1948-1949 Baptist Bible Institute Catalog
2. Young people who wi h to become e cablished in the fundamental truths of the Word of God before attending college or eminary. 3. Graduate of college or eminarie who wish to supple– ment their training by a thorough tudy of the Bible under a con isceoc premillennial, and cripcural incerprecacion. 4. Per ons nor ure they are called or ficced for full-rime Chri cian work, who de ire to know God' plan and pur– po e for their li e , or who desire co become more effec– ci e in the Lord' ser ice through the local church. Advantages in Cleveland Cleveland i the sixth city in population in the United tate . Ir i a beautiful city of home , trees and park_·. It has a lake frontage of about 25 miles . Many thousands of fine trees, which ga e Cleveland the name "The Forest City," still remain and ra ine and gorge cut by cream and river running into Lake Erie and the Cuyahoga Valley make Cleveland' city parks and ic 10,000 acres of "Metropolitan Park" y rem of rare pictur– e que beauty. Cle eland is nationally acknowledged to be the id al Conven– tion City. It location is unexcelled. One-half che population of the nited rate and Canada i within a radius of 500 miles of Cle eland. Ir is a great railway and cransporcacion center. The Union cation rank with the largest in the country and embrace approx imately 35 acre in the heart of downtown Cleveland. The Cle eland Airport is the large t municipal airport in the world, the home of the National Air Races, and the center of aviation research and production. Cle eland i a great Cultural Center. It ha the second large t public library in America. The historical and arc mu eums, ever– ance Hall (home of the Cleveland ymphony Orche tra), the Public Auditorium and great Convention Hall have their cul– tural alue. le land i the home of We tern Reserve University, including its downtown divi ion, leveland ollege, Ca e In ti– cure of Technology, John arroll Univer ity, Notre Dame olleg , rsuline ollege, F no ollege, Baldwin-Wallace and ocher leading in titutions. le eland is a great hurch enter. Ther ar hundr d of , hur h , r pre ncing all denomination . The growing numb r of fundam oral hurche , r ligiou radio broad a t , go pel re ti– moni , " hri c For le eland" ampaign , and "Youth For ,hrisc" rallies afford many opportunici for pracci al hri tian work. Pa fh1rteen
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