send– ing forth pastors, teachers, missionaries and evangel– ists. We urge those who believe in the great work of B. B. I. to send regular gifts to the Institute office. Receipts for gifts are promptly returned to all donors and accurate records kept of all monies received. Our trustees and treasurer are men of God who are faithful stewards of the Lord's provision. Legacies to the Baptist Bible Institute should be made in the following or equivalent form: "I hereby give, devise, and bequeath to the Baptist Bible Institute of Cleveland, a corporation formed under the laws of the State of Ohio, and located at 8273 Hough A venue, Cleveland 3, Ohio, the sum of ______ ______" THE BAPTIST BIBLE INSTITUTE of CLEVELAND 8273 Hough.Avenue -:- Cleveland 3. Ohio Telephone: RAndolph 3725 SOUTH ENO PA:INl'ING 8:0MPA.NY -:- CI.E;Vl;:l.Ati ll 5, OHIO