1948-1949 Baptist Bible Institute Catalog
<lent i n t willing co ubmit his per onal life co the discipline of the Word of God, he will neither enjoy nor profit by hi tudie in B. B. I. "There must be growth in grace as well as in knowledge. The emphasis is on Christian livinr:: as well as Chri - tian doctrine; life as well as light." cudencs who do not voluntarily cooperate with the regula– tions and standards of the Institute, both while at School and while at home on vacation, may be invited to withdraw at any time. GENERAL REGULATIONS 1. Students are urged co sec aside a definite period each day, preferably in the morning, for private devotions. 2. All students are expected to attend regularly the services of a spiritual church which cooperates with the Institute. 3. At least one hour per week of practical work is required of each student. Assignments are made through the practical work department. 4. Matters of discipline are handled by the Dean and the Ex– ecutive committee. When deemed necessary, these matters are brought co the attention of the Faculty and cases are dealt with in wisdom and lo e. 5. Students who marry before completing their course will be required co leave school, unless Faculty permission has been obtained. 6. Permission for the use of cars and part-time work muse be secured through the Dean. CLASS ATTENDANCE Each student is required co attend every dass in which he is enrolled unless hindered by sickness or ocher unavoidable circum– stances. Any student who is absent from class more than twice in any one term or semester, muse report to the Dean and submit an acceptable excuse. Only in case of an excused absence is the pupil permitted to make up his work. If a student is absent more than twice without an acceptable excuse, he automatically forfeits his right to receive credit. Three times tardy will count as one absence. CHAPEL Every enrolled student in Day and Evening classes is required to attend Chapel services. The purpose of1 the Chapel service is to unite the student body in a profitable and refreshing period of devotion and inspiration. Faculty members and visiting pastors, teachers, preachers and missionaries will have charge of these periods. Page Eighteen
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