1946-1947 Baptist Bible Institute Catalog

Advantages in Cleveland Cleveland is the sixth city in population in the United States'. It is a beautiful city of _homes, trees and parks. It has a lake frontage of 17 miles. It is the fourth American city in industrial importance, third as a financial center, and leads the world in the per centage of homes owned by workers. Cleveland is nationally acknowledged to be the ideal Convention City. Its location is unexcelled. One-half the population of the United States and Canada is within a radius of 500 miles of Cleveland. It is a great railway and transportation center. The Cleveland Airport is one of the three leading airports in the world. Cleveland is a great Cultural Center. It has the third largest and most complete library in America. The historical and art museums, the Public Auditorium and great Conven– tion Hall have their cultural value. Cleveland is the home of Western Reserve University, Case School of Applied Science, Cleveland College, John Carroll University, Notre Dame College, Ursuline College, Fenn College and other leading institutions. Cleveland is a great Church Center. There are 809 churches, representing all denominations. Workers, teachers and leaders from various churches welcome the opportunity for training in a real Bible School, interdenominational in spirit, though Baptist in concept. The growing number of fundamental churches, radio programs, gospel testimonies, "Christ for Cleveland" campaigns and "Youth for Christ'' rallies afford m<>r,y opportunities for practical Christian work. Location and Accomodations The Institute is conveniently located and comfortably housed in the Educatiom..l Building of the commodious Hough Avenue Baptist Church, 8273 Hough Avenue, Cleve– land. N:umerous rooms are used for classes, office and library. -8-