1948-1949 Baptist Bible Institute Catalog
STUDENT ACTIVITIES Devotional. In addition co private devotion and weekly dor– mitory prayer meetings, the students meet regularly for half-hour prayer meeting before class es ions begin. pecial day of prayer are conducted throughout che year. Praise, prayer, worship and practical Chri cian living and service are stressed during daily chapel periods. ocial. The fall reception in charge of the Faculty, the Christ– mas party, the spring fellowship, the annual In ticuce Banquet in May, and ocher social events under the direction of che Ladies' Auxiliary provide wholesome fellowship for the student . Christian ervice. Personal soul winning, trace di tribucion, and er ices in churche , jails, hospitals, and missions provide practical experience in Christian work. Some of the students serve as pastor of churches, reach unday School cla se , conduct Bible Clubs and sing in musical groups. B. B. I. gospel teams have been used of God co bring inspiration, salvation and edification to many. Organizations. The cudenc Council, Foreign Missions Fel– lowship, and the monthly bulletin provide channel for Christian growth and ervice. Institute Choir. B. B. I. Choir of 60 voices pre ents the finest in choral selection ac conferences, commencement and musical program. Entrance Requirements The Io cicut-e welcomes tudents from all churches and de– nominations who are reachable and willing co ubmit co the authority of the Word of God. All applicants for admission must be of approved Christian character and in sound physical health. A thorough physical examination, with blood te ts and inocula– tions, i recommended. A certificate of health from the examin– ing phy iciao must accompany the application. The applicant hould give evidence of the new birth through aving faith in the Lord Je us hrisc and be willing co ubmic to all the regula– tion and standards of che chool. The pro pective tudent hould be at lease eighteen year of age and be recommended b hi or her pastor. Regular Day h 1 cudent hall ha e completed high chool work. A trao cript of er dit from high chool mu t accompany the appli atioo. Tho e not meeting the abo e 1equirement hall be on idered pecial cud nt and will recei e a cercificate upon graduating, if high hool work ha not been ompl ted. General aptitude and I. Q. re c will b g1 en pro p ti cudent in P 'J g e F , f t ~ t n
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