1948-1949 Baptist Bible Institute Catalog
from rhe D ean, tudent may engage in part rime employment. Both place of employment and type of work mu c be approved by the Dean. Many fine opportunities for earning one' expenses ha e been secured through the Institute office. Room in the school dormitory cost from 16.00 co 22.50 per month. Rooms in Christian homes may be secured through the In deuce. Textbooks, mimeographed notes, and supplie may be pur– cha ed in the Institute office. Each student should pos ess an ap– proved reference Bible (such as the one edited by Dr. C. I. cofield) and an American Standard Version Bible. Mu ic classes in Voice, Piano and other instrumencs co t 12.00 per term in the Evening chool and ·18.00 per emester in the Day School· Cose for private instructions may be arranged through the instructor. Graduat:ion Requirement:s Diplomas are granted to regular students upon the following condition : 1. Approved Christian character evidencing spirituality, stability, cooperation, and soundness of doctrine. 2. acisfactory grades in all subjects. 3. Correct and effective use of the English language. 4. Evidence of zeal in Christian testimony and service. 5. The approval of the Faculty and the Board of Directors. DIPLOMAS The E angelical Teacher Training Diploma will be awarded tho e who have completed the required subjects. A fee of 1.50 is charged by the Association for thi diploma, payable through the Institute office. Day and Evening chool diplomas will be awarded chose com– pleting the required subjects and meeting the above graduation requirement . A fee of 5.00 is charged for the regular Bapci c Bible In titute Diploma. Regulat:ions STANDARDS OF LIFE Personal tandard of lif mu t be on the high c plane, nor only to assi t th tud nt in forming life long habit ofi piritua l alue, but al o t prote t th good nam f th hool. If a tu- t I l t" ,.. I
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